151 betting time

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Whether it is the unknown ideals and beliefs that drive adventurers to success, or the greed and desire to make a lot of money, is really a question worth studying and thinking about, but for Duan Qing and the others now, they have no idea

It's time to think about questions like this, because since they discovered the second stone pillar, what they saw before them was extending upward along the hillside. More and more stone pillars, and with them, they might be able to see

bright future.

Just like what drives players to survive in this world is a lot of equipment and a lot of money.

The black mountain part is not long, because not far ahead is the main body of Falling Star Mountain that goes straight into the clouds, so they don't have much distance to walk, but this journey also took them a long time, except for the steeper road.

, and the fact that shortly after they discovered the second stone pillar, they discovered more unnatural objects similar to stone pillars.

They even found many animal bones next to a collapsed stone pillar.

"What does this mean? Is there a monster that went crazy and crashed this stone pillar?"

"No, look at the placement of these bones...it's obviously very regular. Someone must have killed these animals and then placed them here."

"What? Could this be the one from the legend..."


Duan Qing clapped his hands and stood up: "Yate, do your people have such a habit?"

"No, but... the tribesmen all believe in God's feelings, so if they encounter something that makes God angry, they sometimes use some methods to please God, hoping that God will appease their anger...


"It seems...that's it." Duan Qing pointed to the collapsed stone pillar and said: "They thought the collapse of the stone pillar was because of God's anger, so they used this method...


"Your people are indeed very superstitious." While the latter scratched his head in confusion, Nan Tieshan tilted his head and looked at the young man from the Nosier tribe: "And he can climb very well."

"No matter what, these things still prove one thing, that is... this is indeed like Atesuo, the place where their ancestors once appeared." Duan Qing looked at the top of the black rocks,

There seemed to be more stone pillars hidden there: "Since there are so many 'sacred shadows' here, then..."

"It shouldn't be far from when we find something..."

The rest of the people followed his gaze and looked at the extension of this rugged mountain ridge, the spark of adventurer's greed rekindled in their eyes. Only the unique young man had a look in his eyes that was different from the others.

"Finally...is this true?"

"See with your own eyes." Duan Qing dropped these words and walked up the mountain first.

The increasingly steep mountain road has completely deviated from the scope of normal walking roads. However, relying on the physique of more than normal humans, a few people still persisted in climbing towards higher altitudes. The severe wind, snow and low temperature,

And the dangerous situation has become their biggest obstacle at this time, but there are still many useful discoveries in this short journey.

They found the remains of more stone pillars...

"Has there... ever been a collapse here?"

"have no idea!"

The interference of wind and snow, frozen hands and feet, and the continuous snowflakes pouring into the mouth when speaking, made everyone who shouted loudly frown, and what was even worse was that they could not find any place to rest.

, and at the same time had the opportunity to share each other's thoughts, so they, who were scattered on several huge rocks, could only communicate with each other through loud shouts. Fortunately, there was no snow in this place, and there were no monsters.

, they did not need to be wary of the disaster that such shouting would bring, but even so, they still communicated with each other vigorously, because the unnatural wreckage placed in the middle of the stone cracks was really worthy of their attention.

"This place must have collapsed, right?" Duan Qing shouted loudly: "These rocks are not natural..."

"Anyway, we can't understand anything." The big man in black armor answered him with his naturally loud voice: "In our eyes, these things are no different from ordinary stones."

"The direction is never wrong." Xueling Huanbing shouted from the other side: "This is the intuition of an adventurer... Art, can you keep up?"

The faint shouts of young people came from below behind.

"It seems that the boy is not working well." Nan Tieshan picked up a huge boulder and looked down: "I'll go and move him up."

"Do you still have enough strength?"

"I'm a power player... at least much stronger than you, a female player."

"..." Xue Ling Huan Bing didn't reply, but just signaled that the other party could jump.


"It's really amazing." Duan Qing also looked down, then shook his head and said in wonder: "It's rare to see such a tough player recently."

"That's because you haven't seen much." There was a faint scent of women in the wind and snow. It was the scent of the figure of the woman in black cloak jumping from the rock mass next to him: "Now those who are over forty levels

All the powerful people are basically human beings."

"Aren't we pretty much the same now?" Duan Qing shook his head while looking for the next climb.

"Remember what I said to you?" A woman's voice came from above: "Every time the attribute value passes a stage, it will reach a new level, not to mention they also have a lot of legendary equipment bonuses...

...What are your attributes now?"

"The strength has exceeded twenty." Duan Qing replied casually: "So I am very strong now."

"You are really inexplicably confident, but..." the woman's voice was still cold and indifferent: "Your performance is stronger than expected."

Although he did not see the other party's expression, Duan Qing could also imagine the entanglement in the woman's heart at this time. With the strength of his hand, he pulled herself onto the rock: "Don't belittle yourself, you are also very strong."

On the rock, the eyes under the hood were looking at him. He didn't take it seriously and looked up and down at the woman's body blown up by the wind and snow: "I suddenly found..."

"It seems like your equipment has never been changed."

"In the past time, I have been busy upgrading... and preparing for the competition." The woman did not mean to hide it, but said it generously: "So I don't have time to obtain equipment."

"Of course, you won't need it now."

"Hey, you can't just lose your passion as a player." Duan Qing shook his head, then walked to Xue Ling Huan Bing: "I know you are a newly promoted professional player. In the past two years,

There were no outstanding results in the middle of the year..."

"Are you investigating me?"

"Go to the alliance's official website and check out a lot of them, okay?" The man shook his head: "Women are just sensitive..."

"I don't need your understanding and sympathy." The woman turned back and walked to the next rock: "I passed it at the beginning, and... there is no need to repeat it now."

"I didn't mean that. I was just encouraging you, okay?" Duan Qing spread his hands, but the woman who had turned around couldn't see her: "What's going on in your guild is your family's business, and I don't want to get involved in it.

, I just... don't want to see you give up like that."

"And just because of those... troublemakers."

The woman stopped.

Although the tops of the mountains were right beside them, and they needed to continue climbing for who knows how long, the two people in the wind and snow stood quietly on the rocks with tall cliffs on both sides, looking at each other.

Without saying a word, they looked like they were about to fight on the top of the mountains. Until a loud shout came from below them, and a flying shadow loomed over their heads, and then fell beside them. The two

The people woke up from this strange confrontation and looked at the big man in black armor climbing up from the rock.

"Huh, huh... You really should go practice some exercise, and I have to throw you up... Huh? What are you two doing here?"

"...It's nothing, it's just that the road up there is not easy to walk on, so I want to discuss it."

"Isn't it easy to leave?" Nan Tieshan put his gloves on his forehead and looked at a higher place: "Well...it's really hard to see clearly in this damn weather.


"Judging from the current situation, there has been a collapse here." Helping Yate who was thrown up, Duan Qing explained calmly: "So we suspect...there was once a tunnel in this place.

The orthodox path.”

The woman looked at him with curious eyes, wanting to see what else he could come up with.

"These rocks may have been weathered by strong winds for a long time, but the things in the cracks of the rocks still exist, proving to us that what happened here." Walking at a slow pace, Duan Qing walked to this area.

The right side of the rock, and then looked up in front of him: "According to my guess... this should have been a piled road, but it was later destroyed due to age, so these fragments were left.

If I guessed correctly, the direction pointed by those remaining ruins...should be this way."

He stretched out his finger and pointed in the air at the straight cliff not far away.

"What are you doing? Why didn't I understand?" Nan Tieshan looked over there for a long time, and then asked with some confusion: "Isn't that the cliff of Falling Star Mountain?"

"I don't know what is on this mountain, but it must have something." Duan Qing withdrew his gaze and said to the other three people: "Anyway, let's go up first. Then...you guys

You should be able to see it.”

Soon after, they saw it.

The towering Falling Star Mountain was right in front of them at this time, but looking up from their position, apart from the cliffs that went straight up and the clouds that hid the mountain peaks at the highest point, there was nothing superfluous about them.

They couldn't find any. But that didn't mean that they didn't find any clues, because the gravel at their feet and the unnatural part that clearly protruded from the rock under their feet were telling them about the past of this place.


"These wrecks..." The courageous Nan Tieshan squatted on the edge of the highest cliff and inspected the protruding rocks: "They must be left over from the past."

"And there are more ahead." Duan Qing stood slightly behind and motioned to others what was ahead of him - there was a straight and smooth cliff, which made people feel dizzy when viewed from here.

.It’s like standing by a tenth-story window more than ten stories high, looking at the outer wall of this high-rise building.

However, they did see that there were still some traces of embedding on the surfaces of those walls.

"There used to be something here, a stone staircase?"

"Maybe, but I definitely don't know." Duan Qing expressed his helplessness with his actions, but the next moment he started to gear up: "If you want to know..."

"We'll find out when we crawl over."

"Fuck, isn't it?" Nan Tieshan was shocked: "How can we climb over this? We can't fly..."

"Did you see those grooves left behind?" Duan Qing pointed to some inconspicuous holes on the "wall": "These should be left when the stairs were built before, we will go along here...


"No, no, no, this is too crazy." Nan Tieshan waved his hands: "How can you be sure what we will see in the past? What if there is nothing..."

"Yes." Xue Ling Huan Bing on the side also mentioned: "And what should I do with Art? I'm afraid he won't be able to climb over..."

Duan Qing looked at the young man hiding behind the three people. The latter was already sitting on the ground because his legs were weak, completely unable to move.

"I, you..."

Duan Qing walked to Art's side, and then...slowly squatted down.

"I really don't want to classify you as a burden."

Art's face dropped.

"But we have taken you all the way, and we have brought you to this place. You can't just... give in without doing anything."

He patted Art on the shoulder, like a teacher teaching earnestly.

"The process of adventurers discovering treasures is bound to be full of dangers. I thought you were already aware of it when you made the decision before. But now it seems... your awareness is not enough."

He looked into the other person's eyes: "You still lack some... courage to place a bet."

Art's body trembled.

"When things have reached this point, it's time for us to make a bet." Duan Qing was talking to himself, but listening to his ups and downs tone, it was like he was addressing everyone: "Should we just turn around, or should we just turn around?

…Keep going in that possible direction.”

He stood up, walked towards the cliff on the right, and then jumped out into the air outside the cliff in full view of everyone.

"I'll bet first!"

The man's body in the wind and snow was swaying in the air above the abyss - Duan Qing grabbed the hole in the wall with one hand, and then moved slowly towards the farther end of the cliff.

This chapter has been completed!
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