Chapter 366 Reaching the initial intention, Chen Mu frankly revealed

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When Chen Mu and his team interrogated David and obtained more useful information.

The humans on the Covenant are also communicating with each other.

Knop, the acting captain of the Covenant, has confirmed the power of something.

Through numerous deductions, Knop confirmed that the planet below had countless possibilities, saw that the aliens were powerful, and also gleaned the secret of longevity.

He really wants to stay here.

The technology of this planet may be backward, but the top technology is definitely very good!

For example, the high-tech technology in the temple is eye-catching.

But Knop most hopes to crack the cell division technology of the Engineer civilization.

Every time a cell divides, telomeres are lengthened, causing the human body to age. This is a curse that plagues scientists in the alien world.

Scientists in the alien world are very backward in their research on biological sciences!

Human beings desire longevity.

Greed is the driving force for human progress.

Faced with the temptation to extend his life span at least ten times, Knopp's greed was infinitely magnified.

"Oram, Daniels, are you sure you have no chance to go to the temple again and acquire enough engineering skills?"

Daniels, the deputy captain on the ground, shook his head: "Nope, this is very dangerous! You also know what those people in the parallel universe said. If what they say is true, we cannot open this Pandora's box!"

Oram also said: "Nope, those black waters are everywhere. They have turned into dust and merged into the planet! Human beings are not suitable for long-term survival on this planet."

Ever since they saw that black water infected humans, and then the black water merged into human DNA, and a new creature evolved from the body in just over an hour, they were all frightened to death.

If Chen Mu and his party had not come here before, they might not be able to help but study the secrets of this world.

But Chen Mu and others said that this would bring devastating disaster to the earth.

After seeing the power of those things, they also wanted to put down the urge to study these things for the safety of the passengers on the Contract.

The tragic deaths of their two companions a few hours ago, as well as the dangers of the planet they discovered from the video, let them know that they must leave this place as soon as possible.

Knop hesitated. Thinking of the purpose of this time, he persuaded: "Oram, Daniels, we need to investigate more detailed information. Those people are too weird, and we cannot listen to their one-sided words."

Daniels exclaimed in shock: "Knop, are you crazy? Do you want to put everyone on the Contract into danger for the sake of those dangerous things?"

Knopp shook his head: "Danny, I'm not crazy! You also know that the benefits and risks of scientific experiments are inseparable. A brand-new alien civilization is right in front of us, and we should not choose to escape. Human beings need to absorb these advanced technologies.


"Only if we master these technologies can we have better means to deal with risks that may come in the future!"


"Oram, Daniels, you also know the problems that have troubled mankind for thousands of years, right?"

"The problem?"

"Lifespan, the problem of human lifespan."

Knop said anxiously: "A lifespan of more than a hundred years has severely limited the development of human civilization! If we decipher the secret of the long-term division and wear-out of engineer civilization cells, mankind will break through the lifespan limit and have a broader future!"

Knop spoke in as low a tone as possible.

He hoped to convince Captain Oram.

To be among the first batch to join the Covenant spacecraft and colonize a completely unfamiliar alien planet, they naturally do not lack courage.

Aliens and black water are indeed dangerous, but if the secrets of these things are discovered, compared with the subsequent benefits, it is completely worth the risk.

Longevity is, after all, a topic that humans cannot avoid!

"Walter, if we land on the planet, will there be enough time to seize the information in the temple?"

The android's brain was working rapidly, and after doing a lot of rehearsals, he said: "Adequate precautions and security work must be done before we can obtain the technological products of this planet."

Walter paused, and then said: "However, Mr. Knop, if everything here is really as those travelers from parallel time and space said, and the core technology of this planet is in the temple, what we may seize may not be worth it at all.

We take risks. I think that instead of focusing on the temple, we should pay attention to the information on alien spacecraft and star maps."

Knop's eyes brightened: "Okay, we can divide into two teams, one part will collect the spacecraft information, and the other part will explore the temple."

Daniels said anxiously: "Knopp, those terrifying creatures are very powerful. Our current armed forces are not enough to resist so many aliens!"

"Then we have to persuade those visitors from parallel time and space. Since they took such a huge risk to come here, they naturally won't ignore us."


The logic of Knopp's words is quite clear.

There must be a purpose for those people coming here.

But can they confirm each other's purpose?

Moreover, if it is true as the visitors from the parallel world said, those black waters will destroy people, will they still let themselves take risks?

While Daniels and others were thinking, Knopp continued: "In three hours, our special forces will land! You cooperate with them to collect enough technological products."

"We need to confirm whether everything on this planet is what they say it is."

Daniels and Oram looked at each other: "Let's talk to those visitors from the parallel world first."

Knop nodded: "Okay!"

He has made up his mind to collect all kinds of technological creations in this world.

After arriving on a habitable planet, they experienced countless difficulties.

They are very reluctant to leave rashly.

Since these visitors from parallel time and space are helping them, they will definitely help them confirm whether all this is real, right?

"By the way, is David being controlled?"

"Sorry, they said that David has awakened his self-awareness, they have controlled David's head, and we are not allowed to see him alone!"

Knop muttered: "David is very important to us."

David is a bionic man who has studied this world for more than eight years. He knows a lot about this world.

They had to get the information in David's head.

The people at the Contract number had a brief exchange and then waited for daylight to arrive.

According to their detection pictures, there will be four hours of good weather in the sky tomorrow, which is very suitable for landing on the planet at that time.

the next day!


An armed force composed of 30 fully armed special operations team members landed on the ground in a landing spacecraft.

Along with countless flying sand and rocks, Knopp, who was wearing a closed protective suit, and a group of heavily armed soldiers disembarked one after another.

"Oram, Daniels, where are those people?"

"They are there." Oram pointed to a forest in the distance.

Knopp frowned slightly: "What's their attitude?"

Walter replied: "As cold as a thousand years of ice."

Things were a bit beyond their expectations.

These people should be driven away from here.

They come here in person, and these outsiders will use methods to persuade them to leave this planet.


Why are they so indifferent?

Is it true that as my mother guessed, these people are studying ulterior secrets on this planet?

"Let's go, let's go look for them!"

Arriving at the station where Chen Mu and others were stationed, Nuop and his party saw Chen Mu packing up equipment.

"Hi, fellow compatriots from the parallel world, I am the military operations officer on the Covenant spacecraft, and I am responsible for the security of the Covenant. Can we have a chat?"

Zhang Jin came out and said in a cold tone: "We have already said that David has evolved into an intelligent life, and he cannot give it to you."

"No, I just want to ask about this planet."

"You can follow us, we just want to collect the technology and technical information of this planet."

Although their communication with David had some twists and turns yesterday, the integration of various matters was basically completed.

Now they need to use the information provided by David to collect important materials left behind on this planet.

Of course, the real collectors have already taken action at this moment, and the actions of these people are just a cover.

The first collection target on this planet is naturally the donut spaceship.

This spacecraft has unparalleled performance and is a good thing for Chen Mu and his team to carry out interstellar journeys in the future.

The parameters of the donut spaceship made Chen Mu very envious.

The donut spacecraft is oval-shaped with a diameter of 300 meters, but the spacecraft is not large.

It can accommodate 1,000 fully armed soldiers inside, or carry tens of thousands of tons of supplies. Due to disrepair, it has lost the super-light flight capability of the curvature engine, but it also has an interstellar ramjet engine.

The interstellar ramjet engine, also known as the fusion ramjet engine, was developed and set by Robert in 1960. This technology was applied in the alien world.

The engine uses a strong magnetic field to form a huge magnetic funnel.

The function of the magnetic funnel is to collect hydrogen during interstellar travel and use it as fuel for the spacecraft's nuclear fusion reactor. A spacecraft without a fuel load can fly freely in the universe at a speed close to the speed of light driven by an interstellar ramjet engine.

Unfortunately, the donut spaceship has too many shortcomings.

For example, the spacecraft does not have energy defense devices or high-tech powerful attack methods.

It is very different from the Star Destroyer in Chen Mu's heart, but it can already cope with the current mission intensity and needs.

When the high school team took the humans from the Contract to the temple to collect various supplies, Chen Mu had already arrived at a stage canyon several hundred kilometers away.

The Engineer Civilization has a total of two spaceships. One spaceship was destroyed by David because Sean escaped.

The spacecraft has fallen to the ground. There are not many high-value things inside, and there are not many things that can be squeezed.

The other target spacecraft was driven by David to a hidden canyon.

Looking at the well-preserved big thing, Chen Mu endured his excitement and first installed a strong electromagnetic interference device outside the spacecraft.

Enter the spacecraft and first look for the spacecraft energy device.

After a while, the energy device of the spacecraft was removed.


The virtual projection suddenly appeared, and the hieroglyphics of the engineer's civilization appeared in front of everyone one by one.

Various warning sounds indicating that energy devices have been dismantled sounded one after another.

Chen Mu and others remained unmoved and continued to dismantle important equipment of the spacecraft.

"Who are you? Why are you dismantling the spacecraft?" David's voice came from the spacecraft.

This is clearly a clone of David, a subsystem of intelligent life.

Chen Mu ignored the other party's inquiry and just silently dismantled the spacecraft's energy device and storage device.

"You can't do this. The spacecraft cannot be violently dismantled."


The spacecraft made a sound of gold and iron, and there were creatures inside, and the spacecraft began to shake violently.

"What an idiot."

Chen Mu directly pressed the button of the super electromagnetic interference bomb.

A burst of super strong electromagnetic fluctuations suddenly sounded, and the donut spacecraft that was about to take off suddenly let out a mournful sound.

Then the spacecraft collapsed to the ground!

"Everyone, hurry up and dismantle these things. We must dismantle these things completely so that they cannot fly."

Chen Mu and a group of members of the Dongfeng Team immediately transformed into hard-working little bees. They violently dismantled all the power devices, communication devices, and central processing devices in the spacecraft.

In just over ten minutes, the important devices of the donut spaceship were violently dismantled by Chen Mu.

"Who the hell are you?"

Sixteen minutes later, David's voice finally sounded. In reluctance, the spacecraft completely became a piece of shit.

After confirming that there was no danger to the spacecraft, Chen Mu put the ship into his personal space with a satisfied expression.

"It's done, we can evacuate this place."


The human expedition team of the Contract, led by Zhang Jin and the high school team, is experiencing a fight at the moment.

This fight was a deterrent using force and technology.

They want to flex their muscles and achieve their goal of defeating the enemy without fighting.

The humans in the Contract only saw one super heavy firepower appear out of thin air one after another, and then explode randomly at the aliens who tried to attack them.

The rumbling explosions were like festive fireworks going off one after another.

Countless aliens were blown away with their limbs flying.

The hot white phosphorus bombs and thermobaric bombs burned all the aliens into coke.

Knop looked at the soldiers of the Spring Breeze Squadron carrying the individual Vulcan cannon, and then looked at the water gun in his hand~

Forget it, let's just be a member of the escort team.

The strength of these humans from the parallel world is inhuman, their combat effectiveness is inhuman, and even their firepower output is inhuman.

They can extract countless ammunition from the void at any time to replenish their exhausted weapons.

The aliens who dared to attack them suffered fatal blows.

In just a few hours, tens of thousands of aliens were bombed into dregs.

In the sizzling corrosive smoke, this human team quickly rushed towards the temple of the engineer civilization.

After arriving at the place, the high school team and others continued to act as steamrollers, destroying all the aliens they saw.

Oram and others also took the opportunity to act.

"Collect useful supplies and knowledge books, collect cultural relics, and collect important scientific equipment. We must move as many good things as possible from the temple."

"Be careful of those inorganic things. They are facehuggers, a special kind of life form. They will regret evolving into monsters with parasitic and offensive capabilities when they see humans again." The high school team watched these humans walking into the temple and kindly reminded them.

"Thank you, we are just collecting some specimens!"

"You guys are in danger!"

"Please trust our professionalism."

The high school team wearing protective masks pouted towards the dangerous place and pointed at the countless special embryonic eggs composed of inorganic substances in front of them.

Inside these special inorganic embryos are facehuggers, a type of larvae that can parasitize the human body.

As long as they are parasitized by them, one alien shape after another will appear in the human body.

This chapter has been completed!
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