Chapter 325 The Gate of the Sun, Little Cake Catherine

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Life is proud to be thoroughly enjoyed themselves!

The little fish man is strange and clever. He talks like a stick in the east and a mallet in the west.

There are many topics that I can’t explain~

He is a talkative person but lacks someone to communicate with.

But Chen Mu got along very happily with him!

Fitz, the little fishman, was drinking beer, with a big belly, and was telling Chen Mu and others about things in his hometown.

Everyone listened with great interest.

Everyone was silent when they heard the dragon shark attack.

"Have you found those dragon sharks?"

There was a rare look of hatred in the eyes of the little fish man: "No, I once wandered in the endless sea, trying to find the beast that slaughtered my hometown, but unfortunately I never found it!"

Speaking of this, the little fish man looked at Chen Mu and the others.

"It was just a few days ago that I felt the familiar thunder power while sleeping..."

The little fish man talked about why he came, and then said that he witnessed their battle with the pirates.

"I have to say, your artillery is really powerful. I dare not board the ship at night for fear of being attacked by you."

He expressed his concerns.

The little fishman is a frankly yordle!

"Then why did you come to see us?"

Fitz scratched the coral shell on his head: "Hiccup~ I came to see Janna, she is my good friend! Janna asked me to protect you, and then I came."

"Jana?" Chen Mu was stunned.

What charm do they have that allows Janna, the Fury of the Storm, to personally order them to protect them?

Are they not followers of Janna?

"Yes, that blue bird, oh... you haven't seen her before, have you? She is a poor bird too." Fitz gnawed on shredded squid and smacked his lips.

I have to say that this tall yordle eats deliciously!

The sound of eating made Chen Mu greedy.

"Can you tell us about Janna? We... need to thank Him."

"I don't know. You can only see her after she wants to come out. It's very troublesome every time she shows up."

"Well, anyway...thank you and Janna for your protection."

Fitz chuckled: "Your food is great, I like it very much, he can be my reward."

After finishing speaking, the little fish man patted his round belly, then held the trident and plunged into the ocean.

Robinson and others breathed a sigh of relief, while Chen Mu was slightly disappointed.


"Big fish~"

A large swordfish with a body length of more than 20 meters suddenly jumped out of the water, then flopped and landed on the deck.

The little fish man's head popped out of the sea: "This is my reward for eating!"

Then, his figure completely disappeared into the blue waves

After a long time~

Robinson and others collapsed on the ground.

Chen Mu looked calm on his side.

Looking at the jumping swordfish, Chen Mu gently pressed his head.


The inside of the swordfish's head was directly shaken to pulp.

Zhang Jin, who was standing next to him, smiled and said, "We can have a big meal in these two days."

"Yes!" Looking at the blue waves and the starry sky, Chen Mu smiled and said, "I also want to thank Fitz, and... Janna."

They don't know why the other party protects them, but if they want something, they will definitely come to them again.

Maybe... the little fishman and Janna may not care at all about what happened on this journey.

But who knows!

Maybe what happened today will only become a topic of conversation for Robinson and others!

The little fish man is gone, but the voyage continues...

It was not until nearly noon the next day that Chen Mu and three Noxian warships arrived in Piltover.

Looking at the towering sea gate in front of them, Chen Mu and others couldn't help but take a breath of air.

"Lord Chen Mu, can you tell me how you feel at this moment?" Robinson asked proudly from the side.

Chen Mu nodded: "This sea gate is really high, 180 meters high, right?"

"Sir, your estimate is accurate. It is 181 meters high. The sea lock of the Gate of the Sun can pass 60 ships at a time. A warship like yours can also transport more than 20 ships."

"How was the Gate of the Sun established?"

"That was a long time ago..." Robinson started talking about the history of Piltover with enthusiasm on his face.

"That was a long time ago, and Piltover was not that prosperous... Senator Heimerdinger built a huge machine that could quickly dig out the soil... After countless years of hard work, the channel was finally dug, and this place became a tile

The most prosperous city on the Roland Sea!"

"Oh, did you dig it using the machine made by Senator Heimerdinger?"

Robinson nodded: "Yes, we used machines to dig it. But on the day of completion, the channel suddenly collapsed. This disaster caused a large area of ​​land in the south to sink underground."

"It's already filled with people from all over the place." Robinson's words were full of disdain and contempt for Zaun.

"Is this the origin of the Evolution Day?" Chen Mu interjected and asked.

Robinson nodded: "Yes, although the opening of the waterway was a disaster, it made us live richer, so we regard this day as Evolution Day. Every year, we have to hold it, hey... How many Evolution Days are there this year?

It will be held in the next month, you can participate when the time comes, your trip will definitely be worthwhile."

Chen Mu smiled and nodded, then looked at the Sun Gate in front of him!

The steel equipment is very advanced, but Pi City's history is distorted.

Chen Mu did a lot of research on the history of the Shuang Cities.

Piltover should have been called Zaun!

At that time, Piltover and Zaun were the same city.

At that time, because everyone disliked the slow speed of digging the channel, they used gunpowder to open up the shipping channel.

Unexpectedly, after the gunpowder explosion excavated the channel, it caused a chain reaction, and a large area sank into the ground, forming a trench. This is also the origin of Zaun.

This disaster caused the sinking area to lose a large number of civilians and elites.

After the waterway was first opened, Zaun was still Zaun, and the two sides did not separate.

But after the waterway was opened, the benefits were really great.

Artificial waterways and sea gates made Zaun a center of trade between Valoran and Shurima.

It brought unimaginable wealth to the rulers of this city.

Driven by profit, Zaun split.

The uncollapsed Zaun also changed its name to Piltover, and frantically harvested the benefits that originally belonged to the victims.

The injured Zaun people refused to accept the offer, and many bloody battles broke out between the two sides.

In the end, Piltover emerged victorious!

After the Piltover people won the victory, they began to oppress them.

They poured steel and chemical wastewater into the ditches of Zaun, transferring all high-pollution and cheap labor jobs to the ditches, while Piltover firmly occupied the highest-end businesses and the most respectable commercial jobs.

The Zaunians, who were called inferior people and rats in the gutter by the Piltover people, once resisted, but were suppressed by the Piltover people.

Hundreds of years later, these two places also gave rise to two completely different cultures.

Looking at the busy port, Chen Mu's eyes revealed a solemn look.

Yesterday I met the little fish man and Janna who was paying attention to them silently.

This made them feel that it was by no means an easy task to completely resolve the conflict between the two cities.

But Chen Mu also likes this kind of area.

Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance~

Piltover is not one entity.

Zuan is not one body either!

They have countless ways to completely become the actual rulers of this port.

Of course, we need to investigate the intelligence first and confirm all the forces in Piltover and Zaun before proceeding.

Information first!

No investigation, no right to speak.

They need to hibernate for a while.

That was the Noxian fleet, and they had to pay a toll when passing through the Sun Gate.

Seeing the Noxian people taking it for granted, Chen Mu thought of a famous saying somewhere in his mind - free gunfights and paying taxes are our shared responsibilities!

Chen Mu shook his head and then focused on the Sun Gate.

After several procedures, the warship quickly arrived at the port, and using the connections of the Noxians, they unloaded a large amount of supplies.

Chen Mu left some people to guard the supplies, and then followed Robinson to the Giramann family's mansion.

The actual controller of Piltover is the Parliament, and the Parliament is controlled by the members.

The Giraman family are members of the Parliament.

Only families that have made great contributions to Piltover and led Piltover to prosperity can become a council.

The members of the Parliament are not static. Piltovers can apply to become members of the Parliament, but they need to be voted by the Parliament.

In the future, Jess Tallis, the rich and handsome man from Piltover who played tricks with Senator Mel Myrdal, got the title of Congressman only after he developed the time and space gate.

Naturally, members of the parliament can also be removed after doing things that damage Pi City. Of course, members also need to vote by a show of hands.

Although the big-headed Heimerdinger, who did not understand zz, made numerous contributions to Piltover, he was directly expelled for harming the interests of Piltover council members.

The Gilaman family is one of the councils. Their subordinates control shipping management, financial and tax collection, and have a small number of industrial workshops at home to support scientists in developing new technologies.

On this day, Catherine's mother was sitting on the luxurious leather sofa, quietly looking at her sweaty daughter.

"Mother, I'm just being trained!"

"Catherine, you are the daughter of a Piltover congressman. Your future is to become a congressman, not to be a law enforcement officer."

"Mom, you have supported my ideals since I was a child, and I also like to be a law enforcement officer!"

Hearing her precious daughter speak like this, Catherine's mother rubbed her forehead in distress.

Damn it, there really is something wrong with my education!

Why did you follow your husband's advice and let your daughter play with guns?

"But the family's business has been very good recently. Catherine, you should also consider the family."

Catherine pursed her lips: "I know! Mother, can you stop threatening me with family affairs?"

"This is not a threat. Our family is everything to us, and it is also the guarantee for your food and clothing."

"I see!"

While the two were still arguing, the housekeeper had already walked over.

"I'm very sorry, Congressman, Miss Catherine! Captain Robinson is back after going to sea. He brought back some bad news and some friends."

Gila Mann glanced at his daughter and motioned for her to leave.

But Catherine stood here stupidly.

Mo Ruomu, a knowledgeable daughter, thought it would be good to let her precious daughter see the world. She stopped driving her daughter away.

"Catherine, you should at least wipe off your sweat and maintain the etiquette of a noble lady!"

Catherine smiled and said: "Okay, mother!"

After a while, Robinson and Chen Mu walked to the reception hall of the Giramann family.

Looking at the people in front of him, Chen Mu had a basic impression in his mind.

Needless to say about the housekeeper, a middle-aged woman in her thirties should be the current head of the house of Gila Mann.

The other girl wearing tight-fitting training clothes, exposing her good figure, should be the future Piltover policewoman, whom Wei calls Katherine the Little Cake.



This chapter has been completed!
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