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275 Late Warning

"It's finally over."

In the gradually darkening sky, the suddenly silent and quiet air condensed beside the entire river beach for a moment, and then boiled up again due to the cheers of the crowd. However, unlike the heated discussions among others, Duan Qing's side

There was still silence on the table. After a while, the man in the middle slowly stood up from his seat, and then sighed leisurely: "It's finally over."

"Uncle..." Mengzhu next to him looked at him worriedly: "Sister Xue...is she okay?"

"It would be nice to win."

Duan Qing lowered his head and said: "As for the rest...sigh."

"You, where are you going?"

"Go out and get some air."

The creaking sound of the door axis turning sounded at the same time as the last words left behind. Duan Qing pushed open the fence door of the wooden house and hurried out. He withdrew his gaze from that direction and murmured.

The smile on her face gradually disappeared. She casually glanced at the girl who was still a little absent-minded, then looked at Qian Zhihe, who had raised his head because of someone's departure and still had a chicken leg in his mouth, and then looked at

The butcher stared at his own smile and said, "I'm sorry, but... I don't like the uncle type."

"My daughter is almost the same age as you." He looked away with embarrassment. The smiling butcher laughed for a while, and then asked hesitantly: "Are you...are you the same whispering person from back then?


"If you think so, then that's it."

"But...but isn't Xu Yu Liushang specialized in the legal profession?" The smiling butcher looked at the armor around the blue woman: "Why did you..."

"Changed job."

He brushed his head calmly, and that beautiful smile appeared again on his murmuring face: "By the way...change your mood."

"Then, then you show up here..."

The smiling butcher looked at the maid next to him, then at the guys on the screen in the distance who were still shouting passionately, and asked hesitantly: "Is Cruhid coming back?"

The blue woman didn't answer.

The gradually darkening sky rendered golden color to the corners of the originally sky-blue canvas. As time went by, more viewers began to pour into this place, following the path left by the river beach towards the wooden house.

They walked over to where the group was. They seemed to feel the atmosphere heating up, and the huge bonfire surrounded by it became more and more powerful, as if it wanted to be the only thing attracting people in this gradually darkening world.

One by one, there were bright lights. The swaying firelight passed through a long distance, illuminating everything in the wooden house, leaving a unclear dark shadow on everyone and everything in the wooden house. This naturally included the maid who still gave

All the wine glasses on the table are filled with figures, as well as the blue woman's somewhat uncertain face.

"Cruhid..." she said leisurely.

"I'm afraid it won't show up again."


"Congratulations to Xue Ling Huan Bing for her final victory!"

"This is really a thrilling game. Until the last moment, we have no idea who will be the victor..."

"Being able to survive such an attack and give the opponent the final blow..."

"But I have to, the Heart of Stone still has..."


This feels... like being hit by a concussive bomb in "The Gunslinger".

Teleported back to the room from the stadium, Xue Ling Huan Bing, who was feeling infinitely dizzy, gradually regained consciousness. However, the first thing that caught her eyes was not the congratulations and encouragement from her teammates, but the words on the big screen that were still there.

She was discussing the two solutions she had shown on her face. Her ears were still roaring like a running train. She frowned in pain, then held on to the long sword at her waist and slowly straightened up.

"Well played."

From the dining table nearby, Freefly's deep voice sounded: "We have won another victory."

In the small room, members of the Wings of Freedom were seated on the left and right sides of three or two wooden tables. It seemed that they had occupied the whole wooden house. However, this place with only one person was as quiet as in the real world.

It was like a church. In addition to the clinking of cups and saucers when using chopsticks, even the sounds of chewing and swallowing seemed to be clearly audible. With the cheers erupting outside and the words of the president, this strange atmosphere finally relaxed a little, sitting in the snow

Several players around Ling Huan Bing also moved their bodies slightly: "Gong, congratulations, captain..."

The woman raised her head.

"Big D, they are going to participate in the competition."

As if aware of the end of her gaze, a deep, mellow voice sounded in her ears: "I'm not back yet."

Looking at her slowly turning eyes, Liangchen Meiyu came over with a toast and put on a gentle smile: "How do you feel? Do you want to eat and take a rest?"

She didn't say anything, she just looked at the other person's face blankly.

"Oh, your performance today is very good." Liangchen Meiyu smiled gracefully, and then gave her a thumbs up: "You survived such dangerous conditions, you are worthy of being our boss, you are

If you have the hard work, most people would have given up long ago after seeing that scene, hehehe..."


"Don't worry, the remaining ones in our guild are all masters, and they will all return with victory in the end." Ignoring the strange looks from around, Liangchen Meiyu raised the wine glass in her hand: "This League Cup will definitely win.

It belongs to our Wings of Freedom, and our Tianxiang Company..."

"Cough cough, cough cough..."

A painful and violent cough suddenly sounded, echoing in this slightly quiet wooden house. It interrupted Liangchen Meiyu's words and also attracted the attention of everyone in the room. Xue Linghuan covered her mouth with the back of her hand.

Bing shrank slightly in pain, then shook his still buzzing head: "Hug, I'm sorry, I feel a little uncomfortable..."

"You, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine."

The thunder was still ringing in his ears, but Xue Ling Huan Bing could tell from the other party's actions what the other party wanted to express: "I, I will go out and take a rest, you guys... continue."


Holding on to the wooden table in front of her, she stood up with difficulty. The man's hand suddenly reached out to her waist: "Are you really okay? How about I accompany you...?"


The woman looked at his face, then waved her hand slightly: "I...I can do it alone."

"But look at you, it's difficult to even walk." Liangchen Meiyu whispered: "I never saw you during the previous competition..."

"Have you watched the previous games...?"

As if she recognized a trace of sound, the woman raised her head slightly and looked at him with an inexplicable look: "You...haven't you been in retreat?"

"...Isn't this because I care about you?"

The man covered his face with his hands, as if he was looking for the non-existent glasses: "So I paid more attention to your game..."

"Thank you for your concern." Secretly pushing away the other party's hand, Xue Ling Huanbing took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "I want... to be alone for a while and summarize... the... experience just now...


"Is it okay, Liangchen...brother?"


Under everyone's gaze, the woman who looked away from Liangchen Meiyu's face straightened her chest, then dragged heavy steps and slowly walked out of the wooden house, leaving only the whispers of people present talking secretly,

And Liangchen Meiyu’s uncertain expression.

"Brother, are you okay?" A certain player's voice suddenly came from his ears.

"...No problem, we still have plenty of time."

Slowly walking back to her seat, Liangchen Meiyu replied casually: "It's just a trial. There are many more opportunities like this."

"Big brother is big brother, you dare to fuck a girl like this!"

"Shh... don't mess up."

Pretending to be angry and warning the younger brother next to her, Liangchen Meiyu put down her wine glass and laughed slowly: "Your eldest sister and I just have a deeper relationship, and it is normal for us to care about each other."

He sat down and folded his arms across his chest: "But... you all know our boss's cold temperament. Behavior like just now is rare. You... you can't do it in private."

That’s all, if you talk nonsense in front of outsiders, or let her know about it... don’t blame me for not reminding you."

"Yes, yes, brother, yes." The person who came forward immediately agreed: "Brother is right, don't worry, we will definitely not talk nonsense in the future, nor will we steal the limelight from brother..."


Liangchen Meiyu, who pretended to knock the opponent on the head and couldn't hide her smile, took a sip of wine proudly, then looked in the direction where her prey was leaving: "How many times have I been with you..."

His smile solidified.

As Xue Ling Huan Bing walked out of the house, her proud and upright body gradually collapsed, so she pulled out her long sword and leaned on the ground in front of her. Holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, the long-hanging woman panted tiredly.

After taking a few breaths, he looked up and looked around in the sunset, as if he didn't know where to go next: "Huh..."

The system prompt that seemed to have a secret message sounded in her mind before. She stretched out her hand, but then lowered it feebly: "Forget it..."

"Who taught you that move?"

A voice passed through the noisy crowd and suddenly appeared in her ears: "Do you know that this... of yours is very harmful to your body?"

She turned around slowly, and then a familiar figure appeared in the corner outside one of the wooden houses.


Her eyelids gradually lowered, and she slowly relaxed: "What are you doing..."

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The white-armored figure who was about to fall to the ground was finally supported by Duan Qing, who stepped forward in time. He shook his head helplessly, and then when the other person's low head was about to reach his chest, he hugged her hard and supported her.

Waist: "Wake up, wake up, we can't sleep here."


"you are vicious."

Looking around at the crowd nearby, Duan Qing lamented and had no choice but to drag the other person's body towards the river. There, a large number of pairs of men and women were lying peacefully on the grass, geese

On the ground made of soft rocks and sand, while admiring the scenery that has nothing to do with the competition, they joked with each other, and made people feel happy and laughed from time to time. Although those laughter only accounted for a part of all the sounds in this place,

But they undoubtedly attracted the attention of many passers-by, and even caused some of them to give up their progress and join in instead.

This place should not cause other people to misunderstand...

Stumbling to one of the open spaces, Duan Qing put down the woman's body, then breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at the surrounding scene, complaining silently in his heart. However, fate did not leave him much.

He had time to think, but before he could sit down safely on the ground next to him, the woman's voice had already sounded in a low voice: "Here, where is this..."

"I thought you would go offline right now." Duan Qing curled his lips: "This is by the river."

"I-I just passed out?"

There was a hint of confusion in the woman's tone: "In... a game?"

"Don't do anything like this again."

The river in the virtual world is clean and clear. Not only can you see the water plants and sand at the bottom of the river, but sometimes fish and shrimps jump out of the water. Although Duan Qing's face remains soft while looking at these, his tone has changed.

He must be serious: "I thought about it, and I came here to warn you. No matter who taught you this method, don't do it again in the future."

"This... I discovered it by myself."

The woman lying on the ground shook her head slightly: "Ever since I understood that skill, I have been thinking of ways to exert the effect of that skill. Later... later, I learned the secret."

"It's just blood loss, it's no big deal..."

"The blood loss is just a superficial reflection!" Duan Qing shouted in a low voice: "This approach is very dangerous!"

"Do you think that just because all the players are human in the game, they can really become human? Can they break the rules set by the system casually? No one can withstand the backlash caused by the excessive use of power.

Yes, no one! Unless...you want to become a psychopath."

Seeing the other person's eyes turning to look at him, Duan Qing shook his head in annoyance: "The feeling simulated by the virtual reality system is sometimes more terrifying than the real feeling, and has even exceeded the simulated feeling.

Death! Because many excitements cannot be encountered in the real world! Although this feeling is false, it is also real. It is so real that after you walk out of the game cabin and have played games for most of your life, it will still follow you.

You are like a tarsal maggot."

"Such mental damage is permanent." His face finally turned serious: "Don't think that just vomiting blood is enough."

"Yes, is that so?" Looking at Duan Qing's eyes, the woman said in a weak voice: "No wonder I haven't seen anyone use this method..."

"Do you think all professional players in the league are fools? Anyone with a little bit of hard work will discover this secret." Duan Qing shook his head and said: "The reason why no one uses it is because no one wants to spend the rest of their lives.

Bringing such illusory trauma. The league has been trying to solve this problem in the past, because there have been many such cases in the past history of the game, like I... uh, in the cases I have heard, many people

Even if they couldn't bear the pain added by the system and were hospitalized, there were also many people who became fools. At that time, games still used the second generation virtual reality system!"

"Believe me, even if you could adapt to death in this world, you don't want to try to become like that."


There was laughter floating from behind Duan Qing, which was the sound of several players laughing and playing. He turned his head, as if he wanted to observe the scene over there, and in the slightly relaxed sigh, it belonged to the woman.

But the voice sounded slowly from his side: "Thank you..."

"Come here specifically to remind me."

"I know you have such a stubborn temper..."

Touching his nose, Duan Qing muttered in a low voice with some embarrassment. (To be continued.)

This chapter has been completed!
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