Chapter 280 Elini and Emma

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 What kind of person is Dean Emma?

Before Elini arrived at this magic academy, she actually didn't know much about it.

That seemingly ordinary name seems to be endowed with a different color and brilliance in the earth in this time and space.

As a result, in the short time that Elini entered this time and space, she had already heard about the other party's deeds through various channels.

The gospel of magic on earth, the founder of the greatest magic academy in history.

At the same time, he is a legendary dragon warlock who possesses undoubted power and has tamed a huge red dragon.

As for his personal image?

Although before this, Elini had never seen Dean Emma in person.

But even if it was only through a brief encounter such as a portrait, Elini remembered the figure who was full of strong personal aura and unassuming charm.

In short, no matter how you look at it, this is a truly legendary figure.

And now, she will have close contact with such a legend...

The half-open door revealed a little light.

But the red dragon that had led her along stopped behind her.

Elini suppressed the strong turmoil in her heart, and cautiously walked to the door and knocked.

"Please come in."

A voice full of laziness and warmth came from inside the door. The first moment you heard it, you felt as if you could feel the warm warmth coming from a winter fireplace.

The tension and depression in Elini's heart seemed to have eased a lot at this moment.

She opened the door gently.

The door, which is probably made of mahogany, has many dizzying and strange patterns carved on it.

Maybe it's the power of magic.

Although it looked extremely heavy from the outside, Elini pushed it away easily.

Then, she saw the lady sitting in the center of the room:

The warm flame turns into a floating spirit in the room.

They surround the lady, dispelling the cold and darkness.

From time to time, a petite fire elf appears, playing at the boundary between light and shadow.

Her red hair was like threads woven by flames.

They fluttered lightly behind the lady.

Those transformed fire elves groomed her little by little...

Wearing a fiery red robe, there are not many luxurious pendants, but it is enough to give people some indescribable hot oppression.

Without even being able to see the lady's facial expression clearly, Elini couldn't help but lower her head.

Perhaps it was the unique power given to her by her talent that made her even more unable to look directly at such a powerful existence.

The whole room is filled with tall bookshelves.

Countless heavy books of various shapes fill most of the bookshelves.

But that's not all - with a quick glance, Elini discovered that on some bookshelves, there were some old objects that seemed to be full of history.

Elini even saw an old-fashioned photo frame that was once popular in the time and space of her earth.

It's just that there are no photos inside.

Or maybe she let go, but magic blinded her eyes...


Elini, who had her head lowered, heard the same voice that said "come in" before asking.

"Yes, it is."

Elini nodded awkwardly.

Dean Emma's voice was full of intimacy, not as majestic and decisive as she appeared in those portraits.

But at such a close distance, it was even difficult for Elini to relax her breathing.

Until she saw the fiery red robe appearing in front of her, Elini's breathing suddenly stagnated.

"Don't be nervous, kid."

"Your perception is too keen. When you lack strength, it is a burden."

"But when you truly master and tap out your own power, it will become your most solid protection."

The other party pulled Elini over with her head lowered.

She casually pulled a chair from the side and let Elini sit next to her desk.

It was also at this time that Elini was able to see the face of this legendary lady.

He is as young as the portrait, but full of a strong charm that is hard to ignore.

That is not based on his appearance, but on a more practical and fiery will...

Elini nodded obediently.

She felt that her performance at the moment was probably terrible.

After a short period of reflection, Dean Emma made her decision:

"Report to class three - there, your talents will be best developed..."



Elini sat on the brand new desk with a somewhat dazed expression.

Everything before her eyes gave her a subtle sense of déjà vu as she returned to class.

The difference is:

This time, she no longer had to worry about the arrangement and combination of those numbers.

But for something perhaps more difficult...

Maybe to a certain extent, mathematics is not much easier than magic.

But for individuals, the benefits that the latter can leverage are undoubtedly lower than the former.

As for the dimension of civilization, that is another concept...

The children or classmates around him looked curiously at this student whose painting style was completely different from theirs.

But Elini was stuck in those complicated thoughts.

Before letting her report, Dean Emma chatted with her about many personal issues.

What surprised Elini was:

Dean Emma did not ask her about the great witch.

This made Elini feel that there might be some problems with some of her previous ideas.

But if this is the case, is her talent really worthy of such a legendary figure dedicating time to get in touch with her?

Elini doesn't know...

Considering the relevant contact between the great witch and her, maybe, it’s not impossible?

Elini thought rather subtly.

And at this time, her class teacher—perhaps here, there is a name that is more suitable for the magic academy.

But after studying in relevant learning institutions in the East for a long enough time, Elini has automatically incorporated it into her related thoughts.

"Okay, kids, stop making noise."

He was a middle-aged man with an unattractive appearance.

He was wearing a modern style of clothing that was completely different from the exquisite academic decorations around him.

To be honest, when she saw a man dressed up, Elini thought that he probably needed to know about Oriental "flip-flops".

That might be enough to suit the other person's temperament.

But no matter what, as one of the few magic academy teachers that many students came into contact with, everyone quickly became quiet.

Looking at the quiet school, the man nodded with satisfaction.

"It seems that they are a group of obedient...well, children."

Elini noticed that when she said this, the other party looked at her emphatically.

This made Elini feel a little offended.

Speaking of which, doesn’t this magic academy have an adult class?

On the bright glass pool, Emma, ​​who was dressed in fiery red, and the red dragon lying on the side were quietly watching all this...

This chapter has been completed!
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