Chapter 226: Hide the fangs and claws and arrive at the Great Wall of Despair

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A long horn sounded, and the sleeping Eddard Stark, Bunyan, Jon Snow and others quickly woke up.

They knew the rules of the night watchmen and knew that if the horn sounded twice, they would be in big trouble.

However, there are more than a thousand soldiers in Castle Black at the moment, and they are confident that they can defend the place.

"We need to send people to the other three fortresses early, otherwise there will be problems if other places fall." Ed Stark thought to himself, then put on his armor, put on his cloak and went out.

As soon as he went out, he saw his younger brother Benjen and Jon Snow already coming out.

"Who attacked?"

Yoren, the wandering crow on duty, bit his head: "I don't know yet!"

Because Castle Black lacks soldiers, Yoren, who has been escorting the Night's Watch recruits in the Seven Kingdoms, happened to come back, so he temporarily stayed in the middle of Castle Black.


The simple elevator rope stirred, and Jarman Buckwell, who was scouting on the Great Wall, came down breathlessly: "Many strangers came over, and they are very strange!"


Jarman Buckwell said with a face that was about to freeze: "Yes, more than twenty weird people arrived in Castle Black, including two of them. We have never seen the other people's costumes. They are almost in despair."

The entrance to the Great Wall!”

The Great Wall of Despair is too high, up to 213 meters. It is impossible to communicate clearly at such a high distance. Everyone can only shout in the passage tunnel of Castle Black!

Ed asked in a raised voice: "Is it a White Walker?"

Soon, the words of the night watchman came from the tunnel of Castle Black: "My lord, they are not White Walkers. They look like humans, but they are covered by armor and cannot see their appearance!"

"I saw it. Those were Commander Carter Pike and Chit? They actually came with these strangers!"

"They are covered in armor, so they can't see clearly."

Ed frowned slightly: "Open the two gates. Let them in and ask what's going on!"

"Your Excellency, the people inside the door can ask."

Ed thought for a moment, then nodded: "Okay! If anything goes wrong, let us know immediately."

Bunyan nodded, and then spoke to the brother on duty in the tunnel.

At this moment, the 200 cavalrymen from the North and more than 500 soldiers from Hearth City have all woken up.

They are powerful in numbers and have strong soldiers and horses!

I don't care about the 20 strangers outside at this moment.

The order was conveyed, and then Carter Pike, who was outside the Black End Great Wall, suddenly turned ugly when he heard that Chen Mu and others were not allowed in, and only Carter and Qi Qi were allowed in.

"Gentlemen, the people inside are too vigilant. Please wait for a moment. I will ask them to apologize to you later."

Chen Mu shook his head indifferently.

After watching Carter Pike and his bachelor assistant strangely enter Castle Black, they looked curiously at the Great Wall of Despair, which is more than 200 meters high.

“What a spectacular sight!”

"Without thawing for thousands of years, it's really cold in the north!"

"It is indeed one of the seven wonders of the world of ice and fire. The 200-meter-high Great Wall of Ice and Snow. How crazy!"

Bian Zhuang grinned: "It's also difficult for these people to deal with extraordinary creatures like the White Walkers. Only such a high city wall can give them a sense of security!"

Chen Mu also chuckled.

These days, they have confirmed the combat effectiveness of the people of Westeros through insinuations.

The current timeline is also confirmed.

The plot of Ice and Fire should be about to begin.

In terms of personal strength, the individual strength of human warriors is very high.

It's a pity that they lack the inheritance of extraordinary power.

Their top combat power is not outstanding.

There is no such thing as fighting spirit, sword spirit, or vampire.

The elite knights couldn't even defeat the soldiers who had just joined the Spring Breeze Squadron.

The strength of the Dongfeng team is completely crushing.

But there are gods in this world, and there are all kinds of weird magic.

For example, there are shadow magics that are hard to guard against, as well as the troublesome strangler, Tears of Lys, and assassins who can change their faces. They are all existences that are hard to guard against.

In the original novel, the assassins who cut off other people's faces will gain access to the deceased's lifetime memories, which they fear the most.

Before they can accurately deal with all kinds of weird black magic and various poisons, they need to hide their fangs and claws.

The iron door outside the Great Wall opened, and Carter Pike and his bachelor assistant Qi Qi walked in.


The iron gate then closed without hesitation.

Du Lun and Fatty Abby, who were on duty in the tunnel, came over: "Commander Carter, why don't you see Mr. Xiong and the others? Who are the strangers outside?"

Carter looked slightly depressed: "We have encountered a White Walker. Has Maester Aemon woke up? I want to report the situation to him."

"White Walkers? Are there really such ghosts?" Duren's face turned pale.

Abby snorted coldly: "What are you afraid of? Isn't it the White Walkers?"

Duren swallowed his dry saliva: "Do you know the White Walkers? They are very terrifying existences!"

"What are you afraid of? We have the Great Wall!"

The bachelor's assistant waved his hand in a strange and impatient manner: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, send a code and ask the people inside to open the second or third door. Otherwise, the distinguished guests outside will not be able to wait!"

Seeing that Carter and Qi Qi were impatient, the two night watchmen quickly said with a smile: "Okay, we'll send the signal now."

Why Carter and Qi Qi came here is naturally because all the ravens died and the horses also ran a lot in the last battle.

Chen Mu put away some special equipment, so the marching speed of the large army became extremely slow.

A few days ago, Xiong Lao was afraid that Black Castle was in a hurry, so he asked Carter and Qi Qi to come over and deliver the news.

Then Chen Mu decided to show his favor to the Night Watch, so he escorted Carter back to Castle Black!

Opening the city gate, Carter and the two saw Benjen Stark and Eddard Stark, Duke of Winterfell, as well as a large number of northern soldiers behind them.

Carter looked slightly happy.

Bunyan quickly came over and hugged him: "I'm worried about you. Who are those people outside?"

"They are good brothers of the Night's Watch!"

The two hugged each other, and Carter saluted Ed again: "Dear Duke Ed, thank you to the North for your tireless efforts in sending reinforcements."

Ed showed the northern etiquette in a decent manner: "Mr. Xiong and the others have lost contact for several days. Is it safe now? Why did you come alone?"

Carter cleared his throat: "It's a long story. The twenty brothers outside are all our own, not outsiders. Please let them in!"

Ed and others looked at each other: "They wear closed helmets. I'm not sure if they are White Walkers!"

Qi Qi was surprised and said: "White Walkers, no, Sir Duke, they are not White Walkers, they are our life-saving heroes!"

"Indeed, Your Majesty Duke, if it hadn't been for the treatment from outside, we would have been completely wiped out..."

Carter briefly recounted what he had experienced in the past few days.

Hearing that nearly half of the Night's Watch legion had been lost, he was immediately worried. Hearing that it was with the help of Chen Mu that he defeated the White Walkers and even captured one, he was immediately surprised!

Ed asked: "Where are Mr. Xiong and the others?"

"Mr. Xiong and the others are still two days away from us and are expected to arrive tomorrow."

Qi Qi also extended his hand: "Your Excellency, Lord Duke, Lord Chief Ranger, please let me contact Maester Aemon and send ravens to contact the Seven Kingdoms as soon as possible. We will bring the wights to the south soon."

Benyan looked solemn, but Jon Snow, who was watching silently next to him, was full of excitement.

Ed's long and fat face was full of complex expressions: "Winter is coming!"

"Open the passage and let in the foreign visitors who have helped the brothers of the Night Watch. We will send soldiers to rescue them."

Carter coughed: "Well, Mr. Xiong and the others are safe and don't need rescue!"

Thinking about what Carter said to Qi Qi just now, Ed's face froze slightly: "Well, I also want to see what the White Walkers are!"

When they heard that they wanted to see the White Walkers, Carter and Qi Qi looked at each other.

The screams of the White Walkers that came from the Easterners' tents a few days ago came to their minds.

The two of them shuddered involuntarily!

The three gates leading to the outside of the Black Castle from the Black Castle opened. Chen Mu and others took off their helmets and slowly walked into the Black Castle.

Following the torches, more than twenty people passed through the long and narrow tunnel and entered the southern part of the north.

Chen Mu lowered his head and looked at several electronic devices in his hands.

The recording device and timing device are all working fine.

Chen Mu raised his hand. Bian Zhuang next to him scratched his head in confusion after seeing what Chen Mu had in his hand.

His eyes seemed to say "Isn't there any magic in the Wall?"

Chen Mu shook his head, passed through the third gate, and saw a large number of heavily guarded people standing in front of them.

Carter next to him introduced in ancient language: "This is Duke Eddard Stark, King of the North, Guardian of Winter City, and this is Benjen Stark, chief ranger of the Night's Watch."

Ed stepped forward, saluted slightly, and said in familiar ancient language: "Welcome the envoy from the Eastern Tang Dynasty. The North Territory and the Night Watch would like to express their most sincere gratitude to you for your previous help with the Night Watch Legion."

Bian Zhuang on the side said in jerky ancient language: "Thank you from the north for the hospitality!"

Benyan grinned and said: "We have to thank you. If you hadn't saved the Night's Watch, we might never see Mr. Xiong and the others again."

Ed's old-fashioned face also showed a hint of smile: "You will be the eternal friends of the North. Please let us abide by guest etiquette to entertain everyone!"

Everyone nodded.

Ed allowed the soldiers of the Spring Breeze Team to be warmly received as well.

Although this kind of hospitality was extremely rough and crude, and it was because Castle Black could not accommodate so many people because of the 200 cavalrymen from Winterfell and the 500 cavalrymen from Hearth City yesterday, he was satisfied as much as possible with what he should have.

All kinds of meat, rare vegetables, the best ale in Castle Black, but actually very unpleasant to drink.

Well, there is also the hard black bread that is common in the West.

Because Jie Ao and the others are safe, they are not in a hurry to immediately go to the Great Wall to rescue them.

In order to show his kindness, Ed personally took people to dinner in the lobby.

"The conditions are simple, please be patient."

Bian Zhuang smiled and said: "It's okay, thank you Northern Territory for the hospitality!"

The food at Castle Black can't be said to be good, it can only be said to be filling, but the portions are plentiful.

Chen Mu finished eating enough for 50 people.

If they weren't afraid of shocking the world, their appetite would be even greater.

After the meal, Ed communicated with them again, then released the raven they had brought with them and returned to Winter City.

Since there was no need to rush to the rescue, Ed was well prepared and led 200 cavalry before going to look for Geo and his large army.

As for Chen Mu's twenty-odd people, they were received by the awakened Maester Aemon.

Chen Mu and others saw the old Aemon Targaryen for the first time!

This nearly 100-year-old man is full of wisdom. When communicating with Bian Zhuang, who is pretending to be the leader of the action team, he speaks very kindly, but some deeply hidden problems are very fatal.

Like where did it come from.

The customs and customs of the Tang Dynasty!

Details of the battle in the Land of Everwinter.

And why do we only communicate in ancient Chinese and so on...

Bian Zhuang, who had a very poor command of the ancient dialects beyond the Great Wall, struggled a lot before telling the story of the Eastern Land and the Tang Dynasty.

"You said you don't have a king in your eastern land?"

"Yes, we only have leaders, people elected by people. They lead us towards a common prosperous life!"

"Oh, it's incredible system."

Maester Aemon was very surprised by what Bian Zhuang said.

He even felt that their system was... rebellious!

Does such a country really exist if it has no nobility and is only composed of countless common people?

After these exchanges, Bian Zhuang asked about some knowledge about Westeros.

For example, why has the race of children of the forest disappeared for thousands of years?

And there is magic!

Speaking of magic, Maester Aemon smiled bitterly: "The ancient books record unknown magic, which can easily confuse people and make people immersed in evil."

"Is magic evil?" Bian Zhuang asked doubtfully.

Aemon replied decisively: "Yes, maybe there has been magic in Westeros for thousands of years, but magic is evil. They corrode people's hearts, make people crave power, and make people lose themselves. And many magics are too much.

It’s evil, there are records in Westeros, many magic wizards often use human sacrifices, cut out the heart and liver, and sacrifice them to evil gods.”

"I heard from the Night Watch brothers that the Great Wall was also made of magic. Is the Great Wall dangerous?"

Aemon was slightly startled: "Well, that's just a legend. The Great Wall of Despair...maybe some special technical means were used~"

Even the White Walkers, who had disappeared for thousands of years, appeared, and Maester Aemon did not dare to completely deny that there was no magic in the Wall.

Bian Zhuang was extremely disappointed: "Okay, can we read books then? We are very interested in the history of Westeros. Oh, by the way, we also brought some super seeds and various technologies to improve agriculture.


"Super seeds? Agricultural technology?" Imon suddenly became interested.

Tap tap tap~

Ed led 200 cavalry and drove quickly, but it took only 9 hours to meet up with Geo.

After they saw 379 people from the Dragon Kingdom coming from the Eastern Land, Ed marveled in his heart: "They are really elite soldiers from the Eastern Land!"

Jon Snow said unconvinced at the side: "Your Majesty, the North is also very powerful!"

Ed nodded carefully.

At this time, Mr. Xiong, who noticed Ed coming over, had already walked out.

"Duke Ed, how dare I ask you to personally come to the rescue!"

"We were worried about the safety of our brothers in the Night's Watch."

After everyone hugged each other and communicated with each other, Mr. Xiong began to pull Ed and introduce Chen Aiguo.

Chen Aiguo looked at Shoehorn-faced Ed and others, smiled and communicated with them in jerky old dialect.

"This is our leader Chen Aiguo. He is the general person in charge of our voyage."

"Thank you to the friends from the Eastern Land for rescuing the Night Watch brothers. On behalf of the Northern Territory, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to our friends!"

"This is what we should do, we are all human alliances."

Ed smiled and nodded: "Yes, humans...the word alliance is very interesting."

"So, can I see the White Walkers and the Wights?"

"plz follow me!"

One minute later~


The roar of metal and iron, in addition to the human form, completely changed the appearance of another creature, making Eddard, Benyan and the elated Jon Snow feel a little numb in their scalps.

Benyan poked the White Walker with the steel sword in his hand.


Bunyan's sword suddenly collapsed.

Ed and others looked at the broken sword in surprise, and then at the controlled White Walkers.

"We use special alchemical materials to control the White Walkers, and the White Walkers cannot break through our rope bindings!" Chen Aiguo explained.

Only then did Ed and others understand.


The White Walkers continued to roar, looking angrily at Benjen who dared to touch him.

He was still about to utter a curse from the White Walker, when he saw Zhang Jin suddenly approaching. The White Walker's body trembled violently, and then began to struggle.

It's a pity that the powerful White Walkers are completely useless against Zhang Jin.

Even the terrifying ice magic couldn't break Zhang Jin's weapon.

Zhang Jin roughly stuffed something that looked like a black donkey's hoof into the White Walker's mouth.

The world suddenly became quiet!

He turned his head, smiled and said to Ed and others: "This guy is good at everything else, but his barking is so annoying!"

Looking at the White Walkers, all I can do is scream ~

Ed and others looked at each other.

They feel that this group of people is very powerful.

"Go to Castle Black! Send the corpse to Winter City so that the newly arrived King can see this legendary creature with his own eyes!"

Old Xiong nodded.

Chen Aiguo chatted with Ed for a while, and then set up camp on the spot, preparing to return to the Great Wall of Despair tomorrow.

This chapter has been completed!
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