Chapter 618 Xia Deng's Little Wish and the Magma Throat

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 The requirements of the boss are always so changeable...

Shaden thought as he looked at the relevant employment information refreshed on his retina.

In the end, Shaden felt that his employer was most likely a powerful war lord.

Later, Xia Den was a little unsure about the requirements related to the void.

After all, void life is something that doesn't really have much additional value other than its own materials.

From the perspective of the war lord, it is not a very cost-effective target.

However, these are things that are difficult to determine.

Each war lord has distinct enough personal characteristics, and naturally they will not completely converge on some common values.

Adult red dragon, below legend, strong...

While Shaden was quickly sifting through relevant copy information, he pieced together some rather subtle information from the key words decomposed in today's employment information:

Boss, is this the time to go hunting?

Fortunately, he probably can't make any friends with the dragon...

Shaden thought silently with some hidden worries.

In fact, Xia Deng wasn't that concerned about this at first.

It's just a matter of screening copies. For him, void or dragon are just different keywords.

What else does it have to do with his humanoid information filter?

Can the other party still involve him?

And now...

After quickly and familiarly locking in the dungeon information related to a red dragon with full compatibility, Xia Den couldn't help but take a look at his own camp information.

Fortunately, there are currently no new "Watchlists" added...

Xia Den suddenly felt that the employment fee, which was so high that he was slightly ashamed, did not seem so unreasonable.

Now, Shaden only hopes that when he successfully "retires", those "watch lists" will be slightly less...



At this time, the powerful Magma Throat - Seles... Sly, was sleeping soundly deep in his cave full of treasures.

This was once the location of the lost ruins of an ancient civilization.

But now, it is completely occupied by this powerful red dragon.

The Throat of Magma is very satisfying here.

The ground has some kind of tough soil that is probably a magical creation, which can well support its winding body and the treasures that never cease to shine with golden light.

Those traces poured like streams are traces of former invaders who melted together with their treasures under the dragon flames.

Now is the time for the monsoon.

When the hot summer wind brings the stench of livestock carried by caravans from the eastern islands, the Magma Throat will wake up and go out to accept the "tribute" from those caravans.

Whether they like it or not, the Magma Maw doesn't care.

In this area, it is the only predator.

Over a long period of time and abundant resources, the body of Magma Maw gradually reached the peak of the adult red dragon.

If you are lucky enough, you may spend another long period of time, and there will be some vague premonition of the magma throat...

It may break through the confinement imposed by its bloodline and become the truly powerful dragon.

At that time, it will pass by the tiny microcosm of the archipelago and cover the entire earth with its magnificent and majestic body!

At that time, all kingdoms will surrender under its will.

They will chant its powerful and ferocious name, and they will...

Thinking of the wonderful thing, Magma Throat couldn't help but click his tongue while sleeping soundly.

It's waiting for a feast...

And at this time, on a certain island in the archipelago, Malise, a mixed-race fishman who was repairing a fishing net, discovered several strange humans who ran to the island from nowhere...

Its breath suddenly paused, and it felt like it had discovered something not so good...



Under the blue sky, the sunshine seems to have a certain moist and hot flavor.

The air was filled with the fishy smell of sea water and organisms stranded after low tide, which were exposed to the sun.

The foreign world seems a little different from what you imagined.

Probably, it’s about the style of painting?

It seems that when all illusions are presented in material form, they can always provide a not so beautiful, but natural and reasonable way of opening.

Wu Kui and others followed Yi Xia and watched everything around them cautiously and curiously.

The aftereffects of the teleportation seemed to have completely disappeared at this time.

At this moment, Wu Kui suddenly spotted a pair of strange eyes staring at a few people under the shade of a tree not far away!

"Is that a fish-man... um, or a hybrid?"

Yi Xia followed Wu Kui's gaze and then said.

But soon, Yi Xia became somewhat interested.

Because it seems to be a hybrid of human and fishman...

The words of Wu Kui and Yi Xia also attracted the attention of others.

Under the gazes of several people, they seemed to smell some kind of suppressed aura from the mixed-race fish-man, and ran over tremblingly.


Forget about the other strange human being.

The scary thing is that guy who looks like a human being...

"I pay my highest respect to you, powerful alien god. My name... is Malisse... and I am a devout believer in the god of seagulls and trade winds..."

The mixed-blood fishman Mali lay on the ground shivering and said.

The power given to it by the gods allows it to detect the terrifying blood energy of the opponent that almost rises to the sky.

It's not that its perception is so powerful, but that the aura is too powerful.

It was death, blood and disaster that was difficult to gaze upon...

The deaths of countless murlocs seem to have engraved the fear into its marrow and blood.

Even without the magical power to understand words, Wu Kui and the others could still feel the fear that was so strong that they could clearly understand it without words from the face of the mixed-race fish man with some human characteristics.

But they obviously didn't do anything...

Wu Kui sensed the extremely strong fear in the mixed-race fish-man, and she suddenly understood.

This time, we may be able to get a glimpse of some of Yi Xia's truth.

Perhaps in other worlds, their great wizard is not as gentle as he appears to them...

"This is more common in other worlds... alien races, of course, more often than not, are evil monsters."

Yi Xia glanced at the mixed-race murloc, his eyes filled with endless fire, and saw the other person's soul and the faith shining in it.

For such creatures, Yi Xia will still show some, the most basic respect.

But there won’t be too much contact.

After all, given Yi Xia's certain characteristics, simple communication with the other party would only bring a huge burden to him.

After feeling that Wu Kui and the others had almost recovered, Yi Xia was not prepared to stay any longer.

"Don't move around for a while, I'll let the bean soldiers bring you to my ears."


Yi Xia's words made several people make doubtful sounds.

And the next moment, those unnecessary thoughts no longer existed.

Because the sun disappeared, a human-shaped shadow holding up the sky covered everything!

Instinctive and pure horror has swept away all the mixed and weak thoughts!

Then, driven by some invisible force, the feet of several people fell into the air, and they instantly lost their grasp of gravity.

The altitude increased rapidly, and the blue sea surface appeared in an instant!

As if flying along the majestic mountains, under the strong sea breeze coming from some kind of surface.

Not long after, several people were taken to a huge cave by the bean soldiers...

On the other side, Magma Throat, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes.

This is?

This chapter has been completed!
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