Chapter 260 The lion is destroyed, the dragon mother and the slave

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William Lannister is the son of Kevan Lannister, Lord Tywin's younger brother, and the younger brother of Lancel.

This guy was usually not favored by Kevan. When King Robert sent soldiers to the Great Wall, he was captured as a young man at the age of 13.

A thirteen-year-old kid couldn't do much, but he and Ser Ral behind him could command 3,000 Lannister soldiers.

Although these Lannisters are all grassroots.

A few days ago, his uncle sent a message, saying that Lannister was on the verge of life and death, and asked him and Ser Ral to quickly lead their troops back to the West.

William, who had always regarded Tywin Lannister as his idol, naturally immediately obeyed the Duke's order and returned to the West with half a month's worth of food.

They don't care at all about the defense of the Great Wall and the obstruction of the Night's Watch.

These thousands of soldiers marched day and night for more than ten days. As soon as they arrived near the Dreadfort, they were directly attacked by the skinned man Earl Burton.

More than three thousand Lannister soldiers were all annihilated. William's human skin was also obtained by Earl Burton.

The soldiers sent by the Great Wall that Tywin was trying to count on could no longer be counted on, and other troops in the West were also experiencing numerous problems.

More than 3,000 soldiers led by Clegane the Mountain, who had been wandering around the Riverlands killing, burning, looting and looting, were also annihilated by soldiers from the Riverlands and Stormlands.

All the forces outside the Western Territory were completely destroyed in less than half a month.

When Lord Tywin of the West saw the payment from Stannis in King's Landing, he was so frightened that he quickly summoned soldiers to stop the attack of the Six Kingdoms.

The western border has many mountains and mineral veins, so they really have a chance to block the enemy's attack.

But Tywin's wishful thinking didn't work~

Stannis's military and mobilization skills are outstanding!

In order to conquer the Western Territory as soon as possible, this guy directly issued an order.

Anyone who is the first to capture the castle in the West will receive half of the wealth.

Nobles in the Western Region who surrender can be forgiven their sins, and their past mistakes will be forgotten.

This distracting tactic directly defeated the Westerland, which was ruled by Tywin's high pressure.

The will of the lords across the Western Region to resist is very low~

After one month of fighting, 60% of the land in the Western Territory was lost.

After fighting for a month and a half, all other areas in the West, except for a few core Lannister cities, surrendered.

Two months later, the Lannister family only had a few core castles belonging to Casterly Rock and less than 8,000 loyal soldiers left.

The old and fierce Lord Tywin finally could not withstand Stannis' encirclement, and Lannister, who had been attacked on many sides, was now exhausted.

On this day, Stannis asked the bard to play a song to Lord Tywin: "The Rains of Castamere".

This song was written by Lord Tywin Lannister in order to punish the Reyes family for disrespecting Lannister by completely erasing it from Westeros. As long as this bloody song appears,

It represents the destruction of the family.

What is sad is that the family that was destroyed this time was the Lannister family in the Westerlands.

When Lord Tywin heard this song, he laughed like crazy and distributed all the gold in the castle.

He promised that as long as he withstood the attack of the Six Nations, he would give them generous gifts.

Tywin, a slick guy, killed hundreds of wandering people in Casterly Rock and then twisted the city into a tightrope.

This rope held out for a month before Casterly Rock fell.

When the city was broken, armies from all over Westeros entered Casterly Rock, burned, killed and looted.

Soldiers rushed into the Lannister home, only to find that Tywin Lannister had committed suicide.

His brother Kevan Lannister was a softie, and he actually surrendered on his knees.

This war that almost lasted for the Seven Kingdoms came to an end because of the destruction of the Lannister family.

Stannis then ordered people to plunder the Western Realm, and enfeoffed a large number of emerging nobles who fought bravely in this battle. Then he divided the Western Realm into three again and assigned them to the three families.

His move directly turned the Western Territory into a mess.

The West will not be able to become a top force in a short period of time. Moreover, these three families are controlled by Stannis, which makes them very loyal to him.

When the news about Stannis was learned by Chen Mu, Chen Mu's fear of this guy increased again.

From the time he traveled to the world of ice and fire until now, Stannis is the character that is most different from the original novel.

However, the barrel of the gun determines the right to speak. They only increased surveillance resources to monitor Stannis and did not interfere too much with this person.

What Stannis did would also promote peace in Westeros, so they were willing to ignore it.

From the beginning of the crusade to the West to the defeat of the West, countless things happened in Westeros.

After the death of Tywin Lannister, Stannis directly executed Cersei, Jaime and all the children born of their incest.

Tyrion and Lancel were also thrown to the Wall.

They will put on black clothes and become night watchmen.

The Lannister family has been completely dismembered. These two descendants have no value in making waves, and Stannis letting them go can better reflect the magnanimity of the new king.

In addition to this, after Stannis returned to King's Landing, he appointed Prince Oberyn of Dorne as Chancellor of the Finance. Dorne officially squeezed into the core of King's Landing.

Lord Mel Tyrell from the Reach has also become the Minister of Agriculture. He has also squeezed into the core level again after decades of absence from King's Landing.

During this time, with the complete destruction of Lannister in the West, the millions of gold dragons owed by the royal family no longer need to be repaid, and Stannis also seized a large number of gold dragons to repay the iron bank as compensation.

In addition to this, he also repeatedly appointed Zhang Jin, a native of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, to increase their power again.

By the way, Lord Eddard has tried many times to no longer serve as Hand of the King during this period, but was repeatedly rejected by Stannis.

The reason for rejection is because this guy did a great job in the Hand of the King.

Year 298 of Aegon's calendar was not peaceful.

In this year, the Eastern Tang people arrived in Westeros and started the road to industrial innovation. In the same year, the White Walkers appeared and after the death of Prime Minister Jon Arryn, the usurper King Robert Baratheon sent more than 20,000 people to Westeros.

Soldiers guard the Great Wall of Despair.

In the same year, Robert died tragically.

Two brothers and sisters of the Targaryen family also died tragically. King Robert's younger brother came to the throne and destroyed the Lannister family.

Peace was restored to the Seven Kingdoms once again.

But behind the peace is a more magnificent beginning...

The distant continent of Essos in the Narrow Sea.

The merchant ship that had just docked docked, and Intelligence Minister Wallis, who had disappeared for several months, was pushed off the ship.

After throwing the eunuch off the boat, the boat left directly.

Only Varys stayed alone in the huge port. Looking at the disappearing mast, Varys sighed, then carried the package and headed to the Golden Company's station.

He didn't want to see Aegon Targaryen hiding in the Golden Company.

But he was forced by some brutal guys with a knife to his neck.

He still clearly remembers what those guys said to him...

These words were like the sharpest Valyrian steel, dissecting all his conspiracies and machinations.

"Varys, we know that you are loyal to the Targaryen family! We also know that you cooperate with the prince of Dorne and try to continue to support Aegon Targaryen to become the new king of Westeros, but I can tell you that you

Tell your little Prince Aegon to unite his power in Essos! If you ever set foot in Westeros again, we will destroy the Golden Company and the Blackfyre."

While Varys was looking for the gold mercenary group with a simple backpack, the distant slave city-states were also carrying out a more prosperous slave trade.

Those generous merchants returned to Slaver's Bay again after purchasing a large number of slaves three months ago.

This time they still want to buy people who are skilled and can read and write.

They even purchased large numbers of slaves, old and weak families.

This gave the slave traders mixed joy and sorrow!

Because the survival rate of old and weak slaves is very low, they must deal with them carefully to ensure the lives of these guys.

However, the mysterious businessman was very generous and placed another order for 10,000 slaves.

After the slave owners in Slaver's Bay received this batch of orders, they searched and captured slaves from all over the world.

The slave trade in Essos was prosperous, but the slaves who sailed to the north after a period of time also ushered in a new life.

On this day, the teenage Missandei stepped off the ship.

Then, she and hundreds of slaves exclaimed in surprise.

Because there is a super scary big guy in front of them.

It has a metal exterior, a large shape, and a simple carriage.

"Oh my god, why is it moving?"

Tormund, who was driving, chuckled and ignored the slaves' questions.

Missandei looked at everything in front of her curiously.

She has never seen anything so strange!

"Get in, everyone get in," Tormund shouted.

Missandei was pushed into the car. She imitated the behavior of the people in the car, found a place to sit, and then waited quietly.

Missandei is very smart, but unfortunately she is very unfortunate.

Her brothers were born on Nass Island and were captured by pirates from the Basilisk Islands when they were very young and sold to Astapor as slaves.

Three of her brothers became the Unsullied, and in the end only Missandei survived, and the other two brothers have never been seen until now.

She was once a slave of the good lord of Astapor, Krazny Mo Nacroz, and was purchased by Lin Ruyi for 50 gold dragons.

While these more than 500 slaves were nervous, Tormund was already driving the tractor towards a valley in the distance.

Unlike the slaves, the crew members who stayed here were enjoying fine wine and delicious food at the moment.

But what these crew members don't know yet is that their wine and food have been filled with small things that can easily cause hallucinations.

These crew members were affixed with special-purpose talismans by the members of the Spring Breeze Team while they were sleeping.

Then, members of the Dongfeng Squadron who were proficient in hypnosis performed deep hypnosis on these crew members.

"This is the trembling overseas, the continent of Sorosos..."

The team members hypnotized these crew members one by one.

They want to create a false impression in the minds of these crew members.

This hypnotic talisman technology was developed by Professor Tian Yuanzheng a few days ago based on the soul-moving hypnosis method in the kung fu world and the phantom spell of talisman.

This technology, which combines modern technology with Reiki technology, can allow mentally relaxed humans to easily accept subconscious hypnosis.

This kind of hypnosis can keep their affairs secret.

The Spring Breeze Team has already done a lot of things like hypnotizing crew members.

They even hypnotized soldiers in the north a few days ago.

Naturally, they are keeping this secret to delay the time of cultivating talents!

Chen Mu didn't want to have the northern border suddenly send a large army to deal with them at the critical moment.

They have a weird mission where the more people survive in the world of ice and fire, the higher the mission rating will be.

While the Spring Breeze Team was hypnotizing the crew with liquor and talisman skills, the tractor Missandei and others were riding on had been driving for several hours.

The tractor finally stopped in front of a valley full of trees.

"Get off the car, everyone, get off the car! We have to walk later!"

Missandei got out of the car and tightened the thin cotton-padded jacket around her body.

Damn, the weather in the north is so cold. A little girl like her can't stand this kind of weather.


Missandei raised her head, looked at the black crow curiously, and then walked into the valley amid the cheers of a group of Westeros wildlings.

After arriving at the valley, she discovered that there was a different world here, and that the inside and outside of the valley were very different.

There are rows and rows of houses here, some very beautiful houses, and many men and women wearing beautiful clothes.

Just as Missandei looked around curiously, a very beautiful Valyrian woman came out.

Missandei had never seen such a beautiful woman.

She is so eye-catching and dazzling!

Daenerys looked at the last batch of slaves transported from Essos and said with a smile: "Does anyone know Westeros? Know how to stand up!"

Several slaves and Missandei came out.

"Very good, you will serve as my translator, and you will spread my words later!"

"Okay, Master!" Missandei and others quickly replied.

Daenerys shook her head and said: "I am not your master."

Missandei and a group of slaves immediately knelt on the ground in fear.

Daenerys turned around and refused to accept their kneeling: "Stand up, kneeling is not allowed here. I want you to convey some news to me."

Missandei and the others stood up hesitantly.

During their training, they learned how to obey their master's orders.

Daenerys sighed and shook her head: "First, all slaves who come here have to work, and those with excellent work performance can receive higher benefits."

"Do you understand? Translate it for me."

Missandei and others quickly spoke out what Daenerys said.

"Very good, second point, you should pay attention to the probability of what you do in the future, such as queuing up to eat, receiving salary... or even going to the toilet."

"Third, because there are 500 slaves in your group, you need to select 50 squad leaders yourself. The squad leaders will be selected by you."

Missandei and others looked at each other, then nodded.

"Fourth, no one is allowed to kneel anymore. As long as he kneels in the future, he will accept the job of cleaning toilets."

"Fifth, health is the top priority..."

"Sixth, everyone must learn a new language, and anyone who cannot learn it must undergo a transformation plan."

"Article 7 is also the final article. If you can complete all the above tasks within half a year, we will give you a big surprise. Your salary and even status will change."

Daenerys then asked these people to choose fifty squad captains.

Looking at the busy slaves, Daenerys' heart surged: "Another group of comrades will accept the transformation of Dancing Shovel! So far, more than 8,000 slaves have accepted the assimilation of ideas."

She calculated carefully and then said to herself: "In three months at most, they will be completely integrated into the shovel dance family."

Daenerys' pretty face showed a trace of satisfaction.

Her mentality and life in the past few months have been ups and downs~

From the despair of coming here, to later acceptance here, and then finding her life goal and making big aspirations, everything she has experienced in the past six months is comparable to her more than ten years of wandering.

Although her brother's tragic defeat and death made her feel a little depressed, she soon devoted herself to shovel dancing.

"This world is sick, slaves, nobility, feudalism, everything is the old system, the dregs of feudalism! We shovel dancers will save the world."

Daenerys thought to herself, and the future world she saw from the projector could not help but appear in her mind.

Whenever he saw the world in the projector, she couldn't help but get excited.

She felt that her life for more than ten years had been in vain!

Shovel the true meaning of life!

This chapter has been completed!
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