085 Warning

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"We are members of the Red Soul Guild, my name is Eternal Wind Yin."

On the still busy street, a man with "I'm here to look for trouble" written all over his face walked up to Duan Qing and Mengzhu. He first looked at the somewhat bewildered girl with an appraising look, and then looked at her somewhat.

He shook his head helplessly: "Girl, you are not my type..."

"You...what do you want from me?"

"These are my brothers." The other players who were standing idle at this time also slowly came closer. Some of them took out their weapons, or slapped their hands, or slapped them casually.

The flowers and plants around them showed in various ways that they were not people to be trifled with.

"We recently heard that... someone actually registered an adventure group in the Adventurer Association of Fenghua Town, and it is still very active." The man focused on Duan Qing again, and his tone became domineering:

"So we're here to... warn you."

"You've crossed the line."

"Oh? I wonder where we...we crossed the line?" Duan Qing crossed his arms and asked, not caring about the other party's attitude.

"Hmph! Pretend to be stupid..." The man looked up at the sky that had entered the dark night, and then sneered: "You know what you have done..."

The man stared at the other person with warning eyes, but the latter still maintained a calm expression, waiting for the other person's next words.

"It seems that I won't shed tears without seeing the coffin." The man turned around and said hello, and several people from behind came around with weapons, surrounding Duan Qing and Mengzhu.

"You...what are you doing..." The girl's voice became a little timid. Duan Qing reached out and patted her on the shoulder, soothing her emotions while looking around at the people surrounding them.

, there was a fierce light in his eyes.

Then, this ray of light gradually faded away.

"Don't be afraid." He stood on tiptoe and looked at the huge and gorgeous building not far away - there was the Mage Council still brightly illuminated by magic lights: "This is Fenghua Town, they don't dare to do anything at will.


"Ha!" The person opposite laughed, and then put on a threatening face again: "We are here to warn you, but if necessary, we will certainly let you see... our


In the free world, the town area is a default safe zone. This is not only the consensus of the players, but also the result of the joint maintenance of the indigenous people of the free continent - whether it is the orthodox forces that manage the town, or people like

Organizations such as the Council of Mages, Warrior Homes, or ordinary residents do not want to see unstable things happening in places where people live and rest. Therefore, sparing no effort to maintain public security and order in these places has become

their common goal.

If you fight privately, even if you are not caught at the time, your life will be difficult in the future - according to current intelligence, there is no such thing as a name-washing method in this game. You become a bad guy in the eyes of NPCs, and you are likely to be a bad guy for the rest of your life.

, if you want to get your good reputation back, you must either spend a lot of effort on public relations, or do earth-shattering good deeds to prove yourself, otherwise... Since the game Free World became famous, because there is no way out

And people who delete their accounts and retrain are no longer able to be loaded on a train.

But even so, there are still people like Eternal Wind Yin who do such work. Because they have some methods of their own to avoid the supervision of others, just like in the real world, they take advantage of various rules.


Duan Qing does not doubt their methods, but he is still not afraid of the despicable things they may do - based on his own experience in the virtual game world, he has seen many such things, so he is confident that he can cope with their methods.

, most of them just suffer some losses. However, in a place like the free world, the situation may be a little different, and guilds like the Red Soul in front of you are probably local snakes in Fenghua Town, so in the right location and even people here

Once up, Duan Qing was at a disadvantage again.

Fortunately, he has his own way.

"Dabao, Langxia, go up... let me entertain you two." Seeing that the other party still looked fearless, Eternal Wind Yin tilted his head and motioned to his two subordinates: "You don't have to use that girl.

No matter, it’s mainly this guy..."

"Let him know who has the final say in Fenghua Town."

The two men at the back walked forward with a grin. One twisted his gloved wrists, the other raised his arm holding a stick, and slowly approached the man who was wearing a purple burqa behind him. Shan

Amidst the moaning of the wind, the lights all around seemed to flicker on and off for a moment, and the stick used the darkness to wave towards the opponent's head.

The night wind suddenly became stronger, and a bright light flashed in the air along with the flying flowers, and then disappeared on the gradually brightening street.

The man was frightened by the sudden attack and used too much force. He staggered past Duan Qing and stopped after a few steps. He raised his hand and looked at the part of his body that had been cut off.

Short stick, the body slowly began to tremble.

"I'm going to kill him!"

However, when he shouted those words, another of his companions rushed forward and punched the opponent in the chest.

While turning sideways, turning, and protecting the girl to the other side, Duan Qing did not continue to fight back. Instead, he moved to the edge of the street with a few steps. In the gradually shrinking circle, he regained control of the opponent.

Opened the distance.

Behind him, there are already lush bushes - the edge of the roadside garden on Huawu Street.

"You dare to fight back. It seems that you are really not afraid of being wanted." The corners of Yongfeng Fengyin's mouth twitched, but the evil look on his face became more and more serious: "It's a pity..."

"You will never know the relationship between the city guards and us..."

As soon as he waved, the remaining people, together with the previous two, surrounded him. But the next moment, their movements stopped at the same time.

The surrounded man reached into his arms and took out a... dark stone.

"What... is this?" One of the Red Soul players stopped moving and asked the other player loudly.

If it were in the real world, such doubts would probably not arise, because stones in the real world do not pose any threat. But in the game world, the situation is naturally very different. In this world where fantasy and reality coexist,

Anything can happen, and whether the thing in the player's hand is some kind of weapon of mass destruction or some kind of token representing a certain powerful force, it can quickly reverse the current situation.

In fact, this kind of thing has happened many times - in every corner of the Free Continent.

The more well-informed a person is, the more he will have such concerns. As a Chihun who often deals with upper-level forces, he will naturally not be stupid enough to easily step on any landmines. However, since the two parties met, the man has shown that

He looked confident, so the thing he took out now was most likely to be defective.

And he was the one the superiors specifically asked them to come and take care of...

The straight-backed man ignored the questions and took the black stone in his hand, paused for a moment, and then... raised it to his mouth.

"Hello, Master Norman."

"Someone is showing off in front of me...well, no, they are making trouble. The situation is out of control."

While everyone's faces were a little distorted from holding back, Duan Qing shook the stone in his hand, and then looked at the Council of Mages not far away: "Okay, okay, there is a company called Red Soul...

..The adventure group intends to attack the members of our adventure group.”

Through the crowd, he looked at the opponent's leader named Eternal Wind Yin: "It's right at the door of your Mages Council."

Then he dropped the hand holding the stone and stuffed it back into his arms.

"That's...the sound transmission stone?"

"Or it's called a communication stone...whatever it is called." Duan Qing shrugged and answered Eternal Wind Yin's question with great compassion: "Why do you need to ask so much about something you have never seen before?


"Who we haven't seen before..." Eternal Wind Yin was about to say it loudly, but then he shrank his neck as if he thought of something. He looked back at the tall building standing in the magic lights,

Then he frowned and thought for a while: "You..."

"You...forget it."

After all kinds of calculations flashed through his mind, Eternal Wind Yin still made a more cautious decision - even though the Mages Council had nothing to do with this man, the stone in his hand was itself a kind of proof.

There is absolutely no way ordinary people can get that kind of thing.

"The Fool's Adventure Group, right? Don't blame me for not warning you, Fenghua Town has no more space for you to jump around... I'll worry about it later." As he retreated, Duan Qinghe

The circle centered around Mengzhu gradually began to loosen.

"We have always been very considerate." With a half-smiling face, Duan Qing looked at the player walking backwards away from here: "In the future... we will definitely be more considerate."

"...That's good." The other party nodded as if it didn't matter, and then waved the others to start to move away: "That's right."

He stopped and showed a sinister expression, but in the darkness of the night sky, Duan Qing and Duan Qing could no longer see clearly: "There may be something big happening in Fenghua Town recently."

"You'd better pray and don't get dragged into it..."

He turned around and left behind the brothers.

"Huh..." It wasn't until all the people on the other side disappeared into the night that the girl's tense face finally collapsed: "I was scared to death..."

"I saw you come back alive from the third floor in the mine before. I thought you had made progress, but in the end... you are still so brave."

"This is different from back then! And there are so many of them...are you really not afraid of a fight?"

"Hmph, they don't dare to take action with real swords and guns. Their only means is to attract guards and then slander us..."

"Now we have a lot of people watching us, so even if things really come to that point, nothing will happen to us." Duan Qing shook his head and said: "But... future actions may

It’s even more inconvenient.”

"Really..." Mengzhu tilted his head and looked at Duan Qing. Suddenly remembering what happened before, he slapped his thigh and shouted: "That's right! Where did you get the communication stone? Could it be Ke

Sister Listing gave it to you? No, who was your Norman master before..."

"That appraiser from the Council of Mages." Duan Qing took out the stone from his arms and said with a smile.

"Oh, yes, yes, there is such a person... No!" The girl's ponytail also jumped: "You are actually still in contact with that old man? Have you not given up yet...


Her hand sank - the other party threw the stone to her.

"This... is a piece of..." She murmured: "Dark iron ore..."

"It's so dark now, even if the other party has seen any communication stone, they can't see it clearly." Duan Qing explained with a smile: "I haven't seen it anyway, I just heard the two great magicians mentioned it, so

I just used it as a temporary disguise."

"Then...then just now..."

"It's all just bluffing." Duan Qing said: "Would it be okay to call myself? Forget it, I'll know if you look like that. This is a skill unique to lonely men. But..."

"You guessed it right, I really have no intention of giving up."

He looked at the Mages Council across the street and spoke in a low voice.


"The Phoenix Sword fights with ghosts and plots! The grudge has finally evolved into a peak match!"

Duan Qing, who was offline for a rest, finally saw the news on the forum that had been hanging for a day.

That message was mainly written based on Jian Beidong's own wishes. The specific content was probably due to some kind of personal grudge. He wanted to have a fight with Fu Sheng Ling Meng in Fenghua Town, regardless of victory or defeat.

, the grudges have been cleared, the battle post has been posted, feel free to say whether the other party takes it or not. Duan Qing also found the battle post, it was indeed written by Jian Beidong himself, and the place for the duel was not a mountain in Fenghua Town.

The top or something like that, but the big square where the training and drills take place.

Not long ago, the president of Wizard, on behalf of his guild members, accepted the challenge and agreed to fight there in a few days to wipe out the previous grudges. As for the specific content of the grudges?

, neither side mentioned it.

"Huh, haha, I thought you would make progress, but it turns out you are still the same... stupid." Duan Qing let out a long breath, then shook his head and laughed.

According to the results of his previous testing, that fool came here to have his own things to do. Probably because the mission of that so-and-so was too complicated, and he didn't have much time to cause trouble for him, so he thought of this way.


too stupid.

After casually browsing some other content, Duan Qing stuffed all the bread in his hand into his mouth, then drank two mouthfuls of water, and began to swipe the screen with his fingers, looking for some other news about Fenghua Town——

According to what the Red Soul people said before, the town where Duan Qing is now may have some big events in the future. In addition, Nina's incident, Mayor Rama's inexplicable attitude, and the situation in Fenghua Town

It has become more confusing.

He wanted to find out the current situation under this fog, but even he knew that it was indeed difficult to find out with his own strength.

"Could it be this stupid decisive battle..." He scrolled the screen and kept looking up and down with his eyes. In the end, nothing new was discovered - as a new novice town, he came to

The players in Fenghua Town are really strangers. Even people like Jian Beidong and Wizard came here mostly in secret. Before that, there was no indication of the direction of the wind.

However, he still found some clues from some other sections.

A few minutes later, he went online again. Due to the time difference, Fenghua Town was about to enter the night at this time. The magic lights were dimming and extinguishing. There were very few pedestrians on the street, and most of them were in a hurry. Except for

Except for three or two groups of patrolling guards, the rest were probably ordinary townspeople who were rushing home to rest.

Of course, there are still some players who are still active.

Ignoring other people passing by, Duan Qing walked through the streets of Fenghua Town. He kept looking left and right, as if trying to find what he was looking for through the thick darkness.

Finally, he stopped on the street of Hua Lan Street.

The commercial streets that used to be bustling have become deserted as people take their own rest. However, in places like pubs, you can vaguely see some lingering drinkers still coming in and out - those big people.

The only night entertainment venue in the country was still working hard to bloom its brilliance. And it was through those still bright lights that Duan Qing saw three or two people holding their arms, wearing heavy clothes that were obviously not the style of the southern region of the Principality, leaning sideways.

People lying asleep on the cold ground nearby.

Those were some refugees, refugees who had escaped from the battlefield.

This chapter has been completed!
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