065 Name

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In the end, the salted fish king brought someone to them.

That man was a big ax man. Apart from carrying a long-handled ax with a wooden pole on his back, the most eye-catching thing was probably the pointed hat on his head - or maybe it was a helmet.

This helmet seems to be made of iron, at least from the outside. Apart from the dark iron shell, the most special thing is that there is a protruding point on the helmet, just like the ones worn by soldiers in ancient times.

Same as the hat.

Apart from that, this player with a very vulgar ID name has nothing special about him.

No matter how free a virtual game is in the free world, there are still some things that cannot be done. For example, letting people walk around naked outside. So no matter how a character takes off his clothes, he will still retain the basic fig leaf. As a character,

Men, most people don't mind showing their masculine beauty like this, but it will leave you defenseless and a mouse can scratch you.

But the genre still exists.

According to current player research, characters have weight-bearing settings. This setting is not only related to how much a person can carry during outdoor adventures, but also related to the flexibility of movement during combat. It is also because of this

, a player covered in metal armor will definitely move slower during battle, wield weapons, and release skills than a player wearing nothing. This is also a benefit for players with low weight.

As for whether to wear it or not, whether to wear heavy armor or go into battle lightly, it is the player's own choice.

The player in front of me named Xiao Hongchen should be the type who travels lightly, and he is so lightly equipped that only his helmet is left. When he first met Duan Qing and others, he looked like he was shirtless.

He looked carefree and cheerful: "Hello! I am Xiao Hongchen, and we will be teammates from now on, hahahaha..."

"Is there no problem? This person..."

The girl took Duan Qing's hand and ran to the side and asked quietly, but received a blank look.

"How do I know? It's the first time I've met her... Let's see."

Duan Qing spread his hands: "Anyway, it was recommended by others. If it doesn't work, just think of him as someone in name only..."

The five people have been found, but the next step is the beginning. Duan Qing and Mengzhu took Richard to establish a certificate for their team of adventurers, and then asked everyone to sign their names on the tissue paper. This was the first step.

One step is considered complete.

Of course, the process is not finished yet.

Since the bartender still had a job, the remaining four people came to the second floor of Huawu Street to complete the last step of the procedure. However, Richard glanced at the certificate Mengzhu sent up.

After just a quick glance, I discovered the problem.

"Your movements are really fast... Let me see, all five of them have signed, um... eh? Where are their names?"


"What's the name of your adventure group?" The sloppy uncle put the piece of paper next to him, and then said feebly: "You have to let people know how to call you... People are looking for names so quickly, but in the end,

I didn’t even get up, but it doesn’t matter…”

The bearded uncle showed a hearty smile: "It's not too late now, so... think of a domineering name quickly."

He gave a thumbs up. In front of him, the four players looked at each other and said nothing for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Richard didn't understand the situation in front of him.

"Uh...please wait a moment." The girl said hurriedly, then looked at Duan Qing, who waved his hands repeatedly.

"Don't look at me, I'm the worst at naming names. Look..." He pointed to his head: "You will understand my name."

"Brother, your name is a good choice." Xiao Hongchen patted his shoulder on the side: "He has the demeanor of someone from the world of my generation..."

Duan Qing felt that he rolled his eyes too much today, so he decided to ignore him.

After asking for help in vain, the girl looked at the smiling uncle next to her. The smiling butcher scratched his head in embarrassment. Just as he was about to say something, Mengzhu stopped him: "No, I understand..."

"Oh, it's just a name. There's no need to be so entangled. Let me see, just call it...Hey, what are you doing? Don't pull me, the helmet is about to fall off..."

Seeing that you are such a pretentious ID, how can I ask you to give me a name... Duan Qing's face darkened and he pulled Xiao Hongchen aside.

"Okay, I think we need to discuss it... Mr. person in charge, please wait a moment."

Under Richard's understanding smile, Mengzhu bowed, and then hurriedly pulled everyone out of the door to start the first meeting of their adventure group. The content of the meeting was to choose a name for the adventure group.

"Start the emergency meeting now! You guys, think of a name quickly..."

"The Children of Jianghu Adventure Group!"

"Rejected!" Xiao Hongchen immediately called out a name, and was immediately pushed back by Mengzhu.

"Well, how about calling me Zhang Ji...butcher shop...?"

"Oh, Uncle Smile, why do you like butchering pigs..."

"Athena's exclamation!" Xiao Hongchen raised his hand again.

"Shut up!"

"How about we take one character from each person's name and form it into a four-character name?" This time it was Duan Qing's suggestion: "Oh no, there are five of us..."

"Although there is no creativity, it should be good..." Mengzhu finally gave up this time, and then sat there and thought hard: "Well... um..."

"If you want to go to the toilet, just go..."

"I'm thinking of a name!" Mengzhu was furious, and then continued to talk to himself: "Mengqing... no, it's still Mengshang..."

"Let me think about it..." Duan Qing thought about the names of the five of them, and then banged one fist on the palm of the other: "Yes! It's called...

.How about Qinghong Pig Slaughter King? Or call him the Aboriginal King... Oops!"

"How dare you be serious! And mine is bamboo, bamboo's bamboo!" The girl looked like she was going crazy.

"How about calling them the Five God-Slayers!"

"Xiao Hongchen, please stop giving me names! And please don't be such a middle-class kid..."

Amidst the chaotic discussion, everyone discussed and discussed, and in the end, these hard-working people who came up with names decided to use a common name.

"Okay, this is it."

Richard woke up from his nap, and then took the adventure group application certificate from Mengzhu's hand - this time, the contents of this piece of paper were finally complete.

"Hmm... Fool? It's really..." He raised his head and glanced at the four adventurers in front of him who looked meaningless, and then said: "Strange name."

"It's just a name, as long as it can be used." Duan Qing shrugged indifferently: "Has it been used by other adventure groups? This thing will be repeated?"

"No, no, not at all." Richard waved his hands repeatedly: "I have never heard of this name. It should be... there is no adventure group with this name..."

"That's good." Duan Qing tilted his head and looked to the side - Mengzhu's face was green, looking like he had been severely injured.

"In that case..." Richard looked at the application again, then walked behind the counter, took out a seal from a broken box, and stamped the paper: "


"Congratulations, the 'Fool' adventure group has been successfully established!"

"Ah?" Mengzhu was surprised: "What about the test? What about the test? What about the trial mission of establishing an adventure group?"

"Well, you can owe those first..." Richard waved his hand carelessly and slapped the application form on the counter like a torn piece of paper: "You are now the first branch of the Fenghua Town branch to be established.

An adventure group! Start your work immediately!"


"Now!" Richard did not give Duan Qing and others time to react, and moved out a large stack of documents-like things from a bookcase behind the counter: "We have a lot of work to do."

Several players' eyes widened.

"I can't wait to give them to you, hahahaha..."

"We...seem to have been tricked." As Richard laughed, Duan Qing and Mengzhu looked at each other, and then sighed in unison.


"Helping the blacksmith, helping the bakery, well... these are some part-time tasks, and collecting herbs. Let me take a look, it seems to be something called Shuo Xinghua... Hey, that's not it

Is it sweet? How can it be counted as herbal medicine..."

After exiting the second floor, members of the nominally established Fool Adventure Group held a large pile of commission briefings and were looking through them one by one.

"Hey, look what this is, recruiting volunteers, and being paid ten Ebri coins per day, then all volunteers in this world are paid..."

"I saw that one just now. They were recruited from the town hall."

"Well, I don't want to go." The girl curled her lips and threw it aside.

"Don't places like the Mages' Council or Warriors' Homes need people? Security guards or guards are fine too." Duan Qing complained at the side.

"How could I possibly give you such a good thing? If there were any, I wouldn't have let others grab my head long ago..."

"I think this is good." The smiling butcher held a piece of paper and read: "Please help me take care of my child for three days. I will be grateful. Parentheses, my child loves to play very much, so please discipline it as you like.

.Uncle Bill.”

"how about this?"

"Why does such a thing as taking care of children appear here!" Mengzhu shouted first: "What exactly does the Adventurers Association do? Is it the Nanny Association?"

"It seems that we have plenty of opportunities to experience life..." Duan Qing said leisurely.

"Yeah, I think it's very good, and you see, there must be a big thank you on it." The smiling uncle said.

"I'll give you my ancestral plaster, do you want..."

"And what's the point of this kind of thing!" Xiao Hongchen on the side yelled: "Look at this! Escort mission, escorting merchant Ida and his goods to Gram Fortress, what an exciting mission!"

He swung his palms and slapped his bare upper body until it made a banging sound: "This is a man's task! There must be a lot of fights to be fought on the road..."

"Okay." Mengzhu snatched the paper from his hand: "...I only gave you two hundred gold coins! Who is going!"

"Gram Fortress is on the border of Xifeng County, at the foot of the Andachel Mountains." The smiling butcher explained on the side: "Including the escort, it would take more than ten days to go... Daylily

It’s all cold.”

"And the price is so low." Duan Qing continued: "Yida? You can't be a milk seller..."

"Look at this, look at this." Mengzhu suddenly shouted: "The missing persons from the Mages Council are still being searched for. I hope the Adventurers Association will send someone to help! This is good. I didn't expect such a big thing to happen, and we

You can also join..."

"Wait a minute, what's the name of the missing person?" Xiao Hongchen asked.

"Let me take a look. It's called...Katie, is she a woman..."

"No." Xiao Hongchen put his hands back and looked up at the sky: "It's a cat raised by the nurse Alice."

"It's still black." Xiao Hongchen tilted his head and looked at Mengzhu, and as expected, he saw an expression about to collapse.

"It seems... the status of our Adventurer Association is a bit low..." When Mengzhu jumped to the side and yelled to vent his anger, Duan Qing held his chin and said: "

The people who come to us for help are either trivial or cheap labor..."

"You can tell by the look of this place." The smiling butcher pointed at the old two-story building: "When I went in just now, I seemed to only see Richard. I was thinking...


"He can't be the only one in the Adventurers Association of Fenghua Town..."

"You think it's very possible..."

"If he dares to lie to us, we won't do it!" Mengzhu, who was mad, jumped back and said viciously.

"They didn't lie to us." Duan Qing spread his hands and said, "I just didn't understand. And you see, they are having a miserable time, so don't hurt each other..."

"Huh..." The girl exhaled heavily and calmed down her restless mood: "Okay..."

"Let's look for it again." She sat down again and picked up a new pile of pages.

The sunshine at noon was not very strong, and it was accompanied by a not very strong mountain wind. The continuous flying catkins did not stop falling because of this, but without the help of strong wind, they could not fly higher into the sky.

Then it fell around Duan Qing and others. Several people were sitting on the stones on the roadside at this time. After looking through it for a while, some petals and flying catkins had accumulated on their heads, bodies, and shoulders.

The white pages around it attract the attention of people passing by from time to time.

Finally, when everyone felt hungry, they roughly read through all the backlog of requests for help in the Adventurers Association, then got together again and began to discuss their next actions.

"Anyway, now that we have reached this point, it doesn't hurt to do it. There is nothing to do anyway..." Duan Qing patted the tidbits on his body with a pile of paper and said to the others at the same time: "There are some valuable ones at the moment.

...Well, what we can call tasks are probably these. But from my personal point of view, we can consider...this one."

He pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to everyone: "I believe you will also be interested."

Training entrustment: Fenghua Town is about to conduct annual routine training. I hope your association will send people to participate to practice the combat skills of all of us.

This is what is written on that piece of paper.

This chapter has been completed!
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