315 Last Chance

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"Are you familiar with this guy?"


"Why don't you see him on the list of the second best team in the world?"

"Because he's the coach."

Facing the cool breeze blowing from the lake, Wu Liushang, who was blowing his temples, finally opened his red lips thoughtfully and answered Duan Qing's question: "Nominally, he is responsible for the entire technical training and tactics of the team.

Arrangement, so...according to what they said, such a person should not be on the field, otherwise he would become a bully..."

"Return to the coach? Still bully others?" Duan Qingguai on the side shouted: "When did these teams become so complicated, and there is such a thing as a full-time coach?"

"The current guild composition and team personnel arrangements have been very formalized. From auxiliary personnel to service personnel, the equipment is very neat." As if recalling some unpleasant past events, Xiuyu Liushang frowned slightly.

Wrinkled: "It's not like we used to, there wasn't even a person in charge of food..."

"That's why we have developed our good skills." Duan Qing laughed instead: "Of course, elder sisters like you are excepted..."

"Do you want to die?"

"...I was wrong, sister, let's get down to business. Is this angry maniac just like that, a hero behind the scenes?" Duan Qing pointed to the proud figure with two swords in the middle of the screen who had withdrawn from the game: "Look at him

The strength seems to be very strong..."

"What's wrong..." A strange smile appeared on his face. The blue woman combed her hair slowly, and then pointed at her head: "Actually, there seems to be a problem with him here..."


"According to some information I learned, this guy usually doesn't take care of things in the meeting." Xuyu Liushang shook his head and replied: "He doesn't talk much, and he doesn't participate in many activities. Most of the members only

You can see him in his usual residence with a leisurely look on his face, wandering around every day... If many people hadn't occasionally discovered his whereabouts on the battlefield in the north of the Free City, some people would even suspect him.

Not a senior member of the guild, but a guy who is worse than a gangster."

"Is this... a problem?" Duan Qing commented hesitantly: "At most, he is a prodigal and likes to do whatever he wants, right?"

"The problem is that many people have opinions about him." Xu Yu Liushang said helplessly: "The reason is... this guy does everything based on his mood, so he often leaves the table without any reason, leaving a lot of people behind. According to legend, once, the second best person in the world

During the battle for the station, he turned into a passerby in the middle of the fight, and then walked out of the door without even being persuaded by their president to come back..."

"Uh..." Then Duan Qing's eyes straightened: "Then there is indeed... something wrong."

"Whether it's outsiders or within their guild, there are a lot of opinions about this guy now. However, for some unknown reason, he is still the top executive of the guild and the nominal coach of the team." Whispering words crossed his hands.

Die, like a dignified agent: "As for his strength... there is no doubt about it. What you just saw... is not actually his full strength."


"Don't look at him using two swords..." Xu Yu Liushang blinked at Duan Qing: "Actually, he is a powerful player."


After holding the lower handle and thinking for a while, Duan Qing shook his head and laughed: "I see, I understand, the weapons that guy is good at...should not be the two weapons he saw earlier, right? And..."

"Can you calm down for a while?" He suddenly turned around and shouted to Xiao Hongchen, who kept changing his posture behind him: "I've been gesticulating for ten minutes!"

"Uh... I'm studying that person's moves just now!"

He retracted his hand sarcastically, and the shirtless man sat back down in his seat with a naive smile. At the same time, he scratched his head out of habit: "I finally met a hero. No matter what, I should learn from him."

A half-move..."

"Well, this is one of the reasons why they still keep him as the coach." Then Duan Qing pointed at Xiao Hongchen and said: "He can even attract an outsider, so he can definitely be used to recruit people for the guild..."

"Maybe it can attract people like Xiao Hongchen." Xu Yu Liushang squinted his eyes and snorted coldly: "Also...what do you think of the people in the coaching staff? Are they just out to show off their skills? Even if they themselves are

If you are willing to look at it, their president probably won’t agree to sell it, right?”

"That's not necessarily true. If I were the president, I wouldn't miss such a good opportunity... huh?" Duan Qing, who was muttering with his head lowered, suddenly stopped talking: "What did you just say, the coaching staff? Is it like

Is there more than one guy like him?"

"Of course there's more than one."

Calling out his own screen, Xu Yu Liushang quickly operated on it: "But the remaining people...are basically normal people."

She paused, then turned the screen, and another single-player match in the middle of a battle appeared in front of Duan Qing's eyes - two close-combat players on a grassy field.

He was flying up and down in the lush wild grass that was nearly a person tall, mixing his figure with the twisted grass clippings: "Drink!"


"Which one?" At the same time as the shocking sound of metal clanking sounded, Duan Qing pointed at the picture in the center of the screen and asked: "Is this the guy using the gun?"

"Yes." Xu Yu squinted and said, "That's him."

In the short few seconds before, the man wielding the gun who was noticed by Duan Qing had already used several large-scale rotations to sweep his opponent away into the distance of the grass forest again. Then he straightened the gun and moved his hands forward.

After a while, he stood up with his spear in front of him. His eyes were like a torch, and his face was full of seriousness. The hand that was standing behind his head and raised high was in the next moment.

With a sudden force, he stabbed himself in front with a spear.


Amidst the flying grass clippings, an opponent hiding in that direction who was trying to sneak attack him again was stabbed out by this shot, and then he retreated to his rear with a strange scream.

"Wow, it's actually a spear! Finally, I met a fellow traveler..."

"This guy... used standard marksmanship."

While Xiao Hongchen was shouting from behind, Duan Qing raised his head and said, "Very few people use this kind of marksmanship."

Stab horizontally, thrust vertically, sweep forward and backward... In the constantly undulating grass, the seemingly ordinary spear never seemed to have the intention of stopping. It fired at the opponent with a posture that was faster than the other.

Wave after wave of attacks. The wide-open and wide-open gun moves swept up grass clippings in the sky, and at the same time forced his opponent back a few steps away. The green-light dagger was never seen.

The opportunity approached him. After another failed attempt, the thief-like player cursed a few words, and then rolled behind him under the weeds just before the spear almost pierced his chest.

Dud dud——

Continuous and rhythmic pokes to the ground kept ringing behind him. He clapped his hands and suddenly jumped up from the ground. The gun that had been chasing behind him was retracted to the man's body early.

Before, he re-arranged his initial posture: "We are all old friends..."

"Why bother lying here and there?"

"This Phoenix Tianwang...seems to know his opponent very well." Pointing at the man with the spear erect on the screen, Duan Qing asked with some confusion: "You have managed not to catch up...are they familiar with each other?"

"Twilight Doll, a thief, one of the current players in Devil's Paradise. He is good at using side tactics and other alternative methods to deal with enemies." Ninglan, who had her hands together, didn't know when she came behind several people, and then smiled at Xiao Hongchen with a flattering expression on her face.

Zhong explained in a timely manner: "According to the currently known information, the skills he uses more frequently include bleeding blow, blinding torches, handmade traps, and... deadly poison."

"The blinding torch... couldn't be produced by Fenghua Town, right?" Duan Qing blew a whistle, then looked at the inexplicable faces of the people next to him, and retracted his smile with some sarcasm: "That means... these two guys

Not an old friend, but an old enemy?"

"The second best person in the world has been dealing with the Devil's Paradise for a long time in the Free City." Xu Yu Liushang replied: "They must know each other very well. Look at the way he doesn't want the other party to get close..."

She pointed to the picture on the screen where someone was shot away again and said: "You know how wary he is."

"Using a gun to defend...what a waste!" Xiao Hongchen punched the palm of his other hand and expressed his attitude first: "If you want me, I'll shoot him to the core!"

"Come on, you'll be happy if you can't stab someone to death." Duan Qing analyzed without looking back: "This guy is so good at bleeding others, and his life-saving skills are probably top-notch. I can imagine it right now.

How did this guy’s previous opponent get beaten to death by him?”

"Although this is a kind of tactics, but...it's not morally good." He sighed at the end: "You don't have to be scolded by others behind your back, right?"

"Devil's Paradise is not a decent guild to begin with, so of course it won't care about this." Xu Yu Liushang shook his head and said, "If he can pull down the second best person in the world, he will be rewarded instead."

"It's a pity...it seems a little difficult now." Duan Qing smiled slightly: "He wasn't fooled just now..."

In the picture, the dusk puppet, which was pretending to retreat, stopped its rolling movements again, stood up helplessly, and then looked at its opponent who seemed to be motionless through the gap between the grass blades: "I... it's boring for you to do this.

Ah, can you call me like a man and in an upright manner?"

"You still have the nerve to say this?" Phoenix Tianwang, who was holding his spear upright, showed a surprised face: "You still have the nerve to say this?"

"...What's wrong? Isn't a trap formation a formation?" Twilight Doll frowned and said, "If you can break my trap, what if I give in now?"

"Come on, I don't know you yet?" The man wielding the gun looked disdainful: "I just kicked you over, and you have already come here with those dirty tricks, and you still want me to wait for you to admit defeat?"



As if they knew how useless it was, the two players who were looking at each other closed their mouths and began to slowly rotate around the center between them. At the same time, they stared at each other closely with stern eyes, as if they were talking to each other.

While they were in a stalemate, they were waiting for possible flaws from the other side. The spectators watching the game seemed to be infected by the atmosphere, and there was no discussion for a while. Xiao Hongchen, who was also staring at the screen, also stopped shouting.

He looked like he was staring at the center of the screen with bated breath: "This..."

"How should we resolve this situation?"

"Don't worry, we've already started taking action."

At Duan Qing's low-pitched reminder, the hooded man holding daggers in both hands suddenly lowered his body and disappeared from Phoenix Tianwang's sight. Phoenix Tianwang, who was aware of it, raised his spear almost at the same time.

, and then took a step towards the figure he saw: "Heaven——"

His movements stopped, or he didn't move at all - a silver thread appeared at his feet at some point, in the messy grass, and tightened his ankles with leather boots.

Tied up tightly.

"He's been caught in a trap! Oops! What's the point of taking one more step over there..."

"No, he stepped on it a long time ago. The Twilight Doll only started to take action after knowing the result..."

Amidst Duan Qing's muttering, the man holding the gun in both hands suddenly raised his head, and a dangerous light shone in his eyes early. The next moment, a whistling arc started from the tip of his gun and headed towards the person in front of him.

It passed consistently in a certain direction, then rotated and jumped as he twisted his wrists, and finally stopped abruptly, stopping where it started, drawing a perfect circle around him. A whistling sound

Mixed with chopped grass clippings, they were all blasted into the distance by this large-scale sweep, but this seemed to be all that this blow brought - in the empty circular area, a man stood with a gun.

He looked around blankly, as if in a more vigilant mood, feeling a little confused about the result that nothing happened.

The next moment, a dark stick-shaped object appeared in the sky and flew silently to his head.


"Oops, oops! Got hit!"

"The blinding torch from the legend? It's different from the one I used originally..."

"It's over, it's over, it's a shame, the screen has turned white..."

As Xiao Hongchen yelled from behind, Xu Yu Liushang hurriedly adjusted his screen, changing his perspective to a third-person God-like state. But before the screen could stabilize, a harsh sound of tearing flesh suddenly appeared on everyone's mind.

In human ears: "Goodbye!"

"Breaking Divine Spear!"

Two different voices belonging to two people sounded in the center of the circular area at the same time. However, while the thief player slashed the opponent's waist with a dagger, he was hit on the head with a gun by the opponent, and then shook his head.

He stood swaying on the spot, shaking his head and feeling dizzy.

"This is it." Looking at the series of negative signs in Phoenix Tianwang's character state, Duan Qing clapped his hands: "The last chance."

"Wandering Dragon——"

Tightly closing his tearful eyes, the hands of the man holding the gun did not hesitate for a moment because of such obstacles and the pain in his waist. He still maintained the weird gun-raising movement, and he quickly and steadily held the gun.

The tip of the spear was placed in front of the Twilight Doll, and then he suddenly raised it while shouting, lifting the opponent's entire body into the air.


He held the gun in one hand, stretched out his fixed body with all his strength, and pinned the thief in the air like a lantern. Then, with another loud shout, he shook his wrist and smashed the tip of the gun and the opponent's body together.

It fell to the ground ahead.

This chapter has been completed!
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