Chapter 464 War Dance? War Dance! (First update!)

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 Chapter 1385 War Dance? War Dance! (First update!)

The roar of billions of thunders!

Roaring like stars exploding!

When the ax that enveloped multiple worlds was swung down again with the power of the majestic chaotic body!

The violent impact resounded through the deep space, tearing apart countless lightning strikes!

The torn thunder created a bright and eye-catching picture of the destroyed realm.

Just like in this deep sky, a thunderous and shining light rain suddenly bloomed.

It is like silver waves, sweeping and galloping in the deep void.

What followed was a huge roar that could shake the earth!

This huge impact caused Yi Xia to retreat slightly for hundreds of kilometers before he stabilized his body.

At this time, Yi Xia noticed that there were huge cracks visible to the naked eye on the ax blade of the headless war god opposite...


Although strictly speaking, the other party does not have physical eyes.

But at this moment, Yi Xia probably felt the other party's gaze like eyes...

In fact, when it comes to the group of ancestors in the wilderness, Yi Xia's acquaintance with the God of War was the earliest, and he was also the one who had the longest contact time.

It's just that compared to the other ancestors, this ancestor is always more silent.

For creatures at this level, the form of the material body is not as "strictly" limited as ordinary things think.

Just like Yi Xia, he can transform the concept of his limbs more freely.

For example, the operation of "replacing hair with head" that Yi Xia is quite familiar with is a daily manifestation of this kind of body transformation.

So from this aspect, the other party is probably not ready to communicate with him.

Perhaps for this person, it seems that it is difficult for him to have many interactive topics with a shaman like him.

Instead, everything is presented in the form of weapons clashing with each other. Perhaps it is more transparent to a certain extent?

At this moment, Yi Xia felt the "attention" of the headless war god.

If Yi Xia was not very sure before this.

So now, he already has enough evidence to show that:

The current headless war god must have received the power input from the corresponding conceptual ontology of the multiverse...

As for the specific level of effort invested?

It's hard to say for Yi Xia.

It's just that as a being who was defeated and beheaded countless times by the Eastern God of War in this trial scene, Yi Xia rarely faced the opponent with a complete body...

Maybe it's a moment, maybe it's a longer time...

Inexplicably, Yi Xia suddenly noticed that the other party's aura had suddenly undergone some changes that he was not yet aware of.

Raised again?

In Yi Xia's sea of ​​​​consciousness, which was raging in an infinite sea of ​​fire, such an idea suddenly emerged.

And the next moment, the huge headless figure suddenly waved the weapon in his hand towards Yi Xia!

War dance?

Yi Xia's fierce consciousness suddenly condensed to the extreme!

He glimpsed traces of the war dance from the opponent's familiar starting hand.

But the next moment everything unfolded in another form:

In the gap of chaotic time, the ax and shield originally held by the headless war god came towards Yi Xia in an unprecedented wild manner!

It was a war dance, but it was even crazier and unscrupulous. It was the will that roared in the heavens and was vividly displayed in the dance of weapons!

Even if everything is separated frame by frame, and the world can appreciate it:

In the eyes of ordinary people, the body movements displayed by the other party may not be much different from before.

But for Yi Xia, who is very familiar with war dance, he can feel the completely different and drastic difference!

At this moment, Yi Xia advanced instead of retreating, and the many weapons in his hands also violently fought back!

Billions of thunders suddenly launched with Yi Xia's will!

And the next moment, the bursting storm swallowed Yi Xia directly!

In a gap of chaotic time, Yi Xia suddenly understood the fluctuations in the other party's aura that he had never understood before.

That may be some kind of indescribable arrogance...




The thunderbolt that suddenly exploded in the sky shocked countless people.

Yi Xia, who came back to her senses, touched her neck thoughtfully.

That was just now...

Yi Xia recalled the last storm that drowned her.

Is that...the war dance version of Weapon Storm?

As Yi Xia recalled this, corresponding prompt information also flashed on his retina:

"Tips from the Internet: Baizhan-Changyangshan (Seal Release: Headless God of War) has undergone unknown changes and the leader's strength has been greatly increased!"

"Tips from the Internet: You have some insights from the attack posture related to the Headless God of War (critical enhancement), and you have learned the advanced information related to the legendary skill - War Dance..."



Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, and she looked at the relevant prompt information refreshed on her retina.

Perhaps that person felt that the storm of weapons he used to activate with his war dance was somewhat of an eyesore.

Or perhaps he simply discovered that Yi Xia's current intensity could no longer be suppressed by war dance in normal form...

In short, at the last moment, the opponent used a war dance form that Yi Xia had never seen before.

And this hand?

Yi Xia thoughtfully perceived the last insightful message.

Before that, he had not noticed this move from the other party.

Of course, it may be that he did not have the power to suppress the opponent to this extent before?

Is this the full strength of the headless war god, or is it just the tip of the iceberg?

In this regard, Yi Xia did not feel discouraged.

After crossing the high mountain of the Headless God of War, there is not much scenery left...

Yi Xia did not feel that it was too slow to achieve such an achievement in such a short period of time.

What's more, he is still developing at a rapid rate.

Or to put it another way: He is always there...

At this time, more than a day had passed since Yi Xia left the earth.

When Yuren saw Yi Xia returning, he brought a package of things to Yi Xia.

Yi Xia took it and saw it was a pack of cigarettes...

Speaking of which, Yi Xia hasn't smoked for a long time since she achieved the bloodline of chaos.

When Xia witches were still mortals, they didn't drink much wine and smoked a little more.

Yi Xia took out a cigarette from the festive cigarette box.

This is a local custom in Liucheng.

For weddings and funerals, if a favor is written on it, a pack of cigarettes will always be given as a celebration.

If you are getting married, you will also need to pack extra wedding candies.

The next moment, the witch fire rose in response, and along with the lingering smoke, the entire cigarette turned into a pile of ashes...

And among the embers, Yi Xia caught a glimpse of the joy of a familiar aura.

As for smoke, it is just a substance that carries such a concept. With the development of economical and practical products of the times, it can be replaced by any other corresponding thing...

On the other side, Yi Jiao has already lived in the Dragon Palace for a day...


This chapter has been completed!
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