Chapter 308 The sea comes to life

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 After some small talk, Yi Xia said goodbye to Gu Mother.

He originally came here to obtain high-quality Gu insects.

At this time, although it is considered the Air Force in terms of "catch".

But he got a "fishing boat", even a ton-level fishing boat...

Naturally, it’s not a trip in vain.

As for the inheritance here?

Originally, according to the previous agreement, Yi Xia wanted to give all of this land.

But at this time, the rightful owner here has arrived, so naturally there is no need to let Yi Xia go.

Therefore, Yi Xia did not stay here too long.

Before leaving this area, Yi Xia took another look at the Wu Xiang who had contacted him before.

The return of the Gu Mother's true spirit made the great wizard, who had pure enthusiasm for the inheritance and development of civilization, feel a little embarrassed for a while.

For Yi Xia, because he is not a living being here, it is naturally difficult for him to empathize with the other person's feelings.

However, Yi Xia was somewhat able to understand the other party's mood.

Although he was in such a state of decline that the inheritance left by his ancestors could not be opened.

But as the Great Witch Festival here, the other party obviously cannot let everything slide into an unpredictable abyss.

Yi Xia didn't know whether the arrival of the Gu mother to reopen the ancient inheritance would be an urgent help to this civilization on the verge of decline or a helpless shackle to its future potential.

He withdrew his gaze.

Starting from personal emotions, Yi Xia would also feel quite sorry that a civilization with witchcraft as its mainstream extraordinary context has declined.

And more thoughts on this?

Xia Wu has never been obsessed with these issues...

After all, now, he still has to work to fill his stomach...

At the next moment, Yi Xia thought, and his majestic figure disappeared from this world...




When Yi Xia returned, it was raining heavily in Liucheng.

Thunder like silver snakes danced in the sky covered with lead clouds.

The entire Liucheng was shrouded in a heavy curtain of rain.

Yi Xia sat down on the balcony in such a heavy rain.

Whether it's raining or sunny actually doesn't mean anything to Yi Xia at this time.

His occasional opinions on this matter are more based on the feelings of other beings.

Under normal circumstances, Yi Xia would not interfere too much with natural celestial phenomena.

Looking at the overwhelming rainstorm, Yi Xia's thoughts had already skipped this time and space.

Now, he is pretty much busy with things here on earth.

Naturally, he was going to prepare to go hunting in the void.

Of course, you can’t go too in-depth and have to make a rough plan.

After thinking for a while, Yi Xia directly used his consciousness to contact Xia Den through the war lord template of Zongwang.

After receiving Yi Xia's message, Xia Deng immediately stated that he had already prepared dynamic information in this regard.

Later, he expressed his gratitude to Yi Xia.

This time, unlike the previous concepts of achieving legends and innate treasures, they are more limited to the extraordinary civilization of the Eastern lineage.

Therefore, at this banquet, Yi Xia did not call Xia Deng and other friends who were not from extraordinary civilizations of Eastern lineage.

But green fruits, flat peaches, etc. were still sent to them through Zongwang to taste.

Yi Xia is naturally not a heartless and unrighteous person.

Yi Xia would not become indifferent to these friends who he had often interacted with since he was extraordinary.

Apart from Xia Den, among the friends from other places, the one who often sends messages to Yi Xia must be a certain kitty person.

Because the other party has the habit of sending messages to Yi Xia telling him what he has been busy with recently.

Therefore, among many foreign friends, Yi Xia also knows her current situation best:

In a previous adventure, she gradually found her legendary path.

Torn for a long time between taking advantage of the situation and achieving greatness, the little catman decided to pursue his own glory...

No one can know whether a being can definitely become a legend.

But Yi Xia still sincerely hopes that this friend can achieve something on his own path.

If this is the case, maybe in the future, there will be a time when we can fight side by side like we did in the past.

As for now?

Regarding the intensity of the battles that Yi Xia often participates in now.

Let’s not mention the existence of extraordinary levels for now.

Even for legendary beings, it is not certain that legendary beings in the "ordinary sense" can join them smoothly.

As we all know, legendary existences are not always on the same gradient.

"According to your hunting habits, I take the liberty to classify this information: one is information about the possible existence of a super-giant void leader, and the other is information about large-scale cultist forces related to the void formed by intelligent life."

After Xia Den expressed his gratitude, he packaged and sent the latest void-related information directly to Yi Xia.

As Yi Xia's power and fame in the multiverse grew, Xia Den became more and more able to feel the burning protection of the sky.

Not long ago, the guardian of the plane where he lived suddenly came to his door.

After a confidential conversation, the other party left in the starship.

The content of the secret conversation was actually nothing to Xia Deng.

The other party's public visit itself may, to a certain extent, have greater significance.

Before this, Xia Deng and the guardian of the plane who had never met before showed friendly expressions.

If Shaden encounters trouble here, he can contact him at any time.

For this reason, the other party left Xia Deng a personal accessory specially used for special communications.

The root cause of the other party’s behavior lies in:

"I don't think you or anyone else wants to disturb the person behind you because of something trivial..."

"The time of the great should be used in more magnificent undertakings..."

Shaden also somewhat agreed with what this plane guardian said.

What's more, if you are backed by such a being and are still controlled in your own territory.

Xia Deng felt that it was too incompetent.

He never hides his ambitions.

Just like the flaming flag hanging on the bright office wall.

All shadows and filth will be reduced to ashes under the burning fire!

"...a good idea."

Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless firelight stared at the message conveyed by Xia Den in front of her.

He expressed full recognition of the personalized classification carried out by Shaden.

This is not a very difficult matter.

But it is enough to prove that the other party did not forget his responsibilities during this period.

And among the many messages, Yi Xia's eyes suddenly moved.

The spiritual inspiration made him smell some kind of restlessness that was about to move.

In this way, Yi Xia's fiery eyes were immediately locked on one of the messages.

That is a disastrous message about a "resurrected" sea...

This chapter has been completed!
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