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800 Visitors at night

"What does it mean?"

Some time later, in the center of Zaraha City, in the castle that was temporarily used as a command center by the empire, an imperial general named Bernard put down a report in his hand and looked at him with angry eyes.

The captain of the fourth team in Harlem City: "You lost a group of prisoners, and now you actually want to blame a few adventurers?"

"That's not what I meant, General." Rodman, who was half-kneeling on the ground, replied without raising his head: "I just want to explain the situation to you and prove at the same time..."

"Prove your incompetence?"

After slamming the pages in his hands on the table, Bernard suddenly stood up from his position: "Do you want to show the strength of the other party to prove how innocent your faults are? Don't think I don't know.

What do you think, you idiots!"

"...That's not what I meant, General."

Repeating the previous sentence again, Rodman's voice seemed to have become deeper: "I just want to truthfully report to you everything I have experienced before. Please carefully... weigh it, General."


"I believe you, General, should know the current situation in the Hanom area."

Looking at Bernard's sudden silent reaction, Rodman paused for a moment and once again spread his voice to all corners of the central hall: "Countless civilians who have been 'punished' by the empire are almost all gathered there now."

"Although I really don't want to admit it, those guys seem to be getting more and more violent recently." Scott, who was half-kneeling behind him, also raised his voice: "If we let them contact outside support at this time,

If you have strength..."

"The Empire will never bow in front of their nonsense." Before he could finish speaking, a noncommissioned officer standing behind Bernard took a step forward with his eyes crossed: "Nor will it be allowed to happen.

The riot continues."

"As an imperial captain, I will never compromise on this issue."

Looking up at the noncommissioned officer who spoke aloud, Rodman's eyes gradually showed a hint of sullenness: "But what we did in the past... has created too many unnecessary enemies for us."

"Do you want to say..." the noncommissioned officer responded in a low voice without giving in: "Those lackeys of the principality are not our enemies?"

"Don't try to confuse things, you bastard!" Scott stood up from the ground simply: "If it weren't for that greedy guy Plaut who likes to take things for himself, we wouldn't have the concentration camps we have now.


"Oh, really?" The noncommissioned officer's face showed a sarcastic look: "But judging from the performance of some people in the past... I thought you all supported this proposal."


"Kneel down, you idiot!"

Punching the crook of the opponent's leg, Rodman, who was still kneeling on the ground, pushed his companion to the floor again, and then maintained the same posture, looking up at the Imperial Captain who had been silent.

: "As elite soldiers of the empire, we will definitely obey all orders issued by the empire. If the general still decides to severely punish those who resist... we will continue to implement it."

"But today, many signs have shown the flaws and threats of this handling method." He looked at Bernard's face, his voice was as low as a rock that has lived on the mountain for a long time: "I'm just worried... our way of action has been...

Others take advantage of it.”

"...Oh?" Bernard's unchanging face finally raised his eyebrow slightly: "Who is it? Tell me."

"The Restorationists... and those magicians who claim to have control over their destiny."

After saying the above words word by word, Rodman withdrew the hand that he had been supporting on the ground, and then revealed the purple-black traces hidden under his armor in front of the general: "Probably

Because of the outcome of the Xifeng County battle, they have begun to shift their focus to other places."

"You want to say... they turned on us?"

After squinting at the other party for a long time, Bernard uttered a dull sneer: "How is it possible? The place where the restorers founded the country is so far away from us. Even if the distance is not considered, they have no reason to cross the principality and take the lead in heading towards

Let’s start…”

"What if they have been targeting us for a long time?" Rodman's eyes gradually revealed a glint: "Considering the increasingly chaotic public security after we took over this city, I have to suspect that there is the possibility of someone secretly instigating this.


"Instigation? Instigation against the great empire?" The imperial sergeant standing behind Bernard expanded his sneer again: "Are you doubting our empire's vision, or are you doubting our empire's IQ?"

"Yes, we are doubting your mind, you bastard!" Scott, who was kneeling behind him, tried to stand up again: "Don't think that I don't know the things you do secretly, you and Elliot

Those guys..."


Reaching out to push back the two figures who were about to rush into each other, Bernard once again put on a stern face: "I don't want to get involved in these endless debates. Similar dramas have been staged too many times.

Well, now that the empire has come to this point, in the name of Queen Frey... we cannot back down at all!"

"But this will cause us to be attacked from both sides." Rodman replied calmly: "If the confrontation with the resisters is really within someone's plan, the situation will definitely get worse and worse.


"Then start with the rebels first!" Bernard shook his arm: "If you want to prevent those secret rats from profiting from it, you only need to kill one end of the opposing sides! Just... hmm?


"who is it?"

In the scene where several people looked up together, the scene of a certain black shadow flying away from the place was displayed on a certain ceiling above the hall, and then with Bernard's sudden shout, he moved towards the distant place.

The scene quickly disappeared in the night sky. Rodman, who finally noticed the intrusion, could no longer hold his calm expression. He just glanced at the general in a hurry, turned around, and then took Scott's figure with him as he became more and more distant.

He shouted loudly and spread the word directly in front of the entrance of the central hall: "The intruder has broken into the central command post! Everyone is on alert!"

"Chase me!"

Amidst the rumbling footsteps, Rodman, who was leading several imperial soldiers, quickly disappeared in the direction where the black clothed man flew away before. The neat footsteps passing forward also followed the quickly assembled troops away.

It began to get smaller and smaller. Bernard withdrew his gaze in that direction, and with his hands behind his back, he shook his head and walked back to the original place. Then, while lowering his head and pondering, he listened to the sound ringing in his ears.

The voice of a famous noncommissioned officer: "Don't listen to the slander of those two idiots, General, how could it be possible that our empire has been broken by the restorationists..."

"This possibility still exists." The empire's legion commander pinched his chin with his right hand: "What do you think?"

"I...I believe in the capabilities of the empire." The noncommissioned officer immediately performed a standard military salute: "Whether they are restorers or adventurers, in the end they are no match for our empire!"

"...To deal with the rioters with a tough stance was the decision I made from the beginning."

His eyes stayed on the other person's tense face for a while, and Bernard finally withdrew his scrutinizing gaze: "Now that the matter has come to this..."

"Whether I succeed or not, I...have to keep going."


"Stop it!"

"It must be the group of adventurers during the day! How dare they go even further!"

"Second team, second team, the intruder has broken into your territory, please cooperate immediately, hurry up...stop that son of a bitch!"

"He turned! That man turned onto Larry Blue Street! Captain Rodman, we..."


A calm voice then appeared in the middle of a certain street near the center of Zaraha City. It belonged to the route that a certain imperial captain had just led people to turn. However, the voice that made this voice was not among the dozens of people escaping.

Rodman, who had chosen the right direction on his route, suddenly appeared above the head of a player on the street: "I have to warn you..."

"If you take one more step forward, you will be in trouble."

The black dagger in his hand waved a large black stream of light again, and Duan Qing grinned: "Repeat that, and you will be unlucky."

"……It's you?"

Looking at the purple-black stream of light he had just seen, Rodman's eyes suddenly stood up: "How dare you stay in the city?"

"What, how else can you get me caught?" Duan Qing, holding the black dagger horizontally, replied with a smile: "You have the guts to fight me with a real sword and a real gun?"

"...I remember you said before that we have each taken a step back." So Rodman gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you still come to the Central Hall?"

"Hey, it's not me who broke in, but the guy behind." Pointing behind him with his finger, Duan Qing replied nonchalantly: "Don't just throw the blame to others."

"...not you?"

"It's really not me, it's one of my...well, friends."

Duan Qing, who was standing on the roof next to the street and didn't care about the other imperial soldiers who were gradually coming around him, replied generously: "When the road is uneven, I just came to help you. If you are not satisfied... I have nothing to do."


"...Everyone, step back."

Looking at the deep black holes that were constantly appearing between the black daggers in front of Duan Qing, Rodman pushed the surrounding soldiers back behind him: "Why are you still looking for trouble at this time? Yours

What exactly is the purpose?”

"As I said, I have my entrustment." Duan Qing's voice began to become deeper: "By the way... I want to deal with the funeral affairs that I want to deal with. Is there any problem?"

"You... are provoking the great Frey Empire." It seems that he has endured it for a long time in the past. After all, Rodman's eyes still burned with the invisible fighting spirit around him: "Even if you can't defeat

You and your power, our Empire’s Third Army will also..."

"It's because of your temper that you Imperial people can be taken advantage of so easily."

Extending his sword to interrupt the other party's words, Duan Qing covered the original night sky with countless purple-black electric lights surrounding himself: "Now..."

"You still don't seem to understand."

The sizzling electric light then tore the surrounding air and surrounded the arc-shaped area in front of Duan Qing. Rodman, with anger flashing in his eyes, let out an unwilling roar, trying to stop the opponent's thoughts.

In the end, it just turned into a defensive action for self-protection. The harsh crackling sound that was enough to swallow up the entire street then quickly passed through the area in front of Rodman, and disappeared in the direction they came with the wailing sounds of countless soldiers.

The imperial captain quickly checked his surroundings and then looked with slight surprise at the comrades who were lying on the ground but not dead. Then Duan Qing's chuckle came to his ears: "I told you all."

It’s going to be bad luck…”

"Just take it as a lesson."

He turned around and walked out of Rodman's field of vision as if taking a leisurely stroll. Then, after a period of passing, he stopped at the corner of another almost deserted street. The figure belonging to Maggie followed.

Emerging from a certain shadow there, her slightly strange smile emerged at the same time. Still wrapped in a black tights, she walked up to Duan Qing, with her slender body wrapped in a black tights, and a tut-tsking sound escaped from the corner of her mouth.

He sighed: "I knew you were very strong, but... I really didn't expect that you could drive back the empire's pursuers by yourself."

"Spare me, I just used sword energy to tear the surrounding space." Duan Qing smiled bitterly and spread his hands: "If I really used this method to fight against the imperial people, I'm afraid I would have been exhausted long ago."

"This ability to tear apart space..." A strange light flashed through the woman's eyes again: "Where did you learn it from?"

"Well... I learned it from Lorna." Duan Qing, who was scratching his nose, finally decided to push the problem to a certain lady in white: "She explained to me some basic composition of void before, and then

Plus some of my own attempts..."

"He is indeed the adventurer I like. His intelligence and strength are impressive."

After circling Duan Qing three times, Maggie finally covered her mouth and laughed: "Although I don't know whether what you said is true or not...but I still want to thank you for helping me deal with those annoying imperial pursuers."

"Ms. Maggie should be able to solve it by herself." Duan Qing hurriedly replied humbly: "Although I don't know how you got into these troubles, I believe that with your ability..."

"I told you not to be so polite to me."

Wiping the other person's mouth with her finger, Maggie interrupted Duan Qing's words with a sweet smile: "And... my mistake can be considered amateur level. I heard some people's ridiculous conversations over there before, which made me

I couldn't help but make a sound..."

"Oh? What conversation is it?"


The smile on her face slowly disappeared, and the woman with her arms folded slowly turned around, and then under Duan Qing's slightly puzzled gaze, she brought the sudden silence into the shadow she had walked out of before: "

As you know, I came here with my own mission. Although it is still a bit inappropriate now, but..."

"It shouldn't hurt if I tell you, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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