Chapter 456 The disaster that the comprehensive network did not warn?

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The next day

After obtaining the Witch Fire: Rong, Yi Xia and Chang Yangshan Nightmare practiced their skills and then went to bed early.

For now, Yi Xia's sleep cycle has not yet completely stabilized.

Just like in the mortal world, sleeping every day is obviously not very realistic.

After swallowing countless flesh and blood essences, he was able to condense his majestic vitality.

This allows Yi Xia to maintain considerable battery life even in extremely intense battles.

Not to mention the daily physical exertion.

Yi Xia's current sleep frequency actually does not match his current stage of life...

It's just that Yi Xia is happy... 1

In the early morning, Yi Xia woke up from her sleep.

The calmed breath restored some vitality to the mountains and forests.

With their habitat gradually becoming narrower due to being squeezed by human cities, they don't have many choices.

Although I know that there is an extremely dangerous existence here.

But for now, Yi Xia has not shown a strong tendency to hunt.3

Therefore, some birds that gradually adapted to the strength also dared to be active in the mountains around the villa.

The villa area is naturally under the effect of the peaceful non-magical creature expulsion spell, but it is not so easy to be exempted.

Under the morning light, the Red Sun Toad Gu sat firmly on the edge of the balcony.

Thanks to the non-magical banishing spell, it now has nothing to do.

But it seems to be more mellow.2

Occasionally, Yi Xia would throw away some scraps of witchcraft medicine and feed it to it.

Yi Xia had no idea about it and just treated it as a pet.

The left and right were also the heroes of that year.

Not to mention helping the fishman, even if I once drove away mosquitoes for him, I still have to remember it. 4

After all, Yi Xia still has some nostalgia and long-term feelings.

Breakfast is a little soup made by magical creatures and some meat.

Its greater value lies in a certain sense of ritual.

It’s quite appetizing…

While Yi Xia tore off a large piece of stewed meat, she opened the Zongwang player exchange forum and started reading.

Yesterday, I planned to make a big effort and get the ingredients for the third wisdom poison out as early as possible.

But something unexpected happened and I worked a part-time job, which was quite rewarding.


The pieces of meat mixed with bone marrow were chewed up and swallowed by Yi Xia.

The thick bones that had not been treated in any way now looked a bit brittle when Yi Xia chewed them.

Of course, the taste should be a bit "harder"...

The war plane of the Zahna Troll was not found in the end.

Yi Xia was not too disappointed, he had already expected this.

However, when gathering wool, you cannot always catch a sheep.

At this moment, Yi Xia remembered the event copy that appeared yesterday.

I don’t know how well those guys are doing...

Yi Xia planned to go take a look in a few days and join in the fun.

After all, he is also a comprehensive online player in his native plane.

Although he developed slightly faster, he was still able to communicate. 2

Yi Xia is not an arrogant witch.1

Later, Yi Xia finally found a war plane that seemed to have some head start.

That is a war plane where the friendly side is at a greater disadvantage.1

The comprehensive website does not recommend this highly, and the risk rating is also quite high in the extraordinary stage:


Guarding the Soul of Gianellico:

Type: War Plane/Extraordinary Bloody Battlefield/Race War

Friendly forces: Dwarves (derivative branch of bronze subspecies, lawful neutral camp)

Hostile force: Dragon hybrid half-giant (chaotic evil camp)

Non-war related forces: Aragon species

Grain moss

Current battlefield situation: Dwarves (14.9%)/Material World

Plane size: small plane

Recommended level: Level 15 or above (not recommended for online players who do not have experience in large-scale and difficult wars) 4



Yi Xia looked at the prompt message that appeared on her retina.

In fact, he is not very interested in this kind of battlefield where the enemy's individual strength is relatively high.

Because with the related comprehensive bonus of blood poison + special supply to groups, Yi Xia can obtain greater benefits from a larger number of weak units.

The reason why I am interested in this plane is that except for those dragon hybrid half-giants whose "head addition" significance is more obvious.

There are also a large number of sub-dragon species there that can be counted as intelligent life according to the relevant criteria of blood poison.

Of course, in Yi Xia's relevant judgment mechanism, these guys just belong to food...

The great witch has his own will and will not be shaken by other standards. 2

Yi Xia generally knows about the Yalong species.

There are many delicious and delicious creatures in his stomach.

To a certain extent, they inherited the power of the dragon, but not completely.

The only thing that makes Yi Xia quite certain is:

Their ability to reproduce across races also shares the unique characteristics of the earth with the origin of their bloodline.

In a sense, Yi Xia felt that this was a different kind of "civilization infection".

Relying on this powerful reproductive force that crosses the boundaries of life, there are many worlds in the multiverse ruled by dragon veins.

Speaking of which, the "origin" between Yi Xia and the dragon is quite deep.

Regrettably, he did not encounter many dragons who came to hunt him down in his subsequent adventures.

I don't know if some of the auras on my body are not strong enough, or if I just haven't encountered a world where dragons exist.

Yi Xia thought for a while and directly used his consciousness to teleport to the war plane to lock it.

The next moment, a new message flashed on Yi Xia's retina:

"Tips from the Internet: Do you want to teleport to the war plane: Guarding the Soul of Gianeliko? Please note that this battlefield is at an extreme disadvantage. After the characters teleport in, they can choose to obtain an additional 200% related emergency sign bonus (

General experience, combat achievements and other comprehensive bonuses)." 1

"Tips from the Internet: When a character receives the emergency sign bonus, he must stay in the battlefield for at least 1 natural day before he can choose to leave."

Triple experience?

Yi Xia looked at the reminder information refreshed on her retina, and the firelight in her eyes suddenly became brighter.

He looked thoughtfully at the notes about emergency signs.

This Yi Xia opened up some ideas.2

It seems that when he chooses the war plane later, he can add some additional filtering conditions.

Extreme disadvantage?

Yi Xia never counted on friendly forces.

He has been fighting all the way from the apprentice stage to the present, and most of the time, he fights alone.

I just don’t know if this extra bonus can be applied to blood Gu.

Yi Xia thought about it, it was unlikely.

But it’s also a very good gain.

Compared with the huge number of enemies, what troubles Yi Xia more is the friendly forces that are intertwined with the enemies...

And as Yi Xia gradually teleported away from the earth.

In the corner of a certain plane, an originally sleepy dragon suddenly opened its eyes.

The dragon girl with a lot of human features who was chatting with the giant dragon about some trivial matters below couldn't help but asked in surprise:

"What's wrong? Grandpa Fred?"

The giant dragon did not respond directly, but slowly sighed a long and turbid breath:

"The disaster is coming...I saw the stars dimming, the earth burning, and the corpses of dragonborn covering every corner of Gianellico..."

"I have warned them a long time ago that they cannot let the violent first blood control their own behavior..."

"Now, the final doom is inevitable..."

After hearing this, the dragon girl's face with some pink scales was filled with confusion. 2

She opened her network panel and looked at it, but found nothing unusual at all.

It stands to reason that if the world is about to face destruction and disaster, Zongwang should give a warning.

Could it be that this is not a disaster for this world, but only for the Dragonborn?

This chapter has been completed!
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