Chapter 848: Dragon Gate Fog, Sword Cultivator’s Choice

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 What are the legends about Longmen?

In this quiet study room, Ji Shuan and others were looking through the complicated information.

This is part of the internal provisional version of the information he obtained from Cang Zhong.

Compared with the previous situation where the information in the supernatural realm was very chaotic and disorderly.

Although it is difficult to say that a sufficiently detailed context has been clarified now.

After all, it is well known that the current stock of relevant data is somewhat too complex.

But at least, some basic and large related classifications have been sorted out for the time being, while those that cannot complete the cycle from the basic logical level have been temporarily eliminated.

But it has not been completely cleaned up - from the emergence of the great witch and related derivative events, those seemingly crazy and fanciful legends have been preserved to a certain extent.

Anyway, compared to the days when information still had to be stored on paper, the cost of storing information is much lower now.

This saves Ji Shuan and the others from having to search in the overwhelmingly huge sea of ​​data.

But it doesn’t seem to be that easy:

From those local folklore that may contain more "extraordinary truths", it is much more difficult to uncover the missing truths that may correspond to them than Ji Shu'an and others thought before.

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And all of this stems from the strange sound that came from Longmen not long ago.

It was like some kind of slight roar.

According to local people who witnessed it, it seemed to be accompanied by slight shaking like an earthquake.

The data provided by the local earthquake monitoring department also verified this statement to a certain extent.

Of course, these "side-by-side" information are not important now.

The important thing is what appears with the abnormal noise:

It was the mist that stretched across the river.

Compared with the previous Colorful Forest and the later Fengdu corner town, this is undoubtedly much more eye-catching and eye-catching.

For safety reasons, vehicle and boat access in that area has been temporarily restricted.

Of course, locals or tourists can still walk there.

That is, a video with an unknown and long strange sound was circulated, captured by some curious onlookers.

Ji Shuan and others did not know whether the video was authentic or not.

At present, Cangzhong and the others are still in the process of screening, and they are not sure yet.

However, according to the information disclosed by Cang Zhong, it does not fall into the category of uncontrollable danger.

At least, this is the information he got...

While the research institutes in Cangzhong had not come to a conclusion, Luo Xian immediately entered the state after eating the melon:

"That's a sword!"

Luo Xian said firmly.

Therefore, because Wu Kui's magical weapon had not yet been refined, the few people who were prepared not to interfere with this secret realm began to work.

After all, until now, there have not been many inheritance secret realms on earth.

And this time, it is obvious that there is a secret realm of inheritance with Luo Xian's professional characteristics, so it must not be missed.

In fact, this time the secret realm is so grand, it is completely different from the previous ones.

Several people were also quite curious about this.

However, after reading for several days, several people still did not have a good conclusion about this.

Cangzhong has too many things to be busy with right now.

Therefore, he has always expressed spiritual encouragement and material support for the actions of several people.

Perhaps some new situation has occurred recently, which makes him seem not to be very interested in such a large-scale inheritance secret realm.

"How about asking the great witch?"

Ji Shuan thought for a while and felt something stirred in his heart.

Such a scale, so many visions...

No matter how you look at it, it cannot be brought in by the previous two secret realm experiences.

In this regard, Ji Shuan has always believed in his own feelings.

But then again, I don't know how long their great wizard has gone through.

When the Yu Gate opened, I don’t know if he was there...



"You want to know what's in the mist of Longmen?"

Yi Xia looked at Ji Shuan and others in front of him and pondered for a while.

Then under the pleading attention of several people, Yi Xia shook his head:

"I'm not very familiar with that place either."

"The only one I'm familiar with is not in this realm."

"Hmm...maybe there is still a ferocious head?"

"But that guy obviously doesn't want to see me."

Ji Shuan and others looked at each other in confusion after listening to Yi Xia's statement.

He also had the sense not to ask why the beast didn't want to see the great witch.

Based on their current understanding of the great witch, it's just that little bit...

But it was able to be saved from the great witch, so I guess that guy has something.

I just don’t know which of the many legends the only familiar person mentioned by the great witch is.

At this moment, Yi Xia pondered for a while, and then set his sights on a certain sword cultivator.

Sensing the gaze of the great witch, Luo Xian's scalp suddenly exploded.

It wasn't out of reaction to the great witch - it was because he keenly smelled a bit of danger.

The great witch won't look at him if nothing happens...

"The opportunity for your breakthrough is there - but there is probably a little risk..."

"I have acquired a new foreign method of resurrecting the dead, but I haven't tried it yet. If you are interested, I can try it with you."

Yi Xia looked at Luo Xian and said directly.

Of course, he wouldn't talk about "he got a new job" or anything like that.

Maybe this is also a little fun of acting?

As soon as Yi Xia finished speaking, Luo Xian felt as if there was a light on his back.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Ji Shuan, who had a calm expression on his face but extremely rich eyes:

He was staring at himself with a look that said, "Damn it, your kid is dead this time"...

Is that ghost place so dangerous?

Does the great witch still need to personally give him a "resurrection coin"?

Luo Xian suddenly felt a little guilty.

It's not that I'm afraid of the trip to Longmen.

In fact, although the words of the great witch made him feel more solemn about the dragon gate wrapped in mist.

But deep down in his heart, Luo Xian didn't feel that afraid.

The reason why he felt guilty at this time was because before that, he had been brought back from a near-death state by a great witch.

Plus this time, Luo Xian always feels like he has to pay more and more debts...

Luo Xian was not so afraid of death, just like he could calmly and even excitedly rush towards the gangster carrying modern heavy firearms.

Ji Shuan said that he was a natural swordsman.

Luo Xian thought that was nonsense - the inheritance mentioned that "a sword cultivator has a clear heart and is fearless."

And he obviously has a lot of distracting thoughts, so he is afraid of getting tired.

Come to think of it, it's still a long way to go to become a true swordsman...

"Luo Xian is willing to give it a try!"

Luo Xian calmed down, then looked at Yi Xia and said.

He didn't say any more words such as thanks or feedback. He certainly remembered what Yi Xia had told him.

If he can achieve some success in the art of sword cultivation, he should protect this world with the sword in his hand.

So, Yi Xia nodded...

This chapter has been completed!
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