Chapter 868: The talisman burning in the mist of Longmen

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 Text volume Chapter 868 The talisman burned in the mist of Longmen At the same time, somewhere in Longmen

The fog is getting thicker, and the river bank that was still vaguely visible is now completely gone.

In the vast mist, it seemed as if the world and the world had become confused.

Only the sound of the turbulent water under the boat was left, which was still very clear.

Luo Xian held a long sword and stood cautiously on the deck.

Due to their previous successful cooperation in foreign countries, they still received official support this time.

However, because the situation this time is different, so many manpower are not needed.

But a group of elite forces were still deployed.

Another consideration is also out of an attempt:

Cangzhong and the others are trying to find some kind of pattern in these inherited secret realms.

Of course, Ji Shuan felt that this was purely...

If it were just to satisfy a certain unique physical qualification, then extraordinary inheritance would have been rampant long ago.

Obviously, there are some more complex internal factors involved.

Maybe it's a state of mind, an idea, something like that?

Luo Xian didn't understand this either.

He felt that he was probably nothing special in this aspect.

That sound of sword sound that seemed to echo through eternity was no longer heard from at this time.

Above the entire river, there was only a vast fog, and nothing strange was seen.

He just didn't realize it, maybe because the water vapor was too strong, Luo Xian felt a little chilly around him.

Just like the change of the sun after autumn, the body surface temperature suddenly has a subtle sense of going from summer to winter.

Luo Xian's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he called Ji Shu'an in a low voice.

It was obviously a noisy environment with rivers and streams, but Luo Xian naturally lowered his voice.

After being stunned for a moment, the few people who reacted immediately noticed something strange.

In the general fields of extraordinary energy manifestation, spiritual material capture and other general fields, Ji Shuan, who has enough development direction, suddenly became energetic.

There are spells related to the Zhenling inheritance, but he has never started to learn them.

After all, the general environment has changed, and even if the overall framework has not changed much, there will always be some problems in the old days.

Therefore, relatively speaking, there may be a higher threshold for related methods that require more sophisticated methods than before.

As for those simple and crude basic applications?

According to Ji Shuan, it is better to ask Cang Zhong to specially approve a mission-specific firearm or bring more unclean things...

Ji Shuan had made related attempts before when he was in the small town of Fengdu.

What is certain is that the area affected by the secret realm of inheritance is different from the current environment of the earth.

Some methods that originally required fine-tuning but could not operate smoothly can also be used relatively smoothly.

Talisman is one of them.

In fact, there are many people in the Zhenling inheritance who are involved in the talisman and seal script method.

Ji Shuan was originally very interested in this - before his own combat power was fully formed in the early stage, shaking people has always been the number one magical power...

What's more, the method of talisman and seal script originally originated from the art of witchcraft.

Now that the great witch still exists, it stands to reason that the talisman and seal method will be effective.

The result is naturally self-evident...

Ji Shu'an's attempt to shake people failed and gave up in frustration.

But now, Ji Shuan, who was originally prepared to explore the surrounding situation in a regular manner, suddenly came up with a new idea.

Wu Kui saw Ji Shu'an starting to look for the things he carried with him, and immediately guessed what this guy was thinking.

Ji Shuan quickly found the talisman stored in the special card bag.

That is a...

In the Zhenling inheritance, there are strict talisman phrases and writing rules.

Description of specifications and usage specifications.

The talisman seal used by Ji Shuan is usually used to summon mountain gods or the like.

Because there is no written limited rectification of names, ordinary existences of some persons will not respond.

But considering the inheritance of the spirit-suppressing method, even the gods in the wild are more or less lenient.

After all, he is the heel of the God of Service, so he is not too presumptuous.

But even with such a talisman, Ji Shuan has never succeeded.

In other words, it was successful once—Ji Shuan accidentally used it once in the small town of Fengdu.

It was also that time that allowed him to guess the difference between the secret realm of inheritance and the earth's environment.

But this time, Ji Shuan was ready to try again.

The next moment, under the attention of several people, Ji Shuan stood up with a curse.

I saw that the talisman and seal ignited spontaneously without fire due to inspiration.

A kind of fluctuation that is difficult for ordinary people to detect spreads out.

Among the few people, only Ji Shuan was slightly aware of this.

This is also the reason why he firmly believes that it is the environment, not the error in his seal.

Has it taken effect?

Several people concentrated on capturing the changes around them.

However, there seemed to be no special change until the sparks formed by the talisman turned into wisps of smoke and dissipated in the heavy fog.

At this moment, Luo Xian was keenly aware that the chill around him seemed to have subsided.

It's like the subtle illusion of intertwining heat and coolness after the emptiness is suddenly closed on a hot summer day...

The next moment, an indescribable throbbing suddenly appeared in the hearts of several people.

It was as if something invisible was pressing down on their heads, holding them rigidly in place.

The fog at this time is even thicker...

Suddenly, deep in the mist, there was a sudden gust of wind.

Don't know where it starts, don't know where it ends.

Going down in a mighty way, vertically and horizontally, it is faint and subtle, if there is an order.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment. I don’t know how long it had passed, but suddenly a sound of thunder exploded from above the fog:

The fog seems to be thicker, but it seems to be full of strange changes.

Several people endured the substantial pressure and tried their best to slowly raise their heads.

As a result, they were able to see a majestic face covering the sky and sun in the mist...

At this time, the huge humanoid face was focusing its gaze on someone among them - it was Wu Kui...

The huge sound shook the world, and the turbulent river seemed to dance and sing in response to each other's words.

It was a familiar yet strange feeling:

On that foreign sea, they had experienced such a magnificent life...

But compared to the great witch, what was hanging over their heads at this moment was a being who knew no good or evil...

Under such instinctive oppression, even communication has become extremely difficult.

At this time, Ji Shuan suddenly remembered a statement he had seen when browsing the information before:

Is it so difficult to communicate directly with ghosts and gods...

At this time, Ji Shuan seemed to have a more real and in-depth understanding of this brief record...

--Go to check

This chapter has been completed!
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