Chapter 405 Dragon Palace Banquet

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 Generally speaking, comprehensive network-related activities are conducted after event registration and qualification appraisal.

There will still be some time before the formal process of the event will officially begin.

This waiting time varies depending on the deviation of different timelines.

However, when Yi Xia obtained the relevant qualifications for the event, he directly unlocked the relevant transmission permissions.

Yi Xia thought about it for a while, and then he probably got it.

After all, it is a communicative activity called discussion and exchange.

It is normal to hold a large banquet before and after an event.

Even a dragon palace is enough to host it.

What's more, there are still thirteen dragon palaces...

Yi Xia could already imagine that scene.

Yi Xia actually has little interest in such social activities...

But if it was held by Dragon Palace, Yi Xia would be somewhat interested.

I just had a bowl of fresh soup today.

Or maybe go and have a good time?

Yi Xia still remembered the copy of Dragon King and took out a thousand-year-old ginseng essence in an understatement.

I just don’t know what kind of delicacies the Dragon Palace will entertain Taoist friends from all walks of life.

After thinking about this, Yi Xia directly chose the event teleportation.

As Yi Xia's consciousness fluctuated, a new message appeared on his retina:

"Tips from the comprehensive network: Do you want to be transferred to the event scene of the event 'The 905th Offline Friendship Forum for Taoists from All Realms'? Please note that the event has not yet started. Players are advised to act cautiously when entering the relevant event scenes and do not leave the comprehensive network.

Relevant designated security areas.”

"Tips from the Internet: Based on your relevant title and experience, a new protection mechanism has been added to this plane for you: when you leave the designated safe area, you will be teleported out of the plane to the player's main material world."

protection mechanism?

Yi Xia fell into deep thought as she watched the reminder information refreshed on her retina.

For a while, it was impossible to refute the relevant purpose of this plane.

Of course, Yi Xia didn't have much idea about this.

He had always attended events honestly and attended the banquet at Bolong Palace by the way.

Obviously, everyone misunderstood him too deeply.

Naturally, those rumors about small planes should not be believed too much.

Subsequently, Yi Xia used her consciousness to confirm.

The next moment, relevant prompt information flashed on his retina:

"Confirmed successful, the character is being transferred to the relevant activity scene..."

As the prompt information appeared, the space around Yi Xia gradually became distorted.

After a long and confusing interweaving of time and space, Yi Xia smelled the breath of the sea.

He slowly opened his eyes.

Eyes filled with endless firelight saw a blue sea.

All around, there are a lot of shrimp soldiers and crab generals on duty.

When they saw Yi Xia appear, they immediately started making noise like gongs and drums.

Then, an old turtle led Yi Xia into the sea.

It first gave Yi Xia a pearl, which seemed to contain a mystery.

Yi Xia used magic power to explore a little, and suddenly a lot of information emerged, but it was the "player card".

But since it is produced by Dragon Palace, it is definitely not just for recording and carrying information.

This thing is still a water-proof bead...

Yi Xia did not specialize in the ability to avoid water.

After all, the areas he mainly attacks are mostly terrestrial creatures.

After all, it would not be very satisfying to go to the deep sea to fight.

When it comes to mowing the grass, it is naturally better to keep it simple and pure.

Yi Xia wouldn't put in the effort to do this thing.

But having prostitutes for free is usually a good thing.

In this sea area, the water is transparent, and there are even schools of colorful fish swimming through it.

When we got down below, we saw colorful satin fluttering from a distance, showing a festive atmosphere.

There are more clam female mermaids from all directions, greeting each other all the way.

Yi Xia's heart did not fluctuate much.

I'm just trying to figure out which level of the Dragon Palace sequence this world belongs to in the multiverse.

These shrimps, soldiers, crabs, generals, etc., have a strong sense of life.

At least above level 15.

Of course, it is a grand event in all worlds after all.

Those who can bring it out are naturally elite.

Just when Yi Xia followed the old turtle slowly deep into the seabed.

He felt something sparkling next to him.

Yi Xia turned her head curiously.

I saw a man wearing a rich robe riding a strange beast and riding through the water.

The water was rushing all the way, causing a lot of chaos.

Yi Xia squinted his eyes slightly and saw the water-proof beads tied around his waist.

"That's the Taoist from Taishan Mansion. His name is Xuan Guang. Old Turtle has always heard of his profound magic power. He also has a sharp weapon to help him. He can eliminate evil and plague everywhere. The world spreads his reputation."

"He was in a hurry to go to Empress Bijiao's private banquet. Fellow Taoist, don't blame him."

Seeing this, Lao Gui explained to Yi Xia.

Yi Xia smiled when he heard this:

"It's quite majestic."

He said no more words and followed the old turtle straight into the deep sea.

Just past the colorful satin-like clouds, a red carp as big as a few people appeared underneath.

The old turtle glanced at the red carp in surprise.

I saw that the carp had an extremely pure color, it was the color of fire and was as red as blood.

This is not the color corresponding to ordinary practitioners...

But he only raised his hand towards Yi Xia.

Those who are not distinguished guests from the upper world will have to be sent here.

But he secretly remembered it in his heart.

This carp is certainly not an ordinary carp, it is a rare treasure from the Dragon Palace of the World.

There are endless mysteries in it, and even the old turtle only knows its fur.

Yi Xia saw the old turtle leaving and saw a picture of red carp for him to ride on.

He just smiled at the red carp:

"My body is very heavy, and I'm afraid that your thin frame won't be able to bear the burden."

"You just have to lead the way..."

The red carp heard this but was unmoved.

Yi Xia saw this and accepted it.

Anyway, it's just in human form, so this carp looks a little thinner.

But in the water, it should be able to bear it barely, so I tried to ride on it.

The red carp suddenly sank, as if it was about to sink down.

Fortunately, very quickly, he swung his tail and stabilized his body.

Then he slowly carried Yi Xia and swam downward.

Now, apparently not many new people are coming.

Along the way, Yi Xia enjoyed a good view of the underwater scenery and the financial resources of Dragon Palace.

It's just too ink...

Vaguely, Yi Xia smelled the rich aroma of food underneath.

But I only saw countless brilliant lights, and I didn’t know where the end was.

Fortunately, Hong Li is a familiar "old horse".

It seemed to sense Yi Xia's hunger, or it felt that carrying Yi Xia was too strenuous and wanted to finish the job earlier.

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It passed through those brilliant lights and fell straight to a clearing on the seabed.

At this time, there were countless banquets all around.

There are also countless guests with different appearances, feasting and drinking here.

Yi Xia's arrival did not attract much attention.

At this point, there is not much time left before the event begins.

As far as the banquet is concerned, it is the end.

Serious gods and bosses from all walks of life have appeared a few days ago.

At this time, I'm afraid there will be private parties for everyone.

I just came here now, most of them are wild roads, casual cultivators and the like, so don’t pay too much attention to them.

Yi Xia didn't say much greetings and just chose a banquet place with more empty seats to sit down.

Now is the real time...


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