Chapter 130 When the cavalry faces Gatling Bodhisattva~~ ask for a monthly pass)

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"Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, why did you detain our envoys without reason!"

A shrill horn sounded.

Countless people in the capital heard this thunderous scolding.

After more than a thousand heavily armed soldiers suddenly arrived in the Qing capital, the people were completely panicked.

Over a hundred years after the founding of the Qing Dynasty, this was the first time someone had attacked the capital!

And they reached the capital unknowingly.

This doesn’t amuse me, it’s actually true!

I'm a bitch, this is unscientific!

Ren Jia took a loudspeaker and continued shouting.

The capital was in chaos because of the sudden appearance of the enemy.

"Why did the enemy arrive in the capital?" Qianlong roared to a group of ministers.

Agui said depressedly: "Master, we don't know either. These people are just like falling from the sky. We don't know why they came."

Meng Lin was also extremely frightened: "Master, there must be something fishy about this matter!"

In addition to being the Minister of Military and Aircraft, Meng Lin is also the Admiral of the Nine Gates in the capital. Because of his recent illness, he specifically delegated power to Agui.

But I didn't expect that Agui was so useless that he didn't even know that the enemy had hit his door.

"The enemies have already reached our door. There must be something fishy! Have the spies outside found out where the other party came from?"

"It's been confirmed, they are all Nanbarbarians."

"It turned out to be a Southern Barbarian? What do Tongzhou Altai and other tribes do? Why did they let them come here without a sound?" Liu Tongxun was very angry.

"I don't know. Commander Altai reported before that two thousand enemies came from the canal, and they are preparing for war in Tongzhou."

"What do the enemies outside say? Have you found out the number of incoming enemies?"

"Looking at the number of people, there are probably more than 1,200 people!"

At this moment, Agui felt that he had been humiliated: "You dare to attack my Qing capital with only 1,200 people? They are asking for death if they call out the gates of my Qing capital!"

Agui knelt down directly: "Master, Agui invites you to fight!"

Qianlong waved his hand: "Wait a minute, more than a thousand people are not a worry, there are more than 100,000 troops near the capital. The enemy is not a worry, but I am curious about why they didn't stop advancing after the Nanmanzi sent the message.


"Either the southern barbarians have evil intentions, or they may fight in two groups, and the soldiers on this group may be separated from our messengers."

Qianlong's eyes brightened: "Does this mean that these more than a thousand people were left alone due to the march route?"

Many ministers nodded.


Qianlong slapped the table: "Regardless of whether they are left alone or for other reasons, these more than a thousand people will never be allowed to go back alive."

Everyone hurriedly kowtowed: "Master/Holy Lord, we are willing to go to war and annihilate this bandit army."

Qianlong laughed loudly: "Okay, then send five thousand... no, ten thousand elite knights to annihilate them directly."

Qianlong believed that the Nanman troops who were shouting at the city gate had not yet set up camp to resist the troops.

They have sent ten times more troops. With the cover of darkness, they will definitely be able to annihilate the enemy.

Gao Bin interrupted: "Your Majesty, 10,000 people are not enough. Last time, the Southern Green Camp used 30,000 people to attack 3,000. They were defeated miserably!"

Qianlong was extremely angry: "Then how many people did you say?"

"To be on the safe side, it's best to send 20,000 people."

"Then summon 20,000 Eight Banners stationed in Beijing, crush them, and annihilate them all."

Qianlong thought for a moment and continued: "Kill the Nanman envoy too...forget it. Just take him to the tower. I want him to see how the army that rescued them was destroyed."

For the sake of his fifth elder brother, he decided to endure it.

It's better to use your mawei.


Following Qianlong's order, the Eight Banners soldiers stationed in the capital began to take action.

Although Chen Mu took away most of the firearms in the Qing armory, he still had some equipment for patrol soldiers!

Together these soldiers can still form a musketeer force of two thousand people.

The musketeers quickly gathered toward the south gate.

At nine o'clock in the evening, after two hours of assembly, the troops of the Qing court were assembled and began to leave the city.

At the same time, 20,000 cavalry also left the city.

In the view of Yong Jiang, the commander of the Eight Banners, the enemy was seeking death.

They dared to set up a military formation at the south gate. The 20,000 cavalry under his command would definitely trample them into meat pies!

Yong Jiang led his cavalry troops into two groups.

They want to use charge tactics to annihilate all these enemies in the dark night.

What they didn't know was that they would face a near-death risk this time when they left the city.

On the other side, Agui confirmed that all the soldiers had left the city, and then he proudly kicked open the door of Chen Mu and others' residence.

Then, he scolded Chen Mu at gunpoint from the Nanman.

"Ambassador Chen, you are not trustworthy!"

Chen Mu pretended to be innocent and spread his hands: "What do you mean? Didn't I already write a letter to my army to clarify the misunderstanding?"

Agui laughed angrily: "Ha~ But your people ignored our goodwill and attacked us directly."

"Just now, a troop suddenly rushed to our capital. Those who behave like this will be beheaded according to the laws of the Qing Dynasty."

Chen Mu quickly shook his head: "No, no, we are not invading. This is just a misunderstanding! Look at this, I will go and persuade the army commander and tell them that this is a misunderstanding."

"Okay! But you can only bring a small number of followers." Agui smiled grimly.

Chen Mu rolled his eyes before replying: "It doesn't matter!"

Afterwards, Agui took Chen Mu and a few followers to the south gate of the capital.

The sky is very nice tonight, the stars are densely packed, and the moon is very round.

The bright moonlight illuminated the scene below the city wall clearly.

After they climbed the city wall, they could see a large number of torches several miles away.

Those were more than a thousand New Army soldiers who rushed here.

Under the city wall, more than two thousand Qing soldiers came out of the city gate.

In the north, a long dragon with burning torches is marching.

This is the 20,000 cavalry mobilized by the Qing court!

Before reaching the gate tower, you can see the super-large loudspeaker shouting "Return our envoy..." and other repeated messages over and over again.

This made Agui and a group of senior officials of the Qing court look ugly.

It seems that this group of enemies did not receive the letter from the courier at this moment, and they arrived in the capital through other ways.

As soon as Chen Mu and A Gui climbed onto the tower, they saw Qing soldiers moving forward outside the city.

"Hey, sir, what are you doing? Why did you suddenly attack? Didn't you say this was a misunderstanding?" Chen Mu said angrily.

Agui also pretended to be angry and shouted to these Qing troops: "Stop, let them stop advancing!"

"Sir, you are not the Admiral of the Nine Sects."

"A bunch of dog slaves, are you blind? Didn't you see me here? Stop it!"

Agui pretended to curse, but could not control their attack.

"Sir, unless you have tokens and tiger charms, you have no right to interfere with the military!" The general left directly after finishing speaking.

Only Agui and Chen Mu were left standing on the tower.

After a while, Gao Bin climbed onto the city wall again.

This guy is here to see a joke!

Agui ignored Gao Bin and just pretended to be worried: "Ambassador Chen, please rest assured that this stupid war cannot be fought. I have asked Admiral Menglin to stop the attack."

Chen Mu nodded lightly: "Okay, you have to hurry up! If it's too late, your troops will suffer heavy casualties."


Will there be heavy casualties in the Eight Banners?

Agui and Gao Bin both sneered in their hearts.

The two of them secretly thought that the southern barbarian still couldn't figure out the situation.

Don’t you know that tens of thousands of troops from the Qing Dynasty have already surrounded us?

Just stand here and watch more than a thousand of your colleagues turn into flesh!

Both sides, each with their own agenda, know that this war is inevitable.

The Qing government wanted to kill any enemy who dared to attack the capital.

Chen Mu must also completely overwhelm the Qing court!

War is about to break out.

Guan Yongjiang, the commander-in-chief of the Eight Banners Cavalry, raised his telescope and looked at the enemy several miles ahead.


The enemy camp was brightly lit with torches, as if they were afraid that everyone would not know their number.

These people arranged the camp in an extremely loose manner, with more than a thousand people occupying an area of ​​several miles around.

Yong Jiang saw them setting up positions on some high slopes and felt that this was completely useless.

Apart from this, what Yong Jiang doesn't understand the most is the barbed wire fence.

I don't know where these barbed wire fences came from.

But Yong Jiang determined that these people were definitely here to kill people.

Yong Jiang sneered and asked the two cavalry groups to extinguish their torches and attack each other from two flanks.

And he led a main force of 10,000 to attack from the front.

Directly in front of the south gate, two thousand musketry infantry also began to line up and approach.

Dozens of repeating muskets were pushed forward by the vehicle.

Only when they are within range can they fire.

The infantry moved slowly.

They are approaching Ren Jia's regiment headquarters~

At this time, the Eight Banners' cavalry also accelerated their sprint.

These cavalrymen actually want to break up Ren Jia's defense line with just their flesh and blood?

I have a brain convulsion!

Three kilometers.

Two kilometers!

one kilometer!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

More than a dozen illumination bombs suddenly shot into the sky, and the dark night was suddenly illuminated.

The cavalry charging directly ahead were suddenly exposed to the light.

The cavalry were horrified, but at this moment the charging posture was in full swing and they could not stop hastily.


Ten Gatling guns and hundreds of light machine guns have been prepared for a long time, and they will send countless death barrages to the dense targets ahead through cross-firing lines of fire!

The roar of machinery and the scream of gunpowder bullets piercing the air formed a deadly scythe!

The death line of fire rushed into the Eight Banners Cavalry.

The cavalryman suddenly fell to the ground like mowing grass.

The originally neat cavalry formation suddenly became chaotic.

Amidst countless screams.

Yong Jiang held his saber and continued to ask his men to rush over at a faster speed.

Close! Close again!

Yong Jiang only saw that he was only three hundred steps away from the enemy.

Then, a line of fire rushed toward him.

The last thing he saw was a line of fire coming towards him.

Then, he didn’t know anything anymore!

It was a 7.62mm bullet, and the bullet easily turned his head into a rotten watermelon.

Walking without pain!

He walked very peacefully.

Agui and Gao Bin, who had been staying on the city wall to watch the show, were completely dumbfounded!

What did he see?

Hundreds of lines of fire were dispatched, and the cavalry divided into three groups were killed like mowing grass.

The elite cavalry had no ability to fight back in the face of the terrifying line of death.

They didn't even get closer than 300 steps before they were all wiped out.

Agui and Gao Bin stared blankly at the battlefield in the distance.

They could see countless human and horse corpses.

In just a few miles of road, the corpses of 20,000 cavalrymen were strewn all over the road.

If the rear army hadn't braked, these cavalry might have been wiped out!

Agui was shocked!

Gao Bin was shocked!

All the Qing soldiers who watched this scene were stunned!

This chapter has been completed!
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