Chapter 958 The legend is refreshing

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 What kind of luxurious experience is it to be beaten by at least half of the group's legendary characters?

In this regard, Kassem Doso should have a sufficient voice now.

Just based on its current health status and combat situation.

Obviously reality does not allow it to perform such mixed actions that have nothing to do with combat...


The hoarse dragon roar carried Kasem Doso's uncontrollable anger.

As an ancient red dragon, he has an arrogance that goes deep into his soul.

Naturally, Kassem Dosso would not feel that these legendary characters were currently attacking him with "no sense of martial ethics".

This is as it should be - will it let these weak insects fight it one on one?

In the long years that have passed, Kasem Doso has no shortage of such combat experience.

The only thing that's a little different now is:

The number of "powerful bugs" this time was slightly more than the most difficult and dangerous battle it had ever experienced...


A huge siege weapon with sharp thorns protruding from it, was heavily pierced into Kassem Dorso's huge body under the violent swing of a legendary melee fighter who had been cast a legendary sequence of size-increasing spells!

The scales at the wound have already shown some traces of disintegration and broken spells.

The suppressive power of dragon blood, which was extremely vicious for Kasem Dorso, spread instantly along the siege weapons inserted into its body!

This caused Kassem Doso's actions to stagnate.

Then, there was uncontrollable severe pain!

This is undoubtedly the most serious direct trauma that Kasem Doso has suffered so far in the battle.

The magical power suppressed by the strong dragon blood made it impossible for the huge wound to heal in a short time.

The hot ancient dragon blood continued to flow out of the wound.

A long-lost feeling of powerlessness gradually emerged in Kassem Doso's violent consciousness.

It smelled the cold stench of death...

But it cannot escape, this is an area filled with countless restrictions.

From the most basic material realm to the profound and obscure boundaries of time and space.

This originally ordinary land was now filled with all kinds of powerful legendary spells and spell-like abilities.

If you can escape in such a situation, you probably won't fall into this kind of siege...

In the end, no eye-catching miracle occurred.

Under yet another coordinated attack by multiple legendaries, Kasem Doso's huge body hit the ground heavily...

This ancient red dragon, notorious in some worlds, ended its greedy and legendary life here...

"...The Ancient Dragon is really powerful."

Some legends were quite emotional.

"It's just that the power of unity is stronger than it..."

The legendary female mage Elena Su said.

Then, she thought of something, paused and said:

“I don’t know how the battle is going over there with the Great Witch.”

Then, she and some legendaries looked at a rather thin person in the team.

Although this legendary team was gathered temporarily.

But this does not mean that their cooperation and functions are chaotic and independent.

In fact, although battles and adventures of this scale are not normalized.

But in the internal communication and exchange, most of the legendary characters here have participated in multiple team-scale collaborative adventures.

Therefore, although the respective intelligence information will not be so detailed.

But everyone is still aware of the areas in which they are best at, or in other words, the areas in which they show the most outstanding performance to the outside world.

And this legendary character, who is thin and seems to have some elven blood in his face, is called the Cross-border Eye-Ivicaar.

He is the presence of more oblique observation, reconnaissance, intelligence acquisition and other functions in this legendary team.

Although the legendary mage is "omnipotent" in a sense.

But obviously, for characters who are specialized in a certain field and become legendary, the relative distance between their professional traits still exists objectively.

However, if there is indeed a lack of such characters, the legendary mage can be the second choice substitute.

In this regard, it is not difficult to understand the demand for more "ordinary" legendary mages in legendary adventures, in addition to those legendary mages who often use wizard towers and floating ships.

"The battle situation?"

Facing the questioning gazes of everyone, Ivicaar's expression seemed rather subtle.

He probably composed some words silently before he continued:

"...I have always felt that it is difficult for me to take on the chaotic, cruel and violent vision of monsters."

"But now it seems that when something is too...well, beyond our individual simple understanding of the development of things, maybe this feeling also exists objectively."

Ivicaar's rather convoluted words made many legends present have different expressions.

Although the paths of legend are very different, it is obvious that beings who are too foolish often find it difficult to enter such a realm.

Even if everyone doesn't know what Ivicaar wants to express.

But from his unclear statements and subtle gestures, everyone probably guessed some facts.

This can't help but make some of the legends, who are relatively brave, have strong curiosity.

What's new in the legendary realm is "new" in the true sense.

So, someone couldn't help but look at Ivicaar and said:

"After hanging out with those politicians for a long time, your level of lying is really getting better and better."

"If you don't dare to say more, don't bother me. Hurry up and share your vision with us."

Ivica was very receptive to his advice.

The next moment, as some unique power unfolds.

The legendary characters present suddenly gained a new perspective.

Probably due to the influence of some extremely bad factors, this field of vision was initially as blurry as the myopic eyes of ordinary things.

All matter did not have its original complete appearance with distinct shapes, but turned into large chunks of disparate chaos.

Fortunately, the majestic figure that appeared in the field of vision soon proved with a clear and prominent painting style that this was not a problem with Ivicaar's ability.

Rather, the environment there had completely turned into some kind of twisted chaos, as they had seen.

As for the middle of the chaos, at this moment, there is such a distant realm of time and space, and it is still a burning and violent fire raging in it.

Of course, that scene is just the backdrop for this moment.

Because in addition, there are more subtle and even horrifying scenes taking place among them:

Many legendary characters' throats became dry unconsciously when they looked at the chaotic life being roasted and dissolved while being pinned down by Qingtian's arms in the huge cauldron.

They have never seen such a scene...

At this moment, they somewhat understood Ivicaar's seemingly convoluted statement.

There really isn't an elegant way to express yourself without attracting that person's attention...

"You never said he ate like this..."

A legendary person approached the legendary female mage Elena Su and murmured.

This chapter has been completed!
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