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1877 Bottoming

"The battle situation seems to be getting more and more tragic."

With a headache, he threw the ice gun that had just been formed in his hand towards the place where he originally planned to throw it. Duan Qing looked at the large piece of land that had been blown away and let out a long sigh. The violent shock wave also brought about the squeeze.

The opening rain curtain, together with the tragic scene of blood and flesh flying across his head, flashed randomly over his head: "If we continue like this, the battle situation will be far beyond my control."

"No one asked you to support this scene." The person who answered him was Wu Yu Liushang, who had been guarding him and was brandishing his sword to resist the melee attack: "Has it been three years?

, you have also thoroughly understood the 'large-scale combat command' that you are not good at?"

"...This is impossible. There have never been a few scenes and opportunities like this in the free world for me to understand." His fingers drew a strange rune in the air, and something in front of Duan Qing seemed to have already been

The set curve was then raised into a thick rock and soil wall with the stimulation of magic power: "Besides, I don't have the intention to be the president of a big guild, and I don't have many brothers under my command for me to command.

The biggest battle I have ever seen——"

"Apart from the wars between empires and principalities, there are probably only wars between tribes on the grassland."

As he said these words, he also looked at the brave tribal warriors who had gathered with Gedman and joined the battle at this time. They reacted immediately based on their combat experience, and then they also reacted for the first time.

Time attached to the temporary trench raised by Duan Qing, and neatly took down the bow and arrow from his back. Prairie archery, which was much more skillful than the players, also played a significant role in such chaotic battles. The cross firepower and vigor

The powerful arrows also set off a new round of screams on the outside of the battlefield. The enemies from the underground, who had been undergoing all kinds of magic baptisms, finally had to give up the idea of ​​​​surprises and hid back out of sight.

Under the shadow of the rain curtain: "...Fighters of the grassland! Continue to attack -"

"Stop, stop, stop! Don't be impulsive yet!"

At least he controlled the battlefield in front of him within the scope he wanted. Duan Qing hurriedly pulled back the tribal warriors who were still waiting to break out of the earth wall: "Only the ruins that I arranged and reinforced did not turn into them.

The teleportation point! Outside the camp range is their territory now! Don’t go out and die in vain!”

"But this is not an option." Also retreating to the vicinity of the position, a player who looked like a guild leader panted and responded, dragging the bloody sword in his hand: "If the effective position is only in this area, sooner or later we will still be there.

I can’t escape the state of being surrounded.”

"They are already surrounded now... Tsk, this 'geographical advantage' does give them a big enough advantage." Duan Qing looked helplessly in all directions, and kept stroking the runes in his hand.

Still didn't stop: "If you want to destroy this advantage of the other party, it seems that you can only——"

"Magic array! Attack!"

Another deafening explosion plowed through the ground in front of Duan Qing from left to right. At the same time, there was a spectacular sight of the magic group of the Council of Mages standing on the ridge regrouping the magic in their hands into a bombing straight line.

Qian Zhihe, who was responsible for directing the attack of the magician group, had already leapt around Duan Qing, and his fiery red hair was fluttering and dancing together with the burning sparks around her body: "Leave it to me, Uncle Qingshan!

Just blow up those ruins together with the attackers!"

"...The passage should be built on the basis of the sacred mountain itself. What's the use of blowing up those ruins?" Duan Qing sighed and stretched out his fingers as he looked at the messy bombing remnants washed away by the soil.

: "Their 'trenches' are much safer than our trenches. They can even be called tunnels."

"Then, then increase the intensity of the bombing so that none of them dare to come forward!" A fierce expression flashed past, and then the girl in red seemed to be caring about her own image, shrinking her neck and lowering herself.

Head: "I, what I mean is that the other members of the Mage Council are also seizing the time to get online. After everyone is here, the firepower must be enough to cover all the surrounding transmission points."

"This is true, because the same thing is happening in other places." Duan Qing nodded in response to the other party's words, and his eyes turned behind him: "Otherwise -"

"They won't be so anxious to use that place as the focus of their attack."

As more and more players come online, the white light appears around the camp. More and more figures from the black hole teleportation circle begin to appear. In response to the news that the camp was attacked, various people rushed here.

The road reinforcements then joined the battle with the fastest reaction speed, and expanded the position near the ridge that was besieged in the heavy rain a little. With one enemy outnumbered without losing the slightest, the figure of the blue-shirted commoner belonging to Duanshanhe came here

Shi Ye gradually put away his fists with a calm expression, and the soaked sweatshirt that appeared in Duan Shanyue's eyes did not look like it had been soaked by the rain: "How was it? This fight was finally successful.

Are you enjoying yourself?"

"...Why are you back?"

Taking a shake of his head as his answer, the young boxer closed his eyes and turned his puzzled face back to the middle-aged man with a beard: "Didn't you lead those people to the mountain to find trouble?"

"I heard the news and noticed the movement at the bottom of the mountain, so I brought some people back." With a disdainful snort, Duan Shanyue crossed his arms and replied: "What's more, judging from the current situation,

The sentry point found on the mountain is most likely just a bait, and you probably won't be able to catch a few people if you go there."

"Judging from the current situation, it is extremely likely that these guys can teleport around the sacred mountain at will." Looking around the camp where the battle was still going on, Duan Shanhe's thick sword eyebrows also wrinkled a little: "A group of

Can there be flies flying everywhere? Huh, they are really annoying."

"I have sent people to call more brothers to come over for support." He also sighed while pressing his forehead, and Duan Shanyue's helpless expression became much thicker: "Although the war on my brother's side is also very tight, but

There is no problem in bringing in a few teams to attack temporarily. Anyway, after they finish fighting, you can go back through the black hole, or you can even go back directly to die..."

"Since this black hole teleportation point has not been conquered, their biggest strategic goal this time is destined to be impossible to achieve." Duan Shanhe crossed his arms and glanced at the reinforcements that were still pouring out: "Although they can move throughout the region,

We can maintain the theoretical maximum combat power on the front line at all times, but even if we invest all the people, their combat power should not be able to compare with the critical point that we have already passed."

"But due to the limitations of the camp area and terrain, crowding is inevitable." Pointing to the increasingly lively scene in the camp, the finger belonging to Broken Mountain also pointed to the center of the battlefield: "It is impossible for them to face so many people.

The enemy is sitting there waiting to be killed, so... let's put ourselves in their shoes."

"Faced with this situation, what possibility do they have to defeat the enemy with one move and turn defeat into victory?"

The shouts of killing were like balloons about to be burst, spreading along the surrounding battle lines to the periphery. Some of the metal ruins and the dark holes buried under the ruins have gradually become smaller as more and more of our own players join in.

It fell under the control of the coalition forces in the temporary camp. It seemed that there was no interest in observing these "enemy transmission points". The figure in gray robe belonging to Duan Qing also appeared near the high slope on the side of the camp.

Looking back at the various magics flying in the air, the trajectory of sword energy and bows and arrows, his brows became more and more serious as more and more people appeared: "So many people are crowded here to fight and kill.

Will the earth and rocks beneath the camp be overwhelmed?”

"The mountain body of the Holy Mountain has lost a lot of water and soil due to the heavy rains in recent days - if the accumulated dust can be called soil." Also aware of this potential crisis, Xu Yu Liushang, who also came here, had an expression on his face.

He became serious: "But haven't you been reinforcing the foundations around the camp recently?"

"Since it can be reinforced, it can also be destroyed." Duan Qing's eyes began to look around: "Now I just don't know if there is a way for them to appear directly underground and complete the destruction process behind our backs. After all,

How those pipelines are actually used, we haven't quite figured out yet."

"He, they wouldn't have planned to wait for us to show up together, and then catch them all in one fell swoop, right?" Qian Zhihe, who was still in charge of commanding the magician group, began to look anxious: "Is the siege of the teleportation array just to lure us?

To make us eager to send reinforcements?"

"No, I still know him well."

Holding his shoulders, he appeared behind Duan Qing and his group. Xue Ling Huan Bing, who was staggering with the help of Dark Whisper Ninglan, also appeared in front of the gray-robed magician with battle scars all over his body: "

That bastard is very greedy. He will first try to grab everything he wants, and then devise more vicious strategies to destroy what he can't get."

"In other words, was it just his back-up that destroyed the entire camp?" In the scene where everyone looked at each other, Duan Qing was the first to cast his healing magic on Xue Ling Huan Bing: "Can anyone help me take a look?

Map, please tell me which area is directly below the slope we are on?"

"MF to MH area, we have been there before when we explored." Gedman took out the adventurer's manual in his hand first: "But because of the heavy rain, the preservation of the earth and rocks there seems to be not very good, so

If a large campground slides down, the metal ruins and elemental isolation towers in that area should be completely unable to stop it."

"Then we will be swept into the increasingly fierce torrent, and eventually become one of the thousands of rubbles." Duan Qing scratched his cheek with a wry smile, and then spoke again as if to comfort him: "First

Don't panic, everything is just our guess. You should evacuate the personnel first and try to spread the battlefield outward——"


The huge shaking sound spread throughout the entire camp, along with everyone's unsteady figure. Accompanied by it was the scene of violent shaking like an earthquake that rippled through the entire camp from inside and outside. Cast immediately.

Duan Qing, who had taken the defensive magic array, gritted his teeth and immediately turned his reaction into a command: "Stop the unnecessary movements! Steady your steps! No matter what happens, first take the team units and surrounding allies as the first priority

The basic points are well gathered!”

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm not going anywhere."

An increasingly ominous feeling began to flash through everyone's mind with the ground shaking more intensely. Duan Qing, who had already begun to leave in a certain direction, then turned back and shouted to the others who were still protecting themselves:

"I'm going to find the person who caused this situation."

"She must have had a backup plan."

The various long-range attacks that were flying all around became sparse in an instant as this huge change appeared. More and more magician players who didn't know why were taking the lead to fly into the air with their own power. The heavy rain had also stopped at this time.

It began to seep into the cracks that appeared around it as the foundation shook violently, causing the land plates around the entire battlefield to slowly slide downwards. Still surviving in the center of the chaotic battlefield, those responsible for raiding this battlefield and delaying the battle were

Several rogue players from the Restoration Alliance also burst out laughing as if they had succeeded. No longer caring about their own lives, they frantically splashed their last attacks around, as if they had foreseen the other people crowding here.

The ending that people are about to face: "Hahahaha! You are finished! You are all finished!"

"Come on, come on, please explain to me what it means to draw fire from the bottom of the cauldron. Without the support of the "Concentrated Line", you can only become garbage abandoned by the sacred mountain! Hahahaha!"

"Come on, come and beat me! What will happen if you beat me to death? We can still resurrect at the resurrection point. Your resurrection point will soon fall together with this camp!"

"It depends on the number of people, right? Not all problems can be solved by relying on the number of people, little brothers! Let us old fritters teach you a lesson today -"

The harsh laughter stopped abruptly, and the impending attacks retreated in their respective directions. Countless players who followed Duan Qing's temporary orders to close up to protect themselves also gathered together in groups at this time, fighting with the remaining clamoring ones.

The observers stared at the surroundings with their eyes widened - amidst the magical resonance sound that was enough to cause pain in the eardrums, a large number of rolling earth and rocks that were about to break through the middle of the MF area and the MH area and the mud flow that was squeezing each other were gradually accelerating.

The state suddenly transformed into an incredible freeze-frame. The magic runes that Duan Qing had carved in it for days now also appeared one by one among the scattered earth and rocks, shining among the heavy rain and bricks and rubble.

With a striking and strange purple light: "By the way, I just remembered it..."

"This place was originally the remains of the floating island."

This chapter has been completed!
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