Chapter 182 You have magical powers, I have technology! Kill them all! (2 in 1

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According to the original battle of Xuzhou, the Japanese advanced from the north and the south. The two sides fought for half a year, and finally ended with Xu being captured.

However, due to Chen Mu's intrusion and the gathering of intelligence, several campaigns planned by Li Zongren were directly successful one after another.

First, the Japanese Isoya Division and Itagaki Division suffered heavy losses one after another on the way to the attack.

This wasn't the end yet. They listened to the intelligence from Rabbit's interception, and launched a plan to block and lure the enemy deeper into the 10th Division led by the old devil Isoya, directly blocking the 10th Division in Teng County.

.Divided some of the Japanese forces and launched an encirclement and suppression campaign against them!

Ban Heng's fifth division was also blocked by Lin Yi.

The old Japanese soldier Jigu once tried to send troops to penetrate and destroy Taierzhuang's rear area, blocking the Guo army's logistics and transportation lifeline.

Unexpectedly, Li Zongren came directly to catch turtles in the urn, and the 5th and 10th divisions were surrounded in confusion.

Their two divisions are walking into a death trap. The losses in the battle for more than ten consecutive days have reached more than 10,000, and the casualties are still increasing!

The Japanese troops from the north heading south were directly blocked, and there was even a risk that the entire army would be wiped out.

The Japanese suddenly became anxious!

Originally, the Japanese divisions heading north from the south included the 9th and 13th divisions, as well as a Banjing detachment.

The southern troops attacked frantically, allowing the 16th Division, which had just replenished its troops, to participate in the battle.

The troops dispatched by the Japs from the south to the north increased again.

Because Li Zongren's commanders were all miscellaneous, he used Tian Ji's method of horse racing. The miscellaneous troops of the Guo Army deployed in the south were not very effective.

Although many good results were achieved in the early stage and the Japanese were held back for more than a month, the troops were almost wiped out.

The road from the south to the north was blocked, leaving many holes in the defensive position.

So this mission of blocking the Japanese going north is very important!

March 5, 12 noon.

After suffering dozens of attacks and cold gun tactics, the main force of the 16th Division finally arrived at the front of Yongcheng!

Nakajima's eyebrows were a little tired, but he was in good spirits.

News came from the aircraft reconnaissance unit.

It was said that there were thousands of miscellaneous troops ahead digging for positions.

The enemy's hastily constructed blocking positions were vulnerable to attack.

After the artillery fire of the 16th Division is set up, they will be wiped out quickly.

"Report, a large number of minefields have appeared ahead again, and this time the minefields are very large, with a minefield six miles away."

"Baga, another damn bastard fake trap..."

After Nakajima cursed for a few times, he asked the puppet soldiers to use the engineer minesweeper to go to the mines.

From the march last night to now, the enemy has laid countless traps, pits and minefields along the dozens of kilometers of road.

Nakajima almost turned his nose with anger.

These bastards have laid too many minefields, and what is even more depressing is that there are a large number of useless iron lumps that interfere with the sight of the minesweepers.

These things that weren't even landmines blocked them for 8 hours.

If he hadn't arrogantly used Huang Xiejun as a mine detector, their marching speed would have been even slower!

Sure enough, the puppet soldiers took a safe route with ease.

Although only a dozen landmines exploded along the way, it also let them know that there were real people hiding in this minefield.

The troops continued to march for several kilometers before discovering the positions deployed by the Guo army in front.

"Haha, finally we've seen the truth! Who's going to test the enemy's edge?"

"Nakajima-san, let us be the vanguard." Captain Shizuka Sukegawa was the first to stand up.

"Okay, send two brigades to spy on the surrounding defense lines. The others should hurry up and eat to replenish their strength."

"Hey Yi!"

Because there are some unexplored minefields nearby, the location where the Japanese camped was much more crowded than usual.

A few kilometers away, several special animals were watching the Japanese's every move.

They recorded every move of the Japanese and passed them to the rear.

It is very difficult to fight an ambush in the plains.

In plain areas, generally only large regiment-level operations can be carried out.

Because of the peaceful environment, the Japanese marching array was extremely loose.

Tens of thousands of people marched along a road covering a radius of more than ten miles.

The method of laying out thunder arrays to annihilate the enemy is not feasible.

There are a total of more than a thousand people on Chen Mu's side. Even if one regiment and two security regiments of the Guo Army are stationed here, the total strength is only more than 4,500.

So battlefield selection is very important.

They didn't do much along the way, and often showed weakness to the enemy.

For example, take out hundreds of inferior mines and place them with the soldiers of the Guo army on the roads that the Japanese must pass.

This real and fake mine formation directly slowed down the enemy's march for several hours!

Just a few hours gave them valuable time to set up a large trap.

And the minefield choice just now was nothing more than a trap.

A trap that subconsciously brings the devils together.

As the intelligence was reported to Chen Mu, the war began.

The Japs' Sukechuan Jing Regiment sent out a large force to test the defensive positions and prepared to use Lao San's method to deal with the enemy!

"Kill the chicken and give it~"

An unknown Japanese squadron leader shouted loudly.

The Japanese under his command spread out into a skirmish formation and pressed forward.

They are strong and fast.

After quickly rushing within 500 meters, they set up machine gun and other positions based on the terrain.

On the way to attack, other Japanese soldiers began to suppress fire!

The Guo army did not fight back or attack at all.

"It seems that these enemies know how powerful we are! The ones in front should be all miscellaneous troops."

Because Principal Chang's troops will attack their machine gun position at a position of 500 meters.

The motley crew will not.

Rifles equipped by other brands of troops are generally made in Hanyang.

The effective range of these weapons is only 200 meters, and they lose their accuracy beyond 200 meters.

And the effective range of their individual rifles can reach 460 meters!

Stationed here is a regiment of the 31st Army.

They led two security groups to defend against Japanese attacks.

The combat effectiveness of the two security groups was very poor, with only more than 300 guns. Their only task was to take the ocean given to them by Chen Mu, and then dig holes and lay landmines.

All units in the 31st Army are miscellaneous.

But they all showed their integrity in this battle!

"Captain, the Japanese are attacking."

"I see, brothers, we just need to hold on for 36 hours! Just resist the Japanese attack!"


Ding Ben looked at the Japanese who were getting closer and closer, sighing in his heart that he could not go home to see his wife.

After the headquarters learned that the Japanese 16th Division was going to attack here, Wei Yunsong asked the regiment closest to Yongcheng to set up a sniper position here.

He knew what it meant for a division to stop the Japanese.

He didn't run away.

Northwest gentlemen are not cowards~

Before the battle, Ding Ben also told his soldiers that this battle was to snipe the Japanese with the intention of death.

Brothers all support his decision!

Thinking of this, he thought of Chen Mu who came to see him yesterday.

They provided themselves with 50 light and heavy machine guns, several mortars, and a large amount of ammunition.

Then, they said they would let the regiment hold out for a few hours, waiting for them to break the opponent's artillery position.

"I don't know if those hundreds of people can destroy the opponent's artillery position."

While Ding Ben was thinking in his mind, the battalion commander came over and said: "Captain, there is no movement from the Japanese rear. Are those people deserters?"

Ding Ben shook his head: "It's impossible to be a deserter!"

The battalion commander scratched his head and said, "That's true!"

Yesterday, in the dark night, he saw many soldiers hiding in traps dug in the distance, waiting to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy!


Gunshots rang out...

The probing attack of the forward Japs has begun!

"Brothers, wait until they get close and then fight!"

A few miles away.

On the position where Chen Mu and others are.

"Captain, there's a fight on the front line. The Japanese sent out a regiment to attack the position set up by Captain Ding Ben. As expected, the others gathered together to rest."

"Very good, we will launch a general attack in one minute."


"Every unit prepares, prepare to attack in one minute."

The order was issued, and all ministries began to unravel the camouflage cloth. The camouflage cloth that had concealed more than 6,000 107 rocket launchers and dozens of cloud burst bombs was uncovered...

The 16th Division still doesn’t know that a disaster is coming!

At the place where they were resting, there were two Japanese captains having a discussion.

Surrounded by hundreds of Japanese soldiers watching the fun!

These devils are all Kung Fu masters.

Because the Japanese marched for dozens of hours, everyone could no longer hold on.

The commander of the Nakajima Division specifically ordered everyone to rest for two hours to prepare for the next action.

Most of the Japs who had eaten and drank enough chose to rest.

Some energetic soldiers are gambling/fighting.

Kojima Linyou held up his family's samurai sword: "Noda-kun, I have been practicing this sword for 20 years. I rushed into Jinling and killed hundreds of Chinese enemies. Your kung fu is not good."

Noda Yan held his cigarette butt in his mouth: "Haha, Kojima-kun, I have won several killing competitions in a row, but your team can't!"


"Captain, find a place for our team!"

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

Instigated by a bunch of devils!

The two Japs held up their samurai swords, and after testing them for a while, they approached and slashed.

Ding Dang Dang~

The two Japs clashed so fast that it was difficult for ordinary people to distinguish them with the naked eye.

He can easily jump several meters high. His short and stocky body is very light and flexible, and his fighting ability is extremely strong.

Every slash with the sword has great power.

The sword light danced and the fight was smooth.

Many Japanese with martial arts enjoyed watching it and shouted loudly!

"Noda-san, come on, I've saved twenty yuan this time!"

"You must win, Kojima-kun. Defeat Noda-san. I will give you a share of what I earn today."

After Mr. Nakajima finished arranging the mission with his staff, he also came over.

Watching the competition between the two, he smiled and said: "As expected of the swordsman genius in recent years, Noda-san's kung fu is already as powerful as a first-class master."

Staff officer Nakazawa sighed: "Yes, it's a pity that I was born at the wrong time and caught up with the era of rampant guns!"

Nakajima grinned: "If this were not the case, how could we be fighting in the fertile land of China?"

While the two were communicating as if nothing had happened, a messenger quickly came over.

"Nakajima-kun, it's bad. Our radio suddenly lost contact with the rear."

"Nani? Lost contact?"

"Yes, all communications were suddenly interrupted."

"Is it a technical reason?"

"Under investigation."

Swish swish~

When Nakajima wanted to see what was going on, he suddenly saw thousands of things emitting white smoke flying towards here in the distance.

"Huh? Is that... is that a cannon that can fly?"

Nakajima looked at the dense artillery in surprise, his temples beating wildly: "No, it's an artillery attack! Get out of the way!"

Seeing the rocket launcher that was emitting white smoke and coming towards us, many Japanese officers also shouted.

Nakajima's security forces shouted loudly: "Commander of the Protection Division!"

Dozens of kung fu masters quickly came over.

There is no uneven ground here. The speed of the rocket launcher is at least a few hundred meters per second. They cannot outrun the shells!

Therefore, these devils made an extremely wise decision.

"Submachine gun, use the submachine gun to form a barrage!"

When hiding on Nakajima's side and using a human shield to protect Nakajima, ordinary Japanese would also look for hidden bunkers. Or they could lie down on the ground nearby, support the ground with their arms, hold their ears with their hands and have their mouths open!

This is an effective way to avoid artillery bombardment.

Generally, if you don't get close to the core area of ​​the explosion, you have a high chance of surviving.

There was only one surprise.

The area where Nakajima stays!

A troop composed of more than a hundred Japanese warriors was aiming their submachine guns at their heads.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless rockets rushed towards the Japanese camp!


These master warriors raised their submachine guns and swept them into the sky together.

They are all top masters, although they cannot capture cannonballs that can reach a speed of more than 400 meters per second.

However, the initial firing speed of submachine gun bullets is six to seven hundred. As long as you make predictions in advance, there is a chance to use the submachine gun as an anti-aircraft weapon.

Da da da~

The submachine guns of hundreds of masters had a certain effect. More than 20 shells landed beside them, and more than a dozen exploded in the air.

However, seven or eight rounds fell nearby, causing damage to seventy or eighty Japanese soldiers.

The first wave of saturation attacks, the old Japanese devil Nakajima narrowly survived!

But other ordinary Japanese soldiers can't hold up the shells!

Brilliant but deadly sparks frequently shine on this battlefield.

Deadly red and white shock waves filled the air...

What frightened the Japanese was that the rocket shells exploded as soon as they reached five meters in the air before they landed on the ground.

This is a smart artillery shell brought over from modern times. After being launched, it will automatically explode five meters in the air before falling to the ground!

With experience, the Japs who thought they could escape shell attacks by lying on the ground also accepted the punishment of smart artillery shells for the first time. Countless Japs were injured and killed by the terrifying shells.

A special infantry group weapon from later generations, it is simply a magical weapon against enemies lying on the ground.


"A stack!"


The Japanese screamed in agony, then were killed by pieces of fragments, and their internal organs were shattered by the deadly shock wave!!

Saturated rocket shells continue to bombard...

The explosions of rocket launchers were heard within a radius of several kilometers.

After more than 3,000 shells fell, at least 7,000 to 8,000 Japanese soldiers were killed.

The Japanese soldiers who had not been killed or injured were wailing endlessly.

The division commander Nakajima, who was protected by soldiers, wiped the blood on his face, pushed away the soldiers beside him, looked at the hell on earth, and yelled incompetently: "Bagaya Road, why do the Chinese troops have so many artillery?"

"Damn it, is there an army artillery nearby?"

"Nakajima-san, move quickly, the enemy may still have artillery shells!"

Looking around, he found that the troops suffered heavy casualties. He gritted his teeth and said: "Baga~ Damn it! Let all the troops disperse and evacuate!"

"Hi Yi"

Nakajima also evacuated this place with a group of experts.

But before they left, they saw a large number of rockets flying from another direction.

Swish swish~

"Nani? No!!!!"


The Japanese, who had already suffered heavy losses, suffered another fatal blow!

This wave of explosions, at least thousands of people were lost again!

What was even more terrifying was that dozens of cloud bombs fell on the heads of the Japanese.

The explosion lethality range of the cloud bomb with a bomb load of 60 kilograms reached a diameter of 350 meters.

They will explode before landing on the ground.

The terrifying white phosphorus and other hot chemicals will disperse around and absorb oxygen. The Japanese who were so shocked did not even have a chance to struggle in the face of the terrifying cloud bombs, so they suffocated to death.

The high temperature of more than 3,000 degrees generated by white phosphorus is even more deadly!

The Japs who were lucky enough to escape the blast wave and shrapnel thought that the explosion was just a simple artillery shell. As the white dust fell, countless Japs howled and frantically scratched at the white phosphorus that had penetrated into the flesh.

The temperature in the air is getting higher and higher!


The ammunition carried by the Japs exploded one after another in such a high temperature environment, causing fatal secondary and tertiary injuries one after another.

Old Japanese Nakajima and a group of kung fu masters were not so lucky this time.

A cloud bomb accidentally exploded dozens of meters above their heads.

The synthetic agent in the cannonball is several thousand degrees hot.

Kung Fu masters are all made of flesh and blood and cannot withstand the heat of thousands of degrees.

Nakajima and other old Japanese who survived the first wave screamed and were ignited and burned by various synthetic drugs!

Tragic screams filled the entire battlefield...

The second wave of attacks killed at least 7,000+ Japs.

Captain Ding Ben, who had worked hard to stop the Japs, saw the Japs unit in the rear reduced to ashes. He and his subordinates were stunned and couldn't believe that all this was true.

"What kind of weapon is this?"

"It's so scary!"

"Captain, it seems that the main force of the Japs is gone? Are we... winning?"

Ding Ben stared blankly ahead.

The only enemy attacking them was the Japanese group in front.

All the other Japs were destroyed by artillery fire!

They seemed to have survived, but the Japanese were really in danger.

Thinking of this, Ding Ben said excitedly: "Fight, hit hard. When the rabbit army comes, we can directly annihilate this division!"


Da da da~

The fruit army's miscellaneous group began to attack crazily!

The morale on the Japanese side dropped sharply.

The two waves of intensive bombing just now had directly frightened the morale of the attacking Japanese troops.

They felt that this was a disaster and that everything was a joke.

But the occasional bullets passing by and the explosions behind them told them.

This is no joke.


Da da da~

Bang bang bang!

All kinds of sounds resounded throughout this world.

The soldiers of the Spring Breeze Squadron who were hiding everywhere emerged from the tunnel and began to beat up the trapped dog mode.

Machine guns and submachine guns fired, and the ferocious firepower was directed at the Japanese soldiers, sweeping them to the ground.

The remaining 3,000-odd Japs were completely without a commander, and they launched raids in various places.

But I found that there were enemies on all sides.

All kinds of machine gun searches were carried out, but they couldn't charge at all.

More than a thousand remaining Japanese soldiers tried to retreat from the minefield.



Remote-controlled anti-personnel mines were detonated one after another.

The Japanese who tried to escape died tragically on the spot.


After half a small hand~

A plane flew in to investigate the situation.

The 16th Division suddenly lost contact. It has been half an hour now. They want flying troops to conduct reconnaissance.


Crossbow missiles fly into the sky~

Two Japanese planes exploded directly in the sky!

This chapter has been completed!
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