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1579 Giant Well

Like a tiny existence standing in front of a towering figure, the figure belonging to the gray-robed magician stood alone in front of a huge hole hundreds of times larger than the corridor he was in, representing the sound of the howling wind passing by.

During this long period of standing, he never stopped at all. Like the cry of a devil, it kept echoing in the deepest part of the bottomless darkness in front of Duan Qing. He endured the height that almost caused a fear of heights.

Duan Qing cautiously poked his head and looked down for a long time. Countless debris objects blown by the wind left deep scratches on the edge of the abyss. At this time, they also looked like scratch marks left here by giant beasts on the earth.

They are also scattered on the arc-shaped cliffs within sight: "...Hu."

"It seems that there was a huge storm in this place." After holding his chin and thinking for a while, Duan Qing finally expressed his conjecture as if talking to himself: "Or is it an explosion? The launch of a huge object?

If the radius of this huge crater were smaller, I might regard this place as a rocket launch silo."

He moved his toes away from the edge of the cliff, and his slightly trembling movements also pushed down several nearby stones and debris. As a result, no echo was heard, and the stones gradually fell into the ground.

The scene of the pitch-black abyss slowly disappeared into the roar of the sky at the bottom of the huge pit: "But this possibility is very small, because-"

"It seems that the surrounding area has been used as a daily residence."

He turned his head and focused on other corridors close to the parallel area where he was. The room structure formed by the artificial creations that once seemed to be built here was also formed on the edge of this huge pit.

The obvious fracture was like being run over by some heavy object, which polished the walls and boundaries of the corridor that constructed this place out of thin air: "Is it the effect of the explosion? No, no, there are no traces of burning, not even squeezing.

There are no traces of transformation.”

"This phenomenon may not be possible in the real world, but it is still possible in the magical world."

Several possibilities were quickly calculated in his mind, and Duan Qing's eyes kept wandering back and forth among the gradually scattered thoughts: "The storm surge formed by the wind element magic - as long as the range is large enough and the power is enough,

If it is strong, it may be able to have such an effect, but..."

"Can the power of wind alone cause so much damage?" He raised his head again, and his eyes once again passed the level of the huge pothole in front of him: "It would be okay if this place was originally connected, but what if it turned out that everything here was connected.

It’s an entity. It’s really an exaggeration to dig out such a big hole just by the power of the wind.”

"Let's imagine the original appearance of this place as a straight passage. The passage is surrounded by activity areas full of corridors and rooms." One hand kept gesticulating in front of him, and Duan Qing then took out his adventure

The reader’s map, based on memory and the terrain structure shown above, kept making assumptions: “Then a huge storm came and blew away everything in the middle. The strong storm even destroyed the original underground buildings around it.

In the process, the cavity expanded into what it is now."

"The thing that can support this hypothesis is probably that thing." His eyes deviated and gradually landed on the edge of a curved cliff not far away from him. It was supposed to extend forward but now it had been completely broken.

On what looks like a connecting metal bridge: "There are no similarly broken walls and rock formations around it. In other words, the bridge here is originally suspended."

"It's really interesting."

Returning to the original corridor, Duan Qing then tentatively walked in the direction of the broken bridge he found. The metal railings then appeared in front of Duan Qing again, accompanied by countless fragments of bricks and tiles that fell to the ground.

In front of him: "But even so, there are still many things that don't make sense, such as——"

"We haven't seen huge holes at the top before."

He reached out and touched the surface of the broken metal bridge and the blooming marks on the railings. His low words were also transmitted to the same pitch-black and endless darkness above with his raised gaze: "The ruins of Varro must not exist either.

Such a hole would have been discovered long ago by the surrounding tribes and passing warriors."

"Unless there is a powerful monster guarding this place from the beginning." He frowned as he muttered to himself, and then waved away the black skeleton that appeared in his mind: "Because of the danger.

For thousands of years, no one has been able to penetrate into this abyss... Well, this possibility is too small, right? And we didn't find anything similar just now."

"Is it buried?" He raised his chin and carefully searched for everything around the ruins before he, Xueling Huanbing and others were about to jump down the tunnel: "No, that's not right. Although they are all ruins, but

There are still many dilapidated buildings left in that ruins. How could anyone block such a big hole and build a house on it?"

"Since there is no entrance, could it be that this huge pit was pulled out of thin air from the ground?" He raised his eyebrows, and the disbelief in his eyes became more obvious as he widened his eyes: "This kind of

How could a storm of this magnitude not have an outlet for venting? It’s like a huge explosion trapped deep underground. If there is no way to channel the energy—"

"Wait a moment."

As if he suddenly thought of some possibility, the gray-robed magician stopped in place while gritting his teeth. He looked straight at the railing in front of him and thought for a while, and finally took it out of his arms.

He picked up a stone that exuded emerald green light: "The Stone of Wind!"

"If it is a wind stone that absorbs the energy of the wind element!"

Muttering such a possibility in his mouth, he looked up again at the hollow dome of the huge abyss, and the faint magic aura appeared in that direction as he concentrated his attention.

From the depths, through the darkness that could not be seen, a faint message came: "They placed the wind stone at the top to absorb this powerful storm energy, so that they can suppress the storm while ensuring that it will never stop.

This strong wind can destroy everything."

"But in this case, there may be a lot of wind stones needed on it." Putting away his thoughts, the gray-robed magician then began to look for other ways around him: "And the wind stones

The stone is not endlessly capable of absorbing strong winds. It either needs to be replaced frequently, or a large wind stone with a huge yield that can absorb wind for a long time is needed... Huh?"

"What's the noise?"

The searching gaze paused for a moment, and the gray-robed magician suddenly lowered his head. The sounds of fighting followed by the unique screams of women and the clicking collision of countless skeletons.

Appeared at the end of the cave diagonally below, opposite.



Another loud crash accompanied by a heavy muffled sound appeared in the dark depths of the passage. The white braid belonging to Snow Spirit Huanbing then threw a bright light in the air, and the interactive conversion of sword and shield also followed.

A strong twist formed in the air, hitting another skull-shaped enemy next to a black shadow that had just flown out of the dark passage and hit the far corner of the wall several times. Panting sounds followed at the end of the light.

Appearing everywhere, Xue Ling Huan Bing, who retreated into the distance, then wiped her mouth vigorously. The blood all over her fair face was also dripping from her chin together with the sweat, carrying her extremely heavy

The gasping sounds seeped into the indistinguishable stone floor: "Haaaah, haaaah, ho--damn it."

"It's really an extremely bad situation."

Saying the same words as Duan Qing who sighed before, the white-haired woman then raised her shield again. The shield had been covered with a layer of dark color by dust and black powder.

It also showed that it still maintained its hardness, and emitted a gleaming light under the wave of the Snow Spirit Fantasy Ice: "Shield Slash!"

"Sword and Shield Strike!"

With all his strength, he blocked the sharp claws of the other skeleton that rushed forward from his body. Xueling Huanbing twisted his body hard, and swung out with all his strength.

The moment he slashed away the skeleton's body, he took the inertia of the snow spirit ice back and retracted it behind him: "Crash!"

"Charged thrust!"

Taking advantage of the situation, she lowered her waist. The white-haired woman's footsteps hit a skeleton behind her and deeply crushed the bricks on the ground. The energy accumulated from this step, which was compressed to the extreme, also brought it with her.

With the energy gathered on the sword, he stabbed diagonally toward the other side of the hole where he was: "Drink!"

The harsh muffled sound echoed around the battlefield as the bone sword blade drew a breakthrough in the air, accompanied by the traces of a high black powder raised in the air.

Snow Spirit Fantasy Ice, which bloomed with a ray of light, was not about to miss this great opportunity. The forward stabbing action of both hands turned into a sudden reversal of arc: "Arc Slash!"


The imaginary sound of an object breaking did not appear within her hearing range. Instead, there was a duller and louder collision. The arc-shaped slash that struck the position of her previous stabbing was also caused by

The too violent movement changed and he deviated a little, and with great force, he knocked away the black skeleton he had just pierced: "...Haah, haah - damn, are the movements starting to deform?


"In the end, in order to save energy, I didn't kill any of them in the end."

With an even louder gasp, she retreated towards the bright end of the cave entrance. Xue Ling Huan Bing finally gave up her desire to continue fighting. She picked up her sword and shield and placed it in front of her chest. She then worked hard to recover herself.

Almost exhausted, he was trying hard to find a chance to survive: "Without Duan Qing's diluted dragon blood potion, I have been separated from them all, and now I have encountered so many enemies...


"Am I going to be the first casualty?" She gritted her teeth, and her thoughts and possible consequences turned around in her mind: "Are there any unfinished things? Is there any possible chain reaction? Although

I have no regrets, but if I can’t continue to participate in the next adventure——”

"Will there be any unwillingness?"

Having retreated to the edge of the cliff beyond the light, she looked back at the almost bottomless pitch black abyss. The white sword blade swung forward also brought out a ray of light, provoking all the others who came around.

Black skeletons: "Well, when I think of dying to you disgusting undead creatures and not being able to stay with him, I'd better find a way to continue living."

"Maybe it's time to use the last resort."

As she said this, she put away the white dagger with her backhand and then slowly took out a ring from her waist. The blood-red color representing an unknown aura gradually enveloped the white-haired woman.

Her eyes were dyed the same red as the skeletons in front of her: "In the name of Fleur, you -"


A heavy explosion suddenly sounded in front of her, accompanied by the sight of a fireball that pierced the dark sky and suddenly fell into a group of skeletons diagonally above where the Snow Spirit Magic Ice was, and a distant shout.

Then there was a rising wave of heat in her ears, which stopped her from trying to pull out the long wrapped sword behind her back: "Hey! Hey!"

"Stay away a little bit, you!"

After passing the entire distance of the huge black pit, Xueling Huanbing noticed the figure of a certain gray-robed magician who was gradually emerging from a slightly higher position on the other side of the cliff: "At such a long distance, aim at

It’s very difficult to get up!”

"...You guy." A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily, but Xue Ling Huan Bing then yelled angrily: "You are not dead? How did you get there?"

"I want to know too!" The distant voice belonging to Duan Qing replied in a distant voice. At the same time, another dark red fireball that was swaying like a drunken man flew towards him: "Jump from the left.

Come on! I'll catch you!"

"whispering sound."

A strong intuition reminded him of the power wrapped in the swaying fireball, and Xueling Huanbing took out his white shield again: "I don't have much physical strength! Be careful!"

"Don't worry, I've got a lot of buffs for myself now."

Duan Qing, who struggled to control his spell-casting movements and drank a large mouthful of magic potion, then focused his attention on the edge of the hole where the red fireball had exploded and expanded and was about to fill it: "Although there is nothing we can do about it.

Kill those immortal guys——"

"But it should be enough for cover!"


This chapter has been completed!
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