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1158 The trouble of being brought back

The alert in Redcar City became much more vigilant with the occurrence of this incident, which also wasted a lot of time for Duan Qing and the others. They who deliberately avoided the lively market in order not to attract attention later inevitably

Delaying the efficiency of completing the task, until dusk of the day fell, all the scattered tasks on hand were not solved. Duan Qing was already prepared to be blamed, and without too much regret, Duan Qing followed up with no regrets.

The nonchalant attitude returned to the small dilapidated house they had rented before. The mood that they originally planned to accept the wrath of the snow spirit and the phantom ice became increasingly weird after a period of waiting.

Dragging heavy steps and bodies, the remaining members of this team also rushed back to this place one after another, but it seemed that just like themselves who met Maggie, they all brought back their own different stories.


"I know you are going to look at me like this, but I am helpless."

Staring back at Duan Qing's wide-eyed gaze, Asahi Dongsheng, who was all in tatters, replied helplessly: "The guy named Rodman gave us a commission to clean the sewers, but he didn't explain clearly what he wanted to do.

Which area of ​​the sewer is being cleaned? I followed the map left in the commission and found the end of the sewer in Dongcheng District. I never thought that it was within the territory of the Date family..."

"That family was under investigation by the empire, and countless imperial soldiers were gathering there. It turned out that they thought I was a spy who had sneaked into the empire, and they almost caught me." There was a desperate expression on his face,

Then he dragged all the rags all over his body and sat in the corner of the shabby house: "I got into the underground waterway again, and then ran away with all my strength. Finally, I was able to get rid of the pursuing soldiers by crawling and rolling along the way. I never

I see the light of day again in an uninhabited neighborhood somewhere."

"Have you not seen the expression on his face when he came back here? It was simply wonderful." Gedman on the side said with a smile: "But before that, you'd better die once and put all your body into it."

Clean up all these wounds, along with the dirt brought out from the underground tunnel."

"Why? It took a lot of effort for labor and management to come back alive!" Throwing the giant ax in his hand to the ground, Chao Ri Dongsheng, who was panting hard and holding his neck, said back: "Why don't you talk about yourself? Look at your whole body being ripped off.

You look so naked, did something unspeakable happen to you?"

"My trouble is relatively simple, it's just that I encountered a fairy and jumped."

Shrugging his shoulders, Goldman, whose heavy armor had disappeared, placed his shield on the ground on the other side: "One of my tasks is to help a trapped girl escape from some evil heart.

shop, the client was her only brother, but when I stepped into the shop and found her head, I realized that she had no relatives or brothers at all."

"That store is a hotel for entertainment, and the background of the girl is not very righteous." When he said this, his eyes also showed a helpless expression: "A large group of big and thick men don't know where to get in.

They are going to make trouble for me when they come out, and they even say that they are the girl's creditors and have been looking for her employer to repay the money for a long time, so..."

"So you really paid back the money? You didn't, right?"

"I don't have any money, otherwise, why would we be working so hard here?"

He curled his lips and answered Duan Qing's surprised question. Goldman pointed at his body that was only in cloth: "But now that I think about it, their gang probably took advantage of the opening of our office and wanted to take advantage of it.

They wanted to blackmail us, so I could only lie and say that I needed to go back to get money, and temporarily kept my armor with them, and then I was released by that group of people..."

"Simply put, we sold it to them."

An indifferent voice came from the dusk outside the door, accompanied by the sight of long white hair belonging to Xueling Huanbing floating in with her voice: "Although I don't know how much money this gang wants to defraud.

, but at least your armor should be irredeemable."

"At least they didn't take away my dragon shield because of my reputation as a shield bearer." Gedman smiled bitterly and patted the upper edge of the shield in his hand: "This is the most valuable thing I have.

Compared with it, that armor is actually nothing."

"It seems that the first day's mission didn't go well." Xue Ling Huan Bing, who was holding his waist with one hand, sighed softly and then turned his eyes to Duan Qing, who was directly opposite him: "

What about you? What kind of trouble have you brought back?"

"You, how can you not believe me so much?" Duan Qing pretended to be wronged and shouted loudly: "And before that"

"Why don't you first explain who this wild man you brought back is?"

He pointed behind Xue Ling Huan Bing, pointing out the action of a ragged figure hidden outside the door frame. The figure who noticed that his figure was exposed then walked in with the other players with a dry smile.

They looked at each other and showed an awkward but polite smile at the same time: "Ah hahahaha, everyone, hello everyone, I am Yun Meng, I am new here, new here..."

"You new kid! Don't think I don't know you!" Duan Qing raised his eyebrows and shouted loudly, pretending to catch the traitor: "You are a traitor who runs away every day and causes trouble for others! What's the matter?

Came here again this time!"

"So my reputation is so resounding." Yunmeng scratched the back of his head and laughed twice, and then hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, no, I didn't come here with trouble.

It’s just, I just…”

"He just took the opportunity to slip away again."

After telling him the answer, Xue Ling Huan Bing, holding her forehead and sighing, replied helplessly: "I picked him up in the yard when I finished taking care of Samuro's house. He must have just come from the other side of the outer wall.

The one who turned over, although he looks like a high-level magician, seems to have not eaten for several days and nights, so his body is very weak..."

"It's all that bastard's fault!"

As if she was talking about her own pain point, Yun Meng's gnashing of teeth suddenly became louder: "He is simply a beast! A beast! He, he is not a human at all!"

"Hey, we don't allow the use of third-level vocabulary here." Duan Qing reminded the other party kindly: "And you didn't make it clear who he is."

"Who else could it be? Of course it's my respectable master." The voice returned to a low tone, and Yunmeng's answer was filled with feelings of hatred and fear: "In the name of meditation and exercise, he only allows

I eat a meal just so that I can stay in a weak state every day and obediently give up the idea of ​​​​escape... He is not a magician at all! How can he know things like magic meditation! He is

Abuse! It’s inhumane torture!”

"Let him introduce the rest by himself." Xue Ling Huan Bing sighed and walked aside after twisting the fingers on his forehead: "Anyway, even if he talks about magic..."

"I, a swordsman, and outsiders can't understand it after all."

As time went by, night fell again over the imperial capital. Along with it, the atmosphere surrounding this small shabby house gradually became quieter. Several people then looked at Yuemeng, who was sitting next to the door.

In his speechless reaction, he roughly recounted his recent experiences. Since the end of the battle in Fenghua Town, he had climbed to the top of the mountain and witnessed the final outcome of that battle. In the end, he was named

Yinzhu's man was captured, and then he and his Weizard Army left that place together with the anti-restorationist coalition forces that were about to evacuate as the situation was over. The failure of the battle soon also caused the Frey Empire and the Egyptians to evacuate.

Great differences arose between the Principality of Ernifia, and the coalition forces, which were already extremely low in morale, soon fell apart. Until the major forces moved north and south, and finally collapsed completely with the battle of Zaraha City.

After that, the poor magician who had been tied behind them finally had a chance to leave Wizard.

Of course, this time's departure was completely passive, just because Yinzhu, who took him away, seemed to have a reason to leave.

"Hey, we finally captured the Sky City. Don't you plan to share the fruits of victory?"

"...I don't have the face to taste the fruits that are given to me by others. Moreover, Wizard's failure is their own problem. I have done my best to be benevolent."

"You can go as long as you want! Why are you always taking me with you? Even if you don't want me to avenge you, then don't torture me in such a cruel and inhumane way!"

"Today's you are my responsibility that day, I can't continue to leave you alone, and... if you really want revenge, at least you have to be a sandbag for a while."

The word "sandbag" is not without purpose, at least in Yun Meng's eyes, it is a description that is very close to reality, because during the time that Yinzhu took him around the world, his inhuman torture methods began to become more and more intensified every time.

Days of high-intensity weight-bearing running, ten sets of one hundred repetitions of physical training, actual combat drills that were like unilateral killings, and the so-called weak magic meditation... No matter where he was taken, the meteor was held in Yinzhu's hands.

Meng has always been the one who is most vulnerable in devil training, because any behavior that disobeys orders will be regarded as resistance by the other party and will be brutally suppressed.

Not to mention that man has been traveling across mountains and rivers since his journey, choosing the most dangerous places as his destination every day, and in the end he always sends poor Yunmeng to complete the last step of those suicide missions.

"Once I deliberately jumped into a fire pit to kill myself at the last step of the mission, and then took the opportunity to escape. As a result, he chased me through three provinces... I have never seen such a crazy person."

With his arms folded and his head lowered, Yun Meng, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes and concluded: "What he said was reasonable, but the demands he made every time were simply too much to be tolerated by nature...

…I think he just wants to consume my physical strength and energy so that I don’t have any thoughts of escape and revenge!”

"It does sound miserable, but it also seems pretty good." Duan Qing, who was sitting opposite, nodded his head: "After such a long period of training, your strength must have become very strong, right?


"What's the use of getting stronger? Didn't he torture me three to five times a day?" Yunmeng gritted his teeth and replied: "A melee fighter who fights from close range every day is simply bullying! And I'm not allowed to use my own magic.

, otherwise you will use Yi Sword or something to deal with me..."

"You still have the ability and courage to escape like this." Xueling Huanbing on the other side sighed: "I have to doubt the authenticity of your series of stories."

"I haven't finished talking yet. He later returned to Wizard."

Yuemeng waved his hand, and his facial features seemed to be tangled together. He knitted his eyebrows and whispered: "I don't know if he has traveled enough, or if he heard some rumors. Anyway, he took me to find Sunset Guyan again."

, asked him for some information..."

"Then he brought you here?" Goldman pointed to the door where they were: "And then you slipped away again?"

"I have never given up my will to escape, because I don't want to be a sandbag next to him for a hundred years." Yunmeng said bitterly: "You should also know about the fact that Wizard led the team to the imperial capital.

Right? Anyway, after that guy came here, he followed Fu Sheng Ling Meng around every day, so he gave me a lot of opportunities to sneak out."

"Please, take me in." He seemed to have thought of something crucial, and with a pitiful expression, he then clasped his hands together and lowered his head forcefully: "As long as you take care of food and drink, don't do anything else.

If I return it to Wizard, I promise to obey orders and do whatever you ask me to do..."

"Is this appropriate?"

Pointing at the opponent's face, Asahi Dongsheng, who was on the side, approached Duan Qing and deliberately lowered his voice: "Although this guy seems to be very powerful, if you take him, you will take over the relationship between you and Wizard."

The grudge against them, your refusal to cooperate with them before may not be a big deal, but if it is this Yumeng."

"Ask me what I want to do, ask our president." Duan Qing waved his hand and turned his gaze to Xue Ling Huan Bing's head without paying any attention to the question: "Don't say it's him,

Even the person behind me...she hasn't spoken a word."

"Although I am the leader of the Qingling Adventure Group, our number is pitifully small."

Looking at the silent look of the woman named Maggie who Duan Qing gestured back to, Xue Ling Huan Bing sighed softly and shook her head: "But for such a major matter, naturally all of us should work together.

It’s up to you.”

"Let's vote in the most fair and scientific way."

She raised her arms, then looked around at the other people present and said.

"If you agree to keep them, please raise your hands."

This chapter has been completed!
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