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1798 War Gold

The sound of the third crashing landing landed on the other side of the floating island as time went by. A brand new third intruder's trajectory appeared in the space jumping screen, which was already hiding in every corner.

At this time, the people of the original Sioux tribe also cast their cautious gazes on the surface of the reflective figure that gradually took on a metallic texture. The original feeling of awe in their minds was due to a series of bizarre sights and strange things in the past few days.

Most of the magic was dissipated: "——Look, another enemy has invaded."

"Two envoys are holding one back, and the two new envoys of the divine envoy are also trying their best to deal with it... If the magician envoy doesn't show up, won't it be our turn?"

"Don't forget how the messenger warned us, that is not an enemy we can deal with."

"But we don't have any extra combat power! If we don't think of another way-"


The ear-piercing metallic vibration then rang in the ears of the aboriginal people hiding in their respective corners. The reflection of the same metal wire also rose in the upright direction after the flying shadow in the distance fell, leaving tiny scratches.

As those metal threads extended, they converged in the direction of the maid player who appeared on the other side of the ruins, and finally disappeared between her raised hands and the dagger intertwined in them: "In that case, then

Let Ninglan deal with the third opponent."

"...It seems we need to think about this issue carefully."

Looking at the sight of the scattered wires entangled with the invading envoy again shown in the surveillance screen, Duan Qing frowned deeply unconsciously: "With the battle shown by the previous envoy,

With their strength, it seems difficult to completely kill them in a short time...Do we still have the extra combat power to deal with the remaining three of the same kind?"

"Since the strength shown by the individual who first appeared at the Barish Conference is different, I should be able to deal with it a little bit." Xueling Huanbing took the sword and shield placed next to him and stood up.

His expression gradually became firmer: "If it falls again, let me handle it, and you can figure out a way for the rest -"

"No, I will take care of the rest." Duan Qing, who reached out to stop Xueling Huanbing's attempt to get up, said in a low voice, then moved towards Weier who was still controlling the entire floating island.

Li Te glanced in the direction where he was: "You are still responsible for protecting this place. If you can't participate in the frontal battle, you will not participate."

"Don't worry, I'm not going out to fight with them." Stopping the white-haired woman from blurting out a retort, the gray-robed magician turned around and walked out of the room again: "Defeat those angels.

It may indeed be difficult, but it just delays time..."

"I might still be able to do it."

The sounds of fierce fighting echoed around the tower as the gray-robed magician kept spinning and descending, occasionally mixed with the roar of Jian Beidong swinging his sword forward and the sound of Asahi Dongsheng being knocked away.

He groaned, closed his eyes and brewed for a while, then took off the elemental staff from behind again, and opened his eyes with the white light that appeared at the gate of the tower: "Wind Protection!"

"Blessing of Fire!"

"Frost Shield!"

"Advanced magic enhancement - rock skin!"

Continuous magical light flashed on Duan Qing's body as he stepped out. The colorful light finally calmed down like running water after a fierce reaction. Duan Qing, who looked at these colors, then stopped singing.

With his actions, he temporarily put aside the sense of accomplishment of establishing different magical protections on himself: "Okay, then -"

"Then let's start with the easiest direction to deal with."

Under the chaotic light and shadow caused by another space jump, the gray-robed magician suddenly raised his staff and pointed towards the ruins on the left side of the tower. Three or two condensed stones were also at the tip of his raised staff.

Suddenly flying out, they followed different curves and ran toward the envoy who had just been forced back by Xu Yu Liushang's sword: "The magic threat is approaching, activate -"


The icy light that appeared at the feet of the divine envoy blocked its attempt to dodge for an instant. The three stone lights that hit the surface of the metal body also successfully broke through the magical defense field that had just been activated, and it flew in on a trajectory.

The stone did not seem to have much lethality, but the strong impact it produced successfully knocked the divine envoy staggering: "——The force appears! It's now!"

"Your magic power seems to have improved a lot." He suddenly passed by the divine envoy, and the flowing blue hair appeared after a series of ping-pong-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang metal chopping sounds: "You can't even do this...

You can control enemies at a certain level...Did you use the method of burning life again?"

"Thanks to you two who keep an eye on me every day, I rarely use this method now."

Having already fully adapted to the strength of the divine envoy in the past brief and fierce battle, Jian Beidong, who rushed forward from the other side, immediately took over the next suppression task, while watching all this

Duan Qing then showed a helpless smile, but the spell-casting action in his hand showed no sign of stopping: "But unlike those magics such as ice, fire, and water, earth magic attacks inherently have strong physical attributes.

The 'Rock and Soil Missile' just made use of this simulated 'bludgeoning' property. Under the enhanced effect of the intermediate magic power, it is very easy to break through the magic defense array."

"In words that you can understand, this kind of attack can easily weaken the toughness of these metal lumps." At this point, the gray-robed magician suddenly raised his hand and used the suddenly rising rock pillar to shock the generals who were still there.

The body of the divine envoy fighting the naked swordsman in front was shaken a little: "Is it difficult to damage it with the sword? Because the hatred value is currently on you, I can use this method to limit it at will."

"I hope this can help you defeat each other faster."

Continuous stone bullets were like a Gatling machine gun, splashing from the tip of Duan Qing's raised staff towards the emissary in the distance. The clanking sound of knocking also suppressed the movement of the metal body that just wanted to fly.

After coming down, the giant lightsaber in his hand was never successfully raised again. He no longer wasted the precious opportunity with too many words, and the figure who was chattering forward with gritted teeth also drew a white line in the air. Ordinary

At this time, the long sword also exerted a power far beyond ordinary people with the blessing of the power of the Valkyrie, and instantly shuttled through the series of stone barrages: "——Giant's Sword!"

"Its defense strength and armor level have been lowered by me! Hurry!"

A huge sword shadow bloomed for a moment in the middle of the fight between the two people, and the dull feeling of metal being crushed also appeared behind Wu Yu Liushang. She barely stopped her body and tried her best to control the inertia after she slashed.

At the same time, he shouted a reminder in the other direction behind him: "The duration is only six seconds!"

"Believe in the tacit understanding between us, my dear eldest lady." Behind her came Jian Beidong's low laugh and a clearer sword strike: "White rainbow piercing the sun!"

The white Changhong, which was much more gorgeous than before, passed through the body of the divine envoy as Jian Beidong's figure passed by, followed closely by a series of electric spark-like sounds and a sudden explosion.

Jian Beidong, who stood up in response to this series of lights, then showed a confident smile and made a victory gesture towards the chatter in front of him: "How about it, young lady, do you want to give me a celebratory hug... uh."

"There are still two equally difficult guys waiting for us to deal with!" He left Jian Beidong on the spot without looking back. At this time, Xu Yu Liushang had already rushed to the other two directions and fired barrages.

Next to Duan Qing: "We are here at Tianfeng! We can deal with the remaining two right away -"

The muffled sound of a crash then plowed through everyone's ears, and as a new meteor hit the ruins, smoke and dust in the distance rose in the corners of the field of vision of the two people present, and the murmurs with some serious expressions followed in a hurry.

He clenched the long sword in his hand, and wanted to take the lead but was stopped by the man beside him: "Don't go there, just help others at your own pace."

"After all, I was the one originally scheduled to be responsible for picking up the monsters."

The magical energy surrounding him became more and more obvious with the stretched limbs. Duan Qing, whose body was floating, then waved his hand to the woman next to him as if to comfort him, before it was completely scattered to the nearby dust.

However, with the scene of the gray robe magic suddenly spraying forward, it spread to both sides again, and together they sent his figure to the position where the fourth divine envoy fell after breaking into the floating island: "Fire impact!"

"An enemy target was discovered——"

"Stop talking!"

The reflection of the metal only appeared for a moment when the fire suddenly appeared, and the next moment it was covered back by the ice crystals dropped by Duan Qing's wave: "You have time to announce the curtain, you might as well compete with me on two moves!"

"Elemental Shaping!"

A spear then condensed on Duan Qing's left hand side. The tip of the spear shone with a chilling light as the gray-robed magician stepped forward. Hot friction then also occurred between the tip of the spear and the body of the divine envoy.

It burst out at the point of collision, and the force that came back from here also took the lead in shaking the earthen stone spear into fragments all over the sky: "...bang."


A dull voice was then uttered from the mouth of the divine envoy who was close at hand, and a seemingly extremely fast whistling sword was then passed over the top of Duan Qing's head, which was avoided by the gray-robed magician protected by the wind element.

The body's agility and speed also exerted their due effect at this time, and Duan Qing's body became much lighter and faster: "——Fortunately, the original foundation is still there, coupled with this strengthened body

, barely enough to keep me from falling behind in close combat."

"But even with the protection of fire, my attack power still seems unable to break through your defense."

Duan Qing, who waved his hand and casually threw two or three rocks, blocked the progress of the God Envoy, and then opened the distance between them again: "The situation forced me to transfer a lot of energy to defense and avoidance.

Now, the two of us can only dance next to each other - ouch."

The sword light from the extended lightsaber slashed across Duan Qing's side, which he had no time to avoid, and cut large cracks into the rocky skin covering his body: "The premise is that I can't make any more mistakes...

…A land of ice!”

The ground became smooth as Duan Qing shouted this time, but it had no impact on the refloating divine messenger. It flew up with its wings and then roared towards Duan with an even stronger impact.

Coming from the direction of Qing: "——Double Ice Shield!"


Under the series of spellcasting sounds and the crisp sound of the ice shield being shattered, a distinctive syllable suddenly rose up, and rushed towards the gray-robed magician next to him along the tangent of the divine envoy's slash.

He pressed a magic rune that suddenly appeared in his hand into the dust under his feet. The blooming purple light then quickly rose up and intertwined after the rune disappeared into the air, forming a chain that would be attached to it.

The metal body that rose from the ground pulled back: "...It seems that there is no other way if we don't attack."

"Hopefully this will work."

Another elemental shaping technique gradually took shape between Duan Qing's hands, but the condensed earth element was not shaped into any ordinary weapon, but a huge gun barrel that Duan Qing held between his arms: "

Although it is a temporary piece of stuff, as long as the principle is correct, the power should be guaranteed - cannonball loading!"

"Burning explosion!"

A loud muffled sound then appeared at the bottom of the earthen gun barrel, and the blooming fireworks also successfully shot out the earthen artillery shell condensed in it. The extremely close distance and extreme speed also followed here.

A bright straight line was drawn between the gray-robed magician and the bound divine envoy, followed by a large amount of smoke and dust and billowing firelight ejected from the left and right: "...Three, two, one.


"It's time for bondage."

Silently thinking about the final time for the rune magic he had learned only a few times to take effect, Duan Qing, who was hit by the huge recoil force in the corner of the ruins, climbed up with difficulty, his cautious eyes amidst the billowing smoke and dust.

After searching for a long time, he suddenly turned behind him: "——I'll dodge!"


I don't know when he stood there, and the seemingly unscathed angel waved a new round of sword light. Duan Qing, who rolled to the ground in a panic, then hurriedly pressed the condensed healing light on his arm and the corner of his eye.

But he involuntarily floated to the side again: "The movement is indeed slower than before, but -"

"The number seems to have increased."

He looked at another identical metal body that gradually emerged from the dust, with a large dent in its chest, and muttered to himself involuntarily.

This chapter has been completed!
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