Chapter 38: Those who pursue the extraordinary (first update!)

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  At the same time, the earth

Bian Su played with the crucible in front of him religiously, which was an abandoned cemetery.

The cemetery has been almost completely moved, leaving only messy construction debris and wild growing weeds.

 Biansu likes this kind of place.

Usually, this is because in the stories passed down orally by the elders and surrounding people, these places are always associated with danger and superstition.

 For Bian Su, who was young and longed for the extraordinary, such a place held a certain taboo-like attraction.

 “People always think that they are born with some kind of sacred mission”…

 Bian Su forgot where he had read such a sentence.

 He seemed to be the "people" described in these words, tracing the world beyond the boundary.

 Ghosts may be magic, curses or blessings.

Behind those absurd and uninhibited essays, is there a real mysterious world that outsiders cannot peep into?

 Some people classify this kind of childhood thoughts as "innocuous" past events.

Occasionally, while taking a breather from work, I remembered that I was once a man whose mission was to save the world.

There are some people who spend their whole lives chasing something that is regarded as an illusion by the world, but yet they are extremely afraid of it.

 Since childhood, Bian Su has been wandering crazily on the verge of death.

He has been to those "famous" haunted houses, and also visited those unnoticed cemeteries at dusk.

I have met many wizards with excellent skills, and met three or two gentlemen with sophisticated skills.

There are also monks who are wandering around in the mountains with clouds and wild cranes, and there are masters who are both crazy and greedy.

 Bian Su didn’t know what he was chasing.

 He ​​just felt that those stories about leisurely travels in the clouds should not be legends fabricated by our ancestors.

 Otherwise, why could he understand his own status so accurately?

 It’s as if it’s just a machine.

 Bian Su has never told anyone about his abnormality:

 He was born with the ability to understand his own body, which is an indescribable feeling.

 When he was young, he had nothing to refer to. He only wrote down his feelings when he was injured or sick.

 As you get older, you can roughly estimate your body temperature at any time if you come into contact with a thermometer.

This once made Bian Su happily immersed in this "extraordinary".

 He tried to look for the strange things in the world, looking for the power that could truly make him powerful.

 Unfortunately, he gained nothing.

This frightened Biansu, and he feared the equally clear death.

 Compared to the chaotic world, he can perceive more clearly that his body has an expiration date.

Bian Su looked at the boiling crucible in front of him.

To be honest, he was a little confused.

 He has been exposed to many events that appear to be extremely miraculous on the surface.

  Even to this day, he still has not understood its principles.

But Biansu knew that they were not supernatural powers.

 What hinders him from understanding and mastering them is just the deviation of knowledge and vision.

 Simply put, it’s just some fun and tricks.

Bian Su has never been exposed to real supernatural power, but inexplicably, there is an invisible voice in his heart.

 Tell him: what is the real extraordinary power.

 Biansu was convinced that he had found the answer.

Not long ago, while he was riding a train and scrolling through station B, he suddenly found a push from a food channel.

When Bian Su saw the last part, the dark potion that exuded the power of evil energy.

 He had a sense of destiny and an indescribable subtle sense of déjà vu.

 As if being electrocuted, Bian Su could feel his body trembling slightly!

It seemed that at that moment, all the cells were roaring with the same voice:

  That's it! That's it! Amid the horrified expressions of the passengers next to him, Bian Su sat upright suddenly, with an unprecedented seriousness on his face.

 Yes, finally, he found it!

At that moment, Bian Su wanted to roar.

 But considering that the car next to him was preparing to call the police, Bian Su suppressed the ecstasy in his heart.

 That is an ultimate joy that cannot be shared by outsiders!

 What do they know?

 They even rely on a thermometer to check their own body temperature!

 Bian Su thought proudly.

 Why should it be labeled as gourmet food?

 Bian Su felt that he had a subtle, twisted feeling.

 Fortunately, he is not obsessed with these external "mistakes".


The flames licked the bottom of the crucible little by little.

 Bian Su originally wanted to try the first potion refining in the video.

 But the green light across the screen made Bian Su slightly uncomfortable, and made Bian Su give up the idea.

 Extraordinary power must be more dangerous than chemistry and a power that is difficult to control.

There is no caution to treat aluminum heat reactions, and try to touch the more terrifying extraordinary power?

 That is seeking death...

 The reason why Bian Su was able to show what ordinary people consider to be "bold" before.

  Simply because, at the beginning, he had almost found the answer.

 The second half is just a futile struggle to comfort myself for the travel expenses and energy consumed.

 Compared to the supernatural elements, what is more dangerous in the process is people.

 In deserted, unmonitored areas, human evil is always more likely to breed.

 Hence, Bian Su rarely brings any exorcism water or the like when he goes on adventures.

 Anti-wolf spray is the best "exorcism water", and a multi-functional weapon shovel is the best "enchanted weapon".

 As the brown sugar in the crucible gradually dissolves.

Bian Su placed the newly cut ginger pieces with a solemn expression, his hands steady and slow, as if this was an extremely solemn ceremony.

 The surrounding area has been temporarily trimmed to make it extremely smooth.

Even the gravel on top is arranged in an orderly manner.

Bian Su could feel that some invisible force was growing from within his body.

 It was a strange feeling that he had never experienced before.

 It is not the curling of muscles or the beating of nerves.

 It is a kind of secret that is independent of those flesh-and-blood relationships, perhaps buried deeper under the bone marrow!


 The first piece of ginger was submerged in the sugar water. Bian Su stabilized his hands and closed his eyes to concentrate.

 Followed by the second block, the third block...

 Their types, shapes, quantities, and even the cutting marks are almost the same as those in the video.

Who could have imagined that underneath the seemingly funny pictures, there is real extraordinary power hidden?

 Bian Su had no distracting thoughts and put in the last piece of ginger.

With the sound of ginger pieces being submerged into sugar water, Bian Su's whole body was shaken.

 He felt that unusual throbbing again!

So, he suddenly opened his eyes and saw sugar water that was different from the one in the video. It was also mixed with ginger pieces.

 Inexplicably, Bian Su knew that it was done!

 Bian Su carefully picked up a drop of sugar water with chopsticks and sipped it into his mouth.

 The hot sugar water instantly distorted his face.

 But Bian Su smiled.

 He felt something indescribable beneath the hot, viscous liquid.

 In order to distinguish this abnormality, he had been drinking sugar water for a week continuously before this.

 It is so weak, yet so unfamiliar.

 Bian Su stared at the setting sun over the cold cemetery. In a daze, he felt that it was early morning...

This chapter has been completed!
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