386 The Tide Is Unstoppable, The Thunder Appears

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The game ended very quickly, and the unexpected result did not surprise the audience at all - it seemed that they were used to seeing these players like to use the bottom of the box as a winner.

A little numb, they were only slightly surprised, and then turned their attention away from the curiosity caused by the iron rod and returned to the fierce competition. And the cruel facts that followed proved that this iron rod

The weapon that Yun Jingbu had hidden for a long time did not have a decisive impact on the outcome of the game. It only delayed his defeat on the surface, just because his shirtless opponent not only left early to prepare mentally, but also delayed his defeat on the surface.

And his strength is exactly what he showed, much higher than his opponent.

"If he can have a desperate mentality from the beginning..." Duan Qing commented after the game: "Maybe there will be a chance."

Even after taking out his own special weapon, Yun Jingbu, who was already scarred, did not harass Lu Bench too much on the offensive end. His iron rod did not even have a chance to show its powerful long-range deterrence ability.

Forced back step by step by the Iron Fist man's close attack, he was exhausted in defense and protection, and lost sight of the other. Although the second best player in the world did make several beautiful counterattacks in the process, and used his weapons to save the situation.

After several failures, the opponent's strength and momentum are too amazing, and the fighting gap between them is too huge. Even successful parries and counterattacks will be forced to retreat by three points due to the opponent's attack.

Then, following the same pace as before, he continued to walk farther and farther in the direction of defeat.

The battle process often goes like this.

"Yun Jing stepped with a horizontal stick to block! He successfully blocked the opponent's fist! But it seemed that because of too much strength, he still took two steps back...left hook! Sideways! Wrong! Lu Benchou's continuous attacks

It was really too fast, Yun Jingbu still couldn't keep up..."

"Parry! Parry again! Sunset Strike! Yun Jingbu saw the opponent's next kick and attacked that place in advance! This is his special skill. The opponent's retreat should also buy him some relief...

Lu Benchou jumped up! Whip kick! Three consecutive kicks! Wow, this kind of three consecutive kicks... Fortunately, this is in the game, otherwise I wouldn't believe it."

"A stab with a straight stick! Okay! This hit hit Lu Benben's chest, but the opponent didn't seem to notice it, and the attack did not stop... step forward and straight punch! Oh, I feel like it when I look at it

It hurts..."

"One leg, two legs... a sweeping punch! Yun Jingbu's iron rod was swept away. It seems that the force of this move is still great... a reflexive sweep! Yun Jingbu followed the trend and counterattacked, hitting the opponent's

Waist and ribs! Only % of Lu's bench is left... What? He clamped the iron rod! He was still able to survive the moment he was hit... Your counterattack count is full, right?"

"No chance."

Moments before the last few scenes appeared, Duan Qing's voice flowed slowly and coldly like a river: "Whether it is hard power or combat experience, Lu Bench is better than Yun Jingbu, plus the initial

The gap between defeat and momentum... it is really difficult to turn defeat into victory."

"Not every professional player can make a comeback by 'hiding and tucking'." He finally commented: "This battle is a typical example."

"Although I also think that the two of them fought seriously from the beginning... the result will not change." Fanhua Sijin also commented: "But it is still a bit of a pity. After all, Yun Jingbu is a close friend.

The most dazzling rising star in the past three years, and the first person to use a stick as a weapon in this competition..."

"There is no individual competition and there is still a team competition. What are you afraid of?" Looking at the game with a winner on the screen and the cheers of the surrounding players, Duan Qing responded with a smile: "When the time comes, he will learn from this."

Lessons learned.”

"Lessons? Do you mean lessons from others?"

"In tonight's game, many people like to keep one hand as a last resort weapon, but in the end they have to take it out to save themselves from failure." Duan Qing replied: "Some people succeeded, some failed, but no matter what

, I have something I want to give them."

"Why didn't you use your strongest attack from the beginning?" Duan Qing asked with a smile: "You are already on the verge of entering the top eight, and you are still hiding those things to fight intelligence wars... You are not afraid of being suffocated to death in the end.

In the belly?"

"Indeed." Fanhua Sijin nodded in agreement: "This may be a common problem among professional players. They like to leave their unique skills to the end in the hope of unexpected results. I hope they can learn this lesson in future games.

, don’t let unexpected results happen again.”

"No, Lu's bench is very strong. You should be lucky to have discovered this." Duan Qing sighed: "I'm looking forward to the remaining games. I hope those people... won't let me down."

"Don't worry, there are at least three games in today's game. I'm afraid I haven't left all my strength and means to wait for the next... Hello? Hello? Oh my god, you ran away so quickly? I haven't finished my words yet..."


In the game cabin on the other side, Duan Qing, who had cut off the voice communication, quickly left a message in a chat window, then turned back and looked at the girl who had not yet reacted: "How do you feel?"

"Ah? Well... they are all so powerful." The girl stuck out her tongue and replied: "I wish I could be as flexible as a martial arts master..."

"Normal professional players are not in very good physical condition." Duan Qing shook his head: "Even if they use fitness equipment to maintain their physical strength, what can a group of people who lie in the game cabin all day do well?

His skills? But they all rely on the experience in the game and the will of the brain."

"Then... that Lu Bench..."

"He is a real master of fighting."

Duan Qing squinted his eyes and replied: "I have met many such people before. They may have some skills in reality, so they can quickly adapt to the world in the game and create according to their own needs.

A body that suits him. Lu Bench is probably a person who is very good at this aspect. Judging from his previous games... this guy seems to have never used his full strength, but tonight for some reason...

…It just exploded suddenly.”

"Is he really a martial arts master?" Qianzhihe asked in surprise, "He looks fierce..."

"Why, does it have to be a jade tree facing the wind and full of fairy energy to fit the image in your mind?" Duan Qing replied with a smile, then turned his head: "What's more..."

"He is not a martial arts master." He whispered: "He is a professional on the road... but it is very possible."


"Nothing, nothing...I'm going to play the game, how about you?"

"Are you going to play the game? Wait for me, wait for me!"

The sounds of quickly packing away snacks and running sounds were like a hurried hamster, quickly appearing behind Duan Qing's head, making the corners of his mouth curl up involuntarily: "Gather at the old place, you wait there for a while, if anyone comes

Well… just tell them first.”

"Ah? Where are you going, Brother Qingshan?"

"...of course I'm going to keep my appointment."

Looking at the response that appeared on the dialog box, Duan Qing sighed helplessly.

"Being a sparring partner...is also very tiring."


The individual competition in the second round of the UEFA Cup Finals came to an end in such an atmosphere. The huge response and discussion it aroused was within the expectations of many people. The result of the draw and the venue of the competition imply

The information, the reappearance of the God of War, the birth of composite magic, the breakthrough of sword energy, and the elimination of professional players all jumped out of the water overnight and became a hot topic for everyone. Naturally, there are many unknowns among them.

Watching the game, people who didn't know what to do joined the discussion, adding more heat to this already boiling land. However, the hot topics that were originally left in the community did not change at all because of the emergence of these new topics.

have declined, and they have even become more popular due to the increase in the number of followers.

For example, Duan Qing appeared in the solution channel for the second time, and the Duan brothers let off steam during the competition.

The first game in the group ended with Duan Fenglei instantly admitting defeat. Although the reason is well known to the world, the attitude of having no competitive spirit still aroused criticism and criticism from many players, who believed that the two of them violated the rules.

It violates the basic spirit of the game and goes against the status of a professional player. However, if there are opponents, there will naturally be supporters to deal with it. The supporters of the arena already have a large number of people, so in the battle of quarrels

On the topic, they did not fall behind at all. However, the debate on this topic is really not very nutritious, because the battle between the two sides often evolves into this situation:

"It's so unprofessional! Are you going to abstain from playing after being drawn together? Do you have the guts to protest to the league?"

"Isn't it the same for the next two games? Why don't you treat them?"

"He at least made symbolic gestures twice, so the two brothers should also gesture at least twice, right?"

"Does making two gestures count as complying with the spirit of the game? I also think this is more straightforward and aboveboard!"

"They are all from the younger generation. They are old professionals. They should set an example for professional players and their competitive spirit..."

"Holy crap, that's the leading guild registered by the Wings of Freedom and the second largest alliance in the world. How come you have become a figure here? If you are treated so differently, I'm afraid it's not the navy they hired, right?"

As a result, this battle evolved into a real camp war.

The topic of Duan Qing has not slowed down at all in the past two days, but the situation here is naturally somewhat fundamentally different from that over there - the re-debut of the Sky-Breaking Blade has been going on since the incident in the Emerald Forest.

There are a lot of rumors, and this specious discussion has been posted on the Internet for a long time, so many people no longer have the energy to question the authenticity of this topic. This time, there seems to be something else in their eyes.

Meaning, because even in the flourishing invitation seats that have not yet become the designated solution of the alliance, there has never been a guest sitting in the same place for two consecutive days - this "Sky-Breaking Blade" has great potential to continue to be stable

The tendency of sitting there, the feeling of being appointed, is like an internal employee who has been secretly selected by the alliance.

"Have you been hired by the official government? Are you going to join the alliance?" they thought.

The reason why the Alliance has been able to maintain its supreme authority in the past ten years is not only related to its neutral and impartial status, but also because they have continuously absorbed talents from the once all-powerful and dominant gaming forces in the process of development.

, and then use their relationships to intimidate the normal operation of more gaming forces. There may also be some loners or non-combatant professionals among them, but no matter whether they have their own forces in their gaming career or not,

Having encountered too many enemies, the Alliance will take them into consideration when selecting personnel - Over the years, the Alliance's selection criteria have not changed. In addition to normal character requirements, their only criterion for selecting personnel is

Whether you have made enough contributions in the game and whether you have enough influence. According to this standard, it can be inferred that the ordinary staff who maintain order at the game site, as well as the officials who show up before and after the game and are responsible for organizing and planning the game

They may all be masters of certain eras, or retired professional players who were once world-famous.

Chen Tianfan, the Heaven-controlling Shield, is one of the typical examples, and today's Sky-Breaking Blade...

Based on the fact that Duan Qing appeared at the banquet twice, many people are also considering the motivation of this legendary figure who has disappeared for three years to appear here. However, even if similar methods are so popular, there is still something in it.

Many former fans do not believe the fact that the unruly idol in their minds has "converted to heaven". While they are also refuting this conclusion, they hope to find other clues that can prove that he is not working in the alliance. Some people even use

The chat records with "top secret information" raised the idea that this person was not the real Sky-Breaking Blade. But no matter how they argued, all aspects of the alliance, including Blossoms, did not come forward to make any response to this situation again.

I would like to further state that as a result of the continued fermentation of this topic, in addition to making more and more people aware of Duan Qing's existence, the only remaining effect is probably to increase the number of spam messages in his mailbox by 30%.


Then, all these topics lost their original effect on the afternoon of January 17th, because the latest news about the free world was like thunder in the clear sky, waking everyone up from their hazy state.

"The Empire is advancing?"

"The Empire has marched..."

"The Empire advances!"

On the night of January o, January 7, 795 in the New Calendar, the empire on the border of Fars was like a hungry wolf that had been waiting for a long time. In an instant, it pushed all the troops from all walks of life to the east of the fortress, with an overwhelming force.

Breaking through the Anta defense line composed of Jianghu and the Sword of Justice, and supplemented by battlefield dungeon players, they advanced towards the direction of Tania. The players on the Talon Plain were also more or less affected by this.

The impact of this sudden attack, and then broke away from their respective chaos, and while returning to their own camp, spread this amazing news to further places inside and outside the game. However, these energies belonging to the players' forces seem to

It did not have any effective impact on this fact. The terrain of the Talon Plain also made the long drive more efficient, as if the fall of Tania City was already a certainty and an unstoppable fact.

But there are still people who can stop the Imperials' advance, and that is themselves.

"They stopped!"

In the woods outside Tania City, Xiao Hongchen, wearing a straw hat woven from tree vines and dressed like a militiaman, suddenly jumped out from the bushes where several people were hiding: "They stopped outside Taran Village!

It seems that the guards led by Tasker played a role..."

"If those soldiers can stop us, I will no longer believe in science."

Duan Qing in the bush dropped the food in his hand, clapped his hands and stood up, while looking at the three or two other players around him: "Stop... I'm going to take a look, how about you?"

"I'm still here...waiting for you."

In the hesitant expression of the red girl holding the red staff, the cloaked Snow Spirit Huan Bing looked up at the smoke and dust in the northwest, and then shook her head lightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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