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172 Brilliant Circulation

"This one...is wrong, or it still doesn't match up, ahhh! Who's the best at learning circuits?"

"Shouldn't this be done by those who learn to do jigsaw puzzles..."

The surrounding areas of the broken platform have been cleaned up a lot by Duan Qing and others, but this process is still laborious because they don't want to accidentally throw away those useful things while cleaning, and the so-called useful things,

It was the pieces of gravel in Duan Qing's hand. But unlike the fragments broken into by the fallen pillars around him, the surfaces of those gravels were engraved with some complicated patterns.

According to Duan Qing's guess, these patterns should be the prototype of magic patterns.

Comparing it with the groove they found, several people easily discovered the original location of these fragments - the bodies of these fragments may have turned out to be a special stone pillar, standing in the middle of this quasi-circular platform.

Location. However, what is different from other stone pillars is that this stone pillar - or platform pillar - should have some special purposes. Based on the effect of Duan Qing's inadvertent touch before, several people have guessed: This central area

, it was originally supposed to be used to place the disc in Duan Qing's hand. And those things similar to magic patterns can probably transmit the energy contained in the disc to other places.

"These lines are connected to the surrounding stone pillars. We have probably seen it before. Basically... they are also connected to this groove." Duan Qing, who was sitting on the ground, observed carefully.

The fragments in his hands were picked up and put down piece by piece: "If we can restore it..."

"Recovery is almost impossible." Xueling Huanbing glanced around: "We are not skilled craftsmen, nor are we alchemists. How can we have such ability..."

"It doesn't need to be completely restored, it just needs to be able to play some of its original functions."

"That's difficult too." The big man in black armor brought a piece of engraved fragments in front of him and looked at it with some boredom for a while: "Even if it is a puzzle, these things are three-dimensional, how can it be so easy to make them work?"

You put them together like building blocks, and it doesn’t matter whether they will work or not..."

"The key question is...it's going to be dark."

The woman closed her head and looked up above. The dim dusk had begun to become darker and darker in their eyes, and the daytime atmosphere began to slowly disappear: "Maybe we can still survive here.

One night, but these things... no matter how long you give them, there may not be any progress."

"So, let's go take a look elsewhere." After saying this, the big man stood up: "Maybe we can find something else in other places..."

Several people invariably stared at the central light body that was getting brighter in the gradually darkening environment, secretly wiping their cold sweat.

"That thing... must be a very valuable thing."

"I don't know, but we can't even be sure of most of what we can observe now."

"Is there any operation that can stop that thing?"

"Maybe, we haven't fully explored it yet, there may be some switches hidden."

"To be honest, I don't think it's a good idea to turn off that thing. Maybe the whole cloud will disappear, and then we will be in trouble..."

"What are you afraid of? Let's dig up three feet of the ground here first. Even if there are other things to do... If other adventurers climb to this place, we will have already looted valuable things...


"I'm not worried about this, I'm worried about the high altitude, the high altitude!" Pressing the two fragments together forcibly, Duan Qing put down his work helplessly: "This is a place thousands of meters high. If

Without this surrounding cloud and mist, do you think the things around us could be preserved so well? If this layer of cloud and mist disappeared, let alone the ruins, it would be difficult for even us to save our lives...


"And you can't necessarily take that thing with you." Xue Ling Huan Bing pointed at the object in the center that was still glowing with dazzling white light, and then Duan Qing said: "If that thing is big, we can't even move it.


"Are we really going to get nothing?" The big man in black armor looked at the ruins around him bitterly: "No, I have to look elsewhere, at least go around here..."

"With all this energy, brother, you might as well make preparations to spend the night here. If I remember correctly, you are still injured." Duan Qing put down two more fragments and said without raising his head: "

Take a good rest, and if there is any battle... you will be able to deal with it to some extent."

"Hey, how can there be fighting? There isn't even a hair on this place..."

Muttering some complaints, the big man in black armor still found a corner against the wall, and then sorted out the things in his bag: "I thought I had finally become the first person in the free world, but in the end there was nothing but air everywhere.

, I didn’t get anything, this crappy game...well, no, this adventure is too boring.”

"Adventures are like this. There may be no gains, but the process is infinitely exciting. Think about it, you can make a blockbuster along the way." Duan Qing, who was sitting on the ground, shook his head: "And brother, you have gained something, okay?

Okay? You have already obtained two weapons, one is more powerful than the other, and you..."

He looked at Xue Ling Huan Bing with a "gloomy" look, and the latter couldn't help but laugh: "I also got a key stone... It's the kind that may transform in the future.

Look at me again, I’m the one who got nothing. I’m so handsome and powerful, but not only my companions, but even the female dealers can’t look down on me..."

He said these two words bitterly, squeezed the two pieces in his hand hard, then looked up at the dim sky, with a look of speechless questioning to the sky: "Probably... even heaven

You must be jealous of me."


In the smiling eyes of the woman, the big man in black armor finally couldn't help but burst out: "Oh, my, when I think about it... you are indeed miserable! Don't be sad, don't be sad, come back and follow me

Go back to the Iron Fist Gang, brother, for the sake of our life and death, I will give you some compensation! The worst I can do is treat you to dinner! Hahahaha!"

Amidst the continuous sound of thigh slapping, only the young man from the Nosier tribe walked to Duan Qing's side hesitantly and said with a sad face: "Don't, don't be sad, God... will not abandon us."


"...I don't know what your misunderstanding is, but thank you anyway." Looking at the other person's expression that wanted to comfort him, Duan Qing laughed inexplicably: "God is always fair, if

If he doesn't treat me well now, he will definitely do so in the future... You are the same, a young man who wants to be an adventurer."

He patted the other person's shoulder, and then pointed to the person who was still laughing not far away: "Help me get a torch...it's almost invisible here."

In the light and shadow of the young man standing up, Duan Qing pieced together the two pieces of gravel in his hand again, and then...slowly placed them in the corner of the square groove. In the sight of others who did not notice, he

The long strips composed of the few pieces of gravel that were put together before were placed in different directions in the groove, and finally the disk-like thing was stuffed in the middle of them.

"And then there's the direction... Is that it? Or is that it? Ugh, what do these signs mean..."

The buzzing sound suddenly echoed in everyone's ears again. Nan Tieshan and Xue Ling Huan Bing, who were busy, suddenly looked back and saw several black stone pillars centered on the platform, slowly surrounding it.

A familiar bright white light slowly emitted. The light extended along the cracks all over the stone pillars to the center of the platform. Perhaps the white light originally extended from the place blocked by the man's body.

"What did you find?" So several people hurriedly put down what they were holding and ran to Duan Qing's side.

Slowly letting go of the disk in his hand and letting it stabilize in the center of the array composed of several pieces of gravel, Duan Qing let out a breath: "It actually works... Huh? You guys

Why are you all here?"

"How can we not detect such a big movement?"

Pointing to the buzzing stone pillars behind him, the woman in black cloak said angrily: "I didn't expect you to succeed secretly..."

"What does it mean to be sneaky? I have been doing this under your noses, okay?" After glancing at the surrounding scene, Duan Qing shrugged needlessly, and then focused his attention on the surface of the disk again: "So.

.....Next, how should we operate this thing?"

He looked at the unexplained marks in the center of the disk and rubbed his chin.



Several people stared at the fluorescent disk in front of them at the same time, feeling worried.

"No matter, let's just give it a try."

Looking at the increasingly gloomy fog, Nan Tieshan, who couldn't wait any longer, took the lead in shouting: "Isn't it just death? What's there to be afraid of..."

"What if it triggers the end of the world?" She slapped the big man's hand away, and the woman said in a low voice: "We have analyzed it before... Let's search other places first.

Maybe there will be instructions or something..."

"Mingshu? Was there such a thing in ancient times?"

"I don't know, but it's better than trying randomly."

"Well, if you remind me like this... maybe the reminder is nearby." Duan Qing, who was still sitting on the ground, began to bend his waist and look around: "General designs are like this...


"How can it be so simple...Hey, where are you looking?"

"Misunderstanding, it just so happens that you are standing in this angle... Hey, hey, don't be angry, don't be angry, I know I was wrong, hey, don't be angry, my heart..."

Dodging the opponent's feint, Duan Qing accidentally pressed his hand on the surface of the disk, but in the nervous eyes of several people, the disk, which had completely glowed with a soft white light, did not show any reaction.

"Huh?" Duan Qing hurriedly retracted his hand and stretched his head above the disk to observe carefully: "It seems like nothing happened?"

"Are those runes just decorations?"

"It seems that I can only work hard to learn magic knowledge when I go back. Otherwise, if I encounter this situation, my eyes will be completely black..."

After poking at the disc of light for a long time, Duan Qing and others finally confirmed that the lines and marks of light had no effect, so they had to sit down around the disc again and carefully inspect the temporary piece.

Every corner of the device: "How to use this thing..."

"That, that..."

Art, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said next to them: "I was wondering if..."

Under the gazes of several people, he drew back his neck in fear, and then plucked up the courage again: "Is... the way of placing it wrong?"


Several people looked at each other again for a while, and then they all shouted.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that? Sure enough, I thought the problem was too complicated..."

"Wrong posture? No, this may only be a possibility, but...well, it is indeed very possible."

"Maybe it was originally designed like this. You see...this place was originally supposed to be a stone platform. Maybe this place was originally designed to be a rotating disk..."

While discussing in a hurry, several people gave Art a thumbs up, then picked up the disc and the gravel below to operate it: "Well...these matching components

You have to change it too...how did you put it together?"

"It's just forced to follow the direction of these lines, but if you need to turn, the distance between this side and this side is wrong... Find two more pieces from the pile of fragments and reassemble them.


"How about using this? I think it's quite suitable."

"No, no, no, this piece should be placed here...and here...well, with previous experience..."

After some fussing, the disc was placed back in the center of the groove at a different angle, but this time, the surrounding stone pillars did not all light up like before - among the ring-shaped stone pillars, near the left

A certain stone pillar on the side still shows its original black color, as if there is a gap in the original perfect circle.

"Strange, the result this time seems to be even worse than before..." Looking at the unlit stone pillar, Xue Ling Huan Bing said with some disappointment.

"No, I think..." As if he realized something, Duan Qing quickly observed the appearance of the entire second floor, and then looked at the disk below again: "We really got it right this time.


Then, he stretched out his hand to hold the disk and all the fragments under it, and turned it in a circle: "If this is the case..."

He looked up and looked ahead of him: "What will happen?"

In front of him, at the edge of the platform, the clouds and mist that had sunk into the dusk of dusk suddenly began to spin rapidly, gradually turning into a violent whirlwind that flew in front of them with a roaring sound. A moment later.

, in front of them in the center of the storm, a ray of light appeared in the clouds and mist like a light in the dark night - a gap suddenly appeared in the rapidly rotating clouds and mist, as if a mechanism that had been silent for a thousand years was finally activated, and a gap was revealed.

The ancient door and the ancient atmosphere it brought were displayed in front of them at the same time. The golden glow gradually appeared behind the door, and together with it, there was the dark red color falling downwards from the horizon behind the door.


"This scene is really..." While everyone was stunned, Duan Qing was the first to sigh: "It's big enough."

Behind the door made of clouds and mist, the outline of a dark shadow that resembled a city loomed in the dusk sky.

This chapter has been completed!
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