Chapter 754 There is a god here, which means: Bo

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 The body of Qian Cang Kui Niu is still flowing with blood like a stream.

Yi Xiati was carrying the prey, which was probably enough for a meal, but looked at the vast and undulating land.

Up there, a figure that was much taller than an ordinary person was standing there looking at him.

For Yi Xia, the body of flesh and blood is no longer the main element of the reality he glimpses.

Underneath the surface, he saw the other party's essence embodying some obscure aura.

This is?

Yi Xia's eyes were filled with endless fire, and there was a look of thought.

Then, Yi Xia's body suddenly shrank.

A certain elemental elf was left high in the sky - fortunately, it didn't seem to need Yi Xia's help, and it flew down with a calm expression.

"I have heard your name in the turbulent river outside the mountain... Xia..."

The first thing the visitor said surprised Yi Xia.

Although he has had this shaman name for a long time, he has not publicized it everywhere.

The other party is in this broken world that is in an unknown state of chaos, but he is surprisingly well-informed.

"The water from the Yi River flows down, and all the veins are connected, so it can naturally get the water from the East China Sea."

"It sent Yu's proclamation to all corners of the world. Even though I was in the wilderness, I heard it."

The visitor looked at Yi Xia. Under the blue sky, his eyes were as dark brown as the mountains.

When Yi Xia heard this, he nodded thoughtfully.

He remembered the spirit of Yihe.

It seems that these copies of Zongwang are not completely separated and independent.

In some obscure realm of space and time, it still has a close and inseparable connection with related derived concepts.

Of course, those who can touch this kind of concept are either spiritual beings created by heaven and earth with their own reactions, or they are simply gods authorized by heaven to act on behalf of heaven.

And in terms of life strength alone, just like Yi Xia now, he doesn't have much substantial feelings about it.

Of course, Yasu's malicious locking is another concept.

"Are you the god here?"

Yi Xia pondered for a while, and then asked.

The visitor smiled heartily after hearing this:

"The Broken Mountain, the Lost Land, was nurtured by thunder thousands of years ago. It is called: thin."

"I dare not call myself a god until I receive his sacrifice."

As the mountain god who called himself Bo was speaking, the mouse in his hand suddenly started struggling.

At this time, the other party remembered that he was holding a small thing that seemed to be the other party's pet.

He just let go.

As a result, the mouse in protective clothing scurried out and ran straight behind Yi Xia, with a slightly frightened expression on its furry face.

Yi Xia glanced at the other person, although she didn't recognize the mouse.

But the green logo of a team member above the opponent's forehead has already proved the opponent's identity.

I just don’t know how this guy was caught by this mountain god.

Seeing this, Bo smiled mischievously at Yi Xia, and then explained:

"This little thing was walking randomly through the mountains. I was afraid that it would frighten the whole town, so I just caught it."

Later, Bo expressed his apology to the other party.

Yi Xia saw this and didn't elaborate too much.

One is the division of labor in the team, and the other is the natal responsibility. There is no such clear right or wrong.

"It's rare for Xia Wu to come to such a remote place, why not go to my cave for a few drinks?"

"Since this place fell into the wilderness, no witch has set foot here again."

As Bo said this, a look of nostalgia appeared on his face, which was covered by a dense beard.

Although, Yi Xia always felt that the meaning of those words was quite neutral.

Others may not understand it very well. As a great witch, doesn't he understand what the image of witches is in the wilderness and outside the human race?

To say that I am nostalgic is probably more about the unbroken scene here.

What about witches?

Yi Xia had no comment on this.

Yi Xia rarely refuses invitations to drink like this unless there are other matters.

In particular, this is a god related to the wilderness.

Although he is the successor god of a Broken Mountain, Yi Xia is also quite interested.

Then he thought of something, and Yi Xia looked at the elemental elf who finally landed smoothly while he was talking to Bo.

Although we didn't have much contact with each other, we still fought together.

So after pondering for a while, Yi Xia looked at the other party and said:

"Come along and have something to eat?"

The other party was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and looked at a certain mouse teammate who was obviously not in good shape.

In terms of body type, two living beings with similar body types can often have more in common.

In this regard, it is obvious that these two are not exceptions and should be the kind of people who usually have a good relationship.

Yi Xia didn't force herself when she saw this.

Then, a witch and a god flew away into the sky, leaving only the two little ones staring at each other...




The thunder crisscrossed, bringing bright to white light to the dull earth.

Bo's cave is located on the side of the cliff intertwined with thunder.

It is said to be a cave, but inside it has distinct pavilions and unique courtyards.

It doesn't seem to match the external image presented by the thin body.

This is normal - there are few images of the gods of the wilderness that are graceful and noble, and there are many images that are fierce and brutal.

The so-called praisers of later generations were carved and decorated for the reliefs year after year.

Its original image is naturally different from it.

Although Yi Xia didn't know how this mountain god, who had lived in the Broken Land for a long time, had such later generations of aesthetics.

But judging from the fact that the other party knew about his name in the past, Yi Xia felt that the other party obviously had channels to obtain information about other areas.

"Xia Wu, please drink."

The thin wine seems to have been aged for many years.

Although Yi Xia is not very interested in drinks and the like.

But you can drink it too.

After all, when the mountain god invites you to drink, naturally it is not just a dry drink, there is always something to go with it.

As someone who has a deep understanding of groups like Yi Xia, the dishes Bo prepared to go with the wine were all rough meat dishes.

There are also vegetarian dishes, but there are few oddities.

While pushing the cup and changing the cup, Yi Xia suddenly remembered Bo's words about closing the town before.

Yi Xia asked casually.

When Bo heard this, he poured bitter tears on Yi Xia:

"This matter has to involve the son of the South Sea God, Tianzhu, Jedi Wei..."

Yi Xia suddenly became interested after hearing this.

The concept of the Southern God may not be so clear to him.

But if we match up the subsequent deeds, who else could it be except the handsome-faced, red-haired son of the Zhu Rong family?

Yi Xia thought, looking at the history of extraordinary civilizations in the East, it was rare to see such a deed.

"Who is sealed here?"

In Yi Xia's eyes filled with endless fire, some new colors suddenly emerged.

The shadow of Chang Yangshan was touched, but this one was not.

However, Bo Wenyan just shook his head:

"If it were that person, I would definitely have trouble sleeping day and night."

"It's just that all realms unite and there is a place of suppression here."

Then, Bo looked at Yi Xia again:

"Xia Wu still knows that person?"

Yi Xia shook her head:

"I have only had contact with such a person in Changyang Mountain."

Bo suddenly couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Changyang Mountain?

Then, his pupils suddenly shrank, looking at Yi Xia who looked like a normal person, he sighed in his heart:

The so-called great wizard is indeed an extraordinary person...

This chapter has been completed!
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