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1838 Dome

The winding path showed the unique twists and turns of the mountain ridge in front of Xuyu Liushang. The rocks and peaks wrapped on the left and right began to gradually collapse with the increase in altitude and the continuous energy explosions. There was no longer any metal accumulation protected by the mountains.

Objects were also completely exposed on both sides of the mountain path in the increasingly harsh wind. The reflection of metal at this time also reflected the tragic scene with the blood thrown by the broken copper and metal waving in the air.

——Through the previously randomly discovered and selected paths, Wu Liushang, who has the power of the Valkyrie and can pick up weapons at his fingertips, has become an unstoppable presence at this moment, and the corpses of Avengers players pile up like mountains one after another.

As they continued to attack and test, they gradually piled up at the back of the path: "——Stop."

"Sir Vice Leader?"

"I know."

After waving his hand to stop his men, the woman in red and gorgeous fur followed the footsteps of this mobile killing battlefield and stopped not far from the siege circle where the whispers were flowing: "I know this is that woman's

At the end of her battle, if she still has the energy to continue fighting, she will definitely stand there and tease us with a look of unfulfilled pleasure, instead of deterring us with such forceful killings."

"Since this woman has reached the point of using this method of bluffing, the sacrifices of the brothers during this period have not been in vain." Condensing her anger due to her failure to direct the attack for a long time, the woman in red was gloomy.

He replied pitifully: "What's more, she chose this path."

"We don't have to worry about her anymore."

The rugged road became clearer as the attacking tide gradually receded. The accumulation of metal also formed a cruel scene like a mountain of knives on the steep ridges on both sides. The murmurs of the besieging combatants were heard as they watched them leave.

Then he threw away the sword blade in his hand with a sigh of relief, and looked around at the source of the scene in front of him: "...What? Don't you plan to continue to stop me?"

"It made me think that I was walking on a false path."

Following the ridge and the strong wind blowing at high altitude, Xu Yuliu looked at the top of the mountain peak that appeared in front of the rugged path. As her attention shifted, the vague circular altar-like terrain also appeared in the yellow sand and dark clouds.

Appearing in the doomsday background formed by the combination of each other: "What is this thing? Has this place been mentioned in previous materials?"

"Why don't you keep moving forward?" The distant sarcastic voice of the woman in red sounded immediately behind her: "The witch of time, now the incarnation of the Valkyrie, the blood on her hands is enough to make up for the timidity in her heart.


"It seems that you also want me to go to that place." Turning around and looking at the top of the mountain peak again, the female swordsman's long blue hair, wrapped in bright white light, was fluttering in the wind at this time: "And

It's an existence that makes me fearless even after I arrive... Humph, is there some powerful BOSS-level guard waiting for me, or is there some dangerous trap prepared?"

Glancing around here again, she no longer cared about what was going on around her, and then she struggled out of the sea of ​​​​blood from the mountains of corpses lying around. The Valkyrie armor, which was already covered in blood, seemed to be affected by this action.

The appearance was covered with a layer of shadow-like dust, and the light dimmed a bit as the heavy armor continued to leave bloody marks. Following the opponent from a distance, the red-clothed soldiers with a large group of pursuers followed.

At this time, the woman also gradually restrained the deliberate smile on her face. She secretly made a gesture in a certain direction behind her, and then led her pursuers to follow at the same speed, neither far nor near.

He went up and said: "You are lucky. It only took one chance to find the core location of our sacred mountain. That is the center of the ancient ruins on the top of the mountain, a peak full of mystery and unknowns."

"The name is 'Altar of Destiny'."

Watching the other party lowering his head to check his adventurer map and system prompts, the sarcastic smile on the corner of the woman in red began to become more obvious: "Although the purpose is not completely understood yet, there is probably something hidden there that we have not explored yet.

The great secret of the Ming Dynasty. In the legend of the grassland, those who can sacrifice enough sacrifices on that altar will be favored by fate and realize all their wishes."

"Oh? It seems you want me to be a sacrifice?"

"I'm not saying that. We haven't even found a way to verify this legend yet."

Faced with the murmuring questions without turning around, the sarcastic tone in the woman in red's voice began to become more and more intense: "Including but not limited to using a large amount of energy to fill, researching and transforming the altar furnishings here,

Look for the ancient relics and stories left here to see if we can find any mechanism or the like... Maybe your arrival can change everything, Daughter of Destiny?"


Feeling the malice fully revealed by the other party, Wuyu Liushang no longer wasted too many words. With extremely unstable energy fluctuations in her body, she walked firmly on the road to the summit altar, and finally stood in the forest, which looked like the ruins of a doomsday battlefield.

The highest boundary line was crossed in the package of ruins: "——So that's it."

"It seems you have been waiting for a long time."

Looking at the large number of people guarding here, another middle-aged man in luxurious clothes who was closing his eyes and concentrating, standing in the center of the altar with his arms folded, murmured and couldn't help but sneered: "Prepare to let me do it myself."

Throw yourself into a trap and catch me in this place?”

"There is no need to hide the center of the sacred mountain. We have already discovered the purpose of the Altar of Destiny." Waving to the large number of subordinate players behind him, the leader of the Avengers Alliance standing here replied stiffly: "Although

It’s just a partial clue, but the degree of ‘utilization’ can still be achieved.”

"The lasting effect of my Valkyrie's power will end soon, so you don't actually need to bother so much." His face was as pale as the unstable energy surrounding him, and he was leaning on his sword as he murmured and turned his gaze to

The people here said: "If you want to kill me as a way to vent your anger, just go ahead and do it. Just answer a few questions from me before that."

"Please allow me to refuse." Shaking his head slowly but firmly, the middle-aged leader opened his eyes: "I know you want to pry into the connection and secret between this place and the armor you are wearing.

So I won’t tell you.”

"You are still as stingy as ever, Mr. Jingjun." He called out the other party's real name, and he smiled complacently: "You are already this age, and there are still people under your hands.

So many supporters, aren’t they enough to amplify your measure a little bit?”

"Our Avengers have always been very ambitious and have great ambitions. You don't need to worry about it at all." Also approaching behind the murmurers, the woman in red, who was the deputy leader, spoke again with a gloomy tone:

"But that's only for us insiders. To deal with you who are a thorn in our flesh, virtues like 'tolerance' are cruel to us."

"Everyone here has the same idea."

Silent murderous intent began to float around the top of the mountain, accompanied by a middle-aged man who was the leader of the alliance, standing in the center of the altar-like circular platform, raising his hands that gathered energy, huge oppression and various forces.

Various energy attacks seemed to be like the ferocious shouts released by the players who had been suppressing them for a long time, and they all rushed towards the direction of Whispering Liushang: "Because——"

"They are all evil ghosts who once shouldered your Cruxide's rule and darkness, and are full of resentment and revenge against you."


"Is there anything else that can be mined? It's better not to use the blood sword yet. I'm afraid you will damage the device below."

"…Do I look that violent?"

"You know that's not what I mean. After all, the weapon power of Blood Sword Luoyang is too high, and it also has the killing effect of destroying demons. If you destroy these clues that we have finally found - you,

what are you doing?"

"In that case, I'll just change back to my dragon bone weapon."

Under the abyss where all kinds of dust and debris are still floating upward, the figures belonging to Duan Qing and Xue Ling Huan Bing are also busy in the radiating light, using magic as an auxiliary means to clean up.

The white dagger and buckler that Xueling Huanbing had just revealed appeared in the eyes of the remaining gray-robed magician, accompanied by her energy that was also flashing beside her: "As long as I

Isn’t it enough that the strength attribute can still be used? If you want to be lazy, just say so.”


Covering his forehead and showing a helpless look, Duan Qing then gave up the idea of ​​asking this woman to give up this manual labor. He looked up at the sound of wind that was still gathering and intensifying in the deepest part of this trench-like place.

The spell-casting movements on his hands also sped up a bit: "Okay, this is our last effort anyway, let's do as much as we can."

"I have never thought about what would happen if nothing is gained." Lowering his head and starting to use his sword energy to split the surrounding gravel, Xue Ling Huan Bing shook his head and replied: "If we can catch up with this elemental

It's best to stop the spring before it erupts. If it can't be stopped... we can just look for other adventure opportunities."

"I have never noticed that you have become so free and easy." Duan Qing raised his head and glanced at the other party, burying his head and continuing to work hard: "When did your consciousness improve to this point?"

"...You should know the answer."

The short answer was followed by a silent silence. For a while, only the various earth and stone debris flying up by the two people roared in the wind pressure between Duan Qing and Xueling Huanbing. The gray-robed magician then also released the last wind.

The blade swung to the edge of the giant pit, then clapped his hands and gradually stood up: "Thank you for accompanying me all the way here."

"Don't say such derogatory words."

His sincere gratitude immediately received an annoyed response from Xue Ling Huan Bing, who had his head buried: "It's like we are going to die soon - we haven't lost all hope yet!"

"Okay, it does seem a little bit fishy." Duan Qing coughed hard to cover up his embarrassment, and turned to focus his eyes again on the center of the underground area where most of the land was opened up.

: "The gap is now much larger, so I can see it more clearly - what is this?"

"Is it some kind of running machinery? Or some kind of luminous device?"

Also stopping his movements, Xue Ling Huan Bing took the lead and jumped to the center of the excavated hole: "Well...it seems like there is a layer of things blocking it."

"It's a magic compartment."

Pointing to the center of the hollow that appeared under the feet of Xue Ling Huan Bing and was just covered by the rock and soil they excavated, Duan Qing's eyes also checked this layer of existence that was as transparent as glass for a while: "What was the use of just now?"

I tested it when I was mining magic. It should be something like a barrier. Its purpose is to protect those things further down and prevent any foreign objects from penetrating deep."

"The rock and soil accumulated here are probably separated from the outside like us because of this barrier." Xueling Huanbing also nodded his head: "But I remember that the gravity that affects everything here is facing

It’s above, why should we be careful about these attachments that won’t fall down at all?”

"I also want to know the answer to this kind of question that cannot be understood with common sense." He curled his lips and sighed, and Duan Qing took the lead in squatting down in front of the transparent membrane: "...can you see it? Over there.


"Of course you can see it, it seems like - something is indeed running." He also leaned down, and Xue Ling Huan Bing, with her hair hanging down, came close to Duan Qing's cheek: "I can hear the buzzing.

The sound sounded like some kind of large machinery rotating and swinging."

"It's really strange. There is an unimaginable huge ancient machine buried on the other side of the magic compartment under the abyssal rock layer at the bottom of this furnace." Duan Qing raised his head slightly with his chin in his eyes.

The spark of thinking burst out again: "Now the more obvious choice is before us - should we pry it open?"

"I also want to do this, but my intuition tells me not to do it." Keeping his gaze on for a moment, Xue Ling Huan Bing shook his head seriously: "If you destroy this magical barrier easily, you may encounter dangers.

Huge danger."

"There is not much time left in the countdown. The next explosion of the furnace will come soon." Duan Qing, who had closed his eyes and meditated for a while, then solemnly said to the woman: "Everyone on the left and right will die. How can a country be dead?"

"——You guy, just now you were afraid that I would accidentally destroy this place." With a helpless smile, Xue Ling Huan Bing held the blood sword in his hand again: "Remember to hold me tight."

"If I find out that I am the only one who dies, I will be very angry."

This chapter has been completed!
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