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Chapter 265 What I broke is my leg, and what it has is life

Zoom the field of view to a magnificent view similar to a bird's eye view.

You can see the densely packed orcs walking quietly in the mist.

A certain depressing atmosphere gradually became solemn.

I couldn't see my fingers in the fog.

Maybe in the next moment, they would be able to see the huge giant staring at them with playful eyes.

The sound of drums that sounded from time to time was not enough to guide them in their direction.

The fog disrupted the surrounding space.

Everything they can perceive has become distorted.

And this degree of distortion is becoming more and more serious as time goes by.

Maybe the other party is less than a few hundred meters away from them.

But now, even a short distance has become suffocatingly long.

The red tongue of fire was still licking everything on the ground.

The remaining elites of the orc army are not afraid of this level of fire damage.

Each of them is enough to become the core force for attacking the frontal battlefield.

And now, they may die in this silent "expedition".

Suddenly, an orc shaman suddenly vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Before it died, there was a hint of clarity in its frantic eyes.

"I cannot let us leave this fate unscathed, Chief."

"It is hidden in the fog and looks so dark and small."

"But the path leading to destruction is clearly visible..."

It whispered.

Afterwards, no more revelations can be made.

"Then let me take you... and rush to destruction together."

The great chief was silent for a while, then looked around at the confused fog and said in a low voice.

There was no response, only the rustling sound of beating his chest.

The chief knew that he was also beginning to have problems with his hearing.

It trusts its soldiers as much as they trust it...

So, it took them firmly through the vast fog.

Finally, they saw the giant appearing in front of them.

It was so huge that even the orcs trembled...

What's more, the opponent even truly showed the magnificent power of its huge body.

No orc would think so.

Such a being is just a simple spell caster.

It simply waved its fist, and it produced the relevant destructive effects that only spells of at least level 5 could produce.

With such a huge advantage, why waste a long time learning all kinds of boring magic knowledge?

At least the orcs don't understand.

"I always feel that people like you shouldn't be trapped in the fog like this."

Yi Xia said as she looked at the densely packed orc elites below.

His voice was like thunder in the sky.

In the twisted mist, the illusion of rolling vastness actually stretches out.

Once upon a time, there was a similar being who said similar words to the orcs.

But at that time, He said he wanted to play a game.

In the banter, the cold will of the gods exudes.

And this one?

On the contrary, the chief didn't feel much discomfort.

The other party is also a pure warrior...

This is very good, the warchief has never liked the contemptuous attitude of the gods who play with all things.

But it's also extremely bad.

Being reluctant should be considered the same kind of thing.

The chief knew that they were doomed.

But if everything is given a price marked by fate.

Then why do we need soldiers?

Mature warriors are all immature.

They always have some arrogant "eccentricities" that are incomprehensible to outsiders.

That is a deviation that cannot be smoothed out even if civilizations are completely different.

This is the choice that all warriors who strive for true greatness will make.

As for the generals?

That's something else...

The chief is a warrior.

"Then as you wish."

The great chief roared at the huge head in the sky.

Casually, he took the lead and launched the charge!

Behind it, the orc warriors rushed towards it.

It's impossible to describe the scene of that charge.

Just like the dispute between swords and fire, the cavalry rushing towards the machine gun array.

The collision of two steel creations from different eras demonstrates the cruelty of changing times.

And now, it's the orcs' turn...

Yi Xia is solemn and solemn, and the witch drum hangs in the air.

Looking at the orc chief who is about to charge.

Yi Xia holds a witch flag and beats the drum.


So, the passionate war drums resounded throughout the world!

The next moment, the thousand-meter-tall giant suddenly turned around.

Hugeness and agility complete a powerful combination in the electric light and flint.

Just like the dance steps of worshiping the gods in the epic scroll.

So, the witch flag turned around and came down!

It was like a pillar of heaven falling down and falling to the ground in an instant!


In an instant, rocks splashed!

The soil, which was still glowing with a little scarlet color, exploded!

The violent airflow was forced out, tearing apart all the materials stirred into it!

The warchief barely managed to avoid it.

But some orcs were still swallowed up.

Under the feedback of the broken lifeline.

Obviously, there is no suspense.

"Orcs, charge!"

For the first time since Yi Xia's appearance, the war chief took off the battle flag he carried on his back.

It already knows the true beliefs of the warrior.

A belief unique to him...

That is the truth that it has never found in the long wars and complicated political affairs.

It is the door to the great legend, but it has never opened any gaps with it.

But now, it finally understands.

I hope hell can charge again...

At the end of his life, the great chief thought like this.

Then, it was completely engulfed by the violent airflow!

Since then, no more news...



"Brother, do you feel good now?"

"Although one leg was broken, it was only broken to the thigh, so it's not a big problem."

"Come on, keep having fun, how about a kick?"

Taylor the Great Sword lay in the shelter's seating area.

In front of him was a therapist with a bit of Deerman blood, treating him with a solemn expression.

On the round table not far away, a group of old acquaintances were teasing him.

Taylor wanted to express that he actually had no big problem.

But after all, there are not enough comprehensive network disaster coins to pay the bill.

Being able to get a wave of free treatment has instantly determined the current position of the younger brother.

"Can't eat meat for a year? Is it that serious?"

Suddenly, seeing the "Doctor's Order: No Meat Eating" status refreshed on the retina in front of his eyes, the barbarian was momentarily at a loss.

For a moment, I didn’t know whether I had made a profit or a loss.

This is not just a verbal doctor's advice, it is binding upon the comprehensive network contract!

Sure enough, the free one is the most expensive...

The barbarian felt that he needed to find a can of top-quality liquor.

After drinking it in the end, you can be drunk for a year.

By the way, is this how vegetarianism is currently promoted to associations?

The savages are silent.

However, I looked at the list of my online friends.



Even if there is nothing gained this time, having this is enough.

What's more, after killing that guy...

Feeling the stinging pain in his broken leg, the barbarian smiled indifferently.

He lost, but the guy died.

Chaos robbed it of its ultimate sanity.

So, it just left him roughly and rushed towards the huge figure.

autonomously...choosing the time and manner of one's own death...

This chapter has been completed!
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