Chapter 18 The bloodline of witches and the best user of flash magic (first update!)

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  A creature that looked like a badger fell into Yi Xia's mouth after a fierce struggle.

 Because there is ample space and idle mana, Yi Xia has room to choose the creatures he devours.

This badger-like thing is the most powerful magical creature that Yi Xia has summoned so far.

 The information displayed on the comprehensive network panel is a level 3 magical beast named "Saffite Silverback Badger".

Although it is somewhat similar in name to the bloodthirsty bear badger it devoured before.

 But in terms of appearance, they are two completely different species.

Safit Silverback Badger is much larger than an adult large dog.

Has seemingly extremely sharp canine teeth and protruding claws.

Although he has no spellcasting ability, on the comprehensive network panel, this guy has two full panel abilities:

 They are: Lesser Toughness and Wild Recklessness.

This is the first time Yi Xia has seen a summoned object that has its own skills in addition to its basic attributes.

If the issue of time is not considered, Yi Xia estimates that one of these things is enough to overturn the tide of goblins in the easy difficulty.

 As for the Tide of Goblins on Hard difficulty...

Yi Xia thought that the flesh and blood body was probably too fragile compared to the rocket-like bombardment.

 So, it was chosen by Yi Xia for today’s luxurious lunch.

 Having been busy all morning, Yi Xia has not eaten anything now and is already ravenous.

Following some kind of scalp-numbing terrifying roar, Yi Xia felt the pleasant warmth emanating from her stomach.

Subsequently, a new message appeared on his retina:

“Tips from the Internet: Feast is used successfully! You swallowed the Safet Silverback Badger (level 3), and you received a huge amount of health recovery (based on the character’s current health) and 3 feast layers.”

"Comprehensive Network Tips/Bloodline Awakening (Light Gold): You have swallowed a rare life, and you sense some ancient power fluctuations from its bloodline. The traces of the star spirit are restless, and it inspires you - and

Need more... (Bloodline: Witch/Tough (Progress 0.12%))"

Yi Xia looked at the information displayed on the retina in surprise.

 He smacked his lips without tasting any extra flavor.

Now, Yi Xia has regarded the empty space independent of the stomach pouch as another stomach pouch.

 It can be used to digest things that are out of place:

 After all, Yi Xia felt that his native stomach would be difficult to deal with a wild boar that was much larger than him.

 What's more, that thing has not been dealt with yet...

 It seems that devouring more powerful and special individuals is the correct way to open this thing.

Yi Xia stood in the dark basement and pondered.

He stared at the uniquely colored prompt information on the comprehensive network panel. The words related to bloodline prompted at the back were a little thought-provoking.

 Yi Xia had seen a description of bloodline in the previous book that recorded witchcraft.

 Witchcraft are not completely unified in this regard.

 Some shaman tribes do not pay attention to the inheritance of extraordinary bloodline.

 Because they believe that their extraordinary power comes from gods, ancestors and nature.

 Extraordinary bloodline is a kind of destiny and destiny.

There are also some witch tribes who believe that the power of witches begins with the continuation of the divine bloodline and the will of the ancestors.

 Hence, tempering and passing on one's own bloodline is an important way to make a tribe strong.

Of course, it is obvious that the latter part of the inheritance of the Wujin tribe has not been handed down.

 Taking the elite route and pursuing bloodline purification is never a good choice.

 In most cases, the operation of nature is the survival of the fittest, not the survival of the strong.

 As for its meaning to the individual, it is a completely different matter.

 Ancient things do not necessarily mean powerful. Time will eliminate and evolve those that are redundant and wrong.

 In terms of bloodline, tracing time back to the chaotic and wild wilderness means the most powerful first generation of extraordinary beings.

 Yi Xia is also very interested in this aspect.

 In the dark basement, there are no distractions.

 The thick cement layer effectively isolates the outside sound and light.

 It’s a good place to shoot a documentary on some aspects of "xx Statement"...

 Unfortunately, Yi Xia has not seen anything suspicious so far.

 Shaked his head, Yi Xia prepared to move all his belongings here.

The electricity here is on, except for the specially separated bedrooms and toilets, there is only one hall left.

 There are still tiles in the bedrooms and toilets, but there is only a bare cement layer in the hall.

Yi Xia didn’t care about this.

 As long as water, electricity and internet are open, it will be fine.

He no longer pays much attention to the living conditions.

 It’s just a place to rest and practice...



 No matter when, moving is a very troublesome thing.

 Fortunately, Yi Xia doesn’t have many things.

 I found a moving company, and in the end it didn’t cost much, and I basically finished clearing out the belongings from my previous rental.

 The largest piece of furniture is still the old-fashioned air conditioner.

 But a small truck can only pull it in one trip.

Before the sunset had completely set beneath the tall buildings, Yi Xia had already set up the computer in the basement.

 The air conditioner is also installed.

 The installation of the external unit took a lot of time, but luckily it was finally done.

The bed was also made, and Yi Xia felt that the move was complete.

 As for the others...

Yi Xia glanced at the many packages still thrown in the corner of the bedroom.

 Let’s talk about it later...

 Orange lighting fills the bedroom with a warm atmosphere.

There were no lights on in the hall outside, and the dim yellow light stretched diagonally in the hall for a long time.

 Yi Xia pondered that for previous tenants, going to the bathroom in the middle of the night might be a challenging task.

Yi Xia stretched her waist, and the basement became quiet.

The roaring sound of the outdoor machine was blocked by the thick old-fashioned iron door.

That kind of profound silence makes Yi Xia quite enjoy it now.

He was too lazy to listen to the family feuds and childish cries coming from across the floor.

 Now, he has a greater career and a brighter road...

 Yi Xia turned on her computer and chose "May It Be" as the current background music.

Yi Xia feels that this thing should be helpful for training her fluorescent flashes.

Well, after all, it is the theme song of the story about the best user of the flash technique that Yi Xia now knows...

 The next moment:


 Yi Xia sang like this.

 Subsequently, his fingertips suddenly activated a dazzling fluorescent light.

Then, it hit the wall of the bedroom crookedly, splashing out brilliant light particles like a broken rainbow...

This chapter has been completed!
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