438 Declaration of Victory, Moment of Awakening

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"Welcome to Tania."

"In this case...it should be us, right?"

In front of the hillside to the north of the ring city, two women, one blue and one red, looked quietly at a certain figure who appeared in front of them: "After all, this is the headquarters of our Council of Mages."

"Stop joking, if you really think this is your home base... then how could we have been hiding here for so long?"

The old mage who slowly floated closer laughed, and the gray beard and hair on his face flew in all directions with his laughter: "Christine, Christine... you were negligent this time."

"...Don't listen to his provocations, my dear sister."

Reaching out to hold down Freya, who had just raised her hands, the woman with flying blue hair smiled and said: "The purpose of the old guy is just to attract us to take action. This will not only cause great damage to the city, but also

It will take us far away from the observation target..."

"Good hunch, Water Mage."

The gray-haired old man looked at the other party with an arrogant look, and his gray robe gradually became more and more swaying: "We have worked hard to win this situation. All possibilities have been put into our plan, and your existence will naturally

It’s within our consideration, but because of old Wiggins’ feelings, I don’t want to be too harsh on you fellow magicians..."

"How about we go outside the city to solve the problem?"

"...Are you sure you can deal with the two of us by yourself?"

"Of course I'm sure."

The old man laughed again: "You are not the only one growing up in this world. I have also learned many new tricks! And..."

His face darkened, and his wild smile also subsided: "Believe me, if you choose to interfere with this speech... you will be in even greater trouble."

There was a moment of silence between the few people who represented the highest level of magic in the Free Continent, as if the presidential speech and the commotion of the crowd that were still echoing in their ears no longer existed. After a while, they kept their hands stretched out to be wary of each other.

Freya finally received her sister's decision, and then, under the leadership of the old man on the opposite side, they all flew north towards Tania City behind the hills. The violent ice wind and the flames containing order immediately appeared.

The sky there was colliding with streaks of lightning falling from the sky, but no player could appreciate this incomparably amazing magical scene.

They are struggling to support the south gate of Tania City.

"Stay, stay here!"

"The Juyi League's station has been lost! Go and support the Brotherhood, their position is in danger!"

"The enemy's catapult was too powerful! All the fortifications on the Iron Fist Gang's side were smashed..."

"Tanks have appeared! Tanks attacking Fars Fortress have appeared!"

"Don't tell me about changing formations and withdrawing from the city... Labor and management are here to guard today!"

In the temporary player command center of Tingyu Tower, the golden-armored Gregson was patting the shaky oval wooden table in front of him: "We have to defend here even if we have siege weapons, and we have to defend here even if everything in front falls.

Even though the station has been smashed...you have to guard it here for me!"

"But, but..."

"Nothing but! Morale, do you understand morale?"

The soldiers in golden armor roared: "The people from the Wings of Freedom haven't come to cause trouble for us, so why are we retreating and giving in? Even if we retreat to the city, the city will be broken sooner or later... Guard! Give it to me.

Fight to the death! Whichever side comes over, push back!"

"If you fight like this until the end... you might get tricked and killed."

Lou Tingyu, who was sitting in the corner of the conference room with a sad look on his face, slowly expressed his opinion: "I'm not afraid of being killed in turn, but if the enemy occupies the field hospital and then uses the siege to resurrect him,

If they control us... then there is nothing we can do about this battle situation."


Gregson hammered hard, almost breaking the wooden table next to him: "Why did the empire suddenly launch a general attack? Aren't they still waiting for news of the negotiations?"

"As long as the situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak does not change, this day will come sooner or later."

A voice suddenly broke into the ears of the people present, and at the same time there was a figure of a knight belonging to a certain bald man: "If you don't hit me hard, it's a meaningless kindness. If you hit me now...

…We must continue.”

"If you are passive, you will be beaten. If you cannot be beaten, you will die here." He smiled helplessly: "This is the sorrow of the weak."

"Why are you here?" Gregson, who also looked embarrassed, asked in a low voice: "Didn't you... go to the west?"

"The net has been closed." The uncle knight shook his head and replied: "The old guy is indeed very cunning. He saw early on that the undercover agent had sneaked in, and I don't know what method he used... to bring the person over directly."

"Before the fighting broke out here, everyone was still monitoring the city, but now..."

He turned his head and looked around at everyone here: "Get ready, the battle has begun at the West City Gate."


Lou Tingyu in the corner suddenly stood up. At the same time, Gregson on the side also hurriedly asked loudly: "Isn't there no one in the west who has been attacking? How could it be so fast..."

"It's the Snow Wolf Army."

The uncle knight, who had always been a fighting maniac, slumped in his chair uncharacteristically: "Duan Fenglei has already brought people there, but now..."

"It must have been lost."


Loud crashes and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground suddenly echoed in the sky in a corner of the city. Accompanied by this was the sight of the western gates of Tania City falling down. The hastily organized team of players fell in disarray.

Among the retreating figures, the residents who were originally located on the west side of the city also began to flee in all directions, crying in the direction of the others who had gone to the Messenger Platform before and had not returned yet. Silence was accompanied by two twisted doors.

The city gate fell down and appeared for a moment. A general carrying a halberd and wearing heavy armor also walked in through the smoke and dust on the ground. He looked at the deserted Neal Avenue and followed the straight line of sight.

The road reached the end of the Parliament Square, and then it turned slightly among the neat formations of Snow Wolf Army soldiers at the rear, and landed on the only figure who stayed on the roadside and had not yet escaped.

"...It's you." He whispered: "You are actually here."

"Long time no see, Giant Wolf." The magician holding the organ seemed to have really changed his profession and became a bard. At this time, he slowly stood up from the empty food stall: "Well... maybe I should call you

Old wolf is more appropriate?"

"...I heard that the Council of Mages locked you up, but I didn't expect you to be still alive and kicking."

The white beard swayed with the rising autumn wind. Combien, holding the euphorbia, took a step forward, and then stopped under the other person's gaze: "After so many years...haven't you regretted it yet?


"Repent? I think you must have done something wrong."

Rex shook his hair and assumed a standard posture of a minstrel preparing to start performing: "A handsome person like me will burst out with fiery brilliance wherever he goes, attracting thousands of beautiful girls, how come

Is it possible that such a bad word as "repent" appears in my body?"

"I can go wherever I want." He lowered his head: "Wherever I want to stay... I can stay wherever I want."

"...So, you want to stop the empire?" Compien, who noticed the opponent's movements, loudly said: "Even if it is a meaningless act of suicide?"

"To expect an old wolf like you to have love is simply more difficult than picking off the star of Vers." Rex sighed: "And to expect you, the soldiers of the empire, to understand this... Haha, why don't we sit down?

How about coming down, having a nice drink, and then listening to me sing a song for you?"

Kangbien, who sneered, no longer had any intention of paying attention, but waved his hands heavily and spread out behind him. The Snow Wolf Army troops who had been waiting for a long time also roared in unison, and began

He pushed forward towards the front of the avenue with neat steps without hesitation. In the shadow of the approaching enemy, the bard who seemed unaware actually started singing, but maybe it was because he really had no talent for singing.

, the tone-deaf singing voice that Duan Qing had once admired immediately stopped awkwardly.

"Tadaya's heroic soul is singing in the horizon, and the door to the new world is opening to the world!" So he played the same messy tone and recited crisply and loudly: "Fiers, Rest, witness

This great moment, without sacrifice... there will be no victory!"

"Drenir! Frey! Kadraft!"

He stood in the middle of Neal Avenue, stretched out his arms, and sang loudly through the blowing autumn wind.

"Your invasion will fail!"

An invisible breath appeared quietly like the dawn, blowing back the autumn wind blowing in the face, and then turned into an overwhelming storm in the next moment, covering everything in sight together with the thundering war cry.

, rolled into the sunshine over the city.


"got windy."

Valletta Hospital, which was slanted in by the early morning sunlight, was immersed in the same sad atmosphere at this time, because the Speaker of the Principality, who had just suffered the third attack and had been unconscious all night, was

Lying motionless on the hospital bed in the center of the room. Some of the people whose names were read by Hosman before were also surrounding the room with sad faces. Their eyes were watching the scene outside and listening.

He was paying attention to the noise coming from all over the city, but he was not in the mood to make any calm analysis and suggestions like the usual staff.

Of course, there are still many noteworthy people among the number of people who have shrunk compared to the past, including a certain fat man who just came back in a hurry, and Duan Qing, who was squatting in the corridor without saying a word, etc.


Duan Qing didn't come here alone, and he wasn't the first player to know about the assassination last night. It's just that Duan Fenglei and other guys who came here with him also left here early because of the intensity of the war.

, ran to the city gate to put out fires. It seemed that they no longer had the mind to care about these unnecessary things. The few men in black who occasionally broke out into quarrels were no longer able to pay attention to these adventurers stranded here, and followed them.

After seeing the body left by the assassin, Huanmeng who sneaked in made a comment with great interest.

"This guy...is he a refugee? He doesn't look like he belongs to some dark organization."

"Why haven't you left yet...forget it."

After pondering quite depressingly for a while about his recent actions and the meaning of life, Duan Qing finally gave up the idea of ​​giving up, and then when the wind outside slapped the window leaves,

He stood up from the ground tiredly. A night of searching and tracking had consumed most of his energy, and a series of bad news had also weakened the morale of the team. He even went offline to rest and received a lot of messages.

When pressing for information, he realized that the finals had already begun, a fact that he had completely forgotten.

Fuck X’s finals…

Putting the figure of a certain woman out of his mind, Duan Qing walked to the door under the worried eyes of his teammates, and then opened the door under the gaze of a lot of NPCs in the room. In the city

The sound of speeches brought by the magic amplification seemed to have slowly dissipated amidst the muffled sounds and thunderous war roars caused by the city's destruction. Occasionally, panic among some civilians could be heard on the streets outside the building.

Running and screaming in panic, Duan Qing, who was shaking his head, glared hard at his tired eyes, then walked to the fat man who was sitting motionless by the bed, and looked with him towards the man who was only there due to lack of manpower.

He could do some cursory treatment. At this moment, he was facing the Speaker with blood seeping out of the bandage: "...I'm here."

"It's all my fault." The depressed fat man whispered: "That plan... seems to have given those people too much confidence."

"Those people... who are they?"

"They will not let go of our biggest nail... We should have realized this a long time ago." Fatty did not answer Duan Qing's question, but whispered to himself: "At this most critical moment

...I actually ran out, which was the most stupid behavior."



Duan Qing slapped the fat man on the shoulder: "Regarding what you said to me before... I also investigated it later, but not only did I get nothing, but I almost became a public enemy..."

"...We have no compensation." The fat man tilted his head expressionlessly: "There is nothing now, adventurer."

"I don't plan to ask for any compensation, but since I have no clues, I have to confirm it with you."

Facing the murderous intent that emerged, Duan Qing's eyebrows did not change at all: "Condition one: President Hosman is killing you; Condition two: President Hosman has not shown up for a long time. After his comeback,

Only then did he suddenly change his attitude; Condition 3: I remember you once talked to me in a joking tone..."

"Hosemann is not that kind of person."

The fat man raised his head, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes. Duan Qing, who was looking at the other party, still had an unchanging expression, and his tone became deeper: "Tell me... what is the conclusion?"

"Cough cough, cough cough..."

Before the fat man could answer, a series of painful coughs sounded from the hospital bed. The figure named Pamir, who was being watched by everyone in the room, finally opened his eyes and turned to look at Duan Qing and Duan Qing.


"You, what did you just...?"

he asked in a weak voice.

This chapter has been completed!
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