Chapter 417 He is also a part of the void

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 At the same time, somewhere in the multiverse

"May the sacred machine spirit be with you."

Graham tapped the plate armor on his chest with an electron beam and expressed his gratitude to the hotel owner in front of him.

The well-informed boss quickly returned the favor upon seeing this.

He is obviously not that willing to accept these guests with strange beliefs.

But fortunately, Graham's actions were generous enough, which also eliminated some of his resistance to a certain extent.

After applying for the check-in permit, Graham did not leave.

He looked at the original wanted notice posted on the front desk and seemed to be thinking about something.

When the boss saw this, he did not dare to neglect and explained to him:

"Those lords in the inner circle are going crazy now, searching for the Void Sect everywhere."

"Every believer in the Void Sect, as long as it is confirmed to be true - a head with three hundred white crystals..."

"If you are interested, you can read this wanted module, which can load the lower permissions for preliminary identification."

When Graham heard this, he just nodded towards his boss and then left in silence.

It wasn't until he returned to his own room and checked the situation in the room that Graham, who was inside the heavy steel container, slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

These lunatics!

Thinking of his recent experiences, Graham couldn't help but cursed in his heart.

It was a sudden massacre...

Originally, he and his companions were enjoying the graceful ceremony safely in the safe base of the sect.

As a result, the sudden artillery fire directly covered all the sect's strongholds.

After several hours of bombing, there was a ruthless sweep.

There is no announcement, and the other party does not need any prisoners.

Just like cleaning up a land full of malice and curses, the flames of destruction burned everything...

In recent years, the development of Void Sect has suffered many setbacks.

The recession in the general environment has not improved with the passage of time.

As the slang goes: “Misfortune never comes alone”…

For some reason that cannot be considered in detail, these desperate lunatics have somehow transferred their hatred to the Void Sect.

Do the lords of the inner circle really not know the specific origin and ingredients of that thing?

In response, Graham just responded with a mouthful of contempt.

They dare not and are unable to resist the indescribable existence.

Then he transferred his suppressed anger to the Void Sect.

Of course, to a certain extent, they could be considered a mistake...

Because now among many void sects, different attitudes have gradually emerged based on the indescribable existence.

Especially, after the big event that happened not long ago...

Now that the followers of the Void Sect have understood this major event, they are no longer as unified and absolutely hostile to it as before.

After all, judging from the current situation, whether intentionally or unintentionally, the other party is pursuing the ideal career they ultimately hope for.

As for the affected world, would it be inappropriate to only have the evil camp?

This sounds like how powerful the Void Sect can be in a world where the main good camp exists...

For this reason, some Void Sects even believe that:

That indescribable existence can be the object of their faith.

Compared to those twisted and indescribable crazy things?

Isn't this great existence that exists peacefully in chaos but still presents a clear self-concept more worthy of worship?

They no longer even obeyed the absolute prohibitions of many void sects on this, and began to directly sing his name.

At first, these believers who were considered crazy were dealt with directly.

The Void Religion never lacks lunatics, but lunatics of this level still do not fall into the category that can be tolerated.

But soon, as this recognition became larger and larger among many Void Sect members.

Later, the split naturally came into being.

Originally, the Void Sect had extremely serious doctrinal differences.

Even to outsiders, many Void sects seem to be a group of lunatics who are just living a good life and are ready to defect to the Void to become aberrations.

But in fact, due to the original chaos corresponding to the Chaotic Void itself.

The Void Sect that was born from this, of course also shows corresponding characteristics.

Just like the "Return Sect" and the "Ascension Sect" who are the most similar, they often fight each other because of their differences in doctrine.

The Void Sect that Graham believes in can be regarded as a type of "Return Sect".

They believe:

The chaotic void is the final destination for these unruly souls.

Only there can we tolerate everything tolerantly and unconditionally.

The ultimate teaching of the Void Sect that returns to the sect sequence is often - return to the boundless deep space together...

Of course, not in a food or anything like way...

Therefore, believers in the void who possess such elements can more easily accept that the indescribable existence is also a member of the chaotic void.

For the most extreme handful of existences.

They even believed with great fanaticism:

As long as they can attract that indescribable existence, they can directly reach the deepest shore of the chaotic void.

And the price is nothing more than an insignificant material world...

This type of existence is dominated by human beings.

After all, as we all know, that indescribable being is the unquestionable extremist of humanity.

It will not eat humans and is the product of human mutation.

Therefore, all crazy ideas have a solid enough theoretical foundation at this moment...

To be honest, Graham didn't think those madmen's ideas were entirely outrageous.

But they probably forgot about the blood debt on their hands...

In Graham's view, there is only one existence that may indeed have a way to realize this crazy intention.

That is a Void believer who was born pure enough, and after joining the Void Sect, he never harmed human beings due to exile, academic research and many other reasons.

Only by meeting these many demanding conditions can we have the prerequisites to truly realize this crazy plan.

As for the final outcome, who can say?

It was at this time that Graham felt that his faith seemed to be shaken.

Maybe he had always thought that his fanatical pursuit of the void was not as intense as he imagined?

At least, Graham felt that he was not very able to accept that crazy plan?

He is cowardly and greedy, but so what?

The void will contain everything...

Of course, those inner ring lords obviously don't have that much power.

They don't even know which branch of the Void Sect they are hunting down.

Graham didn't know if they knew this part of the secret, which was considered secret among the Void Cult.

In short, the situation is somewhat bad now...

Embrace the void, embrace all kinds of justice and freedom...

Inside the heavy steel container, Graham closed his eyes and prayed...

This chapter has been completed!
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