Chapter five hundred and fortieth the devil refused your call and blocked you

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 The majestic thing that suddenly appeared in the rotting sky did not just attract the attention of Aldol, the Corruptor of the Stars and Moon.

In a world dominated by decay and distortion, the behemoths even bigger than the mountains show no trace of corrosion.

This is filthy blasphemy and intolerable ugliness.

It's hard to accept these things that are full of rot and curses.

For a life that already regards corruption and distortion as an axiomatic order in the world's operation, it is naturally more difficult to tolerate aliens like Yi Xia.

What's more, he is an alien with such a magnificent body...

It was like a strange life that could almost cover the entire city suddenly appeared above the mortal city, exuding endless distortion and decay.

After a slight shock, saturated artillery fire coverage may be one of the fates it has to accept.

And for these rotten beings who have long integrated killing into their instincts, there will not be much orderly waiting and watching.

The next moment, countless potholes suddenly appeared on the rotting earth!

A large number of rotten lives with various grotesque characteristics left the earth in different flying postures, flying straight towards the majestic aliens in the sky!

"Network prompt: Transmission successful! You have arrived at the world corresponding to the relevant spatial coordinates."

"Network tip: Warning! You have entered a deep rotten and twisted area...Based on your relevant bloodline, your efficiency in obtaining energy recovery from the environment will suffer less damage."

"Network reminder: Based on the relevant rules of this world, a rotten life transformation test is in progress..."

"Tips from the comprehensive network: The test is successful, you are immune to this kind of test, and the layers of your 睚皦-related marks are superimposed..."

"Tips from the Internet: Based on your relevant camp and life template, the initial attitude of all your camps in this world is: mortal enemy (locked). You must obtain or disguise the rotten and twisted life characteristics in order to communicate with them normally."

When Yi Xia was teleported out of the chaotic space, he only felt an indescribable filth.

Just like a closed fresh food cabin that has been exposed to the sun on a hot summer day, the rotten smell seems to be intertwined with flames, giving those who approach it from all directions a "novel experience" that is almost like burning pain.

At a certain moment, Yi Xia actually felt that the abyss-like world environments she had experienced were not bad.

It can only be said that the multiverse can always bring you unexpected surprises...

Yi Xia didn't care about the subtle experience of this "plane blind box". Countless blazing flames suddenly emerged from his majestic body that had been transformed into a witch body.

They burned the air filled with decaying factors, causing a series of explosions that sounded like countless firecrackers exploding.

Yi Xia suddenly had some enlightenment.

He probably knows something about the reason why the previous demons' flame resistance was negative.

Rotting, rejecting the brightness of the flame...

This actually gave Yi Xia some new ideas.

Perhaps, Fei's star spirit improvement can be achieved here...



At the same time, somewhere in the earth

The night was quiet, and the bright moonlight failed to fall on this village in the Eastern Hemisphere as expected.

Elini listened carefully for a long time.

After making sure her parents were asleep, she quietly opened the door.

The cool night breeze in the middle of the night made Elini, who was only wearing a single piece of clothing over her pajamas, shrink her neck.

Following the path in the garden, she came to the warehouse inside the farm and opened the door gently.

The stacked hay, feed, and machinery placed on the other side make the smell of the warehouse, which is not very ventilated, quite complicated.

Elini closed the door and turned on the light.

There was some indescribable passion in her eyes that were shining like flames.

Elini, who comes from a stable middle-class background, has the freedom to pursue her own interests more freely than her peers who are still struggling to survive.

Fortunately, compared to her companions who are addicted to material desires, Elini has hobbies that are unique to her.

Elini carefully observed the situation in the warehouse and the movements outside, and then ran to a hidden corner of the warehouse. After some operations, she dug out a small box buried inside.

Underneath the seemingly rough exterior, the inside of the opened box appears to be quite sophisticated.

There are many strange-looking objects arranged in categories, as well as some old books.

One of the doors has a ferocious and ferocious statue on a book with a cold metal shell, showing its composition to the world:

This is a book about demons.

But it's not ancient...

The "Made in a" and price marks on the back have been scraped clean by Elini with a knife.

She always felt that she was immersed in some kind of peek into the dangers and taboos of the world, and those words and numbers always made her feel abrupt and disconnected.

All in all, it feels very unimmersive.

Today, Elini is going to follow the above ritual and try to summon a demon in order to fill some of her desires that are getting stronger as time goes by.

In various collection activities, Elini is no longer satisfied with those rather "basic" attempts.

For families with devout traditional beliefs, this is naturally not just a "personal pleasure" for future generations that fills the gap between the times.

Therefore, Elini needs to proceed with caution.

In a sense, this may also be an important part of the excitement that this hobby brings to Elini.

A family full of strength can easily inspire rebellion in human nature.

Even a lamb needs the dual teaching of milk and whip.

The scope of human nature always has its angle of freedom.

In the corner of the warehouse, Elini methodically followed the ritual in the book.

Even though it was only her first time, she seemed so comfortable with it.

It seems that in a turbulent time filled with gallows, she once walked this land as a witch.

The moonlight was not visible, and as the candles flickered over time, Elini's eyes gradually became blurred.

Vaguely, she seemed to see an evil land shrouded in magma and smoke.

And countless ferocious demons with goat-like coiled horns are active among them,

"...let me see: a...brave lady..."

The next moment, the scene filled with evil that could not be contained by mortal things disappeared, and a soft whisper that seemed to be full of some kind of warm and heartfelt warmth sounded out.

"You want to summon a demon?"

"No, those inferior and ignorant lives are not worthy of your favor."

"...I will be your better choice."

Elini was stunned, her mind went blank, and she did not expect that she could actually summon the legendary demon with such a simple operation.

No, maybe not the devil...

Just when Elini was shocked by the performance of the ritual, she also had some doubts about the origin of the book.

The whisper sounded again:

"I can bring you unimaginable wealth, which will exceed... Oh, let me see, yes, that mortal thing called Gates..."

"Or the eternal beauty, the mortal thing called Marilyn, will also be inferior to you."

"Or with endless power, you will become the master of this planet called the Earth. Even the great wizard who is feared by the abyss cannot..."

Just when Elini was gradually falling for the scene described by the whisper, the whisper suddenly stopped.

Elini looked at the still burning candle with doubt, but no matter how she asked or prayed, the whisper never sounded again...

And somewhere in the multiverse, a demon quickly tore apart his own memory with a fearful face, and completely destroyed it together with his related spellcasting traces with destructive spells.

In the eyes of the devil, the devil is despicable, ignorant, and crazy.

But equally, the devil does not deny the purity of their madness.

In the famous "bloody battle" in the multiverse, the fight between order and chaos seems to continue into the endless future.

And now, it seems to have discovered something remarkable.

I hope the Devil Lord will not care about this little accident...

This chapter has been completed!
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