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234 Concerto

"Left, left! There are fewer people on the left, please add one more!"

"Block the door! You will die there if you die!"

"Cavalry! Another group of cavalry is coming, prepare to deal with it!"

March 30th, 795 in the New Calendar, is a fairly normal day for most of the indigenous people and players in the Free Continent. Some people are looking for treasures and wealth in adventures full of fantasy and excitement.

Some people are enjoying the fun of the game in the sunshine full of warmth and passion, which is naturally filled with blood and killing caused by the battle, but compared with the Fars Fortress at this moment, the level is far away.

It's not enough - in just five minutes after the serial explosions, the battle here has reached a fever pitch. However, the person who is commanding the principality in the middle of the chaotic battlefield at this time is not the one who idles around all day.

Captain Slanke, who had put up a fight at the time, was instead the Ladder classmate who had just led several players over.

"Don't be cowardly! The target is right in front of you! Three, two... Damn it, beat me to death!"

Looking at the several imperial soldiers who suddenly rushed up from the side, the eldest brother carrying the ax suddenly took two steps diagonally, then raised the ax with his hand and knocked the enemy at the front to the ground with the axe: "One! Release!"

Strange weapons such as guns or halberds were thrust forward in unison with the cry, mixed with a lot of messy throwing objects, and with the players' unique mixed slogans, the players who had just rushed into the door were not there yet.

The cavalry who had time to figure out the situation dismounted their horses. However, this temporary killing could not completely kill these imperial people. Even if they were killed, it would not be able to change the overall situation - no matter how brave the adventurers were, they would not be afraid of death.

The fortress defense has been blown through, and it is difficult for this manpower to do anything.

Fortunately, the previous explosion only had this effect.

"Amber wine is also dead? I...you! Go and call more people, the more the better! What, you don't know anyone? Is it okay to shout?"

An imperial soldier was chopped down again with an axe. The ladder turned around and grabbed a player by the collar. All the saliva was sprayed on his face: "Just go and shout - the rush team at the entrance of the fortress is in full swing! There is no prize."

, whether love comes or not, if you can’t win, in the future..."

"There is no such thing as a copy of Fars Battlefield!"

In fact, there is no need to really shout these words of Ladder to other players - there is such a big movement in the fortress, as long as you are not a fool, you will definitely feel that something is abnormal here. In fact, the players who heard the movement

, immediately put down their work and gathered towards the west gate of the fortress. However, most of them were stopped by some guards who suddenly appeared when they passed through the square under the central courtyard of the fortress.

After coming down, some of the timid guys didn't dare to come forward to ask, but there were so many people arriving, and there were always some players who were not timid and knew them would rush up and yell at the principality guards who temporarily blocked them.

"Why are you blocking our way?"

"There is a military exercise ahead! Unrelated personnel are not allowed to pass!"

"...let's go over and have a look!"

"This is a principality fortress and an important military area! You adventurers are not allowed to run around, so please go back and stay here!"

Quarrels and pushing occurred on both sides of this temporarily set up sparse cordon, but facing the increasingly agitated crowd of players, these soldiers were obviously unable to control the situation. Finally, a guy who looked like an army officer

He ran out of the fortress on the side, waving his weapons and shouting at the crowds on both sides: "You! What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?"

"It's Chief Fias..." Players who knew him shouted involuntarily.

"I've stopped them all. Let me see who dares to charge into the formation?" The man ran in front of the players, first looked in a certain direction behind, and then said to the crowd with a grin: "It's just a group of greedy adventurers.

You, the worm of the principality, hahahaha! How dare you defy the military might of the principality?"

His eyes widened: "This is an order personally issued by General Dusk..."


A sound like tearing a piece of defeated leather sounded in front of everyone. The eyes of the person who was speaking widened. Correspondingly, the weapon in his hand also slowly lowered, and then fell to the ground.


"You guys...are often very powerful when dealing with your own people."

As the officer fell, a figure in white clothes appeared behind him, but at this moment, his snow-white clothes had long been stained red by the splattered blood: "But when it comes to dealing with outsiders,

When that happens, you won’t be able to use any tricks anymore.”

"You, how dare you..."

"Hurry, catch him quickly..."

The surrounding soldiers hurriedly grabbed their weapons and pointed their spearheads at the guy who was shaking his head and muttering to himself. Although it seemed that this man killed his commander with one blow, these players never paid attention to them.

The guards of the principality are not too afraid of the unfamiliar person in front of them, but it is different for the players, because in their eyes, that person has a big name on his head.

"It's Mo Shang Qing Shan, the king of the barbarians!"

"He actually killed Fias..."

"He, he's done, how can he still hang out in the principality in the future?"

"But I like such an arrogant character!"

"No...what happened here?"


In front of the increasingly restless crowd, Duan Qing, who was holding his chest and holding a knife, looked at the guards who were swaying left and right, and showed an equally ferocious smile: "You actually want to be the second and fifth son, help me."

Imperial people play..."

"Get out of my way!"

A whirlwind danced by a giant sword suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes. It chopped away several guards near Duan Qing like a whirlwind, and then stopped abruptly. He flicked the blood on the knife and moved towards the retreat.

The few remaining guards who were further away smiled, then took two steps forward and kicked the body of the officer they had chopped down earlier with a loud kick.

"You, what did you just do?"

In the unreasonable silence, a player stepped forward hesitantly and slowly asked his question.

"Let me come, it's better to let these people come."

Smiling at the guy, Duan Qing stepped aside and let out several players who had been blocked by the guards and wanted to send messages. Soon after, more and more players from the Principality began to know that the fortress was about to

With the fact that it had been breached, the entire team of adventurers gradually became excited.

"Holy shit, is this even possible? Brothers of the Gale Adventure Group, get me some copies!"

"Go to the tavern quickly! I just saw and heard the wind singing there and was drinking there..."

"Where is Qingxi? Where did Qingxi and her women's army go?"

"They seem to be on a mission today..."

"Damn it, if Duan Fenglei from Jianghu is still here..."

"That's right! Go offline quickly! Call and message the website, go quickly!"

The noise split into several groups in an instant, and they ran out in their own directions. Seeing that there were not many people trying to escape, Duan Qing also had a smile on his face. He breathed secretly for a while, then gritted his teeth and grabbed

He picked up his weapon and waved to some players running past him: "You guys..."

"Can you... follow me?"


Several players looked back and forth in the crowd: "Didn't the Empire come here? Where else are you going?"

"The fighting over Ximen is very fierce right now. If we go there more, it will only increase the chaos." Duan Qing lowered his head and smiled: "Compared to that... there are still some people who need us to deal with."



Duan Qing smiled: "This internal explosion... there must be someone responsible."

Amid the hesitant movements of several players, Duan Qing raised his head and looked above the fortress - around the fortress, which was about to become a battlefield, some faint sounds of fighting were coming from that direction.


"How is the situation, Your Excellency?"

"Although I didn't expect the idiots in the principality to be so tenacious, we will be able to occupy the area around the gate in no time."

On the outskirts of Fars Fortress, on the green lawn, several imperial men who looked like commanders were riding horses and standing not far from the west gate, quietly watching the ongoing fierce battle. Among them

The imperial cavalry captain who had appeared on the grassland and made a noise before smiled and answered the question raised by the people next to him: "After this place is controlled by us, this unfailing fortress... will soon be flattened by us.


"The strategies you provided are very good." Finally, he said with a look of appreciation.

The man sitting on the horse next to him was clearly a player. He clenched his fist vigorously, and then replied with a humble expression: "Captain Larsen, this is just what we should do.

That’s all, it’s our honor to be able to contribute to the empire’s hegemony. But…”

He straightened up and said, "I didn't expect this trick to work in the end."

"Hahahaha!" An imperial commander sitting on the other side laughed loudly: "Don't worry, if we can capture this place today, we will definitely have the name Wings of Freedom in our battle record!"

"...Then I would like to thank you all in advance." Liangchen Meiyu replied with a smile, and then returned her gaze to the direction of the battlefield: "But...the most critical person for the success of this strategy is still a few people.

Lord Kurosawa."

"Yes..." Captain Larsen sighed and said, "He has been away from his hometown for too long. He has been waiting for this incident... I will ask Mr. Compion to ask him to propose to the emperor about retirement care."

"The Frey Empire... will never treat anyone with merit."

He looked at Liangchen Meiyu, as if he was hinting something to him, but he didn't notice his expression afterwards. He just lowered his head and muttered to himself: "But... nothing will happen to him, right? It's planned.

The magic bomb handed over to him seems to be missing one..."

"Don't worry." Captain Larson patted the horse's neck and laughed: "Kurosawa is very capable. Ten or eight guys may not be able to defeat him. If he doesn't even have this ability, he won't be able to do it either."

I have been lurking in the fortress for so long..."

"And he also became an adjutant! Hahahaha!" Another officer next to him laughed.

"So is it." Liangchen Meiyu agreed, but her brows gradually furrowed: "But... I always feel..."

"What, Brother Liangchen? Is there anything else you're worried about?"

"No, it's nothing."

Liangchen Meiyu lowered her head and thought for a while, then slowly said: "But... just to be on the safe side, I think..."

"It would be better to send that thing out as well."

"That thing?"

The person who laughed before immediately widened his eyes: "Is it necessary?"

"Well... of course, even if it is to show strength and scare the enemy..."

"Brother Liangchen's words seem to make sense."

Captain Larsen touched his chin and whispered: "What do you think? Are you... reluctant to give up?"

"How could you not give up!"

The officer on the side laughed again: "You don't know, I have been waiting for this moment... for how many days!"


"Here!" several soldiers following the cavalry immediately replied.

"Did you hear that? It's time for us to show off our skills!"


With the sound of wind and horse hooves, all the guards followed the officer's U-turn and retreated away. Among the few people left watching the battlefield situation, only Captain Larson's men and Liangchen Meiyu were left.

, his eyes wandered around the chaotic gate for a while, then moved his eyes upward, and began to look at the upper level of the fortress where black smoke was still coming out.

"I hope... there will be no accidents." He murmured.

Ryotatsu Mitama's worries have only been half realized now, because Kurosawa-sama, whom they relied on, is indeed blocked at the top of the fortress. However, judging from the situation in the corridor at this moment, the empire's undercover agent seems to be still there.

There was no danger to his life, because the person who blocked him in this place, or his opponent who was blocking this place and not letting anyone pass, was only one person.

But they've been fighting here for nearly ten minutes.

"What should I call you? Or Adjutant Wood?"

Amidst the crackling sound caused by the fist wind, the two figures separated again. One of the people's half-kneeling body drew a long mark on the ground, and then slowly stood up - from

Judging from the marks on the ground, this process seemed to have been repeated many times, but the seemingly uninjured man showed no intention of stopping. He moved his sore wrist and looked at

The opponent in front of me who has never moved: "Who are you?"

"I am who I am, and I am Adjutant Wood."

Opposite the man, Adjutant Wood, who was much thinner than him, naturally lowered his hands and stood there with a smile on his face: "It's you... Spartak, right?"

"When did you discover all this?"

"I have been alert to some of your strange behaviors for a long time." The man opposite twisted his wrist and slowly stepped forward: "But... I am sure that I am not the one who found out that you have a problem.



"It's a guy who is traveling with me today." Spartak grinned: "I won't go into details, but he is the name of a prisoner of war who was transferred to Banhe Fortress from other places..."

"You're not supposed to know."

The following words did not come from Spartak who wanted to continue the contest, but the voice from the end of the corridor finally stopped his pace that seemed to never stop. He turned around and, as expected,

Duan Qing's figure appeared, as well as some scattered players following him.

"I'm here to help." He asked with a smile: "You... don't mind, right?"

"I'm very mind."

Looking at the large number of players behind Duan Qing, Spartak shook his shoulders and replied. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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