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015 warm current, dark current

[Stab: thrust forward, causing area-wide penetrating damage]

[Power: 9o%]

[Skill requirement: melee weapons]

Duan Qing re-checked his status, and sure enough, Duan Qing found the new continent in the skill bar.

This is the skill he learned when he stabbed the wild boar blind with his sword. However, this concise description as always, in addition to proving that Duan Qing has indeed learned such a skill, it brings far more doubts than it does.

content explained.

Is it not as powerful as a slash? Why? Is it because of its killing area? Or is it because its power is not strong enough? Also, there are so many melee weapons. If I hold a sledgehammer or a shield, what will be the effect of using it?


And in the previous battle, I remember... I guess I used the continuous thrust. Why didn't I hear the prompt that I understood something at that time?

And the most ridiculous thing is...

"My attributes don't seem to have changed much. You can give me a reason to understand, dear..."

Duan Qing thought hard and scratched his head until night fell. Duan Qing, who felt hungry both in the game and in reality, finally gave up on studying the game settings, a contest with almost no chance of winning. After coming out of the medical clinic, he ate something casually.

Then he visited some places. His character value, which was usually not very high, would definitely not explode. Although he was still not sure whether things like missions were a matter of character.

Standing at a fork in the road, looking at the already sparsely populated alleyway in the middle of the night, thinking back on the events that had happened that day, for some reason, a desolate feeling suddenly invaded Duan Qing's mind.

"What the hell is this? Forget it, I'm very hungry anyway, so I'd better log off and take a rest..."

Before that, Mengzhu, who was lying on the hospital bed doing nothing, also went offline.

This game cabin is located in a simple room. It has a clean bed quilt and a neat and simple desk. It is late at night, and against the black night sky, the curtains hanging by the window are illuminated by milky white lights, which makes it particularly eye-catching.

There is a girl's unique fragrance floating in the house, but the items that are unique to girls are almost invisible.

"It's already so late..." the girl named Meng Wanzhu whispered, then shook her head to clear her mind, and at the same time spread the black braid on the back of her head.

She encouraged herself, then jumped out of it, and then fell to the ground with an ouch.

"It hurts, it hurts..." Waving her arms, the girl climbed up from the red carpet with difficulty, rubbing her head to find the culprit who tripped her, and then she found that the newly bought large pajamas were because of

The trousers were too long and got caught in the game cabin.

"I also fall in the game, and I also fall outside..."

After struggling for a long time, she finally pulled the clothes out. The girl looked at the somewhat untied trousers with distress: "I only wore them for a few days..."

She stood up, looked at the time, then jumped into the kitchen and started cooking.

"Today's main dish is...braised pork! Yes, it's you." The girl gritted her teeth at the pork on the chopping board, then raised her kitchen knife and started chopping it.

, as if he were stomping on his life-and-death enemy.

For a time, the sounds of chopping meat, chopping vegetables and stir-frying were mixed together, becoming the prelude to the coming dawn. While the girl was cooking, she was minding her own choice of other ingredients: "Well, scrambled eggs.

Do you want to add one, although eggs are very expensive..."

"Uh, no green pepper, he doesn't like eating it..."

"Braised pork...braised pork...la la la, eat you..."

Occasionally, I remembered what happened in today's game. The girl looked at the pork to be slaughtered, laughed happily, and then rubbed her right arm with a grin, as if the injury she suffered was still hanging on her body. Fortunately,

I didn't die in the end. I really don't want to feel that feeling again.

I thought again of the bad uncle who threw himself to the ground several times...

Although I saved myself once in the end,...it's better not to see him again!

In her wild thoughts, several fresh dishes were prepared. Meng Wanzhu clapped her hands happily, took out a food box from the cabinet on one side, put a few dishes in it carefully, then dressed up and prepared a little, and then brought it up.

Went out with the food box.

She is going to the welfare center in the city, where her foster brother lives. Although there should be no problems in her life, she has to spend a certain amount of time every week to accompany him.

Since both of her parents passed away, she is well aware of the embarrassment of her living situation. It is very difficult for Meng Wanzhu to support herself and her younger brother on her own. Fortunately, the social welfare in this era is very good, and the living conditions and education conditions in the welfare center are better than

She was much stronger, so when she knew she had such a choice, she sent her brother there with peace of mind.

Of course, although her brother agreed, she always felt sorry for him, so in addition to living well, she tried to find ways to make up for her past weakness. So she often brought the meals she cooked to see him and eat them.

Cooking dishes with your own hands, talking about what you see and hear, and interesting things, so that your silly six-year-old brother can enjoy the warmth of home that he should have.

The bus in the early morning was not very crowded, and although the girl was not in a hurry, she preferred this leisurely feeling. Shaking the ponytail on the back of her head, she continued to hum some unknown tunes while enthusiastically singing

Looking at the scenery on the left and right as the public hovercar passes by.

More than half a year has passed since that tragedy. In order to send their younger brother to a welfare center in the city, the siblings had just moved from another place, so they had not lived in this area for a long time. They were not familiar with the nearby environment.

She still has a certain degree of curiosity. If she has lived here for ten or eight years, and has naturally seen the scenery on this road countless times, it is difficult for her to maintain her current curiosity.

But no matter what, there is one thing that you can’t get enough of: people.

The passengers in the car, the people sitting in front of them, behind them, and around them, up and down, all kinds of men, women, old and young. For example, the uncle you see every time in the front seat must be rushing to work again.

Come on; the aunt next to you carrying a basket of various vegetables must have just bought a lot of fresh vegetables from the morning market and is returning home happily; the sleepy young man sitting at the back, who used to

I haven’t seen it before. Could it be that he went to play somewhere all night and is now catching up on his sleep? Or is he someone who works at night...

The large driverless bus turned a corner, and the girl saw a breakfast restaurant that was opening for business. The steamed buns sold by the older sister were very delicious. She often went there a while ago. Now that she thought about it, there seemed to be one.

I haven’t patronized her shop for a while. At that time, I was determined to become a regular customer of the bun shop. Now that I think about it, I feel funny...

And it's still on time... Hey, a guest came so early today. I've never seen him before.

The bus continued to drive forward. In her moving sight, the man ran past the corner. He was wearing sportswear, as if he was out for a morning jog, and then stopped at the woman the girl knew.

Yes, it seemed like he was saying hello.

The man scratched his head and smiled, and seemed to want to buy some breakfast. The woman responded with a smile, and then asked him to follow her to the store. The store door was not fully opened yet...

The car turned another corner, and the scene of the melodrama composed by the two people disappeared from the girl's field of vision. The girl sat upright again, and for some reason, she felt a slight warmth in her heart.

What a warm day, she thought.


Tasting freshly baked buns again, and still being hungry, this feeling of happiness is really hard to describe... After returning, Duan Qing devoured his breakfast, and then continued to browse online.

Now that our identities are different, we naturally don’t need to care about too many things. But out of love and basic respect for games, it is still necessary to take a look at the latest news and comments.

Every time he takes a break, Duan Qing will take his free time to browse various forums about the free world. The alliance's forum is naturally the most authoritative, but the forums on other platforms are not bad either. There are countless folk masters of all kinds, such as ghosts, ghosts, and snakes.

The research and discussion that came out are naturally very informative. As for whether it is true or false...you can only judge for yourself.

Of course Duan Qing has experience in identifying authenticity, but the problem is that for this weird game like Free World, a lot of experience is probably useless. The system that is so simple that there is no hint, the mysterious way to learn skills, and the

Until now, what he saw and heard in Novice Village and the strange world view puzzled him.

Therefore, in addition to paying attention to the progress of some high-level players in the free world, Duan Qing also reads the most relevant information about the novice village he is currently playing in - Green Stone Village.

This time, he finally discovered the latest trends disclosed by some insiders on the alliance forum he had just browsed.

"Mysterious actions occurred in many large guilds."

At first, Du Qing thought this was another headline-grabber, but after looking through the content, he also had doubts.

"In recent times, many guilds, including the Alliance's first guild, Jianghu, and the second guild, Wings of Freedom, have made adjustments. According to people familiar with the matter, these actions are in line with a recent rumor that was revealed in the free world.


"Rumors indicate that an area where the ruins of the ancient magic empire may exist has just been discovered, and the highest achievements in magic technology related to the ancient magic empire are hidden in it."

"The source stated that if this rumor is true, the hidden content may reveal many hidden secrets about the ancient Magic Empire, and may even be related to the historical background of the Free Continent."

The great power of the plot party... This is Duan Qing's inner emotion when he saw this.

The hardcore player group of each game uses this loving method to keep moving forward. They explore the latest game areas, study the most cutting-edge gameplay, discuss any valuable current game content, and even gossip about the game

Every detail in the game, every story in the game, and even the history of the game, the world view, the characteristics and customs of various parts of the world... Maybe these things have no practical use, maybe they will be gradually lost due to time or versions.

Eliminated, but mastering and bragging about these things is still the tireless pursuit of these top players.

Originally, these contents had nothing to do with Duan Qing, after all, he is no longer that kind of person, but fate still did not let him go after all - the latter part of the news linked the ruthless reality with Duan Qing's gaming life.


"Now, elite personnel from major guilds have gone south to secretly explore a place called the Emerald Forest. It is said to be the birthplace of the latest batch of novice players. Many frontline personnel from guilds have already intervened here. I believe

Soon, new discoveries will appear..."

Emerald Forest? Novice Village?

Now it’s time to play...

When I think of a lot of monsters from the game coming to wreak havoc in my village, the scene... is simply not too beautiful.

Duan Qing shook his head helplessly, and did not continue to read the news comments at the end, but began to curse the person who spread the rumors. The ruins of the Magic Empire, that weird forest full of weird beasts, it didn't look like it at all.

A place that has been interfered with by humans. Why are you here? Do you want to come here again to do a Huashan Sword Theory, comment on it, and then go in and grab the Nine Yin Manual?

How can we players survive... Duan Qing thought in his mind and continued to browse other contents of the forum.

Well, Arashiyama’s Destruction in All Directions claims to have reached level 40, but no new skills have been discovered. You guys are still working very hard... The military headquarters of Frey Empire suddenly showed up with player members, suspected to be members of Freedom.

Wings player. Wings of Liberty is quite powerful, but I don’t know many people in this guild... Oh, did that old guy from Ramen reveal something? A new secret weapon? Ha, he still doesn’t accept the old one.


The next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"The Sky-Breaking Blade re-enters the world!"

This post describes the incident from the perspective of pure gossip. Under the gorgeous rhetoric and the attitude of finding no problem too big, in the article of several hundred words, there is only one substantive content that I want to write: The Sky-Severing Blade is online again.


The author has no direct evidence to prove the authenticity of these contents, and many people who commented below also bluntly expressed their concerns about this "gossip". Even after two or three pages, someone has already said "Why do you think so?"

"Don't believe it, I'm a crazy fan of Sky-Breaking Blade" and other provocative comments. After Duan Qing saw it, he went back and searched for it. No one had commented...

But some people still believe it, some people still discuss it, and it still... attracts the attention of countless people.

Duan Qing silently read the entire post, not even letting go of all the comments that followed. Duan Qing even deliberately searched for several IDs that might exist under the post, but the expected content did not appear, so he closed it directly.



He once again confirmed his online status: invisible. He has not changed it. There should be no mistakes. That is, insiders in the alliance have been monitoring him, or people from the game company are causing trouble... No, they have no reason.

, and don’t have the guts to do such a thing, once exposed...

But...could it be...that there was really something wrong with the game cabin that was delivered later? No way, was it really tricked by that girl?

Duan Qing gritted his teeth and even wanted to jump out to check his game cabin, but then sat back down.

Alas, even if it is recognized, what will happen...

After so many years, everything that should be settled should be settled, and those who have not given up should also be given up...

Looking at the dark part of the game cabin, Duan Qing sat there motionless. Those grudges and grudges should have gone with the wind after he made it clear that he gave up everything. Even if he gets them back, they will be meaningless.

Although what I am doing now is somewhat contrary to my original oath, I have no intention of fighting in that world, and I thought there shouldn't be any big problems. But now, these things have appeared again, these deliberate propaganda...


Hey, you guys really miss me...

Duan Qing shook his head, then touched his pocket and took out a cigarette case.


There was a snap, which was the sound of the cigarette box falling to the ground. The empty cigarette box was thrown out by Duan Qing, as if he wanted to throw out the resentment in his heart.

No matter what. Instead of worrying about these impossible things, it would be more meaningful to think about how to support yourself...

My mood somehow got better.

Although he still had some savings, Duan Qing had already done this feeling of sitting on his hands once before, and the result of that time... Anyway, he really didn't want it to happen again.

It seems that filling your stomach is more important than all the important things in life. It would be great if you can make some money in the game, and this kind of thing should not be...violated.

No matter what, it's better than starving to death.

In short, now, I just want to play the game well. Before entering the game, Duan Qing once again confirmed his current mood. He felt that those people who were worrying about things were just scaring him. He was not the devil, so what could he do to them.


Of course, if trouble really comes your way...

The buzzing sound of the game cabin sounded, and correspondingly, there were also the lights in the cabin gradually dimming, and... Duan Qing's sneer face.

This chapter has been completed!
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