Chapter 785 Unexpected Situations by High-Level Demon Warlocks (Two

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So, after some simple procedures.

After an episode in which several demon merchants who, probably out of professional inertia, still tried to stir up trouble in the contract, were caught on the spot and beaten and "shared their food".

The contract between a group of demon merchants and each other has been completed.

At this time, the surrounding space gradually began to appear in a state of collapse, indicating that a terrifying existence corresponding to the material world was approaching...

So, under the watchful eyes of all the demon merchants with their own ulterior motives, the demon merchant who signed the contract walked out of this shelter that probably wouldn't last long...

In this way, Yi Xia, who was venting his violent and destructive power towards this darkness and destruction, temporarily stopped.

At this moment, his eyes, like burning stars that annihilate all darkness, looked at the small familiar figure in front of him:

"I have brought you gifts - the slaves who have not yet been taken away...

"This is the only one that can be left and taken away. As for the others, they have been turned into materials in order to save the cost of carrying them."

"In addition, there are those guys' last words - they want to make a deal with you..."

In the violent firelight, the black robe made a hunting sound.

She lifted her hood and revealed her true face - that was a certain high-level demon warlock that Yi Xia had traded with before...

Yi Xia glanced at the other party in surprise.

In Yi Xia's view, the other party is certainly not a kind being.

But compared to these guys here, the high-level demon warlock in front of him obviously has not reached the level that Yi Xia cannot tolerate.

Rather than saying that the other party is evil, it is more like a kind of unscrupulousness with a meager limit.

It's just that among the demons who have no lower limit, it does seem to be "sparkling" enough.

And then, the relevant data refreshed on the Yixia Zongwang panel proved that the other party's words were not false:

"Tips from Zongwang: You have obtained relevant followers/slaves transferred from other Zongwang players. The specific information is as follows..."

Yi Xia casually glanced at the relevant prompt information refreshed on her retina.

He did not come to save anyone.

But Yi Xia is happy to be able to save some.

This is not out of duty, but a slightly derived part of the inner morality.

These slaves are controlled by various means.

Their races are widely distributed, and their camps are also different.

The only thing they have in common may be that they all have their own outstanding value.

Otherwise, as the high-level demon warlock said, there is no doubt about their fate at this time...

After delivering these slaves to Yi Xia, the high-level demon warlock Lixia prepared to leave.

However, after learning that there was no "backdoor" in Yi Xia's spell, a certain demon warlock was suddenly stunned.

From her point of view, everything has been extremely smooth until now, and she even carried out a crazy harvest until the end.

But obviously, everything will inevitably go against the plan...

Why are there such taboo spells without a "backdoor"? Isn't the opponent afraid of the spell's backlash...

Oh, he's really not afraid, then it's okay...

The mood of a certain demon warlock suddenly became extremely complicated following Yi Xia's expression.

"Sit on my shoulders - even though you didn't save those guys for any good purpose, you still did such a thing..."

Looking at the high-level demon warlock who was stunned on the spot, Yi Xia pondered for a while, and then said this.

Naturally, he is not the kind of person who burns bridges across rivers.

But similarly, he will not give higher tolerance to his related subsequent actions.

If he later discovers that the other party has committed some taboo evil act, Yi Xia will be able to wave the witchcraft flag at him without much hesitation.

It suddenly dawned on him that it was probably very difficult for Yi Xia to do it, and he wouldn't know how to do it.

But it is much simpler to make him wake up...

"Of course, you have to remember to hurry up..."

Then, he looked at the high-level demon warlock who reacted and flew somewhere on his shoulder.

Yi Xia looked away from the other party.

Now, he wants to purify this filthy and evil world in the most thorough way!



"Breaking news! Shining Gold Eyes - Lixia joins forces with World Burner - Yixia shorts Gregor Mo!"

"The latest information: Gregor Mo has turned into a piece of broken and scorched earth, and the World Burner once again demonstrates his violent power..."

"The latest advanced strategy for making money for high-level demon warlocks: from the destruction of the abyss to the dream of Grigmore!"

"The big bet was successful! Another demon warlock who successfully landed..."

pigeon and migratory bird newspaper

Lori Akweiler looked at the sudden increase in information in a certain related field in front of her.

After Dawu "quieted" for a period of time, she finally ushered in the peak period of her business.

Gregor Mor?

Lori Akweiler first conducted a related search in the newspaper's internal database.

Soon, looking at the relevant information refreshed on her retina, Lori Akweiler probably had a certain basic understanding of this so-called City of Demons.

So, the great witch destroyed it directly?

Lori Akweiler thought about it and felt that this shouldn't be considered explosive information.

Because the Great Witch has done too many such things before.

For information at this level of the multiverse, if there is not enough eye-catching information, it is all mixed and inferior repetition.

Generally speaking, it doesn't attract much attention.

Judging from the previous text messages, Lori Akweiler felt that she had probably figured out some of the situation.

So the focus this time is not the great witch, but the high-level demon warlock?

Lori Akweiler thought about it carefully.

Although it seems that the business value during this period is not very high.

In order to defraud funds (crossed out)... to be worthy of the relevant tasks assigned by the funder, Lori Akweiler decided to write some messages to attack them.

"The liberator of Grigmore! The great wizard Yi Xia is releasing the miserable creatures redeemed from the Demon City..."

"The great witch's path of righteous purification, another evil nest has been cleared by the great witch!"



The thick haze slowly disappeared from this chaotic land.

Yi Xia stands tall on the broken earth.

As the fog dissipated, the demonic city once named Grigmore was once again visible to people.

It's just that perhaps, the current land of destruction, where even a slightly complete ground no longer exists, is obviously no longer able to correspond to the name of evil that is intertwined with sin and filth.

Yi Xia held the witch flag and watched all this silently.

The witch fire, which had nothing to burn, was still burning brightly on the dry and cracked earth.

The high-level demon warlock Lixia was huddled in a relatively sunken area on Yi Xia's shoulder. She was probably a little "airsick" and her face didn't look very good.

And outside the churning chaos, there seemed to be countless converging malices, staring at Yi Xia standing here...

This chapter has been completed!
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