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Around the Emerald Tower, the battle between the strong ones is heating up.

Christine and Freya, the sisters' rivals, had switched sides at some point, and now in front of the fiery red figure was the skinny old man.

"Ahem... It seems that you are still as cold and heartless as ever..." After another silent attack, the old man named Kangweina once again launched a psychological offensive.

: "You...have always been like this. For the sake of the so-called future, you never care about the life and death of others..."

He coughed twice more, and then laughed lowly: "Whether it's an ordinary person...or an adventurer..."

"We never do such things as sending someone to death." Freya's words were still as concise as before, but when placed on the battlefield, they had some undoubted power: "We won't let others do it either."

"Hehehehe... You still know the weirdness of that tower after all... Even if they don't die in the hands of... the adventurers I captured temporarily, they will die in the hands of the adventurers I temporarily captured.

In the endless illusion...ahem..."

"If they unfortunately die in the maze of illusions, it will only be their fate, and we can't help them." At some point, Christine threw away her opponent, the man in black, and appeared in

He said to the other side of the old man: "If they are eliminated by your minions...then you are the mastermind behind it and the culprit."

"Hmph, cough...As eloquent as ever, princess...but the fact that they are going to die will not change."

"What we can do to help them is to ensure their minimum safety, and that is to... drive you out."

She stretched out her hands, the staff's fluorescent light flashed in front of her, and the blue robe began to flutter. In the woods behind the old man, the man in black also walked out - it seemed that he didn't

Planning to attack secretly.

The body of the man in black was covered with scratches, burn marks and freezing marks here and there. He looked very embarrassed. But when the old man turned his eyes to him, his eyes remained firm.

"So... you want to confuse your actions and cover up your sins. That's impossible, Kangweina..." Christine's long hair slowly floated up again, and the ones behind her were

Seeing this, the man in black approached quietly. The old man lowered his head, as if he was preparing for the next attack. The woman in red robe behind him suddenly gave a warning: "Sister!"

"Something is wrong..." The man in black holding two swords also made a voice for the first time. His voice was very hoarse, as if something was choking in his throat: "What's the matter?

Things are approaching, many..."

The old man put down the spell-casting gesture he had secretly made. Opposite him, the magic power fluctuations on the blue-robed figure gradually subsided. The two sides maintained mutual vigilance and slowly distanced themselves. One blue figure and one red figure also

Slowly getting closer together: "There are a lot of magic fluctuations..."

Christine's eyebrows knitted. Behind her, her sister's voice continued: "The forest has reacted to us..."

As if to verify her words, a howl rang out in the distant forest.

The four people on both sides looked in that direction at the same time. In the shadow of the trees, two huge fangs appeared first, and then the huge body slowly walked out.

That's a wild boar.

The wild boar snorted twice on the spot, as if provoking the people in front of it, and then walked out of the shadow of the giant tree with small steps. Behind it, more black shadows appeared - more wild boars.

Then there are wild leopards, tigers, groups of chimpanzees, and huge black bears. Above the green sea composed of tree crowns, there is a clear sound echoing in the sky, and a big black appearance appears in the woods on the edge of the basin in the distance, and then flies towards this side.

Came over.

Countless wild beasts filled the gaps between the straight giant trees, gradually blocking the entire rear. The entire forest seemed to have awakened from a thousand-year slumber, surrounding the area around the Emerald Tower.

"It seems... our battle has caused the resistance of the forest." Christine slowly raised the staff: "Or, it has caused the resistance of the tower."

"What should we do now, sister?" Freya's expressionless face turned as frosty, but her voice remained stable: "Which side should we deal with first?"

"Hold on for a while and check the situation in the tower." Christine exhaled, her movements as graceful as ever: "Although the situation is not good,... this is already the best situation.


She glanced sideways in the opposite direction: "After all... we have our old friends with us."


"So guys who don't understand the situation are the most annoying." Duan Qing knelt down and patted the opponent's face with his dagger: "You can't understand how much strength you have and how much strength the opponent has."

Just come up and die..."

"It's a waste of your and my time, and it can easily ruin our mood...Aren't you a gangster?"

"Hehe...I made a mistake, I didn't expect...ahem..." The young man covered in metal rings lay on the ground and gritted his teeth. He gasped in pain.

, in the previous battle, Brother Xuan was punched in the abdomen by Duan Shanyue.

"Okay, I don't want to waste time anymore... What was the name of the person who sent you before..."

"Kangweina." This time it was the man named Qing Pingle who answered. On their side, only he and Brother Xuan were still detained here, and most of the others were sent back to their hometowns.

Duan Qing tilted his head, glanced over there, and then continued to lower his head and asked: "Oh, are you the one who is fighting with Christine and the others outside now?"

"K, who is Christine..."

"By the way, you don't know..." Duan Qing rubbed his head: "But I should have seen him before, wearing black clothes and wielding a pair of black daggers..."

"That's another guy...ahem, Convina is an old man..."

"That's it..." Duan Qing lowered his head, then stood up slowly: "That makes sense. The man in black had trouble beating Freya alone..."

He looked up to the sky and sighed: "This will make sense..."

"What's wrong, uncle, is there any problem?" Mengzhu on the side said in a low voice. In the previous battle, the girl also used a dagger to slit the throat of one of her opponents, so she was in a bad mood now.

"Nothing." Duan Qing said, and then made a gesture to Xue Ling Huan Bing. Xue Ling Huan Bing nodded, and then chopped off the head of the man on the ground with a sword.

With the sound of his head rolling, Duan Qing walked towards Qing Ping Le, who was being pinned to the ground by Duan Shanyue: "We don't have much time, I'll ask another question."

"I knew I was going to die, so why should I answer you?" Qing Pingle's voice was calm. Anyway, it was all grudges in the game. If you die, you will die. You can settle the accounts later.

"No, no, no, listen to the questions I ask first, and then you decide whether to answer... Have you seen Trick just now?" Duan Qing didn't care about the other party's attitude and continued to shake his finger: "You

…He’s planting trees?”

Several people around him were stunned, not only because Duan Qing asked an irrelevant question, but also because of the meaning contained in this question.

What the hell is planting trees...

"...Yes." Qing Pingle thought for a while, and then admitted it.

"Don't think about deceiving people." Duan Shanyue pressed his hand and said harshly: "Looking at you, you are still a gentleman..."

"This is from that person's mouth, uh, it's the person who should be dead..." Qing Pingle said dullly, "As for whether it is lying to me, how do I know..."

The rest of the people looked at each other, but they didn't understand this weird question and the weird answer. Only Duan Qing nodded his head as if he understood, and then waved his hand: "I understand, let's send him away."

Before Duan Shanyue could say anything, the prisoner who had not moved under his hands did not want to sit still and wait to die.

He roared, the muscles on his body surged, and all four limbs exerted force at the same time. In an instant, he lifted the broken mountain. The woman in the black cloak slashed at him with a sword, but he blocked it with a swipe of his hands. Only then did everyone see clearly.

, I don’t know when he had a short sword in his hand.

He jumped towards the wall and then hit it. The whole tower seemed to shake at that moment, but there was no crack in the stone brick wall - Qing Pingle tried to force a gap to escape.

, but seems to have underestimated the solidity of this tower.

In the direction he had been running from before, Xue Ling Huan Bing was approaching him with a sword. On the other side, Duan Shanyue also roared and jumped in this direction.

In a hurry, the handsome man did not panic at all. He saw the right moment and rolled under the figure that leapt from the Broken Mountain. At the same time, he broke away from the temporary circle formed by the two. He stood up with one hand.

, ran quickly towards the door of this floor.

Although there were still people blocking him in that direction, looking at the girl's frightened look, it was probably impossible to stop him.

For a moment, Mengzhu pursed her lips and raised the dagger in her hand. She seemed a little surprised by her resistance. The other party slashed her sword in this direction. She wanted to block the attack, but her body refused to listen.

It's called - she must have subconsciously thought that even if she reacted with all her strength, she probably wouldn't be able to stop it.

The sword was about to penetrate her head, and then was thrown away by the sword handed to her from the air.

Familiar heat came from the gloves. Duan Qing exerted force on his wrist and struck out with another sword in an instant, driving Qing Pingle who wanted to escape away from the original route. Because he rushed forward too fast, he did not stop and struck out with a sword.

Hit the wall to the left of the exit.

Behind him, two masters were about to intercept him in an instant. Qing Pingle gritted his teeth and rushed against the wall towards the door regardless of the energy that was about to be exhausted.

"The roll just now was good, you must have practiced it..."

The figure flashed, and the figure that had previously blocked his forward direction appeared again in front of the door. His eyes flashed, and he stabbed out with a sword.

There was a faint crimson light on the sword.

"Xin, that was a fatal attack..." Before Duan Shanyue could finish his words, a loud sword strike from the front shook the entire room.

Duan Qing knocked away the sword that was about to hit his chest.

His eyes were slightly closed, and his expression was indifferent, like an old monk who was in trance, or a Taoist priest who had emerged from the dust, but his body made a squeaking sound when the muscles were suddenly exerted, and the sound was very loud among the loud fighting sounds.

And it was fleeting, but the Snow Spirit Phantom Ice behind it was still aware of it due to its higher attributes.

She also saw Duan Qing's back that was instantly soaked with sweat.

Duan Shanyue, who was closer, could clearly see Duan Qing's actions just now - he stretched out his sword from below, flicked his wrist, and just before the red light was about to approach, he picked the sword on the hilt of the opponent's dagger.

.That sword seems to have huge power, and it can knock the opponent's weapon away with one strike.

Qing Pingle covered his wrist and took two steps back against the wall, his eyes filled with horror: "You..."

Before he could finish his words, he was punched in the back of the head by Duan Shanyue from behind.

Mengzhu ran over and anxiously supported Duan Qing's body that was about to collapse: "Uncle! Uncle, are you okay? Were you injured just now..."

Slowly sitting down on the ground, Duan Qing stabilized his body: "It's okay, I just lost strength..."

"What are you doing so hard for? It doesn't matter if you let him run away..."

"Hey, I thought so at first, but..." Looking up at Mengzhu's anxious expression, Duan Qing did not continue.

Xueling Huanbing went over to check, and after confirming that the other party was dead, he turned his gaze back to Duan Qing, his eyes full of complex colors. Duanshanyue on the other side walked over directly, squatted down, and used an inexplicable expression

He stared intently at the person in front of him: "That sword strike just now..."

Duan Qing looked at the short head and waved his hand to stop the question that the other party was about to ask.

"There is not much time now." He whispered: "I have emphasized this many times."

"The battle situation outside is unclear, and a group of people have appeared again. We need to hurry up..." Duan Qing shook his head, his whole body trembled, and then slowly stood up with the help of Mengzhu


"It seems that things... are much more serious than I imagined..." Duan Qing said.

No one said anything for a while. Strange questions and answers, unknown so-called battles, and the strange behavior of several people in the team-perhaps they were confused by the complicated situation in front of them, and no one knew where to start. Finally, a

Aniu, who looked confused, still asked the most urgent question at the moment: "What should we do now?"

Duan Qing pointed his finger: "Of course...forward."


After a short rest, Duan Qing and others plunged into the endless stairs without hesitation. Of course, at the beginning, they needed to solve the problem of how to go up.

Since they were still quite high from the stairs closest to their heads, they needed some other methods to go up. After Duan Shanyue swore his chest and promised, several people discussed it for a while and decided to have the highest strength value.

The broken mountains were used as cannons, and the rest of the people were thrown onto them.

In addition to the Snow Spirit Fantasy Ice - she also had O strength, and the explosive power was enough, so she simply jumped up by herself. However, after she fell to the first step of the stairs, her figure disappeared.

"It seems that there are phantoms above. We'd better get together as soon as possible." Duan Qing said, and then signaled Duan Shanyue to start firing the cannon.

The first person to be thrown away was Liu Qingniu - even though he had patted his chest before, Duan Shanyue had never done such a job before, so a simple and honest man volunteered to be the first test subject. Duan Shanyue let out a loud roar and lifted up Liu Qingniu.

As soon as A Niu put his clothes on, the opponent's entire body flew high into the sky.

After a "pop" sound, the cannonball disappeared at the entrance of the stairs.

The remaining people did not delay. Duan Qing was the last one to be thrown up. His eyes flashed and he realized that things were not as bad as they imagined.

The stairs in front of them are still stairs, and the wall next to them is still a wall, but other things are completely different. They have even traveled to another dimension. The surrounding scenery has become unreal, and the light through the gaps in the brick wall has become colorful.

The whole space exuded a mysterious atmosphere. Duan Qing had already prepared for the worst-when he was thrown up, he would probably not be able to see the people who were thrown up before, and then everyone would get lost. Now

Judging from this situation, this game has not reached the level of maddening.

He pressed the wall with both hands, taking off the pressure to move forward, and then stood firm with the help of Xue Ling Huan Bing. Mengzhu and A Niu stood slightly above each other, leaving a certain space. The few of them interacted with each other.

After confirming each other's safety, they heard the sound of running from below.

There was an earth-shaking sound, and Duan Shanyue's figure suddenly appeared beside everyone, as if he had been teleported.

Duan Shanyue stood firm, looked around, and then asked doubtfully: "Strange... Is this the place where I just threw it..."

"No." Xueling Huanbing said: "There seems to be something like a barrier below. It seems that as long as it comes into contact, it will be teleported to this place."

"That means my aim for a long time was all in vain, right..." Duan Shanyue sighed helplessly, and then continued to observe the surrounding environment. The place they were at should be at the bottom of a flight of stairs.

The stairs spiraled up around the wall of the tower. There were no handrails on the side. It seemed that as long as the feet were slightly unstable, they would fall from the top. Duan Shanyue did not want to try what it would be like to fall from the top, although according to Xueling Huanbing's speculation

, there is a barrier like a teleportation array below, but who knows where you will be teleported if you fall from it.

He noticed that Duan Qing was lying on the edge of the wall, looking out through the gap, so he asked: "How is it? Is the battle outside over? Those two..."

"I didn't see anything..." Duan Qing withdrew his gaze, his face ashen as if he had seen a ghost: "I advise you not to look, let's move forward quickly."

"Hey, look at how scared you are, you could be dead..." Duan Shanyue looked like a "manly man", but when he saw Duan Qing's face, he still felt a little worried. In the end, he also

I had no choice but to take a look at it myself worriedly.

"Oh my God..." He lay against the wall and didn't move for a long time. After a while, he uttered four words as if he had just woken up from a dream.

The remaining people finally couldn't sit still anymore. They ran to the wall one after another, and each found a gap to look out.

Then, what they saw was a universe.

"I know you have a lot of questions now." Duan Qing's voice gradually faded away. Mengzhu looked back and saw that he had already started walking up the stairs: "But let's just walk..."

"We have to hurry up."

This chapter has been completed!
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