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028 Strange Sound


With another clean slash, a native dog died under Duan Qing's sword. He put away his weapon, showed a "yeah!" victory gesture to the other members behind him, and then got the others' as usual.

Roll your eyes.

It was daytime again, and the team continued deeper into the forest. Some other scattered monsters also began to appear around them.

As they "have" senior members, they should be completely reassured about combat matters, but Xueling Huanbing later told them that he would not participate too much in the battle.

"I will help you fight back." She said at that time. As for why she didn't help, she didn't say another word.

In desperation, the remaining four novices could only deal with the increasingly difficult battles on their own. Although this was what they had expected, every time a monster jumped out from behind a tree or bush, everyone rushed towards it.

, they would involuntarily look back and take a look, and then they would feel a little more resentful in their hearts.

You really don't help...

Mengzhu even maliciously guessed that the woman must have a habit of abusing novice players. The evil young man from Jie City was also muttering something like, "I have thousands of brothers, I will make you look good in the future." Duan Qing himself was indifferent to this.

Not only because of his confidence, but also because he could vaguely guess some reasons - although he himself was not sure whether his guess was correct.

However, after two days of observation, it can be seen that the woman named Xue Ling Huan Bing is a very cautious player. As for whether this is her nature or whether she is deliberately guarding against something, he is not good.

In the continuous battles, there were naturally dangers. Once while passing between the lush branches, a snake-like slender figure jumped down from a branch above and attacked them like lightning.

Although they killed the green snake immediately, the evil young man from Jie City who was walking in the middle of the team had already been bitten. Judging from his face that instantly turned black, he must have been poisoned.

"The system prompts me that I have been exposed to an acute poison... A long green bar appears in my status bar... My life is declining..." As if death is imminent,

The order of Ai Shaohua is a bit confusing.

"You loser." Duan Qing shook his head: "Why are you always the one who gets hurt..."

Their previous preparations did not include the detoxification function. This is not to say that it is not sold in the village, at least the herbal shop must have it, but the deficit has been drawn on their faces, and naturally they cannot buy any extra things.

The evil young man from Jie City trembled and described it for a long time. Finally, a few people finally understood that the green poisoning status bar was also slowly declining, but it was so slow that it was obvious that the evil young man could not afford to wait.

No matter how strong the master is, there is nothing he can do against such a "set kill". Duan Qing even started to remind him to give his last words. "Clicking" footsteps sounded from behind, and the black cloaked figure walked over,

He took out a bottle from his waist, which contained some green liquid.


Thoughts such as his cold tone, suspicion, and the fact that the medicine looked disgusting could not stop the evil young man from Jiecheng from grasping the last straw. He took the bottle of medicine and drank it without hesitation with a look as if he was about to die.

It went down, and then the black and blue color on his face quickly faded away.

"Hey, that green bar disappeared!" The feeling of being reborn is always exciting, and this is what the bad boy said at this time: "Thank you...Sister Bing."

At this time, he used normal words. Duan Qing curled his lips, and the cloaked figure said nothing more, and walked aside to wait for the journey to continue.

This incident made everyone a little more wary of the forest. However, several people discussed for a while, but there was nothing they could do about such an attack. In the end, they could only try to walk to an open area in order to be able to survive the sudden attack.

When it comes, there is some time and space for reaction.

Open terrain is almost invisible in such a forest, but staying alert is the right choice. During the subsequent exploration, they encountered various strange attacks, all of which they successfully avoided.

Open. For example, a gorilla rushed in for unknown reasons, groups of local dogs, and some unknown species of large cheetahs - the leopards still posed some threats to them, but after harassing them for a while,

Maybe the thing in front of them was a bit prickly, it lurked for a while and then ran away quietly. It took a long time for Duan Qing and others to discover this, so they were worried for a long time.

Sometimes there would be strange long-range attacks flying over their heads, sometimes they were hard fruits, sometimes they were just broken stones. When everyone looked up to look for the murderer, they always saw nothing, but they could guess.

It was probably the monkeys who did it. When faced with this situation, there was ultimately no way out. I could only endure the pain on my head and the loss of health points, and walk away quickly and cautiously.

Morale will naturally be somewhat lowered, but it is much better than what they encountered when they first entered the forest. At least with some suggestions from the woman, they have some direction to move forward.

When they were camping last night, the frosty woman made some initial plans based on what she learned about the situation. The basic content was that she hoped that they would purposely find some destroyed places during their next trip.

"According to what Mo Shang Qingshan told me, the Trick you are looking for is... a person who protects the forest. Then the **** left in a hurry, maybe he found someone in the forest.

When some sabotage occurred, he wanted to come and stop it, but in the end he disappeared after encountering something unknown."

The firelight reflected on the beautiful face hidden under the cloak, and a few black strands were exposed from the side, swaying slightly in the heat brought by the flames. This was the first time she participated in the discussion of everyone.

, but his tone was still as cold as ever, as if he was commanding from a superior: "So we need to pay attention to those places that have been destroyed by the forest. Fallen trees, crushed lawns, or areas that have been cut down or

The scorched marks...whether they were caused by monsters or man-made, such places must be very obvious, and the area must be large, otherwise, Trick would not be so anxious.


The tone was like an admonishment, covering all aspects and even the details. Who among the several people was in the vanguard and who was in the rear, who was in front and who was responsible for the investigation. The search range was expanded as much as possible while ensuring the safety of the team...

..In short, after some arrangements, the entire team's current actions seem to be much more scientific. Even Mengzhu has to admit that the words and actions of that cold and arrogant woman are very convincing, and everyone also has deep feelings for this only senior

Players have great recognition.

Of course, Duan Qing still maintained a bystander attitude with a smile on those measures to improve team discipline and meticulous planning. During the day, the woman stopped talking and just followed the team silently. Everything was just like yesterday.

It's going on normally, but it can be vaguely seen that the efficiency has improved a lot.

They also found many places with traces of destruction, but they all seemed to be scars left on nature after battles. They didn't know which "ancestors" who had been here had fought bravely here and used them in this way.

Tell future generations about their past deeds. But everyone in Greenstone Village knows how strange and weird the Emerald Forest is. They won’t be surprised by anything they encounter here, and even the slightest traces of battle won’t make people confused.

I was shocked by the feeling of "there was a war here".

Of course, the things that a few people saw about the woman behind them in the past two days are not included in this list.

After exploring for a while, finally at noon when the team was resting, things changed.

Others had proposed taking a break many times before, but they were all rejected by the woman behind them. The reason was of course that they could hurry up and complete the task sooner, so they could return it sooner. However, when it was time to eat, stopping was inevitable.

Okay. At this time, the other people were still sitting together, and the evil young man was still bragging to Bai A Niu about his past greatness. Miss Mengzhu was watching the excitement on one side, but her eyes glanced at the roots of the trees on the other side from time to time.

There, Xue Ling Huan Bing was continuing the progress from last night, continuing to obtain information from the bad uncle.

It's nothing good anyway, as long as you don't get seduced...

However, the situation there is still somewhat different from last night.

Regarding the various characteristics of this Emerald Forest, and even the player’s impression of the Emerald Forest and Greenstone Village - the question raised by Xue Ling Huan Bing is obviously the same concept, and ordinary players will not understand it.

Duan Qing was interested in these aspects, but after thinking about it, he still had some opinions of his own.

"Greenstone Village is... a peaceful and peaceful place. It has a beautiful environment and simple folk customs. It is very suitable as a novice village. There is almost no danger in this place, and the basic game settings and world view are also very good."

All mentioned..."

"Compared to the Green Stone Village, this Emerald Forest..."

Duan Qing glanced at her: "I understand what you mean. According to the facts I know, this forest is not a place that a newcomer who has just played this game should come in all senses."

He leaned on the tree trunk, looking at the dense green leaves above, as if he could see the sky above: "This place... has almost no roads, and the scene is complicated. It is just a natural maze. Listen to those

For those who have come here, there are almost no fixed landmarks here, so it is difficult to find the places you have walked before, it is like the entire forest has been refreshed. I don’t know if you have heard of this, but...

..Refreshing this kind of thing is very common in ordinary games, but in the free world...it is very unusual."

He breathed out: "...There is also the strength of the monsters. Not only are there a wide variety of monsters, they have high attack power, but they also have various attack methods. The most important thing is...they often appear without warning.


Looking at the eyes on the other side, Duan Qing guessed that the other side had the same experience. He chuckled and fiddled with the dagger on one side: "This feeling is indeed very annoying. You don't even know what you have done.

There will be strange troubles coming to you, and when you start to face these troubles, you will find that they are so powerful that it is simply unreasonable..."

The light became brighter, as if he wanted to see something from Duan Qing. Duan Qing knew that he might be right in some places, but he didn't want to fall out with her at the moment. After all, he was only an eleventh-level player.

If he is targeted by someone like him, he has no way to save his life.

"Ahem, so, putting this place next to a novice village, and very close to it, is obviously...unreasonable."

The head under the cloak lowered again, covering up the sharp light. After a moment, a deep voice came from there: "Unreasonable... Of course it's unreasonable."

She picked up the sword in her hand and placed it across her knees. The fingers of one hand rubbed the black scabbard: "I still want to know...why this is."

As if in response to her words, another gust of wind passed by. As soon as her voice fell, the leaves rustled. But Duan Qing smelled something unusual from the air he had just been taken away from.

He thought for a moment, then looked over there, and found that the hood was also slightly shifted, and an unknown insect chirping nearby suddenly sounded. The indifferent eyes were also looking at him, and the meaning contained in those eyes made him think.

I swallowed back what I wanted just now.

He lowered his head, and then spoke slowly: "Generally... when encountering such a situation, it is either the result of the natural evolution of the game algorithm in this world, or there are some other reasons involved."

"If it's the former, it can only mean that we are unlucky and have been reincarnated in this miserable place. Although I don't mind exercising in such a place... If it's the latter, there are many more possibilities.


"For example, this forest was originally an ordinary forest, and then it encountered a mutation similar to that of the Magic Empire, and it became this weird look now... Hey, why do I think this setting is quite normal, everyone

This routine is common in fantasy games. Another example is that the depths of the forest are actually the entrance to a different world, um, such as the demon world, and some powerful creatures rule here. Now we only encounter some of them.

.....However, I have never seen any demon world that uses various animals as minions. Are things like monkeys, wild boars, and gorillas really okay? Or...this is actually just a system.

The free world is so popular now that all the novices who squeezed in to play have used up their birthplaces, so the system temporarily generated a novice village in this remote place, so balance and other things are not considered. However, it is so strange

It’s also the first time I’ve seen the novice arrangement method..."

Every time Duan Qing came up with a possibility, he would deny it himself. This way of complaining made Xue Ling Huanbing a little bit dumbfounded, but he couldn't refute it - now it seems that no matter how well he understands Novice Village,

In terms of level of imagination, I am probably not as good as him.

"Another example is that this place actually has the will of nature, uh, or the will of the forest, whatever. Anyway, this is something that can evolve on its own, and because of it, the monsters here are getting stronger and stronger.

..." The nonsense continued, and the woman curled her lips.

"Let me think about it... maybe there are powerful people living in this forest, or there are many powerful people living there, or even a race here, maybe elves? I have never heard of it, but if it is elves

That's great, I yearn for this race very much, and if we follow the design standards of general fantasy themes, it would be totally acceptable for a forest with this race to become like this... Oops, I can't continue editing it."

Duan Qing closed his eyes as if in pain, and the woman on his side turned her scabbard and then laughed.

"Another example..."

Duan Qing opened his eyes and stared in a certain direction: "There are some relics of the ancient magic empire here..."

The turning movement stopped, and the body under the cloak suddenly tensed.

Watching all this from the corner of his eye, Duan Qing smiled imperceptibly, and his voice continued after a natural pause: "The ruins must have some remnants of the Magic Age, and then they precipitated, mutated, and fermented, affecting this place.

...Oh, maybe it's not that troublesome, maybe they have some kind of defensive array or something..."

Something condensed in the air, and the words stopped. After a short silence, the woman quietly raised her head, and found that Duan Qing's eyes were not looking anywhere else - he was looking at herself.

"I think we thought of it together, didn't we?"

Xueling Huanbing's right hand rested on the hilt of the sword.

"Oh..." Duan Qing quickly raised his hands: "Don't be so wild, okay? This kind of vocabulary is not suitable for women, and it is such a beautiful beauty like you...

His voice deepened: "And such big news can be seen everywhere on the Internet..."

The woman blinked, but her body did not relax, but her words turned to the previous place: "Oh, I am very beautiful. This is indeed a fact."

"So I don't shy away from my praise, and... I don't want this beauty to be destroyed."

The woman looked at him for a while, then put her hand down: "So... you want to help me? Just with your strength?"

"Look, reason tells you that a player like me can't threaten you, but you still can't help but exude murderous intent. In fact, these **** have wanted to kill me more than once, right?


"Do you think no one noticed your peeping? That girl has already appeared."

"That's not peeping, that's fair and square... monitoring you."

It was as if they suddenly had a tacit understanding, and the two of them planned to decide the winner now. The woman had no intention of drawing her sword again, but her expression became colder, while the other party seemed more calm, as if he had no idea about the tit-for-tat situation.

Don't care.

"Now I am no longer a mother-in-law. I know you don't trust us. You probably guessed what we know. You even want to know which force we come from..."

"What do you want to prove, that you are an innocent person?"

"No, no, no, I'm just a newbie..."

"Newbie? Ha, although you are very concealed, your habits cannot be hidden from my eyes..."

"Oh, you have really good eyesight. You can actually see the true strength of my Qingshan Sword God. But... so what, I had no intention of hiding it..."

"Is that so? Then tell me everything you know, and I won't mind... sharing it with you."

"Why? Am I familiar with you, beauty? And I've already introduced our situation..."

"Stop pretending..."

"Okay, okay, I know you won't believe me, but we are all ordinary players, we just want to have a good time playing the game... Well, I don't know what their game goals are, at least

I am."

At this point in the conversation, Duan Qing's face finally became...serious.

"So we don't trust you either, at least I don't."

"So we don't intend to help you, at least... I don't intend to help you."

"Is this your attitude?" the woman said contemptuously, "You were still looking at me just now... If you plan to let me beg you, or if you want to retreat in order to advance, then...


"You can calculate things as much as you like, or continue with your unnecessary conjectures. With the strength of people like us, tricks are naturally meaningless, but similarly, there is a limit to what can be done...

It’s up to you to consider the pros and cons.”

"I just want to think that if a certain moment comes, I will firmly...stand on my side."

"Because I don't like women like you."

At this point, Xue Ling Huan Bing's expression finally changed. It was a feeling of control being broken. As the woman gritted her teeth, Duan Qing didn't care about these things, although he didn't intend to break up with her so early.

It’s shameless, but I still feel quite proud.

I've been asking you to show off your face these days... Do you think you are a rare species?

It was already clear that there was no use standing here stupidly. Duan Qing stood up and was about to leave, when Xue Ling Huan Bing next to him raised his head.


As a leader who has been in a high position all year round, Xue Ling Huan Bing naturally couldn't stand the man's taunting just now. But also because of this, Xue Ling Huan Bing was able to break away from his anger and calmly think about the current situation.

Being in a dense forest, there is definitely no way to complete the task by oneself. Although adding these people, the success rate does not increase much, but it is still better than being alone...and excluding that person just now

If it was full of personal feelings, she had to admit that some of his words were quite correct.

I need help. This person... is very capable. I may have looked at him. Although he has done a lot... Phew, a grown-up woman can bend and stretch. Now is not the time to settle accounts. While the topic is very hot now,

Yes, as long as you show a certain degree of sincerity...

As long as the task can be completed...

Many thoughts flashed through her mind. Duan Qing looked at the silent woman with her head lowered, thinking she was going to say something harsh. He curled his lips, and then raised his hand as if he noticed something.


The woman raised her head in confusion, and the girl over there was already running over: "Uncle! Did you hear..."

"Shh..." Duan Qing made a gesture of silence towards Mengzhu again: "Of course I heard it."

Except for the woman in front of them, several people in the team had heard this sound before. It was the strange sound they heard before they encountered Snow Spirit Fantasy Ice.


Although Xue Ling Huan Bing didn't understand what was going on, she still followed Duan Qing's instructions, gathered with the remaining people, and then slowly moved towards the sound.

The strange noise became louder and louder, and as several people got closer, the sound became distinguishable: it was indeed the sound of something hoeing the ground.

Several people looked at each other. Are there people plowing the land in this forest? Or farming? This is... too strange...

The bad boy from Jiecheng and Mengzhu began to struggle with the choice of whether to continue approaching. A Niu over there wanted to rush forward again like last time, but this time he was finally held back by Duan Qing.

What is supposed to come will eventually come... Now that several people were looking at him again, Duan Qing also started to think while having a headache.

In such a place, farming is definitely against the law. But what else can a hoe be used for... Or maybe the thing is not a hoe at all, but something else, such as the footsteps of some kind of monster...

..But this sound appeared so suddenly, could there be such a careless predator...

And this voice hasn’t moved in a long time...

In short, this is not a natural sound, some kind of animal, or some kind of person, using a tool... The sound is like digging up the soil, digging up the soil...

Are you digging a hole? Digging a big hole in the forest for... hunting?

A figure suddenly flashed in Duan Qing's mind: the farm uncle wearing a red and black plaid shirt, a straw hat, and carrying a pitchfork.

Could it be...is it him?

This chapter has been completed!
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