Chapter 692: Catch the meteor (two updates!)

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Fighting is fun!

Razdeser's ferocious body stood like a giant fortress on the bloody earth.

Its life, which exudes a strong aura of death, is continuing in some evil form.

The dead strong men, in their most prominent form, remain on its body forever.

Sharp claws, sharp swords...

Even intense spells, even shining with divine light!

It - Razdesir, a forbidden evil species born in multiple world wars, is a dark miracle that has been insurmountable so far in the alchemy of death wars!

And now, it will fight on this new battlefield.

Use these powerful men from the multiverse to achieve its even more supreme brutal power!

Countless glued limbs formed its twisted and bloated arms.

This is the remnant of the will of the great dark alchemist who once tried to control it.

The great dark alchemist, who is both great and evil, is trying to completely control this terrifying war machine created by himself.

But obviously, he failed.

Razdesir's grotesque humanoid appearance is the last trace of this dark alchemist left in the multiverse...

Now, Razdesir, who is full of evil and violent dark consciousness, has been born, serving a powerful evil god who is in charge of war and battle.

The evil god specially created a powerful war artifact filled with evil divine power for it:

That is exactly the super giant warhammer wielding in Razdeser's hand at this moment!

From the bloody interface that is full of roughness and cruelty, we can still see the prototype of this Warhammer in the past.

It once brought light and warmth to billions of stars in a certain galaxy.

After the erosion of endless time, it may collapse to its current form with a ray of light penetrating the universe.

And under the forging of that evil divine power, it became the main weapon of this cruel war machine.

At this moment, a huge twisted chain was stretching out from behind Razdeser's huge body.

It covers the entire planet!

That network, which seems to be full of gaps, tightly locks all living things on this planet.

They have no other way to leave, and they can only choose to fight with all their might or be completely deprived of their right to fight...

This is a gambling battle recognized by the gods of war.

Similarly, Razdesir also had to add a heavier weight to this.

But there is no doubt that it enjoyed this brutal fight.

Those strong men driven by greed or fighting spirit will turn into new manifestations of its body under its attack!

Along with the violent fluctuations in space, a real space crack suddenly appeared on Razdeser's body!

Following the will of the controller, the space crack passes directly through the middle of Razdeser's magnificent body!

The hollow nothingness caused Razdeser to cut him in half!

But in the next moment, countless twisting and twisting limbs forcibly healed this horrific injury!

And in another part of Razdeser, a miniature space crack was born!

It needs more nutrients!

Razdesena had countless different forms, but all of them showed cruelty and evil eyes, and they all looked at the spellcaster who released the space!

The unspeakable terrifying aura directly made this powerful spellcaster choose to withdraw from the battlefield.

He made an attempt that was not as futile as it seemed, and obtained enough information.

But if you stay any longer, it will be a different situation...

Razdeser's countless evil eyes looked at the disappearing figure with disappointment.


Its sudden and furious roar came from the twisted mouth spread all over its body!

Now, it needs more prey!

And at this moment, a meteor streaked across the sky!

Some kind of indescribable ecstasy brought Razdeser's tyranny to an abrupt end.

Its body suddenly opened!

A huge chain flew out from it!

It was like an evil giant python, chasing the meteor that flashed past!

But obviously, compared to the meteor, its chain seemed too slow.

Seeing that the meteor was about to leave its attack range, countless limbs on Razdeser's body suddenly turned into a trace of filthy blood!

And the chain, which was originally ferocious enough, traveled through a long period of time in an instant and directly caught the blazing meteor!

Got you!

Razdesir's twisted body began to laugh ferociously in layers!

Then, it suddenly tightened the chain and tried to drag the blazing meteor over!

The terrifying power from the chain caused Razdeser to lose control of the chain several times.

This did not trouble Razdesir.


More sacrifices!

Countless limbs that inherited the power of the past disintegrated from Razdeser's body!

It has seen better and stronger!

Now, it needs a more perfect version of itself!

And all the sacrifices made for this are worth it!

Finally, with Razdeser's unremitting efforts.

It slowly pulled the blazing meteor into this planet little by little.

When he noticed that the blazing light was already shrouded in the giant chain ring, Razdeser's ferocious consciousness began to laugh ferociously!

It's mine!

In this way, the next moment, the chains that originally bound the opponent were suddenly shattered by a violent force!

The blazing stars are no longer stagnant at the edge of the celestial body, but are flying directly towards Razdeser!

The next moment:


The earth is broken like anger!

As the entire celestial body shook, a true burning giant appeared on the earth!

There were no words, accompanied by a touch of burning ashes like a special effect at the start of a war.

The ax blade of chaos suddenly struck Razdeser!

Razdesir swung his war hammer and smashed it towards the huge ax blade!

The next moment, the dark artifact, which was forged from the core of a star by evil divine power, was violently split open from it!

Then, the ax blade directly hit Razdeser's twisted body hard!

Countless twisted limbs greedily grasped the ax blade that opened the sky.

But like moths trying to steal flames, they instantly turned into annihilated particles under the ax blade!



It will surely belong to the mighty Razdesir!

It can only belong to the one and only Razdesir!

The soaring greed made Razdesir desperately try to grab the ax blade of chaos!

And in the next moment, its twisted body was directly annihilated in the power of chaos!

Just the next moment, in that shattered nothingness, its evil life appeared out of thin air again!

But before it could make any move, the flags covering the sky and the sun were smashed down again!

This celestial body, which was still basically complete, ushered in the purest symphony of power!

When the naked planet is like purgatory, surging with countless raging flames.

Yi Xia put away her weapon, and the violent light in her eyes gradually faded away...

This chapter has been completed!
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