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768 Tactics of Survival

"What it is?"

"I don't know, you can come over and have a look."

"...Forget it, I don't have that much leisure time."

"You don't have so much leisure? Why are you here if you don't have leisure? There are still many tasks waiting for you in the free world, such as hunting down a few restorationists to prove your innocence..."

In the scene where the roar of the collapse of the world was getting closer, the two players floating in the air said a few meaningless words to each other in low voices, and then rushed to the surrounding sky as several other camera signs representing the audience were about to fly.

Before coming, I left this place early. As time passed, the Sunset Guyan team in the field of vision also tried to put away the three-dimensional image displayed by the device, but this attempt quickly failed because of that

Sunset Guyan, who didn't know how to activate this device, certainly didn't know how the so-called XF3502 detection device operated.

"It seems they have no choice." Looking at the sight of those people hurriedly casting wind acceleration magic and starting to run, Phoenix Tianwang looked back and said with a smile: "Forcibly turned it into a disposable consumable prop...


"They should have drawn the map." Duan Qing, who was taking the lead, said later: "I saw that they seemed to be comparing the adventurer's manual for a while."

"But that's a 3D map." Phoenix Tianwang immediately wondered, and then nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, if you use some symbols, you can still draw a 3D map."

"What's more, they don't need to write everything down at all." Duan Qing's voice echoed again in the flight mark without looking back: "Judging from the marks on the map just now, the ultimate goal of this competition is already clear.

If it is revealed, as long as they can remember the energy source and find the location..."


The howl of flames then lingered in front of the two people, over the distant town on the other side of the mountain. Then there was the expected explosion, and the shouts of killing among the players fighting each other. The words were interrupted.

Duan Qing then closed his mouth, and the virtual perspective of flying forward sped up by two points, and then he included the figures of the two teams of players in the center of several buildings in the corner of the town.

Within his eyes: "It's the pinnacle! There is a team of people!"

"Spread out, spread out! Pay attention to cover! Kill one first and then talk!"

"Be careful, there must be other teams in this town. If they hear the sound...ah!"

"It's a grenade! Jump!"

In a loud explosion that was no less than a bursting fireball, one of several scattered houses was suddenly completely overturned. The roof with thick smoke was then mixed with fragments of wood, towards the hillside behind the town.

Scattered away, the player who was also thrown away by the explosion had no time to escape, and then a sword shadow pierced the chest, turning him with little health into a white light, but before that

The opponent who secretly launched a sneak attack with sword energy showed a proud smile, and another large shield slapped his face with a critical force: "Caught it! Quick!"

"Cover the Dragon God! One of them has died, now it's four against five!"

"Quick decision! Leave as soon as you finish cleaning up!"

"Who has the magic ball that was found just now? If you have to..."

As the words fell, the blazing light appeared in the sky above another house. With the unique clanking sound of the laser and the burning sound of the wall, it penetrated the side of the other house, hiding in that room.

Another player inside the house then let out a scream before death, and the body burned by the ray once again turned into the white light after death. Looking at this scene, Phoenix Tianwang then let out an exclamation, as if he did not dare to

Believing that this kind of surreal scene would appear in front of his eyes, Duan Qing, who was also floating over this area, breathed a sigh of relief and turned his eyes to the other side of the town: "It seems that here

There are only so many people..."

"Hey, what trick did that guy use just now?" Sensing the difference in the opponent's reaction, Phoenix Tianwang immediately flew in front of Duan Qing: "When did the Peak Guild become so powerful?"

"That's not their skill." Duan Qing, who tried his best to observe the whole town, replied absently: "If I guessed correctly, it should be the effect of the magic ball they said, the light emitted.

It also looks like some kind of high-level magic, such as beaming light or something like that..."

"Concentrated light... is there such a powerful magic in the free world?" Phoenix Tianwang's words immediately brought a hint of disbelief: "Don't shake me, even though it just penetrated two walls, it can still

Kill players instantly..."

"Today's player levels have been compressed."

Interrupting the other party's words lightly, Duan Qing's eyes finally returned to the battlefield in front of him: "The level of level 30 was quite scary when the server was launched, but now it is only the trumpet level. If you use Transcendence

It is not difficult to achieve an instant kill if you attack with modern magic that has a maximum level of 60..."

"The problem is where their magic ball came from." Looking at the other figures from the Peak Guild who gradually forced the remaining three players out of the house and then gradually gathered around them, Duan Qing's voice became deeper again:

"If it is really found as they say, then... the search phase in this game will become extremely important."

"That magic ball, and the previous XF detection device..." Phoenix Tianwang's voice also became thoughtful: "If they are all things that exist in this virtual arena world, then there must be others.

All kinds of incredible equipment and weapons..."

"If the framing rules this time are the same as those of the UEFA Cup, this place should not be the Tangochor Province in the free world that we are familiar with." Duan Qing replied thoughtfully: "But it should be a place from a more distant era.

The place where we are.”

"The Age of the Ancient Magic Empire."

After telling the answer that was about to come out, Phoenix Tianwang's eyes began to look further around the town: "If it was that era... everything would make sense."

"The system should have removed all NPCs from that era, and then treated them as the battlefield we see now." Duan Qing sighed and replied: "But it only removed the characters, not the weapons and equipment that remained here...


"So we can rely on these weapons and equipment from ancient times to gain an advantage on the battlefield when the character level is extremely low." The excitement in Phoenix Tianwang's voice became more and more obvious: "But because after all, it is not me.

s things……"

"So it will drop after death."

After saying this final summary, Duan Qing's tone brought a slight smile: "This... is probably the complete rules of this competition."

Following his line of sight, the battle that had come to an end finally ended with the fall of the last few players. Several members of the peak guild also quickly started their own battlefield cleanup work, clearing the previous players.

All the corpses of the dead opponents were rummaged out. From time to time, excited shouts began to appear in the mouths of the players who were searching for the corpses. It seemed that they had made some extremely exciting gains, but Duan Qing's eyes were full of excitement.

Slowly moving to the inner corner of the town, five figures belonging to another team of players slowly approached: "Get closer, get closer..."

"Are you ready?"

"Wait, wait a minute, I'm still a little nervous..."

"Why are you nervous? They are at the lowest level of defense now. If they don't go up now..."

"How long will it take to wait?"

The obscure dagger shadow drew a flash of light in the air, and then with Mengzhu's unique explosive speed, it drew a brilliant straight line in the air, and the back stab with strong impact light immediately stabbed the group of players in front of it.

On one of the backs, with a splash of blood flying towards the house in the distance. A large shield appeared in front of the peak guild members who had not yet reacted, and accompanied by

A sharp whistling sound was heard in front of another peak player. At the same time, there was a fireball shot from a distance by Thousand Fingered Crane, and the large shield struck by Lost Dream landed in the center of the enemy team:

"Fixed-point release——"

"Fire Nova!"

The burning pain then covered the team of players who had just realized that there was a sneak attack. What followed was minimal damage, and a powerful shock wave, together with the surrounding heat, pushed everyone, including Lost Dream, toward them.

The surroundings of the explosion point were blown away. He quickly climbed up from the rolling movement. The shield belonging to the lost dream then gave off a strong reflection, and the shield shadow with the strong wind then fell on the Jie City Evil Young Master's swords.

The peak dragon god who landed in this direction together with him: "Old Hei!"

"Don't call me Lao Hei!"

Seemingly aware of the difficulty of the player in front of him, Black Corn, who was originally hiding in the dark, then brought his long knife and landed in front of the three intertwined players: "Everyone said that one would be killed every second at the beginning.

That's fine, but you just won't let me go..."

"You are..." The peak dragon god, who was suppressed by three people, raised his sword and tried to resist: "Which team are you from?"

"I don't even know the Fool Adventure Group... forget it."

Seemingly remembering the previous instructions from a certain little girl, the voice belonging to Black Corn then sounded loudly together with the shadow of his sword falling again: "I told you to remember..."

"We are from Team Zhushan!"

The loud sound of metal clashing appeared in the center of the battlefield as the words fell, and the strong winds of swords and swords were blown around, and the shield impact that followed then hit the peak.

On the Dragon God's chest, he pushed the captain of the peak team to the depths of the alley farther away from his team. He endured the chest tightness caused by the violent impact, and the Peak Dragon God, who stood up against the wall, dodged and dodged.

After being slashed by the other two long swords of Jie City's bad boy, and then in the sound of fireball explosions again at the alley, he sent his instructions to the top of the entire town: "Collect the formation and retreat as a whole! Go to L4 to assemble."


"Give up your resistance, captain of the peak team." The double-sword attack belonging to the bad boy from Jie City returned to his side: "I advise you to simply set the rendezvous point at the rebirth point."

"A team whose name I have never heard of actually still thinks that it can kill me?" He retreated to the wall of the alley with his sword upright, and the Peak Dragon God's eyes slowly fell on the three people gathered in front of him: "

Although I want to appreciate your vision, you actually sent three people to double-team..."

"Who are you, Duan Feng Lei?" Black Corn, who came after him, said with disdain: "I'm here to deal with you not because of your strength, but because..."

"This is our strategy."

The clash of swords then continued in the alley, and at the same time there were shouts from both sides of the war. The members of the Fool's Adventure Group, who had the upper hand due to their numerical advantage, also quickly broke through.

The great sword warrior's defense was weak, but the attacks that fell on the peak dragon god did not seem to cause much damage. Instead, there was the sound of clanging shells and the loud laughter belonging to the peak dragon god.

As this scene appeared, it echoed in the ears of the three people who were constantly launching a siege: "Hahahaha, I am wearing the Hook Tower protective shield I just found! How can you die so easily?"

"...No matter how powerful the protective shield is, it has its limit." Lost Dream, who had been concentrating on defense and containment, then whispered: "You are lifeless."

"But I will waste a lot of time!" Peak Dragon God continued arrogantly: "There should be only two people left in your team, right? As long as my other team members catch them..."


Before he could finish speaking, a head with a golden ponytail poked out from the roof above the alley: "Withdraw!"


"Listen to me and retreat quickly."

Without giving his teammates any chance to refute, Mengzhu, who had appeared here at some unknown time, then disappeared into the air again, then took the hand of Qianzhihe who was hiding in the shadows, and hid in another corner of the town. A little.

After searching the room for a while, without any results, the little girl waited quietly with the silent Qian Zhihe, and then after a period of time when the sound of fighting sounded again in the distance, the rest of the team were

The three players waited and came back: "Are you not injured?"

"I lost a little blood just because I lost my dream... By the way, is there any way we can get the blood back?"

"Sister Xiaoqian found some medicines in the room just now. You can try them later..."

"My injury... doesn't matter, why do we need to retreat?"

"...Two more teams appeared in front, right on the edge of Tange Town."

Mengzhu calmly stated the information he discovered during the fight, and Mengzhu's eyes became serious as his teammates' eyes were focused on him: "They should have discovered our existence and are fighting each other now.


"...I see." Black Corn's voice also deepened: "Are we going to continue to stay here?"

"Since the people from the Peak Guild have not caught up, we are safe for the time being." The evil young man from Jie City on the side then replied: "But... if we can't avoid conflicts, it's better not to have conflicts."

"Agree." The little girl finally concluded: "So follow the uncle's teachings..."

"We'd better continue to live."

This chapter has been completed!
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