Chapter 210 Earth’s original legendary concept: Sanyang

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Sanyang Decoction (Legendary):

Recipe Type: Legendary Witch Potion/Limited Unique Concept

Recipe source: Yi Xia (Scarlet Mark)

Recipe restrictions:

1. Producer restriction: units with level 5 or above witches or related basic professions can carry out basic refining of this formula. Units with level 20 or above witches and titles related to great witches or great witches can carry out legendary refining.

2. Drinker restrictions: Enemy units of non-Eastern lineage extraordinary civilizations can drink normally. The skewed tendency of the relevant civilization lineage will affect the specific effect of drinking (non-legendary level)/Each level 15 and above, enemy units of non-Eastern lineage extraordinary civilizations can enjoy the potion.

Basic effects. Units with affinity to the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage above level 15 can enjoy some limited effects. Individuals with the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage above level 10 can enjoy the full effect (legendary level).

Formula materials: related biological limited tissue materials (ordinary refining), sun essence/advanced positive energy crystals/celestial life core and other related limited magic materials (legendary refining), star debris/big sun microcosm/spiritual sky dome concentrated crystals, etc.

Limited legendary materials (legendary refining)

Formula effect:

1. Ordinary refining:

There are no changes to the basic characteristics (for specific information, please click here with your mind to view), and the relevant strengthening effects will gain additional conceptual increases (with a small probability of repairing some conceptual damage).

Newly added: Relevant units that awaken the extraordinary power related to the Three Yangs have a certain probability of obtaining related extraordinary paths from drinking the witchcraft: Three Yang Qi Practitioners/Three Yang Warriors/Three Yang Path Seekers and other related extraordinary professions in part or in full

Message (based on the drinker's relevant cognitive biases and the quality of the witchcraft potion consumed).

2. Legend refining:

There is no change in the basic characteristics (for relevant information, please click here with your consciousness), the recovery speed increase will be additionally strengthened, the initial intensity of spell-like fluorescence will be increased, the stacking speed will be accelerated, and the upper limit of stacking for a single individual will be increased.

New: The enhanced growth of spell-like fluorescence is no longer limited to the current plane. It can be increased by other units in different planes of the current timeline (limited to legendary refiners)

3. Legend refining:

After drinking, the drinker needs to conduct an immediate civilization pedigree camp determination.

If the judgment fails, the drinker will suffer holy damage based on the hostility of the relevant camp.

When the drinker is in a non-hatred camp or above, it can be taken out by physical means. When the drinker is in a hatred or above camp, the witchcraft drink will lose its conceptual constraints (Scarlet Destruction Warning).

If the judgment is successful, the drinker will receive a life restoration (basic effect)/transcendent awakening (limited to a group, with a small probability of triggering)/bloodline reversion (limited to a group, with a very small probability of triggering)

Life restoration can restore the drinker to his healthiest state (conceptual recovery/partial strengthening), and at the same time obtain a small permanent enhancement of the reproductive ability (based on the drinker's current reproductive ability, limited to Eastern lineage extraordinary civilization friendly camp recognition or above)


When the race of the drinker is human and the relevant qualifications are met, the life repair will gain an additional effectiveness increase (permanent change, which can dispel conceptual pollution, distortion and corrosion).

Extraordinary awakening can enable the drinker to obtain complete extraordinary information (spiritual compatibility) related to the three yang concepts, and at the same time, there is a small probability of preventing the witchcraft medicine from spilling and retaining the energy of the witchcraft medicine (continuous will test is required).

The retained witchcraft energy can be used as a resource for improving extraordinary professions and storing energy related to the Three Yang concept.






Yi Xia looked at the dense information refreshing on her retina.

That is the relevant comprehensive website description about Sanyang Decoction.

If before this, the related concepts of Sanyang Decoction were just ordinary contents like most substances.

So now, it has completed its promotion from nihilistic content to having some kind of substantial concept.

Compared with ordinary things, it is no less than the achievements of a legendary character.

At this moment, Yi Xia felt the burning concept corresponding to Sanyang Decoction.

Being the originator of this legendary witchcraft concept and witnessing its growth along the way.

Yi Xia was naturally able to perceive the relevant substantive content of Sanyang decoction very clearly.

To be honest, Yi Xia is not surprised that Sanyang Decoction can achieve its current achievements.

The end of the witch seal, the decline of the witch and the demise of the gods...

None of this means the decline of the spiritual realm of earth-related creatures.

Quite the opposite, with the current resurgence of extraordinary energy on Earth.

Those hundreds of millions of intelligent beings are gradually showing their huge related power.

The formation of the current spiritual world is one of the products of this huge power.

In fact, if Yi Xia hadn't been prepared in advance, the resurrection of the earth's monsters and snake gods would no longer be a thing of the past...

Such a huge belief in creatures is enough to give birth to extraordinary beings with relevant energy levels.

As for the Sanyang Decoction, which corresponds to the two major elements of reproduction and transcendence, it is also a derivative of this huge energy to a certain extent.

Of course, to be able to break through to the legendary witch medicine at such a rapid speed, the relevant official promotion of Yi Xia's earth played an important enough role.

Compared with the little help that Yi Xia had occasionally sprinkled before.

The promotion of Sanyang decoction witchcraft can effectively improve the comprehensive quality of individuals with limited civilization pedigree.

Yi Xia will not interfere too much in the development of the internal society of earth's mortal beings.

But this doesn't mean that he won't be keen on watching his people become stronger.

Of course, if you really want to talk about it, the achievements of Sanyang Decoction are also quite unexpected gains.

To be honest, Yi Xia did not realize the potential of this witch medicine at the beginning.

He just, like most beings, categorized it rather roughly as an extraordinary version of some kind of hormone drug.

Looking back now, I can see that it does have capabilities at this level, but it is not limited to this.

It is a broad enough path for those determined individuals who long for an extraordinary path.

If we say before, this road still had a certain upper limit.

So now, with the legendary concept of Three Yangs as the background, it is not impossible to achieve individual miracles.

Of course, unlike the extraordinary path that can be derived from the concept of legend.

Legendary professions often end up with shining individuals.

Yi Xia is still looking forward to it. The earth where he lives will become a legend through the path of Sanyang.

That would be the first legend that belongs to a certain sense of the modern native concept of the earth...

But then again, should the price of Sanyang decoction be increased next time?

Yi Xia thought for a moment, then put it behind her for the time being.

After struggling with this guy named Xie for a long time, it’s time to continue collecting elixirs...

At the same time, somewhere in this wild land

"It's broken, it's too early to replace it!"

"I asked where the missing hexagram should be, and it turned out to be here!"

Shan Yuan lamented heartbrokenly.

This chapter has been completed!
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