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746 tomorrow

"You brought someone with you today."


"A person named Liangchen Meiyu...you don't know him, right?"

"Oh, of course I know that person...what's wrong?"

"He took the initiative to ask to see me and... made some very interesting proposals."

"Hehehehe, let me guess... a proposal that can still arouse your interest now must not be a good idea, right?"

"Yes, but... before agreeing to his proposal, I need to confirm one thing with you."


"This is not your first meeting, right? Did you... reach some other cooperation before?"

"...Okay, okay, I have to admit this. Although we don't have much interaction, I did extend a helping hand to him a few times, although he may not know it himself, and may be aware of it..."


"Because...he is very helpful to our plan."

"is that so?"

"Why, you don't believe it? This is actually a very common thing, because we have many intersections in the past history, and I have seen that guy's resume, he is a guy who is very likely to succeed..."

"...It's up to you, but it's best not to ruin our big event."

"Big thing? You mean the league thing? Forgive me, I really can't see what big thing is in front of people like us...Building another natural park? Re-signing the agreement with the Wings of Liberty Club?

Or...invite the big guys from the alliance to have another drink?"

"...You know what I mean, but he has escaped now."

"Believe me, even if he stands up again, it will not have any impact on the current Duan family. It has been so long, even if you and I are not considered for our management..."

"Don't be blind and careless just because it's impossible. After all, the current alliance is not yet completely in our hands. The Lou family's trouble is a warning. Those other families must have noticed our actions and purposes..."

"It's too late, it's too late, it's too late. We have touched the root of the free world. We will soon be able to break through the limits of ordinary players. If we want to win or lose with us in this world..."

"They'd better wait until the next virtual world to try it again!"


What happened in the high-rise building on the night of June 26, 2132 was rarely known to others in the end, and the results did not seem to have a great impact on the subsequent free world, because it did not take long for the existence of

The number of players in the free world has become smaller and smaller as expected, and they have put aside the matters at hand.

As time went by, the new round of qualifiers arranged by the alliance finally began to be put on everyone's agenda.

With the end of the last round of the League Cup and the opening of the new version, the level of players in the free world has also begun to enter a new era. The improvement in abilities brought about by the increase in the level limit has begun to drop like water through stone.

In general, the battles of all sizes that take place in the free world are slowly being put on the table in the game world. In fact, it is also an attempt by players after obtaining new character strengths and equipment. This attempt also follows

The battles in the game world escalated and gradually evolved into a war where several guilds competed on the same stage like Fenghua Town. Although there were various abnormal elements mixed into it, the war that night still caused most guilds to compete with each other.

The clubs figured out the strength between each other, and at the same time, it was considered that the grievances that had occurred in the game were resolved early before the game started. However, the result of this hasty battle actually did not matter.

It was accepted by most people, especially most members of the coalition forces, who obviously disagreed with our decision and reasons to withdraw from Xifeng County and not continue to conflict with the restorers for the time being.

However, due to various reasons, many of them have stronger opinions about their own families than their opponents, Wings of Liberty.

"It's all Vizard's fault! Their command is very problematic! They have such superior strength of the Mages Council, and they ended up fighting like this..."

"It's obviously the Sword of Justice's fault. They are the biggest colander! Except for the idiot president, they took care of them without even using a single soldier!"

"Don't even talk about it. The blame should be placed on Jianghu. If we leave so many experts alone, we have to arrange a group of second-tier members to rush into other people's formations... Did those carriages make any achievements in the end?"

"Of course they have made great achievements. Didn't they send a few traitors in the end? So if we talk about why the coalition failed in the end, how could you have ignored those people from the Fool's Adventure Group..."

Similar debates gradually took over the topics discussed among players as the battle reports released by various war zones after the Battle of Fenghua Town ended. The spearhead directed at major guilds and professional players subsequently caused countless scoldings.

The wars have torn the already fragmented covenant even more difficult to heal. These wars targeting certain players and guilds often drag the original free world into older grievances, and finally end with "our arena."

"See" is an eternal finishing move. At the same time, the various discussion members participating in the discussion will be divided into supporters and opponents under each name according to the party they support.

However, there are some people who are always unexpected in such situations, such as Wings of Freedom, which has become famous again after this war, and the Fool Adventure Group, which had no supporters before and even less now.

"It seems... our status as traitors has been nailed almost to the cracks in the stone."

Holding a glass of juice in his hand and buttoning up his cloak, Mengzhu sighed unconsciously: "It's like saying that without us, the battle will definitely be won..."

"To a certain extent, the previous battle was the battle between the Restorationists and the Council of Mages."

Standing in the corner of the street next to her, Duan Qing replied in a low voice: "Just like those keyboard warriors said... If we caused the defeat of the Master Council in the temple, then the defeated

The responsibility naturally falls on us.”

"But, but..." Mengzhu raised his head and looked at Duan Qing's face: "But you didn't do it alone, there were so many players present..."

"But it's us who play the key role." Duan Qing spread his hands unnecessarily: "Or compare it to your Sister Xue... She is a member of the Wings of Freedom in name, helping her own people win this battle, and also

There's something abnormal."

"You, are you a member of our group?"

So the little girl jumped up holding the cup: "Why do you always speak for outsiders? And, and... I don't believe Sister Xue would do that!"

"Then would you believe...that I would do that?"

After saying something that made the other party speechless, Duan Qing on the side slowly lowered his head: "If you can't explain the unexplained things, don't pursue it any further. In the final analysis, it's not because we have risen too much in the past."

Come on, now we are being targeted by someone with ulterior motives..."

"...Forget it." After staring at Duan Qing for a long time, the little girl finally lowered her head: "Since those people don't like to reason, then we'd better not pay attention to them anymore."

"Oh? It seems you already have a plan." So Duan Qing raised his eyebrows with interest: "Tell me about it."

"Needless to say? Of course it's to participate in the league's qualifiers."

The cup in her hand swayed back and forth in the air for a while, but in the end the little girl was unwilling to throw away the unfinished juice: "If we want to break the bad impression that outsiders have on us, having good grades is undoubtedly the best way.

So I’ve been paying attention to the competition recently... It seems that there are many non-professional players participating in this competition.”

"...Probably because the advantages and threats of professional players are no longer as strong as before." Duan Qing shook his head needlessly: "Or maybe the environment in the free world has given them enough confidence...In the previous rumors,

Isn’t Han Sanshi from Lanshan going to retreat soon?”

"The official of Lanshan has come forward to clarify this matter. 'Fortress of the Sky' Han Lei will not retire yet." Mengzhu immediately shook his head and replied: "And...it seems that he has not given up on his dream of winning the championship. He claimed that he would not retire yet."

I have to hold on until I participate in the next UEFA Cup."

"...Hmph, old guy." Then Duan Qing sighed and chuckled twice: "Presumably before Duan Fenglei from Jianghu retires, that guy will definitely not let go."

"Among other news about strong teams, there is another thing that is more concerning." Mengzhu's voice became even lower: "The No. 2 team in the world officially announced that Xu Yu Liushang will participate in the war as one of their team members..."

"...Ha, it really doesn't sound like good news." Duan Qing's laughter paused: "Let her go, if she likes it..."

"You, you, you, can't you explain it a little bit?" Mengzhu jumped up hurriedly: "I wanted to ask before, although Sister Liuzhang's name has never been removed from the registration list of our adventure group...


"Really?" Duan Qing wiped his mouth: "Didn't I explain it? Then forget it, anyway..."

"Just think of it as God dropping a pie on our heads and taking it back again."


After standing there and hesitating for a long time, the little girl finally gritted her teeth and nodded: "In that case, just think of it as our self-improvement, at least... at least... Hey, let me ask first."

She looked at Duan Qing's smiling eyes and finally asked cautiously: "You, you will participate, right?"


Pointing to his nose, the smile on Duan Qing's face gradually disappeared as he lowered his head: "I... shouldn't be able to participate."

"...Huh?" Mengzhu's questioning voice was very long: "Then, what about Sister Ninglan?"

"...I know you want to be famous for the adventure group, but just show your face." Looking at the little girl's pitiful eyes, Duan Qing couldn't help laughing again: "I really want to be there.

Fighting your way through a lot of monsters and monsters requires a lot more effort than you think."

"I, I know! So I asked the Salted Fish King to bring over all the things we operate in Tania." Mengzhu hurriedly waved his arms and said, looking like he was secretly buying a popsicle without telling his parents.

The child: "When the time comes... we can let you and Sister Ninglan pick first. If there are any good things, just take them..."

"Hey, hey, don't make us look like outsiders." Duan Qing waved his hands in a funny way: "We just had to leave for some reasons, and we have no intention of leaving..."

"Then, why don't you participate?"

"of course……"

Helplessly touching the other person's head, Duan Qing's figure began to move away as he gradually stood up: "It's because of some more realistic reasons."

The little girl's increasingly distant call could be heard in his ears. He kept walking around the streets, and then came as if he was strolling in a garden without the players and restorers around him noticing at all.

When they arrived at the edge of the cliff, the magnificent scene of Fenghua Town, accompanied by heavy snowfall, appeared on the cliff street in front of Duan Qing. He watched this beautiful scene alone, and after a while, he gradually whispered.

: "It's really..."

"What a wonderful world."


The faint sound of footsteps then sounded behind his ears, and at the same time, the same white figure belonging to Lorna appeared: "I haven't seen such beautiful snow for a long time."

"...How is Richard's injury?"

"It's almost done, but..."


"The power that caused those wounds...should come from the void."

"Void...ha, why am I not surprised at all?"

"I have tried my best to help him deal with most of them, but his destiny is much more fragile than before, so...if it is not necessary, it is best to keep him away from those people in the future, and not to continue to get involved in this

It's the better thing."

"In that battle that night, I don't know why he came. Maybe he discovered something unusual about the bomb that exploded on the mountaintop square? Or maybe he discovered the plan of the Restorationists?"

"As far as I know, the knowledge known by the restorers has not reached the level of vanity. If things like this happen now, there should be someone guiding them from behind."

"...Is it them?"

"...It should be true. Even in the past, Nina and I would always be found by the restorationists to escape. Now that I think about it...it's also very abnormal."


Looking back at the little girl in white robe who was huddled behind and holding the staff, Duan Qing showed a bright smile, and then turned his eyes to Luo Na, who had her arms folded and looked like a lady: "The future will be very bright.

I may not be able to stay here for a long time, I hope..."

"Those of you who survived can have a peaceful tomorrow."

This chapter has been completed!
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