2079 Falling into the air

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"We saw...well, look, that's the tower after the smoke and dust dispersed. The tower bathed in the sunset, combined with the yellow sand on the ground, has a kind of beauty like the afterglow of doomsday."

"It's a pity that no one seems to be able to appreciate such a beautiful scenery at close range. There are not even two search teams arranged after the game. In contrast, people are more interested in the beam of light that appeared on the tower and penetrated the sky.

Be more interested."

"Ahem, this is not something we care about. We should still care about some things related to the competition. According to the latest report just sent from the resurrection point for the competition, there should be at least twenty people still surviving in that battlefield area.

We just... that, we just haven't found where they are yet."

"Taking this opportunity, we can continue to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the oldest and highest city in the free world from high altitude. Look at this city wall, this ruins, this light, this water... Huh? There is no water in this wilderness ruins.

?Don’t worry about so many details! Just enjoy the city in the sky under the sunset!”

Having been waiting for a long time in Tania City below, the commentary voices belonging to the two people in Flowing Flowers have also become increasingly sparse and casual on the broadcast channel. After a long period of time, after the outbreak of the Sky City Cleanup Agreement earlier,

In the messy no-man's land scene, even the most capable commentator has already said everything he said. It is so embarrassing that he can hardly accept it. The flower blossoms that have been responsible for driving the atmosphere were originally eloquent.

The conversation gradually turned into whispers, and the unbearable off-site questioning was finally accompanied by the chaotic sound similar to the turning of book pages that was constantly coming from the channel, and was now vaguely heard from the corners of the city square and major pubs

The audience leaving the scene said: "...It seems that there is really no follow-up? Do you want to send someone to ask above?"

"Even if there is really no follow-up, they should at least send someone to tell us." The deep voice belonging to Dongfeng Ramen also faintly sounded in the noise: "In the current situation where there is no news at all, it must be

There was an unexpected situation that couldn't be handled, so this is the only explanation."

"The smoke and dust raised have completely dissipated, and the entire battlefield is clearly visible! Even if they were buried under the remains of those mechanical monsters, they should have come out by now, right? Could it be that they were buried three feet under the ground?


"That place is the most dangerous and mysterious area in the Sky City. You shouldn't be surprised by what happens. I don't object to their move to get into some mysterious places to avoid the doomsday disaster, but it is very harmful to us watching the game.

It’s a devastating blow to the people… huh?”

"There's a commotion down there? What's going on?"

I don't know where I heard the abnormal appearance. Dongfeng Ramen was the first to exclaim. The noise of constant stirring and confusion also stopped for a moment, and then was replaced by a loud shout after the hesitation of flowers: "

What are they looking up at? They can't really be watching the sunset...ah!"

"There they are!"

It was as if darkness had come to this world in advance. A few shining meteors suddenly lit up on the dim yellow curtain in a certain direction over the city. The strong winds in the sky drove the stratus clouds stained red by the setting sun and lifted up the sky there.

The mysterious veil, the lights of the "shooting stars" that broke through the veil of fog also began to become colorful: "Quick, zoom in - it's them! It's really them! They're all here!"

"There seems to be nothing unusual in the Sky City, but everyone is falling now... What exactly happened?"

"What the hell! As long as they are still fighting, our mission is to deliver these wonderful pictures to the people who want to see them in real time!"

Amidst countless feet pointing their fingers towards the sky and exclamations, the refreshed Flower Blossom shouted excitedly: "Game——"

"it's not finished yet!"


The wind scratched his cheeks and stung his eyes. Duan Feng Lei, who was barely able to maintain his stability, was the first to be sent flying by a sword slash flying from the side. He was entangled with Cangyun Barrier beside him.

Duan Shanyue then also let out a loud shout, and stopped Shifang Juannie, who was still falling rapidly behind his opponent and wanted to continue the pursuit: "Don't - think - pass - pass -"

"Can you hold on to this?" The coldness of the high altitude has already formed a layer of hoarfrost on his body. Zhao Liu'an, who was above the melee, secretly cursed and put away his upcoming spell-casting action: "Hey, you're hiding very well.

Hurry up."

"They are all about to fall to death. What difference does it make if they die earlier or later?" Appeared on the side of the three people hugging each other, and the third man Meng Jiangluo, who was dancing and moving forward, also showed his face and barely blocked the way.

The half-stiff face behind the shield: "Why do you have to fight to the end with such bitterness and deep hatred?"

"It's not like our Lanshan family wants to ask for an explanation. Look at the people around us. Which one is not the same as our president?" He pointed at the other players who were still rising or falling around and scattered.

, Zhao Luan also had a sarcastic expression on his face: "In the end, we have to do a group skydiving -"

"No matter how you think about it, this is all a conspiracy of yours."

The trajectory of a flying arrow then cut through the air between the two people. Meng Jiangluo, who looked up, saw only more chaotic scenes of fighting in the distance in the air. As a

Baibu Wushuang, one of these rebels, had no consciousness of almost hurting innocent people at this time. He raised his bow string again and temporarily stepped aside under the force of another stray arrow flying from the distance: "

...You can actually aim so accurately?"

"Everyone who is second best in the world is best at adapting to situations." Phoenix Tianwang flew across the sky not far away from Baibu Wushuang and then let out a long laugh: "This kind of unstable influence from high altitudes only needs to

Once you get used to it, it'll be fine."

"So the move to turn the spear against us is also part of the on-the-spot response?" He furrowed his eyebrows, and Baibu Wushuang then turned around and dodged another bright arrow from the opponent from bottom to top: "No plan.

Are you trying to get along with us?"

"There's nothing we can do about it. After all, our president is fighting with your team members up there." He pointed in the direction of another sky where Asahi Dongsheng and Demon Resurrection were also grappling with each other. The Phoenix was bathed in the sunset.

Tianwang spread his hands helplessly: "The enemy's teammates are naturally the enemy. Even if it is to prevent the formation of support, we should stop you."

“The evildoers report first!”

The suffocating flames accompanied the large swath of bright light and spread to the other side where the setting sun was splashing. The Thousand-Zingered Crane's shouting voice was also accompanied by the torrent of flames she poured in front of her, forcing back a new round of Phoenix Skywatch's attack.

: "It was obviously your angry madman who provoked you first!"

"It's not like we can hold back that bison... Ahem, so what? If you hit me, hit me. If you have any objections, just fight back! You little girl, your shooting range is not as far as mine now! You hit me

Can you get me?"

"Ahhhhhh, damn it!"

The flames coming from the other side of the sky became even more terrifying as Phoenix Tianwang kept twisting his body and making provocations. The elemental energy fluctuations that were about to rush over overwhelmingly were slightly blocked by the dim light that appeared there.

Sensing a trace of danger, Thousand-Zhizhe also left the spot before those dark streams of light were about to cover his body. With the help of the updraft brought by the flames, he opened up the surrounding space a little: "——Sneak attack! Despicable!"

"Yes, this is a sneak attack." The Immortal Star Soul, waving its fat hands and feet, responded to Qian Zhihe's accusation: "'Astral Corrosion' actually missed... I originally wanted to pull in one more experimental subject."


"I would like to 'stop', but unfortunately there is no place to stand here."

Skillfully playing with the red-haired girl who was waving wildly with flames, the fat body of the immortal star soul was also drifting further and further away in the rapid falling turbulence: "Ouch, my head is going to be dizzy, can anyone help me?"

Help me?"

"I'm here to help you!" A loud shout from the distance appeared behind him, followed by a crackling gunshot: "Handsome Jack! I'm here to see you! How dare you treat a lady like this? I'd have seen it earlier.

You guys are so annoying!"

The blood splashing on the horizon framed the golden afterglow with a bright red frame. More and more casualties began to appear around this extremely special battlefield. Death was approaching like no other.

The novel combat experience also made every surviving contestant more excited. The reason to find opponents at will and try to take away as many people as possible before falling to the ground also became more and more unrestrained.

——The city of Tania below became clear in the rapid fall. Banzhuan and Liuchen, who had just made a new enemy in the game, were also struggling together at this time, while the other side was still agitating.

Lueyi Guyan and others, who were using magic to watch the fire from the other side, started an extremely fierce bombardment with the Five Fireball God Cult members on the other side: "You guys actually dare to provoke us? Do you not want to live anymore?"

"We have no grudge against you, but we have a long-standing grudge between Wizard and the magician players in the free world. Today is a good opportunity to teach you the truth of 'there is heaven outside the world, and there are people outside the world'."

"Don't forget that I am also a flame master. Your method of using fireballs to kill people doesn't work for me at all! And what nonsense are you talking about? We are Wizard who made our fortune in the magic profession and are the magicians in the world.

Representative! How can you have a grudge against a magician player?"

"Use any means necessary to control the resources of the Magic Council, and prevent non-member magicians from obtaining tasks and receiving rewards - even this is nothing. In the past few months since you boarded the Sky City, you have done nothing to fight against the Magic Empire.

Shouldn't it be called a crime to do nothing and allow the number of magician players from the opposing forces to increase exponentially?"

"If you are unwilling to admit this responsibility, then let us solve it for you."

The flying fireballs formed straight lines in the sky, burning half of the sunset sky as red as blood. Duan Qing, who was watching these wonderful scenes, also tilted at the top of the three-dimensional melee.

Mouth, under the protection of Xue Ling Huan Bing's arms, she reluctantly let out a sigh: "Sure enough, flying will bring people a feeling of freedom. They can even find reasons to fight."

"You still have time to say such things!"

A crisp crashing sound echoed in his ears, completely isolating his poor hearing from the roar of Xueling Huanbing: "I am very tired from fighting with you as a burden!"

"You don't want to let go of me." The figure of the angry madman flashed in the corner of his vision. Holding two big swords, he waved them in mid-air, and the sword rays continued to shine on the snow spirit.

Huan Bing was flying wildly in his defense: "Throw me aside, and you two can have a good fight."

"Throw it aside? Do you think he will pay attention to me?" Xue Ling Huan Bing, who reluctantly turned Duan Qing over and used the remaining force of the shock to distance himself, replied angrily: "I'm just pointing at him.

You’re here!”

"That's right, we must have a good fight this time."

Adjusting the speed of his fall from a half-lying position, the angry madman with a calm face pointed his swords at Duan Qing's face: "Come on, don't always hide behind women, this will make me look down on you."

"I don't want to, but I'm seriously injured now." Duan Qing pushed Xueling Huanbing to signal, and Duan Qing looked back with a look of helplessness on his face: "Can you change the time?"

"One push, two, two, three, how long do you want to push?" The angry madman pointed the opponent's face with the sword in his hand: "Now is the best time, if you insist not to fight -"

"I'll force you to take action."

The sword wind waving the sword with both hands whistled louder than the cold wind, but the direction of the sword changed slightly. Xue Ling Huan Bing, who noticed this change, had a serious look in his eyes and blocked it.

The ridge of the dragon-bone sword in front of me also seemed more airtight: "——Choose me as your target? Just what I want!"

"Let go." Duan Qing, who was trapped in his arms, shouted to Xue Ling Huan Bing in a low voice: "Don't take me with you, let go."

"I don't want it." Using all his strength to resist the dense rain of attacks ahead, Xue Ling Huan Bing's reply sounded difficult and firm: "I can deal with him with one hand."

"Let go!"

I don't know where the strength came from, the gray-robed magician suddenly broke away from the iron arms of Xueling Huanbing. The frightened and angry white-haired woman was about to get angry, but a magical black flame grazed the tip of her hair.

Passing across the front of her vision when she turned back: "How--"

"Knights Templar."

Duan Qing looked up at the black figure that resembled a lake that appeared on the horizon at some unknown time. Duan Qing, who drew the locking magic aside, raised his head and shouted: "There are actually living people."

"If those remnants in Lanshan can survive, of course we can survive too."

Seeing that the black flame failed, the black shadow floating in the air laughed loudly: "Although killing you now is just unnecessary, but just in case, it would be more reassuring if you died earlier."

While maintaining an upright posture, he joined his hands together, and more black light surrounding his hands fell toward Duan Qing like mercury.

"Suffer death!"
This chapter has been completed!
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