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1700 lights up

"Cough! Cough, cough, cough -"

The smell of dust that hit his face appeared in Duan Qing's senses along with the separated walls. He slapped his palms vigorously, and what he wanted to say was replaced by a violent cough: "This place...

It looks like it needs cleaning."

"The connection between the spaces is not completely established. My judgment just now seems to be wrong." Instead of being as embarrassed as Duan Qing, Naxia's serious voice immediately rang: "But it doesn't matter, the time should still be good.

It’s too late.”

She stretched out her hand and waved, and the huge force sent Duan Qing's body out of thin air into the huge darkness in front of her. The hum of magic also appeared in his ears for a moment after breaking away from the protection of the barrier, and then another

He suddenly disappeared with a dull sound of closing the door behind him: "You, do you want to kill me? I was almost crushed into a cake by these magical energies!"

"If this moment of energy suppression can crush you to death, you don't have to be my apprentice." The two spaces have been isolated into the darkness inside and outside, and Nasia's indifferent expression continued to flash.

Appeared in the magical light: "And——"

"This space was originally not connected to the outside world, and the energy would not flow in here so quickly."

The same old scene, the same mess that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time, a small and dim room gradually formed in front of Duan Qing's eyes, together with the dust on the ground around it, around where the gray-robed magician fell to the ground.

Slowly lifting up and spreading. As if he understood the meaning of the other party's words, Duan Qing also slowly removed his urgently raised magic shield bit by bit, and the dim lights ignited by magic also followed Naxia.

The subtle magic runes drawn by waving his arms gradually lit up the scene in the room around the two people: "...Well, it's not as gorgeous as I thought."

"Of course, I decorated my original room myself." There was a look of pride and confidence on her face, and Nasia's originally slender and thin expression became a bit brighter.

: "In order to prepare the center of the Violet Fortress, I spent a lot of energy and a lot of magic reserves in the past period."

"Recall what you looked like at that time, and then compare how you look now... Tsk, tsk, tsk." Duan Qing stood up slowly, shook his head and sighed: "It turns out that my mentor is still a vain person.


"That's not admiration for vanity, it's devotion to order." She walked forward with swaying steps, and Naxia's raised sleeves and her widened eyes passed in front of Duan Qing's eyes: "Why?

,What is the problem?"

"How dare I do this."

Duan Qing hurriedly took two steps back with a smile, and put a respectful expression on his face: "Then, dear Great Magician, do you plan to restore this place to your gorgeous residence?"

"if possible."

"This is no small project." Rolling his eyes, Duan Qing hurriedly suppressed the opponent's vague aura: "Just thinking about how gorgeous the room was at that time, my head is already swelling.

It has become as big as the fruit of the Kerke tree."

"I know this is not a normal request, so we can complete this slowly." Naxia waved her hand, crossed Duan Qing's body, and then sent several magic runes surrounding her.

Reaching the dark depths in front of us: "Now——"

"The first thing we need to do is activate some of the functions of these towers."

The flying magic runes gradually disappeared and sank in front of Duan Qing's eyes as Nasia's words fell, exuding soft brilliance in the surrounding turbid air, and appeared in the room around the magic runes.

The silk threads were reflected on the surrounding walls as these runes fell, extending like a spider web toward the depths of the invisible tower: "The transmission channel is opened, the circulating energy array... is opened,

The teleportation array module is not available now. We will talk about this later. The protective barrier—well, it should be opened as it should be. The energy carrying rate is...280%."

"It's not far from an overload explosion."

Nasia breathed out softly, as if she was talking to herself, and then she put away the words that shocked Duan Qing: "But it doesn't matter, collecting and stabilizing energy has always been a problem in the magic world, but waste and

Every magician should be very good at squandering magical energy."


The ear-piercing explosion sound then sounded in Duan Qing's ears? The gray-robed magician hurriedly raised his head and looked at the dim space in the direction where the sound made the sound suddenly became bright and conspicuous: "This is - Qian

Eye magic circle?"

"Simply put, it's the investigation system." Answering the other party's words nonchalantly? Nasia waved countless identical magic images around the room with a series of small explosion sounds like balloon explosions with disdain: "In reality,

The Violet Tower also has something like this, and of course it has been carefully packaged by me? Which magician doesn’t like to put these flashy things on his magic? To make outsiders look very high-end? "

"So many magical images...how many such magic circles have you arranged?"

"This is not a simple magic circle, it is a rune magic circle."

Correcting Duan Qing's next question, Nasia's hands that were constantly manipulating something did not stop in the room that suddenly became brighter: "I have already emphasized that the violet array is composed of the talismans of various basic arrays.

Although they are extremely complicated, as long as I am willing as the creator, I can naturally resurrect these magic circles in an instant."

"These magic circles that have been reproduced in this old site? Whether it is the runes themselves or the structure of the runes? They are no different from the runes I know." The same purple light glowed in the eyes? Nasia's

His sight seemed to extend to the invisible depths of the wall along with those flying magic threads: "It is precisely because of this that I have the confidence to control them again."

"Even if it still retains the most original state on the surface? As long as the structure has not changed-"

The pictures floating in the air suddenly lit up with different brightnesses? In the scene above, dazzling purple rays also shined towards the bottom of the dark night sky at the far end like sunshine:

"Weapon system activated!"

"Hyper's Breath!"



"So you activated those laser-like things, right?"

A period of time later, in the dark night, Duan Qing's figure gradually appeared inside the floating city high in the sky. After briefly sorting out his embarrassed expression, he later reunited with Xue Ling Huan Bing and others?

She and several other players shouted in unison: "We are taking over the hunting down there! You almost blew us up into the sky together!"

"Of course I know this? After all, your figures are still somewhat obvious in the dark tide." Duan Qing, who answered the other party's words with a sigh and tried hard to hold his sore shoulder, twisted his neck and continued: "But Naxia herself doesn't care.

These, the energy in the tower has to be fired when the arrow is on the string, there is no room for maneuver at all."

"Fortunately, I sensed the appearance of those high-energy rays in advance and activated the teleportation rune." Throwing aside a broken stone in his hand, Xue Ling Huan Bing pointed at his companions around him angrily: "Otherwise

We will really become the victims of your intrusion into the tower."

"The only thing that can be fortunate is that this outpouring of energy was not in vain." He sat on the other side of the bonfire early, folding his arms and closing his eyes to meditate, but he replied slowly: "Those beasts that want to besiege

As a result, most of them were killed or injured, so we can be considered to have achieved considerable results."

"Hmph, the competition between us was interrupted because of this." As if he didn't like to see the other party's calm demeanor at this time, Xue Ling Huan Bing showed her teeth that were whiter than her own: "I will remember it.

There are still three heads left.”

"Ha, these three heads are the ravine that you will never be able to catch up with." Xu Yu Liu's posture as he was kneeling on the ground still looked heroic and dignified: "I'll give you another ten hours, and you won't have the chance to fill it."

The gap caused by a moment of carelessness.”

"You also know that it was a moment of carelessness! If you just give me another chance-"

"Give you another chance? In other words, do you admit that you lost this time? Okay, according to our previous agreement, the loser has to call the other person sister."

The air pressure and temperature began to rise significantly as the two women were facing each other. Even their beautiful appearance and incomparable goddess temperament were dimmed a lot because of the evil aura they exuded from each other. They also felt this

Duan Qing, who was full of evil spirits, then wiped the cold sweat from his face, and his eyes kept turning back and forth as he wanted to change the topic: "Well, that... In short, the problem of the tower has been solved for the time being. We have

Everything can be moved forward..."

"Where is Nasia herself?" Gedman, who was closing his eyes and concentrating, then put down the wine bottle in his hand: "Why didn't she come back with you?"

"Miss Nasia is still in the tower." He was answered by Ci Ninglan, who was standing aside with her hands folded: "According to what Mr. said before, there are still many magic structures in the entire tower territory that need to be adjusted and processed - yes

Yes, sir, do we need to send some food to Miss Nasia?"

"She is a great magician. Mere hunger cannot stop this workaholic." Duan Qing curled his lips and replied: "And with her name as the Lord of Violet, those problems should be solved soon.


"In other words, the magic energy in the tower is still under extreme overload?" After closing his eyes and pondering for a moment, Xueling Huanbing then walked to Duan Qing's side: "With the life sacrifice we used before,

Is there any connection between the sacrifice and the void magic circle?"

"I don't know, Naxia herself didn't tell the reason for all this." Shaking his head, Duan Qing sighed and replied: "After the previous magic pouring, the concentration of magic inside has been reduced a lot.

It should have reached below the safety line now."

"With such a powerful weapon system, it's no wonder that the Violet Tower has always been regarded as a serious dangerous target by people in the empire and the principality." Xu Yu Liushang crossed his arms and nodded his head: "Once this kind of strike method is used,

If used on anyone, the consequences would be unimaginable."

"Then why didn't we use this method during the previous confrontation with the Hulun tribe?" Zhaori Dongsheng's voice suddenly rang in everyone's ears: "If we show this trick, everyone who refuses to accept it will have to die.

Kneel down honestly?"

"When the ceremony of the present world was completed, the Hulun people had already begun to give up." Looking up at the starry sky that was closer than usual, Duan Qing then put away his sighing expression: "And when we haven't completed it,

When the tower group was transferred, the confrontation between us and the Hulun tribe's territory was all arranged by Naxia."

"To fight against the two-sided attack of the Hulun tribe and the beast tide on your own - the foreign aid you found is really powerful enough." Xu Yu Liushang also followed up with his own evaluation: "Although it was still a little bit close in the end.

Something unexpected happened - hey, how is our support? Is it strong and in place?"

"I don't know if it works or not, but at least it gives us a signal." Duan Qing, who was still moving his shoulders, smiled and waved his hand: "Otherwise we wouldn't be able to pick you up - uh."

"Yes, otherwise we wouldn't be able to find you guys who have been following us." Then Duan Qing's voice answered, and Xue Ling Huan Bing, who was smiling like a flower, reached out and pinched the gray-robed magician's shoulder.

: "I see that you have been moving your shoulders. What's wrong? Are you too tired from the previous actions? Or are you injured?"

"No, um...I'm fine." Feeling the gentle force on his shoulders and the sudden chill from a certain angle in front of him, Duan Qing's smiling face instantly became a little distorted.

: "It is a good thing after all that everyone can come together. This is not a question of who helps whom. We are in urgent need of talents now, although-"


As if he felt the increased force on his shoulders, Duan Qing's words that he wanted to say were frozen in mid-air with a pained voice, and then the man's voice continued to murmur out of the corner of his eyes.

The smile became more and more obvious, and the flowing fingers followed her graceful movements and crossed in front of her: "You don't have to be so polite, we have been persisting until now just to find you. If you don't believe me, you can ask

Ask Lin Ersha and Ninglan if they care about other things?"

"I don't think Jian Beidong is that interested. He seems unwilling to act with us." Xue Ling Huan Bing, who was behind Duan Qing, let go of the hand he was squeezing: "Otherwise, he wouldn't be here at this time.

I don’t even want to——”


A strong crackling sound interrupted their words, and countless magic lights suddenly passed in front of them. Several players who had calmed down also raised their heads gathered in front of the fire and turned their gazes.

It fell towards the entire tower complex that was gradually illuminated by the extension of these lights.

This chapter has been completed!
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