Chapter 199 One year situation, Li Yunlong fired the first shot

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There is no class that betrays its interests, there are only individuals who betray the class.

The Ax Gang grew stronger under Brother Chen, taking control of the gangs in the Magic City.

It's a pity that Brother Chen is too ignorant and tries to commit suicide again and again.

So Brother Chen’s brain blossomed.

After Brother Chen died, Lin Bai became the new gang leader.

But as Chen Mu formulated new rules, requiring everyone to clean up all gray and black industries, many gang leaders couldn't let go.

Some people openly violated the new order established by the Ax Gang and continued to conduct various dark transactions to make more profits.

A large number of businesses based on the suffering of others for one's own enjoyment continue to operate.

Of course, they were worried about Chen Mu.

So a lot of business is done in the dark.

It's a pity that the newly appointed deputy gang leader took Chen Mu's orders as the core, and anyone who conducted dark transactions in the Ax Gang was severely punished.

Large numbers of dark transactions were torn apart, smashed, and destroyed.

Countless people blinded by money were bloody executed.

Several months of continuous cleaning operations have dealt with a large number of cancerous tumors.

After a bloody cleanup, the Ax Gang gradually transformed into a well-behaved gang.

The public security and various problems in the magic city have gradually improved because of their appearance.

At least there is no such thing as a sudden gunfight on the street.

Public security has improved, and so has the business environment!

The common people found that they no longer had to live in fear.

Because most of what Chen Mu does here is done in the name of the Ax Gang and in his own name.

So the people are very grateful to the Ax Gang.

They believe that the strength of the Ax Gang has changed their lives for the better!

The Japanese are also very satisfied.

Because after public security improved, their taxes and business also improved.

So both parties were full of praise for Chen Mu and the gang he secretly controlled.

It's a pity that the Japanese didn't know that Chen Mu, who was in charge of the Ax Gang, had several identities.

Time passed, and at the end of the year, Chen Mu suddenly received a system prompt that had been silent for a long time.

The first mission has met the completion conditions.

However, they will not submit this task for the time being.

The gangs are being cleaned up, but it's not perfect because the city is occupied by the devils and there are big loopholes in the system.

But Chen Mu is not ready to perfect it.

They need to wait until the red flag is erected before submitting.

Chen Mu relies on his own identity to deploy intelligence personnel in some locations.

They have advanced technology for more than half a century, and they can completely crush the enemy's information and so on.

In the following time, Chen Mu was on the right track.

The years pass ruthlessly!

Unknowingly, it was 39 years.

In the past year, the Japanese and the Dragon Kingdom fought many battles.

In the early stages of the all-out war, the fruit army suffered heavy losses.

Hundreds of thousands of elite troops were lost.

Tang Paopao and Han Diudi's bastard behavior caused endless suffering to hundreds of millions of people in the Dragon Kingdom.

Fortunately, Chen Mu borrowed advanced weapons from another world and destroyed more than 100,000 Japs.

The Japs' actions were immediately blocked.

Later in the second half of the year, Chen Mu let another Japanese fleet sink to the bottom of the sea, leaving the Japanese with insufficient naval power, resulting in an extremely slow invasion.

During the Jinling tragedy, Chen Mu even sent a large number of soldiers to collect countless evidence of the Japanese.

These evidences, coupled with the film equipment and various works brought by the Chunfeng Team, inspired countless patriots.

It stands to reason that the Dragon Kingdom at this moment is much better than before, and the war situation should be better.

But the principal, who is good at micro-management, fell ill again.

His series of operations caused the Guo Army to lose a lot of its main force.

Due to the principal's micro-management, the Guo army's power once again returned to a situation where the direct lineage of the principal was strong and the various departments were mixed and inferior.

Countless miscellaneous brands feel resentful, but they can only endure it.

In addition to focusing on national justice, they can't defeat the principal at this moment.

The past year has been a painful one!

Most of the rich lands of the Dragon Kingdom were occupied.

The losses in the competition put them into a passive strategic stalemate.

Because hundreds of thousands of people were lost in the early stage, the Japs faction has more soldiers.

It was 30% more than Chen Mu remembered.

The fighting in several theaters was very hard.

For example, several war zones in the south have fallen into a completely passive state.

Their historical record is similar to that of another time and space.

Given the casualty ratio between the army and Japanese soldiers, how many people are needed to replace one Japanese soldier?

It's much better here in the north.

Because of the guerrilla tactics brought from another world, fighting here is very good.

Their casualties are smaller and they do more damage to the enemy.

You must know that it has been a year since the people from the Spring Breeze Team came here.

Equipment shipped from another world is producing various types of weapons at an explosive rate.

The shortage of rabbit weapons and ammunition has been greatly resolved.

The rabbit with no shortage of ammunition is very terrifying in combat.

They relied on guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare to repeatedly annihilate the Japanese transport troops.

The layout and control of the Japanese in the north are very difficult!

The Japanese occupation was very slow.

They had to build roads and develop at the same time.

Because the situation in the north was corrupt, they implemented the cage strategy in advance.

They used railways as pillars, roads as chains, and bunkers as locks, trying to tie up the land that was good at guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare.

Originally, Rabbit could easily destroy the Japanese fortress strategy with the help of rockets and other weapons.

But there was trouble inside the rabbit.

Be more specific.

That's called becoming fat.

To put it mildly, the speed of training and training of basic personnel cannot keep up with the speed of institutional development.

Because Rabbit, who is good at violent warfare, recruited too many soldiers, the military command fell into chaos for a period of time.

Even if Rabbit had radio support from Chen Mu and all kinds of advanced training, it wouldn't work.

Iron-bloodedness requires time and life.

All forces lack talent.

You must know that the rabbit army before was only two divisions with only tens of thousands of people.

Since the beginning of the all-out Anti-Japanese War, Rabbit has participated in many major wars and suffered heavy losses. In just half a year, Rabbit restored its 200,000-strong army, so it will naturally have to pay a price.

After the number of troops increased, the combat effectiveness of the troops dropped rapidly, and the command became chaotic.

There is no way to distinguish between mediocre and talented people, and the grassroots command system also needs systematic training.

This is a hidden danger. There is no problem during guerrilla warfare, but when large corps fight, there are bound to be many mistakes.

These hidden dangers must be resolved as soon as possible!

Since the Japanese implemented the cage policy, the rabbits have simply retreated to defend themselves.

They want to organize the rear area and speed up the production of equipment. They also need to retrain all departments and receive more scientific training.

The Japanese thought their strategy was successful.

They happily built a fort and tried to lock up the rabbit in this way.

Rabbit looked at the Japs' movements and shook his head with a smile.

They don't care about each other's actions, they just actively build the foundation.

In the second half of the year, the two parties in the north only conducted small-scale harassment battles and did not engage in large-scale battles.

But as another batch of trained soldiers landed, the ambitious Japanese were no longer content with the status quo.

Starting from February 1939, the military columns occupied by the Japanese suddenly became denser.

Chen Mu, who had gained a high position on the Japanese side, also learned about the operation.

The Japanese are going to launch a great war in the north!

After learning some information, Chen Mu quickly passed the news to the rear.

When he learned that the Japanese were going to send troops, Rabbit quickly held a meeting!

At least one Category A division, three Category B divisions, and one heavy artillery brigade, totaling 100,000 Japanese troops, attacked Jin District.

In addition to the 100,000 main attack troops, they also brought 50,000 newly trained puppet troops to assist them in the battle.

This time they dispatched an army of 150,000, preparing to eat up Yan Laoxi and several other regiments entrenched in Jinsui and other places!

Because the Japanese wanted to take action in advance, Rabbit decided to change the plan.

After much discussion, everyone decided to lure the enemy deeper.

They want to eat these 100,000 Japanese in one fell swoop.

Then wait for the opportunity to recover industrial towns such as Baotou.

At this moment, Rabbit has the strength to recover mining areas such as Baotou.

You must know that in the past year, the people led by the Dongfeng Team not only produced various types of individual weapons, but also produced a large number of rocket launchers.

More advanced air defense weapons are also being produced.

Weapons targeting armor were also installed on the main regiment.

Individual anti-tank weapons from later generations can destroy the thin-skinned little pods of Japanese soldiers.

Vehicle-mounted anti-aircraft missiles can even use Japanese aircraft as targets.

After some arrangements, the troops decided to fight a big battle, a beautiful battle!

However, in order to ensure safety, they need to disguise themselves and make various preparations.

In northwest Shanxi, in a mountain nest.

Trained most of Li Yunlong's group.

Regiment leader Li Yunlong was giving lectures to his soldiers.

More than half of what has been said has been said.

It mainly talks about taking the initiative.

After more than half a year of training and rest, more than 100,000 soldiers have received good training.

A few days ago, it was detected that the Japanese took the initiative to attack. Rabbit decided to lure the enemy deep and annihilate the invading enemy.

Because Li Yunlong's troops were equipped with all the Japanese weapons of the Japs, the assault company was equipped with weapons such as 81 bar, rocket launchers, anti-tank guns, machine guns and other weapons.

They successfully became the main group that lured the Japanese to take the initiative to attack.

"... After training for so long, you can tell whether it's a mule or a horse by taking a walk. They say the Japs are elites, but they are all dwarfs with a head and shoulders. Last time we were able to annihilate a hundred thousand Japs with rocket launchers.

This time we have more troops and will be wider! The Japanese will die as many as they come!"

"Our task is very arduous, but it is great... We must cooperate with the main force to lure the enemy deeper and be willing to be a thorn in places such as northwestern Shanxi. This is a very dangerous task."

Li Yunlong glanced at the entire group of soldiers: "Because we can't expose our strength too much, we can't completely let go of our hands and feet to fight. However, as long as we attract more enemies, then we will achieve an unprecedented victory! Everyone...

Do you have confidence?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Okay, let's set up a sniper position in Zhaojiayu, use trenches and anti-tilt tactics to set up defenses, and try to delay the arrival of more than one brigade of Japanese troops."


Subsequently, each ministry excavated fortifications, laid out defense points, and sorted out various materials and equipment.

There are six divisions of troops deployed like this in northwest Shanxi and other places, with a strength of up to 60,000 people.

This was the first time the rabbits took the initiative to organize a large-scale positional battle.

When Rabbit deployed defense fortifications in various dangerous places, the old Japanese from Okamura in North China burst into laughter.

Someone wanted to take the initiative when Rabbit had not set up defenses, but was blocked by the old Japanese Okamura.

"Commander, why is this so?"

"Haha...are you dumbfounded? What ability does a country-like rabbit have? Rabbit's industry and materials and weapons cannot be produced. They rely on weapons imported from abroad. They are doing logistics with us, and they are completely using themselves.

The weakness is exposed in front of us."

"Commander, Rabbit's defense is very good."

"No, the Empire's artillery fire is sharp and it is not afraid of the enemy's fortifications at all. We can fight with more confidence in this kind of regiment-level combat."

Modern warfare is all about logistics, weapons and ammunition.

The gap in numbers is not an insurmountable chasm. Even if the enemy has 500,000, the Imperial Warriors dare to attack it.

Looking at places such as northwest Shanxi on the map, Okamura said with a smile: "As long as we conquer northwest Shanxi and wipe out all the swimming power of rabbits, we can organize the Zhongtiao Mountain Battle, then break through Sichuan and Shu in one fell swoop and destroy China!"

"Everyone, this battle will be won!"

After hearing this, many old devils all stood up excitedly: "Hey!"

"Long live the Empire!"

"Long live the Empire."

While Rabbit and the Japanese from North China were preparing for a battle, Principal Chang was listening to a little tune and looking at the map carefully.

“Everyone, what do you think the Japs’ purpose is?”

"They have been frequently harassed by rabbits in the past six months and suffered terribly from guerrilla warfare. This time they are 90% sure to annihilate the pesky rabbits."

"However, Rabbit is very stubborn and dares to set up large-scale defensive positions in places such as northwest Shanxi."

"Huh, I'm just afraid that no one will defend me then."

"Yes, I heard that after their logistics was cut off, life was very difficult. The soldiers could only eat one steamed bun a day."

After hearing this, everyone sighed and said things like pity.

But they secretly observed the principal's actions...

Now everyone agrees that you, the principal, as the supreme commander, do such a thing.

What an inappropriate person!

This chapter has been completed!
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