Chapter 341 Development, Shirko was arrested

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Mundo is controlled by a special alloy material.

After slaughtering three alchemy baron forces and dismembering hundreds of people, Mundo was finally taken away by Chen Mu.

The Mondo riots ended here.

However, there are endless ways to spread the terrifying fighting power of the Tang Dynasty people in Zaun and Pi City.

When Zu An learned about Chen Mu's display of strength, he was trembling with fear and did not dare to offend him.

When the police officers led by Wei were patrolling, these alchemy barons and their subordinates were very considerate.

Pi City is also re-evaluating the combat effectiveness of Chen Mu and others.

A few days after the Mondo incident, a certain congressman tested Chen Mu's single-unit combat capability.

Then a centurion was easily defeated by them.

The people of the Tang Dynasty in the East also became foreigners similar to Shili Yangchang.

When the outside world was in turmoil, Mundo had already been transported to a research institute in Piltover.

More than a dozen researchers from the Dongfeng Team began to conduct various studies on this poor man.

After testing and inference, they also determined Mondo's personal strength.

Doctor Mundo has become an inhuman existence. He can easily wield an explosive force weighing more than ten tons.

With this kind of strength, Mundo can easily smash reinforced concrete into pieces.

Mundo's recovery ability is also very powerful. A sharp blade cut a wound ten centimeters long and five centimeters deep. He only needed a few breaths to recover as before.

Mundo's cells are restored not through the body's cell energy, but by absorbing spiritual energy and arcane energy from the outside world.

After investigating the lunatic asylum where Mondo was created, Chen Mu determined that Mondo had been injected with original crystal powder before he went mad.

Mundo, who swallowed the Primordial Crystal, gained the ability to absorb magical energy from heaven and earth.

Cut off Mundo's arms and hands, and the opponent will recover in a few minutes at most.

Mundo is an undead monster that is not easy to kill. Only by throwing Mundo into the center of a miniature nuclear explosion can the opponent be completely turned into ashes.

The experimental team then began trying to restore Mondo's consciousness.

It's a pity that after many experiments, this poor guy couldn't become a normal person.

However, the experimental team staying in Pi City also began to conduct some experiments on humans absorbing the original crystals.

Chen Mu and the Spring Breeze Team detachment staying in Noxus have been integrating the energy of Valoran.

The last word is to be strong, but this is a long process.

While conducting various scientific experiments on Mundo, Fander also took Vi to perform some purge operations.

The forces they purged were all the alchemy barons in Zaun who were so bad that they oozed pus.

The alchemy barons of Zaun are inexhaustible.

If you want to destroy the Alchemist Baron, you must overthrow the old order of Zaun and establish a new order that allows all people to survive.

What is the biggest reliance of Zaun’s alchemy barons?

Zuan’s precarious population!

The disorderly business and shady business in the chaotic underground are all done by people.

As long as these people who are potential or have already joined the gang are turned back, the Alchemy Barons will collapse!

After the Mundo incident, the sheriffs headed by Fander and Wei frequently entered the ditch to maintain law and order.

They sought out various gangs in Zaun and made them accept new rules.

The first of the new rules is that illegal medical institutions and individuals must report when conducting taboo experiments.

Those who fail to report will be punished with imprisonment for not less than three years but not more than twenty years.

Those who cause major medical accidents and cause human death or injury will be sentenced to death!

After this news was sent out, the alchemist barons were so angry that they cursed.

You must know that the Alchemist Baron relies on these gray incomes to make money and conduct cheap experiments.

Getting rid of their industries will literally cost them their lives!

In order to protect themselves, the alchemy barons are ready to unite and cooperate.

After hearing the news, Wei arrived at the Alchemy Baron's gathering point!

After a violent melee, a total of three alchemy barons died, and their forces were wiped out.

An alchemist baron secretly joined forces to go to the city.

They were able to make certain businesses bigger and stronger in Zaun not through violence, but also through deep cooperation with certain council members in the city.

It's a pity that the congressmen ruthlessly abandoned these alchemy barons.

This is thanks to Piltover's radio stations and reporters for their tireless tracking and reporting.

Of course, it also has something to do with Chen Mu secretly reminding Congressman Pi Cheng.

Councilor Duolong’s body is still cold, and some council members dare not rashly interfere with Zaun’s affairs!

Rats in the ditch can deal with shady matters, but they cannot harm the interests of uptown council members.

So the Alchemy Barons were abandoned.

The kind that will definitely come back for treatment!

As a large number of Alchemy Barons were executed, the Alchemy Barons who made dangerous prosthetics and modified human bodies were also dealt with.

A new order in Zaun is being established!

Although when establishing the new order, some technical talents did not like Chen Mu's method.

But they came up with something better to replace these industries!

Zaun's alchemical limb modification technology is very good. They can replace the missing limbs of the human body with relatively crude machines.

But one bottom line cannot be ignored.

During the invention of many alchemical equipment, the alchemy barons of Zaun conducted bloody experiments on countless innocent people.

There are too many bloody experiments and work, the most controversial of which is that workers in the mining area have been working without protective measures.

Numerous tragic accidents have occurred in Zaun's mining areas.

Countless families have been destroyed by mining areas.

Countless Zaunians died while digging for minerals, or suffered limb damage due to mining.

Later, although some alchemist barons purchased some slaves and let them participate in mining affairs, this was quickly cancelled.

The price of purchasing slaves is much higher than the price of paying skilled workers!

They feel like it's not worth it.

Because work-related injuries often occur in mining, and miners' limbs are often mutilated, Zaun's limb modification technology is very mature.

But this maturity is based on the premise that countless workers die every day due to rejection.

Although Zaun's crude alchemy technology allowed countless workers to resume work last time, the damage rate of the alchemy machinery was very high.

The mortality rate among workers remains high.

Chen Mu and others had no right to control it before!

Now that they have rights, they naturally have to take good care of them.

By investigating the reason for Mundo's mutation, they took action.

During the purge operation, a total of eight alchemy barons, five gangs, and at least 400 people were executed.

Such behavior scared the alchemist barons to the point where they almost lost their courage.

The alchemy barons held a secret meeting and tried to join forces, but Chen Mu suddenly released major news.

"Professor Heimerdinger will promote some mechanical transformation technologies to everyone for free."

"In the future, everyone can do mechanical modifications and provide medical services, but all dangerous experiments must be supervised by the Sheriff!"

Some alchemist barons were shaken when they heard this plan.

"Have you forgotten those dead Alchemy Barons?"

Some remaining barons thought of Mundo's terror and Chen Mu's power. After some psychological struggle, they finally accepted this exchange.

Isn't it just a matter of changing someone to pay the protection fee? They can still do it!

Piltover's technology is advanced, sophisticated and stable, and the people of Zaun also need these technologies.

The two parties hit it off on certain things and reached basic cooperation!

The Alchemy Baron's first surrender was just the beginning. The erosion of Chen Mu's power continued.

Expand the factory, recruit workers to produce, and then deal with the remaining filth in Zaun.

In short, all types of production have been carried out in an orderly manner.

One month after the Mundo incident, the number of vigilantes under Wei He's command had expanded to 500, and the patrol scope had expanded from the black alley area to more than 90% of Zaun.

Except for the very deep ditches where there are almost no people around, Zaun is full of vigilantes!

With vigilante patrols equipped with non-lethal weapons, the security of Zaun is rapidly improving!

Let’s talk about the environment first.

The environment in Zaun is getting better little by little.

With the emergence of millions of gold coins, more than ten sewage treatment plants and chemical waste treatment plants were directly established in Zaun.

These things have the advanced garbage classification technology provided by Chen Mu. Sixty percent of all types of garbage are recycled, and the remaining 40% also generates a large amount of electricity, which is used to generate electricity for the Zaun factory.

Recyclable garbage treatment technology, as well as a series of supporting technologies, can quickly clean up the accumulated garbage in Zuan.

Let’s talk about street hygiene!

The urine and feces in various corners of Zuan were gradually cleaned up.

Because Chen Mu recruited a large number of employees and built thousands of bathrooms.

The bathrooms are separated for men and women, and all types of fertilizers are processed uniformly, and then biogas is produced.

Open defecation on the streets is no more.

Because the Sheriff will arrest people who defecate in the open.

It doesn't hurt to be fined a silver coin once you're caught.

But I still had to clean up my own excrement and then clean the toilet for three days before I was devastated.

If you pay for defecation anywhere, you will also be subjected to mental torture. If you don't comply, you will be beaten with sticks!

The street environment in Zaun is rapidly improving.

Time flies, and before I know it, another three months have passed.

Everything in Zuan has undergone earth-shaking changes.

The once-dark darkness, filled with countless hazes, and what the Zaun people called the air full of texture, has almost become a thing of the past after repeated treatments.

On this day, Wei who was patrolling suddenly found Chen Mu.

"Mr. Chen, we found another alchemy factory deep in the ditch. That place is so weird, we need help!"

Chen Mu raised his eyebrows slightly, then nodded: "Okay, I'll send someone over right now."

Two hours later~

Chen Mu and Wei entered Fandel's residence.

The original Fulgen's Tavern was inherited by Milo.

The dovish Fandel could not escape Chen Mu's persuasion in the end, and became the leader responsible for coordinating the security of Zu'an.

He is also the very powerful leader of Zaun!

Here in Zu'an, we have reached the point where we can tell the truth.

Fandel had just communicated with an old woman to discuss the demolition fee when he saw Chen Mu and Wei walking over.

"Wei, Chen Mu is here!"

Fandel smiled and poured a glass of beer with Chen Mu.

Wei next to her squirmed her throat, then glanced into the distance.

"Thank you!" Chen Mu took the drink and took a sip: "Fander, Wei found an old friend of yours while cleaning the ditch."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"You'd better go and see for yourself."

"Okay!" Fandel followed Chen Mu and headed to a detention center while chatting.

After passing through several tightly guarded entrances, Hilko, whose hands and feet were restrained, was lying in the confinement room in a state of embarrassment.

"Wei heard from her subordinates that there was a mysterious force in the ditch conducting illegal research... so she led a team to arrest it."

"After a battle, we captured Hilko and a few crazy scientific researchers!"

Chen Mu then told the story of Hilko and Xingid working together to create shimmering light deep in the ditch.

Shimmer has been produced for a long time, but Chen Mu did not participate too much.

Sometimes, it’s best to let some things go before you can hold on tight!

Hilko is a very good chess piece.

Listening to Chen Mu's words, Fandel's forehead wrinkled.

Looking at the controlled Hilko, he then looked at several twisted humanoids in the cell next to him, with their blood vessels filled with purple.

"That is an alchemical potion called Shimmer. Shimmer is very addictive! It can greatly improve the overall quality of the human body. It has great side effects. People who drink Shimmer will become extremely unclear!"

Hearing this, Fandel scratched his head: "Then will they all be destroyed?"

"Well, we must destroy them all, otherwise there will be big trouble."

"Then please leave it to Mr. Chen Mu!" Fandel quickly asked Chen Mu for help.

Chen Mu nodded and said goodbye to Fandel with a smile.

Soon, Hilko and Fandel were left in the cell.

Looking at the embarrassed Hilko, Fandel sighed and pulled out the rag stuffed in Hilko's mouth.

"Xilko, Zaun is getting better, you shouldn't conduct such crazy experiments."

Looking at his old friend in front of him, Hilko's eyes showed rare complex emotions.

Half a year ago, Fander wanted to kill Fander.

But as Zaun gradually gets better, Silko has less and less intention to kill him.

He was hiding deep in the trenches making glimmers of light, and actually no longer wanted to deal with Fander.

The effect of the shimmer is not just killing!

"Fander, don't come at me with this disgusting rhetoric. Although Zaun is well governed by the people of the Tang Dynasty in the East, the people of Piltover will never give up."

Piltover earns the most wealth, while Zaun, a gutter guy, accepts some sensitive materials that Piltover cannot easily sell, and the two sides have always maintained some kind of cooperation.

The behavior of the Tang Dynasty people in the Eastern Land made Zu An change for the better.

But the greedy Piltover councilors will definitely plunder these wealth at the right time.

"Xilko, you are still so extreme! Do you really think that the people of the Eastern Tang Dynasty have low military power?"

Silko snorted coldly: "Pi City has a navy of 10,000 people, and there are 4,000 armed police officers. What does Zaan have? Hundreds of broken guns? And with the help of more than a hundred people from the Eastern Tang Dynasty?"

Hearing this, Fandel shook his head: "Pilcheng does not dare to attack Zaun, because this will make Piltover completely lose Zaun."


Fandel handed the key to the shackles to the other party: "A few months ago, the people from the Eastern Land Tang Dynasty discussed with me the matter of the vacant council members of Pi City."

"Do you know the news?"

Silko looked at Fander with a strange look on his face: "The people of the Eastern Tang Dynasty recommend you to be a member of the Piltover Council? The people of Piltover do not welcome the Zaun people to control the positions of important members of the parliament!"

Fandel shook his head: "Silko, what if I join the Piltover Council? With Zaun people staying in the Piltover Council, do you think Piltover will attack Zaun?"

These words made Hilko a little unsure!

Why does Piltover keep bullying Zaun?

Zaun's military strength cannot match that of Piltover, but Piltover can crush Zaun.

This is one of them.

The second is that there is no one in Piltover who cares about Zaun.

Silko had always wanted to use force to get rid of Piltover's control of Zaun, but he always remembered that Zaun and Piltover were once the same city.

"Xilko, stop studying those things and work with us to make the Zaun people better again!"

Hilko was in a dilemma.

This chapter has been completed!
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