Chapter 138 The fall of the Qing Dynasty and the death of Qianlong (5)

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Society is dead!

Commonly known as the death of social relationships.

After death, all relationships will abandon you.

But Qianlong's nightmare was not over yet.

This is also his own fault.

When he chooses to live, he has to bear all the damage.

The second wave of offensive begins!

Qianlong, didn't you whitewash it and say that you went to Jiangnan and investigated corruption simply out of sympathy for the people?

Come, talk to the women you slept with.

Boom, bang, bang, bang~

The capital's gong rang again.

But this time, countless "Xia Yuhe" who once climbed onto the dragon's bed for glory and wealth appeared.

In the Qing Dynasty, there were countless Daming Lakes, and countless Xia Yuhe slept with the emperor.

Some are in the spring warmth of brocade tents, some are in deserted villages and wild shops, some are on wheat stacks, some are by the pond, some are enjoying the spring breeze, and some are lingering all night long...

Some have become pregnant with children, and some have already passed away.

Then, Xia Yuhe and their children began to denounce Qianlong.

Among them, Ziwei is the most ruthless.

"For my mother, the greatest sin of the previous emperor was that he started to rebel but ended up giving up..."

Qianlong's own daughter criticized him verbally and in writing, and took the lead.

Qianlong was confused!

Later, countless children of Xia Yuhe stood up and cried out for the emperor's abandonment.

Qianlong's face was earth-colored.

There are even more aggressive brothel girls who personally demonstrate how the emperor can ND and QF them.

Qianlong's blood spurted out a lot.

Some concubines also performed how he went to the toilet without toilet paper and how he didn't take a shower for three days...

These stories have been written into commentaries, chanted into poems, compiled into opera excerpts, and have also become new creative themes for the little butter painter.

The story of Xia Yuhe and the Emperor has become an absurd and desire-filled joke.

In the following period, many folk jokes had nowhere to put them, and they all found their way to them.

What night drives a hundred women.

What a secret that mother and son cannot but tell!

Why is playing fencing with the prince of the current dynasty better than cutting off one's sleeves...


The speaker was foaming at the mouth, as if he had witnessed it with his own eyes.

The listeners were stunned and nodded repeatedly. They were secretly envious!

Life and work talk about it, and then it comes to interpersonal relationships.

Liu Luoguo, He Shen, A Gui and others also began to move out.

They mainly talk about the dangers of imperial dictatorship and why problems arise for countless people if power is not controlled.

Why are there so many corrupt officials!

Work and life are all about interpersonal relationships. Qianlong was criticized to the point of being useless.

Most of all the institutions of the Qing court were overthrown.

This is deadly and terrifying.

Top-down denial has very serious consequences.

After those who had always been loyal to the Qing court saw this, the weights in their hearts relaxed.

Something changed inside them.

Some local forces that had not been attacked by Chen Mu's army also contacted them frequently.

What they want to do is protect their wealth.

Unfortunately, they were all rejected by Chen Mu.

"The old era was cold and merciless. You once relied on the old dynasty to absorb blood, and now you must pay the price! We can give you a chance, but you must abide by the constitution established by us."

The cold and strict words directly caused the rest of the Qing Dynasty to become undercurrent.

They began to organize manpower, train soldiers, and then spread the word about the viciousness of the southerners led by Chen Mu.

However, Chen Mu did not pay too much attention to them.

One is because they don't have enough resources, and the other is that these people are still doing things the same way.

Rabbits don't care what they do.

These things will eventually be crushed into powder by steel wheels.

After Qianlong's psychological defense line in the capital was conquered, various changes occurred among the locals in the capital.

They had knelt down and worshiped the imperial power all their lives, and now it has become a joke.

Those high-ranking nobles are not even the skin of dogs now.

But this is not enough.

Because there are still people whose privileges have not been torn apart.


Soon, newspapers began to write new pages.

[What is the constitution? By abiding by the rabbit constitution, the people can be the masters of their own country.]

[Being an official is not about selling sweet potatoes, nor is it about being a member of the privileged class. He is a public servant of the people and serves the people. 】

[Men and women must be equal, monogamy must be observed, and all transactions of power and sex must be abolished. 】

[Put an end to all behaviors that think you are superior to others, put an end to all aristocrats, and build a country based on law!]

Then, some nobles and gentry who had survived suddenly panicked.

Is this new court crazy?

Are you actually doing what the Legalists did?

It's over.

These Southern Barbarians turned out to be members of the Legalist family.

Something big is going to happen with these!

"Aren't we wearing those flower feathers just for power and sex? If we are not allowed to have special privileges and follow the law, how can we live our lives?"

Confucianism, officials, and the remaining nobles were immediately afraid!

Are their privileges just revoked?

The new imperial court actually wants to take law as its core?

Isn't this nonsense?

The gentry submitted letters one after another, saying that the rulers should maintain a sense of superiority and let the lower classes be enterprising.

What is a privilege.

It is wrong to say that canceling the flower building will cause a sharp decline in public security.

Why can't the constitution be like this? It will make it impossible for men to carry on the family line.

Then, these things were all thrown into the trash and burned.

Subsequently, various orders were issued.

Anyone who is currently an official must rely on the Constitution to handle cases if they want to protect their official title.

Otherwise, you will definitely be charged.

In addition, the new dynasty also issued an assessment system.

The new version of the public service assessment system completely cancels the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism.

Then the assessment standards were formulated according to the same set of standards as those in the Ming Dynasty.

Then, the constitution was printed.

The residence of Duke Yansheng in Qufu, Eastern Shandong.

The contemporary Yanshenggong Kong Zhaohuan is like an angry Teddy. When he sees something that is not pleasing to his eyes, he lifts it high and smashes it.

"Asshole, asshole! Asshole!"

"Master, what should we do?"

"What should we do? Just watch. If the new court abides by the law, the scholars in the world will definitely turn against him!"


rule by law?

What do you want me to learn from Confucianism?

Isn't this nonsense?

After Kong Sohuan was extremely angry, he wanted to watch a joke.

He bets that the new court's digging efforts will be useless!

Before, Kong Zhaohuan had extravagant hopes for the new imperial court. After the new dynasty army captured the capital, Kong Zhaohuan immediately wrote out his military instructions, changed the portrait of Saint Kong into short hair, and then led the world's scholars to surrender.

It is a pity that the contemporary new imperial court has no good intentions and directly rejects their good intentions.

After Yanshenggong Kong Zhaohuan was stunned for a long time, he became panicked.

The new imperial court doesn’t want to rule the world with Confucianism?

He wants to run, but the world is so big, where can he run?

Although this southern barbarian was terrifying, it was reasonable to say that he had seen the steel tank and traveled thousands of miles a day without stopping.

His little arms and legs can't run at all!

Then, with the thought that the court still needed me, he continued to stay in Duke Yansheng's Mansion.

He looked longingly at the north every day, hoping that he would get the news that the new imperial court would summon him.

It's a pity that after waiting for several months, nothing was obtained.

On the contrary, Emperor Qianlong's self-reported confession gained a lot of newspaper attention.

"Master, will the world really rebel?"

Kong Zhaohuan smiled ferociously: "Hmph, as long as men have desires and as long as there are careerists in the world, the world will be in chaos. Just wait and see."

rule by law?

Flattery to the Legalists?

What do you mean by monogamy?

Criticizing the emperor's three thousand beauties?

People in the new dynasty really don’t know how they are going to die.

That is the Legalists who are fighting Confucianism to the death.

Although the current Confucianism has long absorbed all the bones of Legalism.

But it is absolutely impossible to clearly propose that establishing a country in accordance with the law.


This is a battle for orthodoxy.

This is a fight for the right to speak.

It is a battle for intellectual hegemony.

When everyone takes Confucianism as their foundation, all the world will be the same Confucian scholar.

Scholars all over the world share common ideas, and such scholars can form a circle.

This is the Confucian intellectual circle.

Scholars support this circle because it can create countless conveniences for them.

Let them easily become masters. Let businessmen and everything else depend on them for a living!

But if Legalism is allowed to govern the country, it will undoubtedly undermine the foundation of Confucian rule.

This is never allowed!

The slow-moving Yan Shenggong originally wanted to watch the fire from the other side and watch the events unfold with a cold eye.

Who knew that the new imperial court would target the current Confucianism even more fiercely.

What is Confucianism?

It is today’s discourse and orthodoxy.

This is the main contradiction that Chen Mu must resolve.

There are many ways to solve the main contradiction. But the best way is to completely destroy the body and mind.

But the damn "Bright Culture" mission made them a little helpless.

According to the task promotion, the population literacy rate and cultural diversity development of the dynasty are the core of the brilliant culture selection.

Therefore, millions of scholars cannot be killed with one blow.

Then, they had to restrain themselves and use roundabout tactics to target the Confucian scholars.

And this roundabout tactic starts with orthodoxy!

[What was Confucianism in the past? What is Confucianism now? What is Yan Shenggong? Let’s talk about the thoughts of Confucius, and then talk about the filth of contemporary Yan Shenggong...]

[What started from Mongolia, and kneeling down became the highest etiquette. The descendants of the saint Kong who taught people with a sword turned out to be Mongolian, Ming came to Ming, intruders came to surrender to intruders, Qing came to Qing...]

If the emperor is said to be fatuous, why is Confucianism needed? Why is the emperor fatuous?

Can people rely on Confucianism to make a fortune, marry and have children, and honor their ancestors?

What was Confucianism like in the past?

Why was it developed into a tool for rulers.



Join us in shouting: Let the original Confucians be in power.

In short, newspapers and Confucianism are just tools of the rulers and violate the core ideas of Confucius.

Newspaper Han focuses on the original Confucianism and modern Confucianism.

The fire is getting stronger and stronger!

What is Confucianism?

What is knowledge?

Why do scholars keep talking about "scholars, farmers, industry and merchants"?

Why should we separate high and low professions?

Some people who are stupid at reading say that these southern barbarians are barbarians, which is distorting the sage Confucius.

But there are so many smart people in the world!

They think about their life experiences and what is the Confucianism they have learned?

Why has Confucianism changed its flavor?

Why did it become a tool for scientific research?

Why should we separate "scholars, farmers, industry and commerce"?

Why does Confucianism make them kneel? What are the thoughts of the sage Kong who once traveled to the ends of the world with a sword and a book?

Is Confucianism really crooked?

Newspapers talk about what is wrong with contemporary Confucianism every day.

Suddenly, the newspaper's style changed and began to report Emperor Qianlong's confession.

What crime was committed?


According to the regulations of the new dynasty, he was married to multiple women and had improper relationships.

Qianlong vomited blood again...

He was a majestic emperor, and he was pointed out to have three thousand beauties in his harem. It was all because of my betrayal.

Isn't this counter-intuitive?

I became emperor just to have three palaces, six courtyards, seventy-two concubines, and a harem of three thousand beauties!

One can imagine how sad, angry and desperate he felt when he kept saying that bigamy was illegal!

But he must do this.

In addition to him, some Eight Banners nobles also expressed their personal opinions.

Five of the eight members of the Communist Party of China expressed their personal opinions, saying that they had committed bigamy and were willing to accept punishment.

If they don't accept it, the three families buried in the grave will serve as a lesson to them.

Later, these nobles all wanted to abandon their former wealth and power, saying that they would only love one person and marry only one person in their lifetime.

As the princes and princes of the Qing Dynasty expressed their opinions.

Then the new court began to act in accordance with the constitution.

[From now on, any concubine is illegal, and prostitution and prostitution are abolished.]

[Such businesses are not allowed where Longqi is located. Everyone must receive unified training and re-employment. They are under the responsibility of a specialized women's federation.]

If there is no buying and selling, there will be no harm. This method is to put an end to it and is the beginning of truly realizing equality between men and women.

It was also the beginning for women to sincerely support the laws of the new dynasty.

In addition to this, the new dynasty also took back the clan's right to execute the death penalty, such as "pig-pen immersion".

This was the beginning of undermining clan law enforcement and authority.

Newspapers of the New Dynasty have repeatedly stipulated that in the land of Dragon Flag, all men must abide by the constitution.

Anyone who does not abide by the Constitution must undergo labor reform.

The newspaper also said that in order to ensure the livelihood of these wives and concubines, they will provide them with on-the-job training and employment opportunities.

The gentry and businessmen were panicked.

"I hit you, we are all men, don't do it like this?"

"Isn't it normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines? A man who doesn't want three wives and four concubines is not a normal man!"

When these gentry had the privilege to abuse the new imperial court and had nothing to do.

The new dynasty has begun to teach women about work.

For example, Ziwei, who is a pioneer, leads a large number of women to conduct training and publicity.

Her mother died in desolate waiting, and her family property was taken away by corrupt officials.

She used to believe that men were heaven and earth, and without men, everything would be gone.

Now that she has accepted new ideas, she has become able to think about life.

Cut down with three axes...

All gentry, merchants, and nobles’ wives, concubines, and maids had to participate in the work.

Do not conceal it, otherwise it will be a crime.

This is a mandatory order.

This mandatory order forced hundreds of thousands of wives, concubines, and maids near the capital to work and accept new ideas about women.

Near the capital is just the beginning! Countless women's workshops will be established in the future.

In addition to this, the workshop also issued an announcement: recruiting female workers with high salaries!

"Women from every household can come to work...the wages are paid on time. Authoritative women can be sent to supervise the work, and women will not be allowed to do anything in the gutter!"

These women who only lived near their homes in the capital just walked out of their homes and came to the newly built workshop.

Here, the wives, concubines, and maids of the gentry and the nobles accepted common work.

Women's jobs are simpler.

For example, some light industrial production, clothes, clothing, shoes and hats are all made by women.

In this land of the future, countless women will start working, and their status will be quickly elevated.

These equipment moved from the south will produce countless clothes, hats, and various daily necessities, and then meet the needs of millions of people in the capital and surrounding areas.

For the first time, women made money with their own hands.

This is a lot of money, more than many men earn.

Their hearts were satisfied, and their waists became hardened unconsciously.

After work, various factory loudspeakers began to shout.

Various stories emerged one after another.

Chen Mu produces a lot of large speakers like this.

There are tens of thousands of them, and a large number of speakers are being transported over there in a steady stream.

In the future, the north must establish complete broadcasting channels.

Strive to allow all the people of the new dynasty to hear the broadcast immediately.

The speakers used in these factories are very powerful and can easily cover locations several miles away.

Because there is no cable support, artificial hand cranking, animal husbandry, and modified hydroelectric power can only be used for charging.

However, these power supply methods are enough for publicity.

Hua Mulan joins the army in place of her father.

What a new era of women!

How can a woman rely on her intelligence to earn dozens or hundreds of times as much wealth as a man?

What about Cinderella who met Prince Charming, then worked hard, learned a lot, and finally chased Prince Charming, and finally embraced the man?

These stories are so bold and refined that they subvert the views of women who have always received traditional education!

"Why are there so many crooked stories?"

"Wouldn't it be better for women to stay at home?"

"What are you doing here? You're working here, and you want people to stay home?"

A woman was embarrassed and yelled.

Most of them couldn't help but listen carefully.

They find these stories very novel!

It's like the door to a new world has opened.

Many girls had some doubts in their hearts at this moment.

What is our life really like?

Do you really have to depend on a man to survive?

Can you live a moist life?

Their horizons gradually broadened after the appearance of factory radio.

After a period of time, there were various chicken soups for the soul, and radio channels specially composed of women began to tell various interesting things about life.

Among them, some female workers asked with a smile: "Sisters, do you know why your family wants you to bind your feet?"

“For the sake of beauty!”

"No, for bondage."

"They want to tie you up at home..."

"Why do you have to endure a man having three wives and four concubines...?"

"Isn't it normal for men to be flirtatious?"

"Actually, women are also carefree!"

"We don't want to be careless. We are good family members."

"Girls, I won't say more about the poor people. They can't marry a second wife. We all live a tight life."

"What I am here to say is mainly to the girls who are wives, concubines and maids, are you willing to become men's playthings?"

The female worker took out a red book: "Look, we have a new constitution to protect you. As long as you make unreasonable claims, we can help you correct them."

"No, we are the master's people, we cannot betray the master."

This chapter has been completed!
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