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1381 Army of the Dead

Following Liangchen Meiyu's order, the moving figures appeared at the back of the square, silently and quickly moving towards the center of the chaotic battlefield. The sea breeze from that direction also came with more and more light.

Continuing, it slowly rose more and more violently from the direction behind the Templar Knights. The cold sword light then suddenly rolled up from where the players who were running at the front stopped, and instantly wiped out those they came into contact with.

Those members of the City of Freedom were chopped into pieces of flesh and blood all over the sky. More and more teams rushed out from the entrance of the Bridge of Miracles with the floods: "Kill!"

"I heard that someone is making trouble here." They said hello to each other, and several figures who looked like player captains also appeared behind Liangchen Meiyu: "So we all came out."

"Let me see, who is the person who disturbed our land reclamation?" He picked up the giant sword in his hand, and a man in dark red armor in the center of these figures grinned: "Yes.

This guy? Or the ones in front?"

"It's up to you." After waving her hand, Liangchen Meiyu replied with a condescending look on her face: "I'm glad you can respond to my call, dear Comrade Tiepan."

"There are many opponents here who are worth fighting. Clean them up and you can go back and continue."

His fingers slid in the direction of the mysterious woman covered in purple light in front of him. Liangchen Meiyu put away her colorful sword light with a contented look on her face, and more elite members of the Wings of Freedom behind him also rushed in.

Coming out from behind him, the man in dark red armor rushed towards the depths of the square with a cold snort: "Hey, then let me experience the power of the destiny weaver in front of me with half a box of cigarettes!"

"These guys..."

Slowly putting away the air-conditioning he sucked in, a sneer appeared on the face of the man named Luo Tu: "Did you withdraw it from the dungeon? When did you notify them?"

"Just now." Liangchen Meiyu crossed her arms proudly: "They were all secretly transported here. The most powerful team in the guild are now here. They have all been trained by the Magic Empire.

There are many capable people, let alone the second best in the world, we can take down even these BOSS-level figures in one fell swoop."

"I understand your eagerness to express yourself, but as you just saw - the logical abilities of these bosses in front of you are beyond what ordinary players can handle." He shook his head and raised his sword blade again, looking at it.

Luo Tu's voice, which was facing the battle scene ahead, did not sound relaxed at all: "And our enemy is not the second best family in the world. We have almost an entire city in front of us."

"Don't worry, the help doesn't stop there."

Waving her hand, Liangchen Meiyu put the flipped palm in front of her: "If they call people, can't we call people? Compared with the entire Free City, the energy of the entire Magic Empire is much greater


"I know that you usually hang out with those ghost-like guys and don't know much about the Magic Empire." He then brushed a few strands of hair hanging in front of his handsome face: "As long as you hang around in the Magic Empire

If we go deep enough, it won’t be difficult to recruit enough reinforcements.”

"Why are there so many people?" He looked back in surprise at the players who were still pouring out of the end of the bridge. Luo Tu's voice then became more surprised: "Where did they come out from?


"You don't need to ask about that." Liangchen Meiyu replied with a mysterious face: "Anyway -"

"According to the arrangements of the Magic Empire, our people can appear anywhere on this continent at any time."

More and more descending light then appeared in the direction of the seaside at the edge of the square with the appearance of countless player figures, pouring into the battlefield with numbing numbers, and the balance of victory also followed the appearance of these figures.

And began to tilt in the direction of the defenders, even the several major free forces that had been cleaned up now showed signs of being submerged: "It is the second best in the world! Haha, where is the devil's resurrection?"

"I know you. You are the one who was kicked out of the elite group by us, right? When did you join the Restorationists?"

"Little Jack! Today is the day you and Borderlands die!"

"Oh, it turns out it's Mephisto. If you can't just stay in your own one-third of an acre of land and survive, why did you suddenly come here to die?"

"It looks so fucking lively."

He covered his shoulders and turned around. Standing behind the second camp in the world, Demon Resurrection, who had been deliberately named by the player who came to the door before, sneered calmly and said: "When did they, the Restorationists, become a garbage dump?"

?Why do you dare to accept all kinds of monsters and monsters?"

"There is no other place to hang out, so naturally you end up in the enemy camp, right?" Phoenix Tianwang, who was standing next to him, also sneered: "Birds of a feather gather people into groups, and those who are eliminated get more.

Naturally, it has become a gathering place for losers.”

"But don't tell me, the battle this time is quite big." Slightly shrugging his shoulders, the fat magician named Immortal Star Soul also made a gesture of looking out: "Look,

Not only are there elite warrior troops, but even the magician troops are organized into square formations."

"Since we claim to be the successor of the Magic Empire, how can we not have good magic skills? Even if all the people who come out are troops composed of magicians, I won't be surprised at all... Look, Lao Ang is here.


"He's on, he's on! He took out his big sword again! A whirlwind! Charge and avoid the enemy's ice rain! Oh! This wonderful scene of flesh and blood flying everywhere! This kind of scene is most suitable for children

Have you seen anything?"

"Are you a devil?"

Reaching out and knocking the opponent on the back of the head, a female player who walked behind them at some point then angrily put away the fist she waved: "Can you be a little concerned about the life and death of the angry madman? He is a representative of one person."

I’m waiting for all of you to work hard at the front.”

"I originally called Demon Resurrection. What else could it be if it wasn't a demon?" He scratched his nose with his fingers. The red-haired Demon Resurrection then laughed and responded to the short, cute-looking female player's words:

"And that guy wasn't sent out by us. He couldn't help but jump off the field to cause trouble..."

"Even if you don't consider the other party's identity, you should also consider the current situation to some extent, right?" Then the face of the round-faced female player became more and more dissatisfied: "Now they are all under pressure.

, what should we do? Should we just leave it alone?"

"Of course, don't worry about it. You have to believe in Lao Ang's ability." He patted his chest swaggeringly, the demon resurrected with a smile and moved his eyes back to the battlefield in front of him: "Look at how good our coach is now,

What a heroic figure... Wow! The upper body is followed by a spinning slash, or a double-numbered spinning slash! This is such a continuous skill that can only be used with strong core strength! The unknown warriors on the other side can't resist it at all! He is now

The advantages are huge!”

"Okay, okay, stop bragging."

Putting a hand on the shoulder of the red-haired man, the fat magician named Immortal Star Soul also let out a helpless sigh: "No matter how resistant that guy is, we have to deal with it next."


"According to the information we received before, the Restorationists still have one of their biggest trump cards that they haven't used yet." Phoenix Tianwang, who was standing aside with his arms folded, then echoed in a low voice: "Now the other side is launching a massive attack.

Even the Borderlands has been dragged into the quagmire by the guys from Devil's Paradise and can't get out of it. If 'that' really happens, wouldn't we be the only one who can handle it now?"

"It does seem so now." He let out a slight breath, and then the man named Demon Resurrection scratched his face vigorously: "But nothing is certain yet, and we don't know what kind of disaster will be of the same nature.

Things, are they the ones behind it..."

"How could it be impossible to be sure? Didn't the previous missions we did give us enough hints? Coupled with Tania's current situation, the disappearance of the magical energy and the disorder of the earth veins -"

The rumbling sound of shaking the earth then appeared in the ears of this group of people, and the scene of countless players standing unsteadily gradually came from the distant city skyline. Huge figures were also followed by countless players exclaiming,

Appearing layer by layer in the darkness surrounding the city. The black armor and the magic runes surrounding its joints tore apart the dark background with the appearance of the outlines of these giant shadows, bringing with it the feeling that has lingered in the freedom countless times.

The buzzing and screaming magic in the ears of the city players shrouded the streets around the square. Countless white lights of death also followed the advancement of these magic armors that were like giants, running along the straight lines of the streets towards the center of the square.

The chaotic battlefield lights up one after another: "Yes, it's those monsters!"

"What's going on? Why did they suddenly appear in the city?"

"Although their iron heads are very valuable, there are so many of them at one time that we simply can't handle them!"

"Later, there are more behind! All the way to the outside of the city! How could it be-ahhhhh!"

Groups of magic armors all raised their swords, and began to harvest nearby life regardless of the enemy or friend. Even the ancient city ground and dark and dirty city streets were wreaked havoc by these magic armors.

It turned into piles of ruins. Bright red blood began to appear between the white lights that were instantly killed, and together with the powerful magic aura rising from the magic armor, the nauseating air of death continued to flow towards the surroundings.

Spreading on the ground, the screams that began to erupt in the city from the moment these magic armors appeared also quickly disappeared with the spread of this breath, sending the feeling of deathly silence and the instantly collapsed situation to the second largest city in the world.

In front of others: "...I X, this is simply——"

"It's simply hell." The action of scratching his nose turned into scratching his hair. The man named Demon Resurrection also widened his eyes at this time: "Who had the crow's mouth just now?"

"You obviously said it yourself." Light began to gather between his hands, and the immortal star soul that kept mumbling in his mouth spat out the bloody breath that floated into his nose: "It's useless to talk about these things now.

, they won’t wait for us to happily finish the conversation.”


A continuous line of stick shadows then appeared in front of the position where this group of people were. A team of players led by Yun Jingbu also took the lead in rushing out of the position held by a large number of No. 2 troops in the world: "I'll keep you waiting.

Got it!"

"The bounty and riches are now before us! Come on everyone!"

The first resistance force finally appeared among the player forces that had wiped out most of their lives. The sky-high energy collision and magic roar set off by the No. 2 position in the world looked like the scene where countless giant shadows gathered.

The stones thrown into the water were as small as stones. The huge armors and swords approaching from other directions now became more and more clear among the figures fighting in the center of the square. The roar of sword energy and magic was already among the players.

In front of them, there was a tsunami lingering under the night sky. Between the constant sounds of collapse and shouts of killing, there was a triumphant laughter, and the sound became louder and louder as these magic armors approached.

It was obvious that Liangchen Meiyu, who was standing deep inside the Wings of Freedom, also put away the colorful sword in her hand and raised her chest unpreparedly towards the mysterious woman who was fighting fiercely in front: "Hahaha

Haha! Awakening all the thousands of ancient relics located around this urban area - that's our trump card!"

"The ones you have encountered outside the city are just the tip of the iceberg of these magical monsters!" Amidst the strong vibrations caused by the huge footsteps, he looked towards the magic armors displayed behind the mysterious woman.

Ran pointed out: "In the face of this power, the entire city will be razed to the ground!"

"We had some doubts before, but we didn't expect that you could really do it so well."

The mysterious woman who was entangled and fighting with the players in dark red armor did not respond at all, but Luo Tu, who was standing behind Liangchen Meiyu, frowned and walked up: "But there are so many BOSSs, aren't you afraid that they will also come with us?"

Destroy it?"

"It doesn't matter if they are all destroyed. Anyway, as long as we can defend this place, it is enough." Liangchen Meiyu tilted her head and revealed her slightly crazy smile in the magic light and shadow in the sky: "Although being impregnable is a way of guarding.

, isn’t it a safer way to kill all the attackers? I don’t believe that anyone else can break through the defense line in front of this army of death and threaten..."

Like a drake whose neck was pinched, the handsome man's voice suddenly became distorted in the middle of his words. Several carriages passing between the giant shadows formed by countless magic armors were also followed by dark shadows.

The distance in the night sky slowly appeared, and it broke into the field of vision where several people turned around after hearing the sound.

This chapter has been completed!
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